Private Technology

: 959 Suddenly the news came

This world will not revolve around who, as if you blocked the toilet in Dongzhimen constipation, but he eats a thick fried liver in Xizhimen. You originally called to ask the goddess to confess, but they said they were doing hair.

When Guan Ming was notified, he was in an intermittent state.

"Boss, something is wrong." In the bedroom, the sound of Double Star suddenly appeared, scaring a clever mind.

Mu Xiaoxiao obviously felt Guan Ming's shaking. This is a time of exhilaration. The white-bellied belly is rippled like a sea wave. Of course, she also obviously felt other changes in him.

"A moment ... let's talk!" Panting, Guan Ming's body suddenly paused.

"Work first, work first, go work first ~" Holding Guan Ming's right and pushing A, Mu Xiaoxiao said he was sorry.

"But ..." Although Guan Ming moved subconsciously twice, Guan Ming's face was full of hesitation.

Since Double Star's debut, Guan Ming has never been interrupted at such a node.

Since the double star judge needs to interrupt Guan Ming, it shows that this matter must be very important.

His face was pink, Mu Xiaoxiao gave Guan Ming a charming white glance, then an overweight hand directly overturned Guan Ming, his flushed face grinned, and walked to the bathroom in a few steps, showing no trace of complaints and dissatisfied.

"What's the matter?" Picking up the electronic glasses from the bedside table and putting them on, Guan Ming is going to wash in the bathroom, and then hurry to do things.

"Just now, our space telescope observed the Sagittarius light signal again, but this time the brightness has been reduced to a certain threshold. According to the previous deduction, this time may be the last time to use the optical system to collect information." Electronic glasses on Double Star quickly finished speaking, and called out several sets of data for comparison at the same time.

Originally trying to capture Mu Xiaoxiao's Guan Ming, he suddenly froze. He probably noticed that there was movement behind him. Looking at Guan Ming who was motionless with his electronic glasses, Mu Xiaoxiao also knew what was wrong. Important things, so there is no worrisome mind, withdrawing to the side, leaving him a place to take a shower.

"Assuming there is another time, when is the signal transmission time?" Guan Ming walked two steps with the corners of his mouth, the shower spattered water, but could not block the sight of Guan Ming, high-tech waterproof is not very Is it normal?

"Any time period between 24 hours and 48 hours is expected." A word emerged from the electronic glasses.

Even if the warm water hits him, Guan Ming is lost in thought.

An alien is a complex that spans physics, chemistry, and biology. Once an alien is discovered, captured, and studied, let alone a country, the entire human civilization will leap forward, and it will be comprehensive. That kind.

But it is worth noting that the earth must have the power to surpass the aliens.

From the perspective of visible light alone, the earth ’s civilization is at an absolute disadvantage, because earth technology cannot support such bright visible light.

If Guan Ming ’s artificial intelligence, human brain chips, and network satellites are all about mining existing human science and technology theories, they are also exploiting internal performance. The alien is another direction for Guan Ming, and this direction requires Stronger than Guan Ming's creations, and more attractive to Guan Ming.

Perhaps the alien is a carbon-based life, or a silicon-based life, and even the alien may have a curvature-driven engine and wait until all these things are attracting Guan Ming's attention.

But now Double Star tells Guan Ming that the only observation method is about to disappear. For Guan Ming, it is definitely a heavy hit, and it is also a huge loss to the country and humanity.

Therefore, Guan Ming did not blame Double Star, the news is enough for Double Star to interrupt all operations of Guan Ming.

Feeling that the small hand was wiping herself, Guan Ming bowed her head, and saw the big belly woman sitting in a sliding chair in front of herself. The rain made her fluffy hair stick to her body. Although not as fun as usual, she was serious His small face made Guan Ming's heart relax.

Touching the round head, facing the inexplicable expression, Guan Ming smiled comfortably and signaled that nothing was happening.

Mu Xiaoxiao returned with a smile every day, and then continued to help Guan Ming clean.

It's too late today, it's already over ten o'clock in the night and eleven o'clock, but Guan Ming still called the giant without hesitation.

"Small tube, why did you call me at this time?" The voice of the chief executive did not feel any tiredness or impatience, and he could feel it. Even now, he is still working because the background sound is a bit noisy.

"I want to tell you something, I don't know if you are busy right now." Guan Ming was wearing a pair of big pants and sitting on a lounger by the bed.

Mu Xiaoxiao silently held a glass of juice on the coffee table, then walked out of the room lightly.

Guan Ming never asked when Mu Xiaoxiao needed to avoid ~ ~, but she would always consciously stay away from some important important occasions.

Those who do not know have no leakage, those who do not know have no worries.

Stupid to Mu Xiaoxiao, she has developed her own unique wisdom over the years.

"It's not busy right now, you can tell me something." The chief executive should be in a quiet room, and all background sounds have disappeared.

It's worth Guan Ming's call now, indicating that Guan Ming did have something. Knowing the quasi-general giant of Guan Ming's character, he would not think he just called to harass when he was too busy.

"Yes, I just received the signal from Sagittarius, but from the current situation, this may be the last time to receive the signal." Guan Ming said without hesitation.

"Last time? Then what about your telescope? The one that shot in the sky some time ago, can't that be observed?" The chief executive hurriedly asked.

"This is the space telescope. This time it is the signal it collected. At the same time, it should be the last signal it collected." Guan Ming said with regret.

It doesn't matter how much the space telescope costs, but for Guan Ming, when it loses its ability to observe, its existence is completely worthless.

At a distance of more than 20,000 light years, according to the inferences before the double star, perhaps the next optical signal from Sagittarius can be received at the outer edge of the Kuiper belt, and the signal intensity is only the same as now.

However, let alone the outer side of the Kuiper belt, that is, to reach the inner side of the Kuiper belt. At the current level of technology, it takes years to calculate, even if Guan Ming just found the Sagittarius signal and started to act, he could not keep up.

"That's it ... this way, you will come to the Imperial City tomorrow and bring your information." He groaned and said the chief executive.

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