Private Technology

: 961 and one more thing

The transmission of information is diverse. Whether it is text, language, or 0,1 data, or even the simple roar of the animal world, they can convey different content in their own ways.

Therefore, Guan Ming does not consider neutrinos to be the only way to rely on, and can only say that this direction is worth studying.

"So where is your scientific research progress now?" The tech giant continues to ask.

"This year, two high-energy neutrinos were found at the ice cube in Antarctica. Then I stole their raw data and started researching. Based on the characteristics of neutrinos walking straight, my prediction is that if the previous signal is beyond the control of Sagittarius , Is a passive emission signal, then high-energy neutrinos are likely to be born in the direction of Sagittarius. If the previous signal is controllable, there may not be high-energy neutrinos, but common neutrinos must be there, but currently Seeing how to identify which neutrinos are from Sagittarius, with accompanying decipherable information, is still a difficult point. "Guan Ming didn't explain much.

High-energy neutrinos are something that Guan Ming has occasionally heard in his lifetime. After testing across the entire network of double stars, it was discovered this year. At the same time, there may have been high-energy neutrinos passing through the earth before, but there is no record. Because the equipment space for observing neutrinos is too small compared to the earth and the universe.

The lack of a ‘detailed map of the universe’ makes it difficult to observe Sagittarius signals by other methods.

Even the previous optical signals were determined to be Sagittarius signals by continuous comparison and calculation of the binary stars.

"In this case, let's build an ice cube? We also have a scientific research station in Antarctica." It is the chief giant who speaks, and he is very concerned about the research in this area.

There are many reasons for his concern, but the direction is always good, at least for Guan Ming.

"I personally do not need this arrangement, because it is meaningless if it is too small, the rotation of the earth cannot be controlled and cannot be changed. If I can, I may choose to simulate a very large ice cube device in space. From the perspective of scientific research capabilities, if it is difficult to achieve, it is also a good choice to quickly turn to other directions. "Guan Ming shook his head and quit.

Guan Ming didn't want to be locked up by a project, even if he was studying the alien project.

To be honest, his current research is purely based on interest, because Sagittarius is too far away, with a distance of more than 20,000 light years, which requires more than 40,000 light years to communicate back and forth once.

In this length of time, Guan Ming doesn't think he can communicate with aliens, nor does he think he can really get anything.

Perhaps ordinary scientists will study this process and then discover something through this process to promote the development of science and technology.

Just like the seven major mathematical problems in the world, if you look at the results alone, it is useless to study this, but some things found in the research process are very valuable.

Just as in the research of Poincaré's conjecture, Tao Zhexuan proposed a theory of Compressive Sensing, which solves the problem of compression of medical images. At the same time, this idea is very innovative and important, and it will definitely play a very important role in applied science.

"This is really tricky. Then you are interested in bringing a scientific research team to work? Although we didn't bring related scientists together for research, we also arranged tasks for our respective groups. If you are the leader, I believe there will be results soon. "It was another giant who spoke, Guan Ming forgot what he was responsible for, but he was one of the giants.

"It's okay, I still have a bunch of things to do. Although I also care about aliens, but it's too long, this is not a job that can be done by generations or generations." Guan Ming scratched his head and refused.

Guan Ming can understand the meaning of the giant. It is nothing more than bringing together all domestic scientists in the neutrino, gravitational wave and other directions, and then Guan Ming as a scientific research leader or a scientific consultant, using collective power to overcome.

It is said that there are countless bald heads in the scientific community. He doesn't want to lose hair. There is a big difference between the appearance of the hairless and the hairless. Xu Xu with hair is called fresh meat, and Xu Xu without hair is called ...

"Time is too short ..." Hearing Guan Ming's words, the chief giant shook his head and sighed.

"By the way, the anti-gravity device you sent over a few days ago is currently lining up to the moon. Judging from the schedule, it should be mid-November, let alone say whether this thing can be used on the moon, this thing is on earth. Compared with yours, you have your own plans. "Seeing the general giants so scorned before the general election, the giants in charge of technology interrupted. After all, in front of Guan Ming, this kind of stigma is not necessary, and it can be avoided as much as possible avoid.

"If I planned, my initial thought was to get a floating vehicle or even a building that can fly to the sky. If it is in the military field, I can think of taking the aircraft carrier off the air at the moment." The rest of the giants ~ ~ Guan Ming suddenly felt that today's posture is a bit big, if this kind of problem, the giants in charge of technology are enough.

"The aircraft carrier lifted off? This idea is very good." A Guan Ming knew, but this time the giant who had said no more than ten words together nodded, looking very interested.

"The movie has been watched a lot, so I have the idea in this regard, but I don't know when it will be realized." Guan Ming was modest, and to be honest, he is still not sure what the personality of the giant is. Judging by his name, If you remember correctly, he is about to retire.

"Anti-gravity things still need you to worry about, I believe that the Shanghai market boss also told you that the things are yours, and no one can take them, no one can grab them, you have Just tell us what you need, and we will certainly refuse to help. "Interrupted a possible conversation between the two, said the chief giant.

"Thank you very much. I'm too old to start thinking about the children. Although I don't dare to expect too much, I still want to leave something to my family after I die." Guan Ming's hands clasped together. thank.

The job gap between the Shanghai boss and the chief giant is very large. The quasi chief giant said this in front of the chief giant, which means that the two largest bosses will definitely take care of Guan Ming during his reign, although they are about to change terms, But it can also confirm Guan Ming's absolute peace in the next ten years.

"Okay, I don't have much more to say, there's one more thing for you today." A giant who hasn't spoken from beginning to end, said with a smile and waving his hand.

PS: I opened the background to prepare to update the chapter. As a result, I noticed that there was a new message in ‘Notification’, and I was completely disappointed. I thought there was another blocked chapter. I opened it and said it was about novel character management.

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