Protagonist Aura

Vol 28 Chapter 48: I suggest breaking up the couple's question! under! (For complete order)

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"Ah, um." Knowing that Huiye was eavesdropping outside the door, Night God Moon seemed to be thinking, and then came to the conclusion, "There is no doubt that this one called Kashiwagi is like you."


This kind of view is just right! The student named Kashiwagi has no feeling for this boy!

Almost when Ye Shenyue said this, Ye Shenyue felt that she had heard Hui Ye's voice hiding outside the door.

"Listen, girls are all nonsense creatures, so you need to think about their actions in reverse.

For example, this person gives you chocolates that look like Yili, but it may be that she is embarrassed, so mix the handmade chocolate **** into it, and then let even other people see it and do n’t know that it is her handmade of. "Night God Moon Road."

"Yes, is that true?" Classmate Yi was immediately fooled.

But he also told a cruel fact, "Only one day, Kashiwagi suddenly asked me if there were any people I like. I answered no."


Actually, Kashiwagi is good, but Ye Shenyue still listens carefully.

"And Kashiwagi said to the other three partners, look, he doesn't have a girlfriend yet. So I might just be teased." Classmate Yi suddenly fell down.

"Do not!"

Ye Shenyue said, "You said that, her companion is still over there, and how could the girls casually reveal which boys they like, unless the other is very good, then they can be taken out. But you think about it, what are your grades? "

"Ah, about 140." Classmate Yi answered.

"What about sports talent?"

"Well, it's not fast," Classmate Yi answered honestly.

"Look, there is no way to use it to convince friends. So, she can only cover up her feelings like this." Ye Shenyue said.

"That is to say, Kashiwa may actually like me?"

"It's possible. After all, many girls are creatures with bad faith."

"That's it."

Student Wing stood up all at once, and then held Ye Shenyue's hand, "Thank you for being president, so I feel much better when I think about it."

But he was lost in confusion again, "It's just that I don't know how to confess, then there will be new ideas--"

"It's really a lost lamb." Night God Moon Road said while standing up.

Now Hui Ye is still hiding in the door of the student union.

Today, it ’s really boring to just give a passerby a love consultation, so it ’s better to take advantage of this opportunity to brush Hui Ye ’s favors first.

Originally, there was a strand of hair floating in the gap of the door, but maybe it was because he was aware that he was coming, and Huihui suddenly hid.

But it doesn't matter.

Can feel her right behind this door.

And still hiding behind the door.

Night God Moon turned sideways, "Pretend that there is that girl here, and then stand here."

Ye Shenyue gave an explanation for the demonstration of Yi students, but it was actually meant for Shigonghui Ye outside.

Because of this, she probably will be interested and will not move her body.

"Just do it to her--"

Ye Shenyue suddenly slapped on the door.

An unexpected came.

Although Huiye was not in the right place, she should have known that this was actually a wallop.

"Connect with me." Ye Shenyue suddenly said seriously.

As if classmate Hui Ye was on his front side.


Then I heard a suppressed voice.

Hui Ye was really taken aback.

But today will only stop here.

Ye Shenyue turned around, "That's it. Suddenly blaming her will make her uneasy. However, when you confess and tell love, then you will become uneasy and become emotional. The success rate of confession will rise.

"And this way I call it the wall buzzer. How? Have the guts to confess it?"

"Genius!" Classmate Yi was inspired. "Thank you, President, let me feel the blood of confession!"

"Oh, but I suggest that you should try it yourself against the wall tonight, and then confess it tomorrow." Ye Shenyue added again.

"It's the chairman, I understand!"

As if I was encouraged, I expressed my gratitude and rejoiced-I went back.

However, until Ye Shenyue finished her job as a student president and left the student union classroom, Hui Ye did not come in.


Even if it ’s just fake, it ’s just a guide for Yi students.

But such sudden Suddenness has been told by Bi Dong that love is too stinging for her-it was exciting.

However, there are other things to do at night. Using the authority of the student president, he has found out who Kashiwagi is in the mouth of classmate Yi.

Kashiwagi, the granddaughter of the chairman of the Federation of Economic Organizations, the daughter of the chairman of the shipbuilding company, one of the VIPs of Hidechi Institute.

Together with Wing, the Volunteer Department was established as Minister. Excellent grades, top ten in grade.

It turns out so.

It is a very good girl.

Although it is not as good as Huiye or Fujiwara in appearance, it is also a nice and cute girl.

So, this is not something that can be chased away by the doctor's family members.

And when she saw her information, Ye Shenyue knew why she felt that the other party had a strange male aura when she saw the student Yi.

It turned out that he was pushed by the student president Bai Yinyuxing in the original book, so he confessed to Kashiwagi, and the two were together.

In fact, one of Kashiwagi's friends, Shijo Zhenfei, likes wings.

But Ao Jiao couldn't say anything, and then the two of them were directly at home, so various shows of love persecuted Zhen Fei.

In the original work, this team was promoted by Baiyin Yuxing.

but now.

[Do you really want to do this? ]

The book of truth is powerless to talk.

Because Ye Shenyue not only infiltrated Kashiwagi's home, but also shuffled a bunch of memories to Kashiwagi.

"This is currently the fastest plan for Kashiwagi to grow up." Ye Shenyue stuffed Kashiwagi with some of his memories.

That is to say.


Is very good at soaking-Niu's memory.

In the original book, although the president encouraged Wing to make a bold confession to Kashiwagi, in fact, she later showed no nervousness after interacting with Wing.

That is to say, being confessed and then interacting is just a momentary heartbeat.

That is, little girls have little experience.

and so.

Ye Shenyue is now stuffing her with a lot of experience.

How could she be easily confessed to be successful?

Now I think a certain student is very good in school, but when you come to society, you will find more excellent people. The horizon should be enlarged and enlarged.

This is the purpose of Night God Moon.


He doesn't want to promote any couples.


The next day.

"Dang ~" Classmate Yi was encouraged, and after a night of practicing the wall-drums, he expressed his confession to Kashiwagi.

"please date with me.

He seriously recalled the skills the president taught him.

Let the girl feel uneasy, and then tell love to make the other person's heart move!

"Huh? Is this a bungee? Although it was only done for the first time, but I think it needs a little hand to make the girl more emotional." Classmate Kashiki said, "Also, very Sorry, I have no feelings for you. "

Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow.

Almost instantly.

All three of Kashiwagi's companions heard a heartbreaking voice.


"Isn't this ting done well."

Looking far away with a binocular telescope, the eyes of Classmate Wing's lost heart pressed against the ground, Ye Shenyue was satisfied.

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