Protagonist Aura

Vol 28 Chapter 88: Realm of the Four Palaces

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"I heard that your exams have always been the first grade. If only Qianhua in our family could learn more from you."

"You laughed, and Qianhua's grades were also very good."

"You don't have to be humble with me. What does our family look like? My father is not clear yet? She was able to enter the student union and also serve as secretary, thanks to your care."

"It's too much! How can I say my daughter like this!"

"Haha, Yuxing, next time you must come to my house to play with Xiaogui."


Ye Shenyue and Fujiwara Earth's business talked and laughed at each other, and Ye Shenyue also felt that Fujiwara Earth's person had no racks and did not delay.

More importantly, he also wanted to silence his daughter, and it was necessary to have a good relationship.

Moreover, I heard that Mr. Fujiwara has three daughters, and he hasn't seen the other two.

However, if someone is happy, there are naturally others who are unhappy.

Chiharu Fujiwara was blushing pretty and looked very excited.

However, Hui Ye, who has been neglected with Chiharu Fujiwara but was neglected, suddenly gloomed.

"What's going on with this man? It wasn't too long before he met the receptionist and went to his house, too?

Obviously, even I have not invited the chairman to go home ...

What's more, the president and Kyu were stared at once! Are you going to start with Kei? "

"Oh, that's what it is."

Hui Ye's face was murky, and she looked blankly at the people who were talking and laughing.

"The father-daughter partnership is like the President, is this the influence of the dirty bloodline that only the politicians who survived their struggle like this have?"

"Are you a classmate of Shigong Huiye?"

Fujiwara felt the girl ’s attention and suddenly turned to smile, "I want to hold a dinner to thank you for your care for Qianhua. Can you invite you to come with Bai Yin classmates?"

"I'll be there!"

The accumulation in the heart of the Four Palaces was swept away at once, a look of excitement and anticipation.

"..." Ye Shenyue, who accidentally focused on Hui Ye's look, was suddenly dumb.

Isn't Huiye's performance now the famous Sinomiya Realm?

He knew that sometimes she would look at Fujiwara Chika with a non-human eye, and now she moved to her father, but.

As long as it fits her heart a little, she will turn cloudy in a flash.

It's so easy to understand.

"It's time for the game, I'll pass it first."

Ye Shenyue watched the performance on stage, and suddenly said, "I am the main force in our class."

"Are the sports of Bai Yin classmates good?"

Fujiwara was a little puzzled, and asked Shinomiya.

"Well, the president's physical fitness is very good."

Because he was invited with Yeshenyue, the four palaces were very happy. "Don't look at the president, talking about physical fitness, but the student union is the first!"

"It turned out to be so great."

Fujiwara's face was appreciative, and he felt more regret in his heart why he didn't have such a son of Wenwu Shuangquan.

"So, I will leave first."

Fujiwara landed with a friendly smile on his face.


Shigong Huiye also left and ran to the nearby wall. Looking secretly not far away, Ye Shenyue, who was already preparing to continue on the side of the track, couldn't help but raise small stars with peach blossoms on her face.

"That kid is the student president."

An uncle with canned cola and sunglasses came slowly, "Anyway, it must be desperately trying not to look foreign."

Shigong Huiye's expression collapsed in an instant. The unknown uncle clearly distrusted his words.

Do you know that the president's family history is not good, so the guy who looks down on people because of his identity?

"Your words like this, I can't think I didn't hear it."

Shigonghui stared at him expressionlessly and said coldly, "President Silver is very good. As a representative of this school, he deserves it. Your unfounded slander makes me unacceptable."

Although it is called by respect, there is no respect in the language.

For this kind of guy who leans on the old and sells the old, Si Gonghui Ye has always looked down on.

"Oh, great?"

The uncle froze a bit, apparently did not expect that he would be sprayed by a little girl. But still disdainful, he sneered, "It's just a little ghost with no hair, it may be very good to outsiders."


Shigong Huiye's eyes suddenly became dangerous, "I am not an outsider! I am the vice president of the student union of this school, Shigong Huiye!"

"But, I have been working with President Silver, and I know more about President than you!"

"Shigonghui Ye?"

The uncle apparently froze, took off his glasses and carefully looked at the girl in front of him.

"It turns out that's what it is."

The middle-aged uncle seemed to think of something, and even his speech became full of words, "Oh, it's really disrespectful."

"So, classmates in the fourth house, right?"

The middle-aged uncle coughed twice, and then pretended to sternly sink his voice, "Then can you describe me Bai Yin Yuxing, what kind of person is it?"

"If, I mean if."

The middle-aged uncle emphasized, "If what you say is acceptable to me, then I will take back what I just said and apologize."


Shigong Huiye froze for a moment, and then his white face quietly climbed up two blushes, "I, I understand!"

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