Proof of the Sun King

Chapter 591: , call back home! Go back to Lyonnais!

Sure enough, Duke Hubbard has not never met Angron. The Duke and Angron have met once. With Angron's appearance and size, it is really hard not to leave a deep impression.

As Angron expected, seeing that it was an "acquaintance committing the crime", His Excellency the duke "grandly" forgave the "nosy" fault of this group of people and invited them to his castle, the famous Carcassonne Castle in the old world guest.

The Duke's understatement made the female Norsca quite dissatisfied, and Ingrid shouted: "Damn, if it weren't for me... I mean us, only their lady of the lake knows if these villagers can last until these knights rush Come!"

"Shut up! Ingrid, if you don't want to be locked out of the castle for the night, go ahead." Forgan smiled brightly.

The female barbarian closed her mouth wisely. On the one hand, it was out of respect for the strong. On the other hand, she knew that her strength could be arrogant in front of the beastmen, but it was not enough to face hundreds of knights. .

However, the barbarians are not bad at this point, that is, they will basically obey orders unconditionally when facing a strong man like Fugen.

It will be troublesome if you encounter those citizens who are particularly good at debate, such as Estalia and Imperial Nur. These people are also famous "barbarians" among mortals, and they like to shout "Freedom of speech, democracy" , equality" and so on, and is famous for not admit defeat and hard-barre to the end, and many times they are only opposed because they are opposed.

Even if some die-hards are punched to the ground, they have to emphasize that the enemy's boxing posture is not good-looking, which is indeed a headache.

Under the leadership of Duke Hubbard, Forgan led an army of more than 500 people towards Carcassonne Castle.

As the sun moved westward, the combined army finally approached the castle of Carcassonne.

As one of the most important strategic strongholds in the south of Brittany, Carcassonne Castle not only has a long history, but also has many stories about Holy Grail Knights and wars circulating in the history of the ancient castle. A typical high elf style castle, with a cylindrical body and a conical roof, it is particularly eye-catching.

Entering the castle, Forgan visited Carcassonne with great interest. The most spectacular architectural sight here is the inner and outer walls and towers that defend the castle. It has huge fortifications surrounding the castle, compact houses and towers. The streets and the perfect Holy Grail Cathedral, the streets in the city criss-cross, the houses are lined up, enter the arched city gate, cross the moat through the wooden suspension bridge, enter the city, the stone road is undulating, winding, only four or five meters wide, low-rise. The stone houses are built along the street, and the style is quaint, only the atmosphere of the heavy patrolling army destroys this beauty.

The cold-faced Duke Hubald of Carcassonne said a few words to the valet, and the valet immediately came to Fugan and others: "The commander of the Ash Legion, our Duke said that the Duchy of Carcassonne is not a wealthy duchy. , we thank you for your help in the Beastmen invasion, but we have nothing to thank you, we can only provide room and board, make sure that the lamb is enough for you to enjoy, and there is nothing else."

"It's okay, it's enough." Fugan didn't care about this, as he said, fighting against evil is an obligation, not something worthy of a reward, and it's not bad to have two meals of lamb.

"The duke also invited a few of you to have dinner with him in the inner castle at night." The valet continued, "The duke would like to ask you about Tyrell."

"All right."

…………I am the dividing line for dinner together…………

It's August.

Old World, Brittany, South of Lyonnaise, Old Duchy of Mousillon.

A small army was advancing over the plain.

This army was led by the old guard and dispatched by Ryan. It was responsible for supporting the old Musilon nobles in the south of Leonathay, and was responsible for quelling the local serf rebellion.

The problem of Leonassee has been around for a long time. Since the **** battle with Aegir-Red-Eye, the situation in this principality has been getting worse and worse. Due to the lack of food, the knights can't solve the problem of the hungry serfs at all. They can defeat the serf rebels, but There is no way to appease the serfs and let them resume production.

Even worse, the old Musillon nobles also did not have enough troops, although after the invasion of Aegir, these old Musillon nobles had already refused any orders from the Duke of Leonasse, Alderel, but It is an indisputable fact that their military losses are too great. Seeing that the rebellion gradually spread to the whole territory, the nobles only have some castles and a few guarded manors. The nobles are very anxious, but they can do nothing about it. Of course, the knights can The wild washed out these rebel serfs, but this could not fundamentally solve the problem of rebellion.

