Protagonist Aura

Vol 29 Chapter 4: Hinata was robbed! Go!

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There was an angry expression on the man's face, and he had no idea that Ye Shenyue would look like this when he heard this.

According to his thinking, if you meet such a person, you will definitely feel very scared when you hear what they say. Then you know that Ye Shenyue has no fear at all.

Even dare to do something against them.

Night God Moon's body technique is much stronger than before.

His ability is to multiply the composition in seconds with the number of days here. He clenched his fist in his right hand and blasted directly in the direction of the person in front of him.

"How strong are you?" Ye Shenyue's face sneered with disdain. He narrowed his eyes and said in the direction of these people.

The men didn't want to stay at all. They felt that the sweat on their bodies had shed, as if they had been stared at.

Is Night God Moon's ability really so strong? This is what they did not believe at all.

The lead man, the song Ye Shenshenyue, bumped his hands together. His condition was much better than that of the redhead, otherwise he would not be the leader of this place.

The two collided together, but no one was separated.

Ye Shenyue felt that the place was wrong. This person seemed to be able to absorb his Chakra. What ability is this?

Is it just a small person, can this be the case?

Ye Shenyue suddenly showed a sneer on his face, and he threw the shuriken directly in the direction of the man.

The man had to be separated from the Night God Moon, and the Chakra he absorbed was only back to his body when the Night God Moon was turned back in an instant, and his own Chakra was reduced.

"What's going on?" The man's face was full of shock. He was not concerned about Chakra now.

The lead person gently wiped his hand. During the contact with Ye Shenyue just now, he felt the fiery feeling and did not know what was going on.

The leading man was very angry. He glanced in the direction of the people behind him. He thought they were all clear about things here.

But now it seems that the idea is quite good, not at all.

The man on the side opened his mouth: "Isn't he not good at shuriken?"

Ye Shenyue no matter what the thoughts of these people are, he did not give those people any chance at all.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "All come, and leave what you have in your hands."

Those people were obviously very angry, and they glanced in the direction of the night **** moon.

But the people behind were not opponents of Ye Shenyue at all, and they could n’t do anything. Afterwards, they threw the shuriken in their hands like Ku Wu as something without money, and threw them in the direction of Ye Shenyue .

"Why?" The leading man roared, very angry.

Ye Shenyue blinked innocently, and he shook his hand. "My fist is harder than yours."

Ye Shenyue struggled with them again.

Looking at their actions on the other side, Hinata Hinata on the side was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that Ye Shenyue could even fight with those people for himself.

The fight here was soon discovered by other people. ..

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