Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 41: select! (For subscription)

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"Sir Prime Minister, about the polygamous free marriage plan, which caused a huge discussion among the people, what is your mood now?"

TV news.

The current prime minister is being questioned by numerous journalists

It seems to be to promote this proposal, this is the third time he has held a press conference.

In the face of questions from all sides, he just wiped his sweat with a handkerchief, but firmly supported the proposal.

He has already received support from the upper levels. The upper levels are already chaotic. Raising and mistressing these things can never be stopped.

So now that the Prime Minister actually has the courage to support polygamy, then it just happened to be in their hearts.

It's just that the news is still too thorny for the people.

During this time, the discussion boom-wave has not stopped.

"Feng, you will also get up early to watch TV."

Early in the morning, Ye Shenyue yawned and walked out of the room. She saw that her sister in pajamas was sitting on the sofa and watching TV.

The domestic cat, the three-flowered cat Nasuno, also lay on the sofa, bowing and making a stretch-waist gesture.

My sister and cat at home are quite leisurely.

Ye Shenyue swept the cat's head.

Look at Feng.

Feng's first two days of getting along will also seem reserved, or less timid.

But recently, she seems to have completely adapted to life at home.

Whether it is a TV or a game, he will buy her.

At the same time, she has prepared textbooks for her, so she can arrange her life at home.

After a period of cultivation, Feng can now get used to watching TV alone. Ontology Huafeng got puberty syndrome because of the cold and violent internet, so at first, Feng could not be seen alone, so now it has made a lot of progress.

"Ou Ni sauce, you have to take a look too, it seems that the Prime Minister is going to respect polygamy."

Feng looked back when he heard his voice.

Dark and clear eyes looked at him, "If this proposal can be implemented, then you are not only able to marry sister Yunai, but also sister Mai?"

Mai has been to their house for the third time, and Maple has become nervous and afraid of life from the beginning, and now he can easily talk to the other party.

Feng is a little cute, so she intuitively noticed that Miss Mai was actually a good woman. She would not refuse such a sister-in-law.

"This, Feng, you have been staying at home for too long, this message has been out for three days." Ye Shenyue said.

"Demon--" Feng Gu banged his cheek gang, and then said, "But this trick is useless, Feng should not go outside."

Feng thought that Night God Moon wanted to deceive her again.

It was also said on TV that you have to go outdoors and go out to communicate with people.

People are creatures that need to be in contact.

But this kind of thing is still too difficult for her.

So she still prefers to stay at home.

Don't be fooled by the bad brother.


Ye Shenyue's truth was not willing to let her lovely sister go outside.

Sister or something, just stay at home and be his own sister.

In the morning, he had to continue his leave and went to the hospital to see his father and mother. Feng can't go out, so he should do this kind of communication.

However, I still recorded the recent situation of Feng with my mobile phone.

The mother was hospitalized because of heart disease.

But more is that I want the maple to return to the flower maple.

This is a contradiction for Night God Moon.

So in these two days, he also started to think about how to separate Feng and Huafeng. He didn't want Feng to disappear.

And Yunai gave him advice.

The existence of Feng is equivalent to a new personality that is absolutely different from Hua Feng. Because it is completely different, it can make Hua Feng feel safe and protect her.

This is the true meaning of Feng.

The incident of the sister Maige shows that she can now be seen by everyone, which means that the adolescent syndrome can actually be cured.

That is to say.

His family's maple may be like this, as time goes by, I don't know when it will be fine.

Then ... Feng will disappear.

He doesn't allow such things.

Just don't worry about it. Regarding personality, he has my wife and milk who are better at this.

Yunai's solution is very simple. Although Feng is a personality, it is not complete. To put it plainly, it is the accumulation of memory.

So as long as Feng continues to live, and when her memory accumulates to a certain point, and Hua Feng is about to wake up, take her memory away and put it in another body, then Feng can survive.

Feng is an incomplete personality, so once Hua Feng wakes up, then she has no resistance, but if it is to plunder others, then the probability of sovereignty is much greater.

This means that it will sacrifice another person.


Is such a thing important?

People need to cherish the present. ..

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