As we all know, bandits will flee and avoid fighting. It is impossible for the knights to pursue long distances, because even if they are caught, the bandits have already retreated into the cottage and the fort to defend themselves. Also stretched.

But now, the support of Duke Ryan has arrived. A battalion of nearly 400 old guards led two serf infantry regiments, and a team of dwarf artillery went to the south of Leonase to support these old Musillon nobles.

This is also the first battle of the new army, the old guards, formed by Ryan.

The first rebel stronghold to be conquered was the Castle of Porsale, located in the south of Leonasse. The rebellious serfs occupied the castle as kings, proclaiming themselves Barons of Porsale, and wanting to be recognized by the local nobles.

But what they were waiting for was the old guard and the commander, Juan Carlos Sunwatcher, Baron Biocari.

Under the dwarf's sappers, a pontoon bridge was quickly built, and the entire army crossed the small river near the castle at a very fast speed. When the army had come to the south of the castle, the rebel serfs in the city also had a problem with one another. Only the arrival of the new army was unaware.

After the siege was completed, Juan immediately ordered that the Counts of Doolin and Larrot in the north launch a feint, and then, together with the commander-in-chief of the old guard, Lord Winford "Arrow" Bertrand, attacked from behind. The castle launched an attack.

This time, the rebel serfs finally saw the power of Ryan's army.

The first is the bombardment of cannons. The dwarf cannons and dwarf organ cannons of the dwarf artillery bombard the castle indiscriminately. The power of the towers collapsed one after another, and the houses in the castle were smashed to pieces, people screamed and horses neighed, bodies were broken and limbs were broken, flesh and blood flew, and fire was everywhere, making a mess.

The rebellious serfs were petrified before they even fought, they cried, screamed, fled back and forth, shouting that the divine punishment of the fairy in the lake was coming, and their morale fell to the bottom, when they were dressed in white military uniforms and silver bust Plate armor, wearing red or blue epaulettes, and the old guards with fringe straps began to charge from the collapsed city wall, shouting slogans and rushing into the castle, the rebel serfs who had not yet fought were already scared. , they screamed: "The Lady's Punishment! We have lost the Lady's Blessing!"

The rebel serfs collapsed, and not even a few rebel serfs and the old guards really fought.

Run away.

In fact, the rebel serfs knew that there was a support army coming here to help suppress the rebellion, and they were ready to fight against the army of the legendary Duke of Lane, but in their impression, no matter how strong the enemy was, that is, the level of sergeants, wearing The simple leather armor with the emblem of the duchy, plus a breastplate at most, uses the same weapons as theirs.

They could never have imagined that the old guards, who wore half-body plate armor and held fine-crafted weapons produced in the dwarf weapon workshop, were strong in stature, had firm eyes and were full of murderous spirits. They would be selected from serfs. of!

Seeing that the rebel serfs were dying, Count Doolin and Count Larot, who were just feinting attacks, saw that the situation was not right, so they directly turned the feint attack into a real attack, and seized the time to get some military exploits.

It only took three hours from the start of the siege to the end of the siege, and the rebel stronghold that the local nobles had not captured for several years fell.

The army entered the castle, and both the knights and the old guards frowned at the scene in front of them.

The sights are full of horrific images, with broken limbs, broken arms, piles of corpses, and feces all over the ground. The rebel serfs who could escape had already fled during the confrontation, and the only ones left were the old, the weak, the sick, and those who could not run. The old and the weak were so hungry that their eyes were sunken, their faces were withered, and they didn't even have the strength to escape. When the army came in, many of the old and weak even just wanted to die quickly, and even gave up their prayers for life.

Both the Earl of Doolin and the Earl of Larot felt very sad about this. The two great nobles only felt that the punishment was not severe, nor was the pardon. They felt very embarrassed. The old and the weak are hungry.

This kind of poor food that has long been eliminated in Lane's territory seems like a supreme delicacy to these old and weak people. Some old people are sitting on the spot and nibbling on the bread with water, gnawing their teeth.

