Proof of Longevity

Chapter 307: Nishito

The Great King Jinding stopped as if another force in the darkness prevented him from moving forward and could not move.

Turning around and looking at Zhang Shiyang, King Jinding nodded: "That's true. If you don't express it, doesn't it appear that there is no one in Luzhou in Beiju?".

"Take me to find the smelly monk to make sense," King Jinding patted Zhang Shiyang on the shoulder and said.

Zhang Shiyang shook his head: "My lord, you have the demon emperor's order not to leave Beiju Luzhou casually. Why don't I find a chance to bring the monk over, and then the lord will capture him. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

King Jinding scratched his head, and now I see how Zhang Shiyang is pleasing to his eyes: "You little demon has a bit of wisdom, no matter, no matter what, the demon emperor’s order is not easy to violate. If so, you go and give him Attracted him, we roasted him for meat".

Zhang Shiyang was embarrassed when he heard the words: "My lord, the monk is really dangerous, and I don't have a treasure to protect me, you see?".

This King of the Golden Ding was very interesting when he heard the words, and for some unknown reason, he was full of affection with Zhang Shiyang: "Well, it's not easy for you to be a wild fairy. I have two treasures in the Golden Ding Cave. One is the treasure of the town, the water and fire. The other is the Earth-Splitting Orb. The treasure of the cave cannot be moved. I will borrow this Earth-Splitting Orb from you."

The little demon on one side was stunned when he heard the words, "Isn't my king's head cramping? I'm actually willing to take out the treasure for borrowing. I used to be reluctant to take a look at it. What's wrong with Jinyue?".

However, although the little demon felt that the king was a little abnormal, he did not dare to ask about the king's affairs.

Looking at the bead in King Jinding's hand, Zhang Shiyang's eyes lit up: "Low-grade Congenital Lingbao".

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, there are such surprises and benefits." Zhang Shiyang happily took over the Earth-Splitting Bead.

King Jinding said: "This Earth-Splitting Orb has been refined by me, and I can recall it with a single thought. If you don't lose this treasure, it's fine. The monk is so cunning, I won't blame you."

Although these words sound so good, they are actually telling Zhang Shiyang that you kid don't run away with the treasure. I have a way to take this treasure back. Don't be greedy. Swallowed this treasure alone.

"Thank you, Majesty, thank you Majesty" Zhang Shiyang bowed happily, "It shouldn't be too late. If it is later, I am afraid that the monk will be gone. I will go and chase him back."

Seeing this King Jinding nodded, Zhang Shiyang walked out of the cave and looked at the Jinding cave sky. Zhang Shiyang said to himself: "This monster is really rich. I didn't expect that there are two treasures. This treasure is close to being considered good. Unexpectedly, there is actually a better treasure than this earth cracking pearl."

During this trip, Zhang Shiyang not only experimented with his supernatural powers, but also got a treasure, which was really cool.

"But the better baby is not to be missed. If you have a chance, you will have to steal it." Zhang Shiyang muttered to himself with greed.

However, it is really great for this friend to stay. I have to travel around the three mountains and five sacred mountains in the past few years and make "friends". By then, the power of this magical power will be exerted to the extreme, which is really great.

After Zhang Shiyang walked out of the Golden Ding Cave, he headed towards the rhinoceros Hezhou. This rhino Hezhou is the site of Buddhism. Zhang Shiyang has never seen Buddhism in this world. I don't know what it is like.

The aura is thin, this is Zhang Shiyang's first impression after he came to Rhino Hezhou, of course, this aura is relatively thin.

In fact, the rhinoceros in Hezhou is not thin, but compared to Dongsheng Shenzhou, Nanzhan Buzhou, and Beiju Luzhou, it is indeed much thinner.

But there are some innate auras.

From a distance, I saw the Brahma light rising into the sky, and the whole rhinoceros Hezhou was shrouded under the Brahma light, looking very holy.

Zhang Shiyang stepped into Rhino Hezhou, but although this is a paradise for Buddhism, compared to Zhang Shiyang, a cultivator, the breath here is not so pleasant and not pleasant at all.

After walking around the rhinoceros Hezhou for a month, Zhang Shiyang felt a little clear. This rhino Hezhou is an ancient high mountain temple. There are countless mortals. There are a few monsters here, no, no, it can only be said to be two or three big cats.

