Private Technology

: 952 children who will never grow up

"You little redhead, originally because the company was in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, you were afraid I would run out, so you asked me to apply for Fudan, right?" Mu Xiaoxiao was angry, and then she gave her reasons for anger.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up at 45 ° obliquely, looking sad, his voice said sadly: "I have been thinking for ten years that I can go to other places without being hit by my mother. As a result, I go home once a week and be beaten once a week. !!! "

So, this is why I met you in Daocheng in my last life? Guan Ming thought.

However, it is really possible to think about it. Without Guan Ming's intervention, Mu Xiaoxiao's junior high school grades may not improve so much, and her personality will not change. Then, with less care from parents and Guan Ming, the university made her personality become Gentle and intellectual.

Under the care of her family and Guan Ming, the university known as a "small society" has not worn away her edges and corners. Even because of Guan Ming's indulgence, she still maintains this detached and straightforward personality, just like the time frame. It's the same, as if yesterday she was leaning on the desk and writing the papers, a child who would never grow up.

She scratched the heel next to her face, then took her foot down and held it in her arms. Guan Ming didn't dislike her feet being dirty.

When Guan Ming came home from work one time in the last life, she was pregnant for several months and was barely sitting on a small bench to wash the sick Guanma ’s feet. He knew that some people encountered your blessing. It's your luck.

Emotional effort and gain cannot be measured by money. Money can only measure your material quality, but it cannot measure your spiritual quality.

"So, this is why you called me a little red guy?" Guan Ming twisted her body slightly, her arms pinching her calf faintly, and said angrily.

"Hum, of course, your mind is really bad and bad ~" With a little pride, Mu Xiaoxiao's toes are shaking quickly and flexibly, showing that she is in a good mood now, just like a child's face, June days, the mood changes only In one thought.

Probably some colorless nail polish was applied to protect the toenails, and it was a little reflective under the light, but according to Mu Xiaoxiao's spleen, this thing should be harmless to pregnant women.

Turning his head, Guan Ming looked at Mu Xiaoxiao sincerely and said, "Truthfully, it ’s not unreasonable for you to be beaten. The main reason why your mother ca n’t get fat is the amount of activity. This pot is definitely yours No more running! "

After speaking, Guan Ming clamped her arm, fixed her instep with her left hand, and fiddled her strings with her right hand.

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed instantly, mixed with laughter, and begged Guan Ming to let go with a cheerful word and intonation.

At night, the sky of the Shanghai market was trapped, and a chopped banana wreck appeared on the ground. The semi-solid chocolate was a dim color, like blood, accusing someone of sin.

"Are you sure you're not teasing me?" Guan Mengyu looked at Guan Ming with a ridiculous look, and couldn't keep the iconic dead fisheye, but unfortunately, her eyes showed endless contempt.

"What did you lie to you? Besides, even if there is no such thing, there are quite a lot of people who have paid attention to Xiaoxi by myself." Guan Ming thought about it overnight, and decided to tell Guan Mengyu the secret of his genetics. .

Guan Mengxi is too smart. In the future, Guan Ming will have a son. The IQ of Guan Mengyu may be uncertain in a short period of time, but over time, he will certainly present and guess something.

Most importantly, Guan Ming needs to let her know what Guan Ming is currently facing and what her little sister will face.

Guan Ming does not expect Guan Mengyu to study his own genes, but he hopes that Guan Mengxi will receive more and more targeted care in the future.

Compared with those who are actively posted, such as Rhubarb and Shuangxing, Guan Ming thinks that the kind of person who Guan Mengxi actively pasted is the best.

For example, although I always hang on to the other side, I can't help but want to stick to the other side.

Ding ~

Your favorite sister is online, please enter the battlefield within 3o seconds, don't pit each other too many times, I wish you a happy game ~

"... Okay, I will find an opportunity to talk to my sister about this, and I will pay more attention to this aspect in the future." The expression was a little difficult, but Guan Mengyu accepted Guan Ming's request.

Think about it, Guan Mengyu doesn't think it's a good choice to let his father and mother-in-law talk about such things.

"That's good. If Xiaoxi's side, you can help me and your mother to watch a little more." Seeing Guan Mengyu agreed so easily, Guan Ming was relieved.

"This is what I should do, but you ..." Guan Mengyu looked up at Guan Ming with a weird expression, and continued, "I don't care if the thing you show me is true or false, but if you let me know What did you do to my mother, be careful, I will poison you. "

"My situation is clear to you. What I value most is my sister and my mother. As long as I ’m fast, even Double Star will not be able to determine whether my configuration is poisonous within a short time ~ ~ Guan Ming, because she wasn't sure if Guan Ming used this excuse to hang around.

"... Specially, did you watch" Conan "? I know your mother is not reliable, is this animated cartoon for you?" Guan Ming growled angrily.

"Conan" is horrible, okay, look at the ordinary people who designed a room to kill each other. If these routines are placed on a parallel world cross-passage, or a biochemical cross-passage, the next day It's not enough to die eighty times. You know that there are hundreds of secret rooms to kill!

Are you looking for a chance to punish your daughter-in-law and then find a chance to let Xiaoxikeng have a light rain? Guan Ming thought very darkly.

The probability of being poisoned is o, but the feeling of being threatened is not beautiful at all. Guan Ming bows his head and looks at Guan Mengyu's expression a little bad.

"Ha? Who sees that ghost thing! I've been watching" Happy and Gray Wolf "with my sister recently!" Gong Guan Ming stared at him, Guan Mengyu wrinkled his nose and brows, and looked at him uneasily.

Not sure why your girlfriend responded so enthusiastically, is it because the beautiful sheep can't satisfy you?

Thinking of my daughter-in-law as a traveler, it is estimated that she will be very indifferent to this relatively young cartoon, especially she particularly likes scientific research, and also cherishes every second of scientific research time.

"Hum ~ Little devil, don't worry, after watching" Happy Sheep "and" Bears ", your childhood will be full of laughter and laughter." Guan Ming held his hands on his shoulders, just like the bad in society, his eyes crooked Looked at each other and said.

Guan Ming gave a firm white look, Guan Mengyu stooped and took the electronic glasses from the coffee table, and started working again.

Without effective feedback, the study was quiet again.

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