Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 187: The ancestor of martial arts! The ancestor of Zen!

Gu Shaoshang killed Dongfang and became the No. 1 in the world in one fell swoop, and the capital suddenly boiled!

Countless people from all corners of the country who missed this battle beat their chests and stomps. Unexpectedly, Gu Shaoshang shot ahead of schedule. In the first battle, Dongfang was undefeated, and more than a thousand masters of the Sun Moon God Sect were slaughtered. information.

In the restaurant, countless storytellers raised their tongues and spared no effort to imagine Gu Shaoshang's demeanor.

For a time, Gu Shaoshang was in the hearts of the people in the capital, and could be called a heavenly man.

The emperor Zhu Houzhao of the dynasty even granted Gu Shaoshang the title of "One-word Side-by-Side King" for the first time. His status was equal to that of the emperor.

In the next few days, the martial arts heroes who stayed in the capital and did not go, could only go away in despair.

Immediately, he took Gu Shaoshang to become No. 1 in the world, and Gu Shaoshang issued the "killing order in the rivers and lakes", and returned to the north and south of the river.

For a time, the name of Gu Shaoshang spread all over the world, and there was no two in the limelight.

Megatron world, the world's first!


In the southwest of the capital, the small courtyard where Gu Shaoshang lived.

Gu Shaoshang lay reclining on the rocking chair, in the faint sunlight of winter, his eyes were half-closed, silently polishing his blood.

What is the number one in the world, standing side by side with the king, does not affect Gu Shaoshang's mood at all.

Far less than the gain from the undefeated battle against Dongfang this time, Gu Shaoshang was more delighted.

"This time, the undefeated Dongfang, and the countless Sun Moon Divine Sect followers, can be described as an unprecedented harvest!"

Gu Shaoshang gently shook the rocking chair, and a touch of satisfaction rose from his heart. This time, even if Tianxiang Cardamom was not available, his father's illness would not be a big problem.

He was playing with a sheathless machete in his hand, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

call! call!

In the middle of the yard, Zhang Yi and Yunluo were practicing their fists and feet, and the wind was howling, and they couldn't stop looking at Gu Shaoshang from time to time.

No. 1 in the world! My master is the best in the world!

The two girls couldn't help but feel joy in their hearts, and practiced their fists and feet a little more seriously.

His master is number one in the world, and as a disciple, he cannot lose his face!

Da da!

Zhuge Zheng I walked into the courtyard, bowed and saluted.

"Zhuge is right with me, and I will meet the prince!"

His face was solemn and meticulous.

"Okay, why don't you be polite."

Gu Shaoshang responded lightly, without even opening his eyes, he was lazy.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Zhuge Zheng I stood up with a wry smile, looked at Gu Shaoshang and said, "Your Highness has issued an order to hunt down the rivers and lakes this time, and he even promised to use the magic secrets as a reward. I'm afraid this is not right."

He looked at Gu Shaoshang as if nothing had happened, and couldn't help but feel helpless.

"I don't know what's wrong?"

Although Gu Shao understood in his heartbreak, he did not agree.

"Since the past dynasties, the martial arts secrets in the martial arts of the Jianghu are under the control of the major sects. This time, the prince is already shaking their foundation. I am afraid they will not be so peaceful!"

Zhuge Zheng I shook my head and sighed, secretly thinking in my heart, although Gu Shaoshang has reached the pinnacle of martial arts, it is difficult for the world to resist, but his actions are unavoidably ill-considered, and he will only provoke a great enemy.

Based on the information of the imperial court, it was already known that after Gu Shaoshang and Dongfang were invincible, Shaolin Fangzheng and Wudang Chongxu hurried away in the night without stopping at all.

Obviously, he is ready to fight against Gu Shaoshang!

"so what?"

Gu Shaoshang suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of light, and his divine light burst out: "I not only want to give the secrets of magical powers, but also spread these secrets of magical powers all over the world, everyone in the world practice martial arts, do not ask Buddha! Do not ask God I'll do it myself!"

Gu Shaoshang naturally understood what Zhuge Zheng was thinking, but he didn't care at all.

No matter which world, its upper class, or even the secret manuals for getting started, are under the control of the high sects. Even if ordinary people sell themselves as slaves, most of them will not be able to get the true inheritance.

In the vast continent, the same is true. If you want to get the true inheritance, you have to be tied to the sect for the rest of your life.

There is nothing he can do in the vast continent, but in this world, he will try!

Spread the martial arts all over the world, do it and do it, the ancestor of martial arts!

It depends on the world, who can stop it!

