Proof of Longevity

Chapter 229: Is there any reason for rejection?

Elder Wang’s words aroused unanimous complaints from all the disciples present. The demon king prince on the side also secretly said in his heart: "This Qingcheng cultivation practice is to cultivate a stupid head. How can Lingbao refuse it before, and listen to that kid. Said that this most precious treasure still seems to be owed to Qingcheng by the kid. No, now Qingcheng has been destroyed because of the four big beasts, and even the magic treasure is destroyed. I can't make Qingcheng suffer." As his thoughts turned, the demon crown prince glanced at Lu Qingcheng, and also persuaded him: "Qingcheng, you just accept it, otherwise, wouldn't it be heartbreaking to betray the good intentions of your nephew." The Taishang Dao ancestor on the side sneered at the Demon King’s words, and cursed in his heart: "You fool, what nonsense, if you take this treasure, maybe your fiancée will run away with others, or, once you take it. You will have one more love rival after the game, and you will still be able to laugh at that time." Fairy Qingcheng glanced at Zhang Shiyang, then turned to look at the demon crown prince, rolled his eyes helplessly, and had to look at the Taishang Dao ancestor. Taishang Dao ancestor was originally not considered to be mingling with these children’s love affairs, but at this moment, feeling Lu Qingcheng’s gaze, he had no choice but to say: "Qingcheng, since everyone wants you to accept it, then you will accept it. Let's go, don't disappoint Shi Yang's good intentions."

Hearing this, Lu Qingcheng had to slander secretly in his heart: "What the **** is this, what the old fellow Taishang Daozu thinks, he doesn't know the cause of this matter, is it because his head was kicked by a donkey." No matter what you think, this emotion can't be expressed on the face, so she has to reach out and take Huntian Ling with a smile. Zhang Shiyang secretly breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Lu Qingcheng taking over Hun Tian Ling. Zhang Shiyang really didn't understand the previous situation, and was a little confused. Even if the innate spirit treasure is precious, but he has said the reason, Fairy Qingcheng should have no reason to reject it anymore. But what the truth is, Zhang Shiyang was suddenly not sure just now. At this time, I saw Fairy Qingcheng took the Huntian Ling, and his tight body instantly relaxed, and looked at everyone: "This spiritual treasure is called Huntian Ling. It is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. The power of being trapped, there is also the magic of the fracture, no matter how long the rupture is, Master Qingcheng will no longer have to worry about the rupture of this Hun Tian Ling." Everyone is praised when this statement is outstanding. Looking at the gleaming eyes of everyone, Zhang Shiyang smiled: "This spirit treasure is my exclusive refinement. There must be a special sacrifice technique to control this treasure. Use all your skills, otherwise, even if you have to go to this Lingbao, it will only be able to display 80% of its power at most."

As soon as these words were spoken, even Taishang Daozu was shocked. It was really a good baby. The choice was wonderful. Taishang Dao Ancestor was secretly worried: "Could this kid really be able to completely refine into an innate spiritual treasure, even the innate rituals for refining?" Thinking of this, he glanced at Lu Qingcheng again, and sighed inwardly. He also didn't want to ask Lu Qingcheng to accept this treasure, but he didn't know the situation at the time. If there was a stalemate for a while, he would be able to show the clues, and it would be troublesome. Now that we know this matter, you know it, and only a few people know it, and the matter will be resolved at that time, and it will hurt your face. At that time, everyone will have a hard time. This psychological activity of Taishang Daozu cannot be predicted by foreign affairs. Looking at Zhang Shiyang with a smile on his face, Taishang Daozu rolled his eyes and said, "Shiyang, since you have a magic trick for sacrificing this magic weapon, then You don’t want to pass it to you, Master Qingcheng, do you still want to hide your own personalities, or you don’t want to give this treasure out.” Hearing these words from Taishang Daozu, Zhang Shiyang cursed secretly in his heart: "This old guy is really troublesome." Originally, Zhang Shiyang planned to go to Fairy Qingcheng to offer the tactics and stay alone for a while after everyone dispersed, but who knew that this good thing was broken by this old guy, Zhang Shiyang even suspected that this old guy was deliberate.

Hearing what Taishang Daozu said, Zhang Shiyang was not good at shirking, so he had to say: "Thank you Daozu for reminding me, otherwise this matter will really make me forget. If so, then I will pass on this technique to Master. ". Yan Ba ​​raised his finger and pressed it towards Fairy Qingcheng's forehead. Fairy Qingcheng saw Zhang Shiyang's fingers coming, and subconsciously wanted to avoid it. After all, it was really embarrassing to be touched by a man on his forehead. However, Zhang Shiyang's fingers seemed to be covered with mystery, and Fairy Qingcheng wanted to avoid it, but the finger still pointed her forehead very accurately. In the eyes of everyone, Zhang Shiyang's cultivation base was lower than that of Fairy Qingcheng, and it was the most normal thing to spread the tactics with his fingers. It is unrealistic to think that in the fairy-xia novels, it is unrealistic to put the magic formula into the minds of others with a wave of hands. No matter who it is, as long as it is a person who cultivates the heart, if you want to wave the magic formula into the mind of others, But there must be several times the strength gap.

