Proof of Longevity

Chapter 238: Fight in grief and indignation, blind your dog's eyes

Taishang Dao Ancestor nodded when he heard the words and felt that Elder Wang's words were also reasonable, so he nodded: "Since this is the case, you and Qingcheng will come forward and capture him." Elder Wang and Fairy Qingcheng led their orders. Elder Wang looked at Zhang Shiyang's still upright body and sighed and remembered: "Senior nephew, you should catch it with your hands. I and Qingcheng, the two Taoists, plus the Taishang Taoist ancestor, you definitely There is no reason to escape here." Fairy Qingcheng also said, "Shi Yang, now that you have angered Dao Ancestor, you should go forward and accompany you obediently. Be soft, presumably Dao Ancestor will not embarrass you too much in the face of your parents." Zhang Shiyang didn't say anything, just looked at the two, and then at Fairy Qingcheng: "Fairy, do you really want to be an enemy of me?". Lu Qingcheng bit his lip when he heard the words: "Tao ancestor and I have a life-saving grace. I was adopted by Dao ancestor since I was a child, and I don't know who my father is. Dao ancestor is no different from my father, so I dare not follow the order of the elders." Zhang Shiyang nodded when he heard the words, and his tone returned to calmness: "Also, since you are repaying your kindness, I don't blame you. I recaptured the four fierce beasts before, and I can be regarded as the master of the four fierce beasts. You have been seriously injured, then I have received it on behalf of the Supreme Master, and that magic weapon was returned to you by me on behalf of the four fierce beasts. There is no sympathy between you and me. Now all the grievances, cause and effect, are all written off."

Zhang Shiyang paused, and then he arrived: "Since you are attacking me today, even if you and I have formed a cause and effect, you will be a passerby when you meet again later. I can't blame me for turning you into ashes." After Zhang Shiyang said this sentence, because his eyes were closed, he couldn't see any expression, but when Zhang Shiyang finished saying this sentence, his cheek twitched slightly, but he didn't hide the facts from the top Tong Tian Toru. A powerful man of the earth. When Lu Qingcheng heard this, he didn't know what it was like. Zhang Shiyang didn't know that he liked her, but because he knew it, he was inexplicably sad at this time. Although the demon prince on the side wasn't aware of his sternness, Zhang Shiyang's endless remarks, coupled with the expressions of the two and Daozu on the side, still made the demon prince see something. The demon crown prince continued to be silent, as if he didn't know anything, but his wandering eyes showed that his master must be thinking something, after all, the demon crown prince was not a fool. The Taishang Dao Ancestor on the side heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Zhang Shiyang's words, but he felt more and more that Zhang Shiyang was wrong, and even something seemed to happen unexpectedly in his heart.

Lu Qingcheng was silent for a while, and then looked at Zhang Shiyang, who was wearing a blue shirt not far away: "It should be so. You and I have no friendship at all. You, the Hun Tian Aya, are also compensated to me. From then on, you and I will have no cause and effect. Eliminate". Zhang Shiyang shook his head when he heard this, "Although it is the elimination of cause and effect, as long as you take action against me at the moment, then I will definitely not be polite to you. You will also be my enemy of Zhang Shiyang in the future. If Zhang Shiyang is not dead today, I will say you and me I will certainly not be polite again in the dispute, and I should turn you into dust." Lu Qingcheng's tone was calm and unwavering: "Yes, yes, it should be turned into ashes, and I have no reason to blame you, so I will do my best to keep you today, and the province will be turned into ashes in the future." . The elder Wang on the side was left to dry for a long time. At this time, he couldn't help but interject: "What are you two talking about? Today, Dao Ancestor is just trying to suppress Shi Yang, why do you do it like this?" Zhang Shiyang ignored Lu Qingcheng on the side, turned his head to look at Elder Wang, and then looked at the elders and disciples present: "The Supreme Master can't tolerate me, then I won't stay here with a dead skin. It seems that I should After leaving, my parents will say that Zhang Shiyang is missing if they ask about you in the future, ha ha, it seems that I also have a day of being a traitor."