"If Wangye wants to act like this, he will definitely be the enemy of the world!"

Zhuge Zheng was stunned for a moment, and I couldn't help but be inexplicably horrified. I didn't expect that Gu Shaoshang would actually deploy the world!

Zhuge Zheng, I just thought about it for a moment, and I felt that there were several mountains in front of me.

The difficulty of this matter is unbelievable!

Gu Shaoshang abruptly stood up, his long hair moved without wind, his clothes rattled, his eyes were faint, and he said firmly and decisively: "Whoever dares to stop me, kill me!"

The two girls, Zhang Yi and Yunluo, slowly closed their fists and looked at Gu Shaoshang like a god.

Zhuge Zheng stood with his hands down, without saying a word, but he sighed in his heart.

If Gu Shaoshang really acts like this, not only will the major factions in the martial arts become enemies of him, even in the imperial court, there will inevitably be an uproar!

Even, even Zhu Houzhao, who is sitting high on the golden cradle, may not agree to this!

Although Gu Shaoshang is strong, can he still dominate the world?

It's a pity that the rivers and lakes have changed since then, and even in the imperial court, there will be storms in the sky.


Songshan, one of the Five Sacred Mountains, is ancient and magical, beautiful and colorful.

The main peak is the crown of the East, known as the ancestor of the fairy mountain. Songshan Mountain is "the crown of the mountains".

In the mountains where the trees are lush, there is an ancient temple "Shaolin Temple" that has been passed down for thousands of years!

The Shaolin Temple was established during the Northern Wei Dynasty and has been around for more than a thousand years. It used to be the residence of a generation of eminent monks, Bodhidharma. It is not only the famous school of martial arts, but also the ancestral court of Zen, and its status is extremely respected.

Fangzheng hurried back to Shaolin Temple day and night from the capital.

Without taking a break, he went to Shaoshi Mountain alone with a solemn face, stepped on the snow and fallen leaves, walked for dozens of miles, and came to a mountain peak.

I saw a natural stone cave not far from the top of the mountain. This cave is no more than ten feet high. The square door is just open to the sun. Before the entrance of the cave, there are mostly century-old trees, which cover the sky and the sun, and are extremely hidden.

Only the abbots of Shaolin Temple know that this is the place where the founder of the Shaolin Sect, the great master of a generation, and the founder of Bodhidharma once faced the wall.

Patriarch Bodhidharma once lived here and faced the wall for nine years. After he attained Taoism, Fang created the Shaolin faction, which has continued to this day.

Fang Zheng looked at the Fang cave in silence, remembering the hardships of the founder of the Patriarch, and his thoughts became firmer.

"Disciple Fangzheng, who is a contemporary Shaolin abbot, has a request to see Patriarch Bodhidharma, and I hope Patriarch will take pity on him and show up to see him."

Before Fangzheng walked to the entrance of the cave, he folded his hands and recited a Buddha's name, and a low voice came from the entrance of the cave.

Although the voice is not high, it is sonorous and powerful, piercing through gold and cracking stones, which is the performance of practicing Shaolin's "lion's roar" to a high level.


The north wind whistled and blew the yellow leaves, and Fang Zheng stood at the entrance of the cave with a solemn face.

There was no sound for a long time, Fang Zheng couldn't help but call out again.

After a full two hours, a faint, iron-like voice came from the cave: "What's the matter here?"

Fang Zheng was inexplicably surprised in his heart, and at the same time was secretly shocked.

He only came here with the idea of ​​what to do, and he had already thought about it in his heart, and he really doubted whether the Patriarch was still alive!

Unexpectedly, after a thousand years, this ancestor is still alive!

"The disciple is here to invite the patriarch to come out of the gate to subdue the demons."

Fangzheng put his hands together and bowed down before speaking lightly.

Coming against Gu Shaoshang and Dongfang Invincible, as well as the killing orders in the arena, he even expressed his worries, lest the foundation of Shaolin would be shaken.

"At this point, I know everything."

The voice in the cave came faintly, with a touch of rebuke: "Shaolin Temple has been passed down for thousands of years, and a few divine arts can be shaken. If you don't realize the Zen mind, you have already entered the devil's way, and you don't even know it!"

The voice was filled with a mighty masculinity, Fang Zheng only felt his head dizzy, and then it seemed as if his mind was bright and enlightened.

He couldn't help crying with joy: "The disciple can listen to the teachings of the Patriarch today, only to know that he has gone wrong for many years, and he has lost his Zen heart!"


A word came from the cave faintly, and then it was silent.

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