All demon races, the demon races with successful cultivation, were tamed by Buddhist masters and became the guardians of Buddhism.

One aspect of Buddhism that deceives people is definitely a master of masters. Look at the shape, there is a circle of Buddha light inside, and a circle of Buddha light outside, mortals are dull, and do not believe in Buddhism.

Zhang Shiyang's profound art was transformed, and that strong and incomparable demon energy instantly turned into the purest Buddha power.

Drop the cloud head outside a temple.

Seeing this endless crowd, Zhang Shiyang shook his head.

Even if there is no aura in this world, the Buddhist master must be able to continue to practice. Buddhism's demand for the power of incense is far greater than the demand for aura.

Therefore, there are many masters in the Buddhist world.

Zhang Shiyang took a stick of incense at the mountain pass, and then followed the constant crowd to this huge temple. There was only one "Amituo Buddha" Buddha in the middle, and the rest were protectors and blues, Arhat Bodhisattva.

Lighting the incense in his hand, Zhang Shiyang turned his head and looked at the little novice monk beside him: "Amitabha Buddha, little mage, I don't know if your abbot is there or not."

Zhang Shiyang's remarks are pure nonsense. If you don't see the auspicious clouds gathering above other temples, if there is definitely a master sitting in town, you can come to this temple to offer incense.

The little novice monk looked at Zhang Shiyang's wealth and clothes, and he was definitely a great figure, and he did not dare to neglect: "The donor will later, let me tell the abbot first." Speaking, walked quickly towards the inner hall with fine steps.

The abbot, the host here, was silent for a while after hearing the little novice's report: "You and bring him in."

"Yes, Master"

"Donor, my master has invited you in," the little novice monk whispered.

Zhang Shiyang nodded and squeezed the face of the little novice monk: "Please also let the little master lead the way."

His face was flushed with Zhang Shiyang's actions, and Nuonuo could not speak, but turned around and quickly led Zhang Shiyang towards the inner room.

"I have seen the master abbot, it is the monk Shen Gongbao under the mountain in Xia."

"Amitabha Buddha, the benefactor is courteous, the poor monk Puguang" the master abbot put his hands together and acted.

After giving the ceremony, the master abbot took a look at Zhang Shiyang, and then slowly said: "The donor is also a member of my generation. I don't know what it is worth to see Lao Na today?".

Zhang Shiyang took a look at the old monk. He was dressed in plain clothes, and he seemed to live a very simple life, about 70 or 80 years old, with white beard and hair, but his eyes were very bright.

"Shen Gongbao" nodded, with a look of sorrow and anger on his face: "I know that the master's Dharma is exquisite and his magical powers are immense. This is to ask the master to come out and preside over justice for me."

When the old monk heard the words, the rosary in his hand had a meal: "Old monk, I don't care about mundane things, just devout prayers to the Buddha and chanting."

Zhang Shiyang looked at the old monk and smiled softly: "Master, you should know that I am also a practitioner. Although the cultivation level is not worth mentioning, I can do nothing about mundane things."

Master Pu Guang gave a faint "Oh" when he heard the words, and did not answer, waiting for Zhang Shiyang to follow.

Zhang Shiyang continued: "Master doesn't know. I saw a light beam rising into the sky in a precious place some time ago. It must be an extraordinary magic weapon."

As soon as he heard the magic weapon, the old monk came to his spirits and his eyes lit up slightly.

Zhang Shiyang secretly despised in his heart: "I also said that the four members of the family are empty, and I think you, the old monk, are six impure."

Of course, Zhang Shiyang didn't dare to say this clearly.

"Sure enough, after the treasure was unearthed, it was a wooden fish with Buddha's light flashing, and the innate aura on it kept flashing."

Seeing Zhang Shiyang stop talking, the old monk couldn't help saying: "What then?"

Zhang Shiyang smiled secretly in his heart, but said: "Then I took that treasure."

"That treasure is really a good treasure. It is a treasure of my Buddhism. I originally wanted to dedicate it to the Da Leiyin Temple in Xitian, but who would have thought that an accident happened."

Speaking of this, Zhang Shiyang slowly looked sad and angry.

ps: Thank you "Yanhuang Xiaolong" Taoist friends for your reward and support, thank you ha.


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