There was a sense of grief and indignation in Zhang Shiyang's words, and the Taishang Dao ancestor beside him couldn't help but "cock" in his heart. Without waiting for everyone to react, Zhang Shiyang laughed wildly up to the sky: "Different ways are not conspiring. Since the Taishang Dao ancestor and the demon clan can't tolerate me Zhang Shiyang, then Zhang Shiyang will leave the Taishangjiao today, so I can get a free body." Elder Wang was surprised when he heard this: "Shi Yang, what are you talking nonsense?" Hastily turned his head to look at Daozu Taishang: "Daozu, Zhang Shiyang must have received such a blow, and this kid must have lost his mind. Please don't take it seriously." The Taishang Dao ancestor on the side also changed his face when he heard the words. He never expected that Zhang Shiyang actually had a plan to leave Taishang, and he did not expect the situation to evolve in such a situation. He was shocked for a while, and he didn't know what to do. What to say. I thought to myself: "If Zhang Shiyang really defected to the upper educator, then no matter how he and Zhang Qing and Li Qian and his wife will have a gap, they can't keep having two hearts. How can this be good." You want to ask Taishang Daozu to keep the Taishang Daozu but you can't hold back this face. The disciples on the side were also whispering, showing an unbelievable color.

The demon prince next to him secretly cried out in his heart: "It's really God's help. As long as you leave the Supreme Master, the prince can mobilize the masters of Beiju Luzhou to assassinate you, and you must crush your little bastard. No". Elder Wang never imagined that Zhang Shiyang was so strong that he would divide the boundary with the Supreme Master in a rage, and immediately shouted: "No." Qingcheng on the side was also shocked now, not knowing what to do. Zhang Shiyang laughed loudly: "Why not? If you wait today if you let me go, then I will have nothing to do with it from now on. The cause and effect will disappear. If you want to keep me, then Zhang Shiyang will not die today. Come, I will definitely repay you this hatred." Elder Wang is no longer hesitating. The most important thing to do right now is to take Zhang Shiyang down and seal it to calm down. Maybe Zhang Shiyang would withdraw this statement after he calmed down, and immediately shouted: "Shiyang, after I seal you, please calm down first." After that, he slapped Zhang Shiyang with a palm, and at the same time said to Fairy Qingcheng on the side: "Friends of Daoist are still not doing it." Zhang Shiyang had some effect in suppressing the poison at this time. He pinched a Sky Thunder Jue with his left hand, and struck Elder Wang with a bolt of lightning out of thin air.

Elder Wang is a great power in the realm of Taoism, and it will be injured by Zhang Shiyang's casual tricks. With a flick of his hand, the thunder and lightning disappeared, and then a pair of male and female swords appeared in his hands and slashed towards Zhang Shiyang. Zhang Shiyang looked at the sword hit, and floated back gently, avoiding the sword, and then said: "You and I will go to the Supreme Master to fight the male and the male, so as not to damage the mountains and rivers of my Bixiu Peak. ". After that, he walked a thousand li to the vastness outside the Supreme Master, and stood still on the top of a high mountain. The disciples of the elders of the Supreme Master saw this rare battle in thousands of years, and followed them with streamers. The elder Taishang and Lu Qingcheng fell on the mountain opposite Zhang Shiyang. Zhang Shiyang made up his mind to find a chance to escape at this time, and definitely wouldn't trap himself here. This time, Zhang Shiyang did not wait for Elder Wang to take the initiative and attacked first: "Elder Wang, let me take a blow." Zhang Shiyang's right palm once again became crystal clear like jade, like exquisite marble, "the palm covers the universe". This is Zhang Shiyang's approach to the creation of Space Avenue. As the palm of his hand approached Wang Taishang, the elder Wang's face suddenly paled. He only felt that this palm was nowhere to be avoided, as if everything had been blocked by this palm, that palm was faintly covering the world.

Elder Wang had to lift his sword to the center of Zhang Shiyang's palm. This so-called Jiang Qiankun's covering and wrapping is absolutely nothing but an illusion. If Zhang Shiyang can really cover the universe with one palm, it must be boundless and invincible in the world. With a "ding", the intersecting palms and swords just made a clear and happy sound, and the palms were not damaged. Elder Wang was shocked when he saw it. Even the people watching the battle couldn't believe it. This actually used the palm of the hand to fight the Lingbao, and it was still intact. Are you kidding? These two are still acting. Don't say that Elder Wang couldn't believe it, even the Taishang Dao ancestor on one side almost bit his tongue: "When is this kid so strong?". And what made everyone at the scene puzzled was what kind of exercise Zhang Shiyang was practicing. Does the Supreme Master have this kind of exercise that can resist Lingbao? , All of the elders all stared at the stars for a while.


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