Protagonist Aura

Vol 28 Chapter 21: Who was the guide? (For complete order)

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Zasaka has three identities, one is a maid, a hot girl, and the other is what she is now.

The seemingly simple Miss Qianjin setting that likes to catch a man in front of the station and then get rid of it is a decompression plan for dispatching pressure.

She has been too bitter in the house of the Four Palaces, so she also wants to make others suffer.


Of course, this kind of words can't be said in the face of the present lively and energetic, like she is famous.


The golden and gorgeous hair, the ultra-nen skin in the rosy white, and the lively and famous temperament, it can't be disgusted at all.

The current Hayaka love is quite attractive.

"Ah ~ Isn't this silver student?"

Ming Shenyue was still thinking about what tricks she would do after setting him up in the school to prevent him from becoming the student president, and found that she actually dressed up.


Ye Shenyue knew two Zasaka.

One is the maid dress and the other is the Sasaka Ai dressed up as a hot girl in school.


Zasaka is now wearing a blue and white sailor suit skirt, which is the uniform of the nearby noble girls' school.

That is to say.

She should not be playing the hot girl Sasaka Ai in school now.

And will call him silver classmates.

The explanation knows him.

That is to say.

"Are you-a maid in the fourth house on the side of the blood swamp?"

"Great!" She suddenly looked happy. "Great, you remember me!"

Her hands folded on her chest.

It looks quite cute, as if even people's emotions can be infected.


This move.

Obviously, he only knows that he is cute before he makes it. However, he knows very well the woman who can make this kind of action and produce lethality.

and so.

Now his heart doesn't shake at all.

"I am Smith A. Wansaka."


This must be Hu Chang's name.

"I feel that you are too different from the previous temperament so I don't recognize it." Ye Shenyue decided to cooperate with her performance a little.

"Ah, this, because I need to work in the super-famous young lady's house, so I have to be in a tense state. So it's not enough to relax a little like this?" Smith Yasaka blinked.

Her eyes are very large, and this movement is also quite cute.

and so.

This is probably lust-like lure.

Ye Shenyue suddenly discriminated.

Just why is it lust?

Ye Shenyue was puzzled, but he noticed that Si Gong Hui Ye seemed to be staring here. In short, let's cooperate a little bit.

Night God Moon soon had a course of action.

And Huiye is indeed staring here.

It is indeed the word staring.

Hui Ye disguised a book on the bookshelf in disguise, but her attention was not on the book at all. The most direct evidence was that the book was reversed but she had not found it yet.

And now Hui Ye's mind is completely out of the book.


She felt the pressure.

Sasaka is really good at this kind of thing.


Hayaka's move is very clever.

The first is the occasion when she went to talk to Baiyin Yuxing. She deliberately chose to queue up at the cash register so that the other party could not ignore her anyway.


A cute attack was also used.

You guys are much cuter than those at home!


Hui Ye is still confident.


Hayaka used only a few tricks, and with such a level, he could n’t get a good guide.

Although she was already attacked before leaving the school herself, she did not think that the people who could get her to be attacked would be as simple as others.

and so.

Sasaka will definitely fail.

Hui Ye's mood is still very relaxed.


"I heard Miss Huiye said that this time the classmate Bai Yin surpassed her, so the classmate Bai Yin worked very hard?" Huiye heard Zaosaka said.

She really pretends that she doesn't know anything. She is a student of Hidechi Gakuen.

Hui Ye Tucao in his heart.

"It's a comparison with that kind of genius, so it's impossible not to work hard." Ye Shenyue replied.


This compliment Huiye was temporarily accepted.

But I can't be completely happy because I am obviously a genius, but why would I lose?

"But, what the genius said ... It's too difficult--" Sasaka said again.

"It's very difficult, look at my dark circles." Ye Shenyue pointed to his eyes. "Although I was admitted into this aristocratic school, my strength is slightly hidden, but the people here are very strong, and Shigonghui Ye, who stands at the top, is even out of reach. ”Ye Shenyue blindly wrote,“ So only by working hard and working hard can you surpass her. I do n’t hide from you, I have a lot of drafts in my room. With the used fountain pen refills, my sister Gui has been complaining that I have created too much garbage-but I ca n’t move forward without studying for ten hours a day-"

Ye Shenyue said super miserable.

But this is not the case in Hui Ye's ears.

It turns out so.

If it is such an effort, then she really cannot win.

"Enough hard work can follow up a little talent. But since you can win Miss Huiye, then you have talents like Silver."

"Talent--" It seems to be said to be in my heart, so Ye Shenyue's expression became slightly lower, "I have no talent."

He said, “I ’ve been a stupid kid since childhood.

Even if I study very hard and very hard, I still can't compare to my little sister who just learns casually. My sister is two years younger than me! "

"Later, the father ’s company went bankrupt, and her mother wanted to take a person away, but her first reaction was to take away her gifted sister Gui, but her father ’s interception was unsuccessful. None have returned. "

"..." Hayaka.

"..." Hui Ye.

Whether it was Hayaka who was listening or Hui Ye who was stealing-listening, it felt so miserable.

They didn't expect that Night God Moon would tell such a heavy thing so simply.

"So, it is my chance to win Shigong Huiye this time, to become a student president and have a school direct recommendation, no matter which university you can go to, and it is free of trial admission, for my family It is necessary. So I must be the student president. "


Watching Ye Shenyue line up for cash register, and Zasaka had the opportunity to ventilate with Hui Ye.

"What should I do? I just looked at Baiyin Yuxing's eyes. His eyes did not flicker, and he should be telling the truth." Sasaka reported to Miss Huiye here.

"... I didn't expect it to be such a heavy topic."

Hui Ye was at a loss.

Sigh for Baiyin Yuxing's life experience.


Sasaka only discovered one thing because.

Isn't she going to attack Baiyin Yuxing? What the **** is being touched by the other party now.

So, Smith A. Evenaka was dispatched again. ..

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