Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 180: breath!


In the middle of winter, the biting cold wind blew past, and Gu Santong and Qiu Xiaolou faced each other far away.

"Heh! Tianchi geek is certainly not without background! He was also a master of my sect one hundred and twenty years ago. Although his King Kong Indestructible Magic and Absorbing Techniques have not been passed on to our sect, he is not unreliable. Know how to break it!"

Qiu Xiaolou looked at Gu Santong with a mocking expression, and said lightly, "In this world, only the sword is an undefeated martial art!"

As soon as the divine sword is slashed, the person in question will die. The power of this sword is unparalleled, and there is nothing immortal in it!

Although he was seriously injured under the fist of Gu Santong, in the eyes of Qiu Xiaolou, the ancient Santong in front of him was already a dead person!

Although he lost this battle, he also won!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Gu Santong cocked his upper body, looked up to the sky and laughed, without the slightest despair and pain, his eyes glanced at Qiu Xiaolou slightly, revealing a touch of sarcasm.

"There is no invincible martial arts in the world! There are flaws in King Kong's indestructible magic, but it does not necessarily mean that my ancient three skills have weaknesses!"

Gu Santong suddenly let out a stern shout, and his muscles were knotted together. Then, he squirmed endlessly towards his chest, and the silver knife marks that circled his chest seemed to be stimulated and rolled in his flesh and blood!


The blue veins on Gu Santong's forehead burst out, and in the sound of crackling bones and bones, the palm of the hand was raised, and the violent palm force burst out from his palm!


Gu Santong's body was within a few meters of the wind howling, and the violent air flow set off the drowsiness of the sky.


In an inaudible light sound, the faint blue and silver sword light was pushed out of the body by its arrogant!

puff! With a bang, a bottomless trace was shot on the ground!

"Can you still use suction power like this?"

Qiu Xiaolou's face changed greatly, he forced a breath of true qi, and his body flew upside down like a big bird floating in the air!

"Don't you think about it? Can your wife escape, and my people will kill you?"

Qiu Xiaolou was flustered but not chaotic, his faint voice drifted in the sky, and in the sudden change in Gu Santong's complexion, he had disappeared into the vast jungle.


Gu Santong gritted his teeth and snorted coldly, then turned and walked towards the capital.

Although he is confident enough to catch up and kill him, it is a pity to miss this opportunity, but in his heart, the safety of his wife is more important.



Su Xin hurried through the dense forest. Although she was not proficient in martial arts, during the period after she woke up, when Gu Santong became a teacher, she still learned a little martial arts, most of which were Qinggong.

"Tee! You must be careful!"

She prayed silently in her heart, her beautiful skirt danced, shuttled through the jungle like a butterfly, and when she saw the gate of the capital from a distance, she breathed a sigh of relief when she heard a piercing sound behind her.


After all, her martial arts skills are shallow, and even though she heard the sound of breaking the air, she couldn't dodge at all, and she was shot through the shoulder bone by a silver dart while her footsteps were disordered!

Under the pain, he fell to the ground.

"Why didn't you run away?"

A gloomy voice came, and a man in a green robe came out of the forest with a sneer.

With a gloomy face, he was playing with a silver dart, and looked at Su Xin with a grim expression.


Su Xin bit her lip lightly, holding a small pair of scissors in her hand, she made up her mind that even if she died, it would not fall into the hands of this group of people to threaten the three links!

"Bold thief! In broad daylight, how dare you wantonly kill goodness in the land of Gyeonggi!"

At this moment, a calm male voice sounded.

A group of pedestrians came by the roadside with swords in hand, led by a middle-aged man who appeared to be in his forties.

With a slender figure, a face like a crown of jade, and a three-inch long beard under his jaw, he has a dignified appearance.


The green-robed man snorted coldly. Seeing that Yue Buqun and his party were numerous and entangled with each other not far away, he immediately thought of something, and he lightly stepped up to the treetops.

call out! call out!

Several silver lights burst out, Yue Buqun frowned, and before he had time to think about it, his body jumped a few feet, the long sword suddenly unsheathed, the sword light came out, and the heavy canopy was like a canopy, with faint mountains and green pines.


With a whistling, the dart shot at Su Xin flew away.

"Where did the master come from?"

Yue Buqun's palms were slightly numb, and he was thinking about where this expert from the rivers and lakes came from when he heard a loud noise from the depths of the woods far away, mixed with a scream.

Hearing that the voice seemed to be the green-robed man just now, I was a little stunned!

The green-robed man just now had a strong body and a cold demeanor. He was really not under him, but he never thought about it, but he didn't know his life or death for a moment, and he couldn't help but secretly regret that this trip to the capital was a bit hasty.




Not far behind, everyone in Huashan heard the scream, and they couldn't help but feel very nervous. One by one, they drew their swords and stared at the woods with bated breath.

"Sister, are you alright!"

Only the delicate girl in a light blue shirt lifted Su Xin up next to her and asked with concern.