Zhang Shiyang felt the brilliance on that forehead soft and greasy, and he couldn't put it down. But I really didn’t dare to do it again. I saw my fingers take off after the tactics were transmitted obediently, but the moment I took them away I couldn’t help but frost them lightly. The movements were so small that no one would be able to see them, even if they did. I would think it was a normal action accidentally. After the transmission of the magic formula was completed, Fairy Qingcheng opened his eyes, and there was no wave in his eyes, and he could not tell whether it was joy or anger. He just glanced at the people calmly, and then said: "I'm a new treasure, I can't help but want to sacrifice and leave." After words, it turned into streamer and flew away. Everyone at the scene looked at each other, which one was acting, and they rejected it in every possible way. Now I can’t wait, I can’t help but sigh, women are really strange animals, no matter what kind of woman they are, they are very strange, even if they are arrogant. Fairy such as Qingcheng is no exception. Elder Wang laughed and said, "Presumably, the treasure of Shiyang's new sacrifice is extremely powerful. Fairy Qingcheng must be delighted by the hunt, and can't help but fiddle with his new treasure." After a pause, Zhang Shiyang glanced at Zhang Shiyang: "Shiyang, when can you refine an innate spiritual treasure for me? Look at me, but now the poor can't even find a magic treasure."

Zhang Shiyang rolled his eyes when he heard the words: "Uncle Master, of course your old man can't find any magic weapons. You must know that good magic weapons are hidden in the Qihai Dantian Zifu. It is strange to find them." Elder Wang touched his nose awkwardly when he heard this, and said with a smile: "Who would think that there are too many treasures? Although I have heard that you can refine treasures before, you have never heard that you can even give birth to spiritual treasures. It’s incredible to come out.” After all, the other party is a great power of the supreme teacher. Zhang Shiyang is not good at giving face to this matter. You want a magic weapon. Okay, I promise you that we are not good at rejecting you, but we can play procrastination. So he smiled and said: "Uncle Shi said that when his nephew has time, he will definitely refine one of the best innate spirit treasures for his uncle." Sure enough, the dragging formula that hadn't appeared in this world killed Elder Wang as soon as he used it. Elder Wang patted Zhang Shiyang on the shoulder after hearing this: "Boy, there is a future, but I didn't hurt you for nothing when I was a kid, then I will Wait for your treasure with peace of mind." Zhang Shiyang blinked and was a little puzzled, "Does it hurt me?" We seldom see each other before, okay, this is the second time I have seen you, do you love me? . Zhang Shiyang finally felt the shamelessness of this old guy at this moment.

But it's not easy to expose him, Zhang Shiyang guessed that Shiyue was very close to them, so this old guy thought he had a good relationship with him. Zhang Shiyang was a little puzzled, what kind of logic is this old guy, old monster, old monster, does it mean these guys who have lived for so many years and whose thinking logic is a little confused? . Looking at the hundreds of disciples elders present, Zhang Shiyang found something very puzzled. Those guys wearing alchemy robes didn't want to make alchemy at home by themselves, so they ran here to join in the fun. Soon, an elder who looked a little thin and punished for him: "Brother Zhang, these disciples are all looking for you." Zhang Shiyang asked in confusion: "Looking for me?". The elder nodded affirmatively: "Yes, it's your brother, their pill furnace was fryed by that spiritual energy storm."

ps: I'm sorry. Recently, Tian Tianliang seems to be a little busy, and the manuscripts are running out, and I have to revise the previous chapters every day (Khan, there are no double quotes in front, sins and sins, I don’t know what fellow daoists are I'm very sorry for how I came here.) I still have to prepare to participate in the metallographic competition every day in my life. It is really a bit busy. So recently, there is one change every day, if there is extra time, two changes. Khan, thank you everyone for your support. The update is scheduled at around nine o'clock in the evening. Please forgive me for your support. Although I say that the book is not on the shelf, I will update the code and I will never supervise it.

To be honest, writing so many words and updating it every day is definitely a test of one's own will. And recently my eyes are bad, some astigmatism, and things are blurred. Recently I was going for a liver function test. The doctor told me to play less on the computer, but I thought that there are still so many people waiting for me to update, so many people support me, sweating, I'm sorry to change it, and I'm afraid that it will be straightforward. Broke into the palace.

Having said so much nonsense, I actually want to tell everyone that there has been a daily update recently, and the time has been set at around nine o'clock in the evening. Then I will resume two shifts if I have time. Thank you for your support.


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