Eating and eating, tears came down, and an old serf cried bitterly for this: "If we knew that there was black bread to eat, we would not have followed the rebellion at all!"

There were such cries all over the castle.

Night fell, not far away, the old guard camp.

Sir Bertrand was chewing raisins in his mouth. He wore a three-cornered hat and a neat old guard uniform. Not far away, the old guards were lined up in a row, each carrying a plate, neatly from the cooking. Ban is there for dinner, ready for dinner.

The iron vat was scalding hot in the piled fire, and a large pot of stew exuded a strong aroma. The troops of the cooking class took a big iron spoon and put the big red sausage and the strong aroma. The broth is poured into the bowls of the old guards.

Bread bags were opened one by one, and the fluffy and delicious whole-wheat bread was smeared with butter and sent to the hands of the old guards.

The food of this army was the envy of the old Musillon nobles.

"All the knights under our command have to eat." Count Doolin looked at the old guard's food with a helpless expression on his face: "Here is the lady, red sausage, stewed vegetable broth, whole wheat bread, and more. Butter! Is this the old guard?"

"It can only be said that the Southerners are really rich." Count Larot shook his head, he saw that his serf infantrymen were still eating black bread and porridge, which consisted of some flour, some vegetables and carrots: "You Looking at this supply, you can see where the problem is."

"Don't talk about the Southerner, Larot, don't forget." Doolin heard the words of the Southerner, and he immediately said as if he had been pricked by a needle, "We have allegiance to His Excellency the Duke."

"..." Larotte realized that he was a little speechless, he nodded lightly, raised his hand to signal that he was wrong, and stopped talking.

"Furthermore, this is also an opportunity for us, an opportunity to reshuffle the entire Musillon forces again. You see, Larot, the conditions of His Excellency the Duke are very harsh, which will definitely cause some aristocrats to be dissatisfied. I'm used to the good days..." Du Lin whispered in his ear, "You understand what I mean?"

"Understood." Larot nodded meaningfully after hearing this: "Changes are not all bad things. The key is to keep up with the Duke."

The two counts looked at each other and smiled with satisfaction.

Just when the local serf soldiers and even the local knights and nobles were envious of the food of the old guard.

"My lord, so you are here!" Raymond came to Bertrand with a large piece of bread, a bowl of vegetable broth, a red sausage and some dried fruit on an iron plate: "good evening."

As an officer, Raymond had more dried fruit than an ordinary old guard, and compared to Raymond, Bertrand had more oatmeal and a plate of roast lamb to eat.

"Good evening, Raymond." Bertrand scooped oatmeal with a and cut roast lamb with a knife, the forty-year-old Sir, the actual commander and head of the Old Guard With some emotion, he looked at the army under the night.

Who would have thought that eight years ago, he was still a leader of thieves wandering in the Sharon Forest?

Everything is like a dream.

"Raymond, I remember you're from Leonasse, right?" Putting the roasted and crispy mutton into your mouth, the mutton of Carcassonne is really delicious, the lean meat is firm and elastic, the fat and thin are suitable, and the meat is tender and juicy. More, Bertrand chewed and said with a smile: "How is it, how does it feel to be home?"

"It feels a little strange, and there is some indescribable excitement." Raymond nodded slightly, his hands were shaking a little: "It has been several years since my mother and brother left our hometown, this time I have the opportunity, I really want to go back look at home."

"There will definitely be a chance." Bertrand stretched out his hand and stroked his big bow, which was a spark bow produced by wood elves, and the arrows shot could add spark power: "How far is that village from here? Far?"

Perhaps in the eyes of the wood elves, this kind of big bow is not too rare, but in the human world, this is a priceless treasure.

"It's about 80 kilometers away, and it's now occupied by a group of rebel serfs." Raymond couldn't help but be excited, as if a little man was roaring and roaring inside him.

Call home! Go back to Lyonnais! Go back to the village!

Your old guard Raymond is back!

"Oh, it's this village, right?" Bertrand took out the map and looked at it with the hand-held oil lamp made by the dwarves: "Then the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow at the latest, we will hit here."

"When you have a chance, go home and have a look, Raymond!"


The old guard's eyes were full of fire.

Going home!

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