"Sister is fine."

Su Xin put her hand on the bleeding part of her shoulder and breathed a sigh of relief.


** Putting on the upper body, the ancient three-way with long hair flying, carrying the green-robed man who was as soft as mud, and walked out of the woods.

Looking at Su Xin's wound, she couldn't help but frown, and endless murderous aura rose up!


He completely ignored the guards of the people in Huashan, and strode in front of Su Xin, and lightly tapped her fingers to stop the bleeding wound on her shoulder.

"Three links, that hero saved me from his hands!"

Seeing that Gu Santong was safe and sound, Su Xin heaved a sigh of relief, and pointed at the green-robed man and Yue Buqun who were in his hands.

"This hero, the kindness of saving my wife, Gu Santong will pay back! There are important things at this time, so I have to leave first!"

Gu Santong nodded and thanked Yue Buqun.

"In the mountains of Xiahua, I have seen the ancient heroes! It is Yue's duty to help Lu Jianbuping with his sword!"

Yue Buqun's heart suddenly trembled, his scalp was numb, and he couldn't help crying secretly, how did he meet such a big devil.

"Well! This grace, I must not dare or forget it!"

Gu Santong bowed and thanked again, took Su Xin's hand, carried the man in green robe, and strode towards the city gate.


Yue Buqun let out a long sigh and suddenly felt cold. He stopped the horrified disciples and walked slowly towards the city gate.

Since the death of Zong Lengchan, the pride of dominating the Five Mountains has disappeared.


Suzaku Street, Xiuyu Building, private room on the sixth floor.

"The Taijiquan sword written by the ancestor has finally returned to my Wudang hands!"

Chongxu held the yellowed boxing manual in his hand, even if it was stained with ink and couldn't see a single word, it couldn't hide his excitement.

"Brother Dao, but I don't know, is there really a record of the martial arts secrets of Sanfeng Zhenren?"

Across from him, Fang Zheng asked with a faint smile on his face.

"Yes, it records the martial arts secret that Sanfeng Patriarch attained enlightenment in the Zhenwu Hall in his later years! The Sun Moon God Sect, which was secretly controlled by the imperial court back then, grabbed my Wudang Mountain for this!"

Chong Xu looked at the boxing score in his hand with a look of sigh, and was filled with emotion.

Although he still has to look at it with Shaolin, he is not angry.

With Gu Shaoshang's martial arts, there is absolutely no one in the world who can **** this boxing manual from his hands!

The boxing score that can be changed is also thanks to Yi Jin Jing!

"In those days when the imperial court secretly manipulated the Sun Moon Sect, how much more was it to **** a secret book from Wudang? Even my Patriarch Bodhidharma took away the marrow-washing sutra that I got from facing the wall!"

Fangzheng shook his head and looked at Chongxu, and the two smiled bitterly at each other.

It is precisely because of those two battles that the experts who installed the Sun Moon God Sect in the Ming Dynasty were killed and wounded, so they were easily seized by Dongfang Invincible.

It is also the reason why Shaolin Wudang never plotted against Dongfang Undefeated.

Because, from beginning to end, their enemy is only the imperial court!


Southwest of the capital, in the small courtyard where Gu Shaoshang lived.

Gu Shaoshang lay on the rocking chair, looked at the few cheats in his hand, shook his head and smiled.

"I didn't even bother, but I got almost all the magic tricks in this world?"

After laying out the secret books one by one, Yunluo stole from the royal family, "The Great Movement of Heaven and Earth, Washing the Marrow Sutra, and the Kuihuang Treasure Book", plus the King Kong Indestructible Magic, the Absorption Power, the Heavenly Gang Boy Power, and The Yi Jin Jing delivered to the door by Chong Xu.

The secrets that can almost make people in the arena go crazy are unfolded one by one in front of Gu Shaoshang.

"Master Gu! I don't know what you are looking for with Xiao Xiao?"

Not far from Gu Shaoshang, Cheng Zhengfei looked at Gu Shaoshang with a look of apprehension, bowed and said flatteringly.

"The will of the world is elusive!"

Gu Shaoshang shook his head and smiled. Who would have thought that this flattering young man in front of him was actually the "Son of Destiny" in this world!

Not to mention Dongfang Invincible and other five elites, even the four famous arresters, even Linghu Chong, his temperament and aptitude are far beyond him!

But he is the son of destiny!

Gu Shaoshang looked up at the sky, and the black pupils reflected them all day long.

"Don't I have a close personal relationship with your father Gu, so you don't have to be afraid of me at all!"

Letting the thoughts in his heart fly, Gu Shaoshang said with a faint smile.


At this moment, the door opened gently, and Gu Santong, with his long hair scattered, strode to Gu Shaoshang, and threw the green-robed man to the ground.

"Who is this?"

Gu Shaoshang frowned, and faintly, he sensed a very familiar aura from the green-robed man.

That is, an aura similar to that of the Heavenly Destruction Great Soul Searcher!


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