Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 28: Double kill! (For subscription)

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& # 160; "Destroy the wall and let the giant come in ... Aunt Karl La ..."

"Mikasa, wait."

Anyone who wants to find it has already found it.

Ye Shenyue hastily prevented Mikasa ’s impulse.

"The three of us started when we waited for their orders ... so, this ..."

"..." Furita did not participate in their discussion.

Now she had only the blonde girl standing among the numerous training soldiers in her heart.



and so.

Sisteria, does she really have the ambition to find death?


"What is your kid!"

"Yes, I am Thomas Wagner from the Torost District."

"What is your kid's faith!"

"Yes, I want to offer myself to His Majesty the King ~"


The instructor is conducting a training session to enter the training corps, and after the training session ends, the team welcomes the dissolution.

In order to avoid identity, the hometown trio was not completely together.

Instead, Bertot and Lena were together.

The two pretended to know each other and then ignored Ani.

As warriors sent by Marais, they need to hide their identity.

"I didn't expect the life of a training soldier to be like this."

"But the instructor didn't call my name. I thought he would recognize them one by one."

The number of people is concentrated here, but there is also a dormitory. The dormitory was arranged last night, and Lena and Bertot were in the same room.

Today is their first day of training.

Both are talking boring words.

But the core sneaked in here, but they did not say that they were sent in to find the ancestor giant and take away the ancestor giant in the wall.

This is their purpose, so the best way is to join the training corps. On the one hand, they also heard the adults say that it seems that Wang Zheng wants to send part of them as expeditionary troops. No more.

So after the second option for children-to participate in the training regiment was introduced, they did not hesitate to participate.

Be a soldier and have a proper identity.

Then you can get closer to Wang Zheng, and then find the identity of the ancestor giant.

This plan may take a long time, but this is what they have to do.

They have no choice.

Not anymore.

Break the wall and let the giant enter, and then eat people ...

Although I had such an idea, I really saw the giant eating people ... and the nausea came up again.


"That person isn't here ..."

The one met outside the wall.

The man who made them nervous that the task failed and then had to accelerate.

that person……

"Are you looking for me?"


A voice came from behind them.

Lena and Bertot opened their eyes at the same time.


Bertot's mouth widened.

"Are you surprised that you will meet here? Or, I have been looking for you ... you murderers."

Night God Moon Road.

"Do not……"

All memories are evoked.

Whether Ani was framed and ate an arm or broke the wall and saw the giant ate a man, etc., and ... identity exposure.

All kinds of fears came up.

"There is nothing wrong, do you know what it means to give back to one another?"

However, Ye Shenyue's body turned to the right.

Liner and Bertot discovered at this time that there was actually a person standing behind the night **** moon.

A person.

A woman.

A child shorter than the night **** moon.

The little girl holds two knives in her hands.

That is the people of the Corps, carrying the kind of blade that is said to be able to cut giants.

Two knives.

"Return the life of Aunt Karla!" She said.

The figure is unpredictable.

Like a whirlwind.

Appeared in front of you.

Liner raised her hands in a precautionary gesture, but the girl had turned a circle with the inertia of her body and cut it with an extremely smooth double knife.

"No ... don't come over--" Bertot roared loudly, but soon became crying.

Both men were cut to the neck in less than 3 seconds.

But Liner was better than Bertot. His two-handed fighting post blocked the offensive, but his left hand was gone.

Bertot was covering his neck hard.

And Mikasa raised his blood-stained knife at his body.

"Devil ... you heirs of the devil--" Bertot shouted loudly.

"It seems to be possible to speak ... Mikasa, beheaded his head."

"Ah ... Reiner ... Reiner saves me-Anni ... Anni-"

Beltott suddenly panicked. I can't even hold the wound on my neck.

"If you are talking about Ani. Then she ..."

Ye Shenyue backed away, and Lena and Bertot saw that they saw the blonde girl fainting.

Was moved out.

& # 160;

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