Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 239 [Sun Celebration]

"Psychic power, reputation."

Three seconds after Chakoro finished speaking, Lapis Lazuli said concisely.

"Not everyone, including the omnics, hopes that 'Attar' will reappear. The psychic power of the second ring is still a little weak."

Lapis Lazuli seemed to be completely unmoved by what Chakoro had just said, and said in a low and powerful voice: "Now I am 'Lapis Lazuli', and I need the Enlightened to help me accumulate reputation in advance. When I am promoted to the third ring, I will reveal my identity to the omnics and take back control."

"Sir Chakoro." It looked at the other party and said slowly: "I can promise you that at that time, when the company is suppressed again, the omnics will stand behind you and the Enlightened."

"Then, I, Chakoro Vaughan, also promise here. From this moment on, you are the ally of the Enlightened."

Chakoro did not hesitate and stretched out his right hand: "Our cooperation will be successful."

Lapis Lazuli also stretched out a mechanical arm and said in a deep voice: "-It will be successful."

Song Shi watched the two parties shake hands, thought for a while, and clapped his hands beside him, just as applause.

Hearing the applause, Cha Keluo turned his head and cast his eyes over, pausing for a few seconds.

"Song Shi." His tone was a little inexplicable: "You are lucky to be able to see Yaoxing III. Even if I don't cover it up and tell others directly, I'm afraid no one will believe it."

Cha Keluo said, and sighed again: "It's a pity that I didn't see it with my own eyes once."

"Let me think, since we have almost talked about it, can we leave?"

Song Shi smiled, then stood up: "Lapis Lazuli will probably stay here for a while, I won't wait."

Lapis Lazuli also rose up, without denying.

The comprehensive level of Enlightenment's technology, equipment and other resources is certainly not as good as that of giant enterprises, but as the first behemoth under the banner of anti-corporation, what it can mobilize is still far more than an individual.

Since the cooperation has been reached, Lapis Lazuli must use the resources of Enlightenment to update some equipment and implants, and at the same time discuss more specific details of the cooperation.

"——No, Song Shi, there is a share for you."

But then, Cha Keluo shook his head and motioned for him to sit down: "Originally, I was still considering the candidate."

He looked at the young man: "You are at the peak of the second ring, so you came just in time."


Hearing this, Song Shi raised his eyebrows slightly: "You said?"

"How much do you know about the celebration?" Cha Keluo paused and added: "The Sun Celebration hosted by Fubo Energy."

"I have heard of it, but I am not very clear."

Song Shi sat back in his original position and thought about it: "A large-scale entertainment celebration of semi-public nature led by Fubo Energy, strengthening authority, bonding and buffering conflicts among all parties, combining traditional, folk customs and faith factors?"

"Now that you mention it, I have an impression." Song Shi pinched his chin: "I have been receiving advertising pushes these days. I remember the date was set for half a month later? What, do you want to disrupt the situation?"

Cha Keluo nodded calmly.

As the Rokar Plain, which was once known as the "fertile land with abundant water", due to the various fertility brought by the innate abundant sunlight resources, a very strong "sun worship" was born here.

In the ancient kingdom, the Mentada Dynasty unified the entire Rokar Plain, spent a long time, and completed a certain degree of environmental transformation project with the power of psychic energy. After the abundant solar resources were transformed into terrifying ones, this worship became more pious - the Mentada Dynasty itself also needed this worship to stabilize its rule.

They unified the scattered primitive beliefs, formulated more detailed religious theories, established formal churches, and the royal family members declared themselves "descendants of the sun god".

Relying on the royal family's achievements in environmental transformation and the past customs of the Rokar Plain, this "sun worship" belief was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In addition, it was easy to rule and too easy to use. Even though the Mentada Dynasty was destroyed later, most of the new rulers of each generation patched up the religious theory and continued to use it.

In the history of the Rokar Plain in the past three thousand years, there have been more than a dozen "sun god families" with actual records.

Therefore, even if the dynasty changes, the worship of the sun, or the belief in the "sun god", has long been deeply immersed in every corner of the Rokar Plain, and each generation of rulers will definitely occupy this most orthodox claim.

Even sixty-five years ago.

[Fubo Energy] joined hands with another giant enterprise [Fugu Kaituo] to flatten the old debris on this land, and priced the sun with the "macro-state light energy matrix" that covered the sky, and put it on the shelves in a grand manner. This belief has not dissipated much.

To be more precise.

After fierce internal discussions and countless situation deductions, [Fubo Energy] chose to maintain this sun worship between "maintaining" and "erasing" - they believe that this will be more beneficial.

Facts have proved that their judgment was not wrong.

Under the comprehensive public opinion control for sixty years, now, when people in the Rockal Plain mention Zhuguang City and Fubo Energy, they still insult and angrily rebuke them, but the object of the rebuke.

has long been transformed into the "unreasonable" pricing of various energy services by Fubo Energy.

- Rather than, Fubo Energy's control over the "sun"!

The subtle influence of continuous public opinion control and the customs and beliefs deeply rooted in the blood, even though insults and criticisms have become daily, in the hearts of most people, in a change that they themselves have not noticed, they have already acknowledged the legitimacy of Fubo Energy.

"New God's People", the glorious Groden.

In the Rockal Plain, some new religious worship individuals and organizations have even emerged.

They will burst into tears when they see the photos of Groden members attending the charity dinner on the cover of the magazine, and feel the latter's kindness and generosity.

When Fubo Energy once again announced that it had developed new technologies in the energy field, they will proudly stand up and tell others about the outstanding leadership of the Groden family.

When Groden members attend outdoor activities, they will wait all night in advance at the closest distance allowed by the security team, holding up customized holographic light and shadow billboards, waiting for the former to appear, and cheering loudly with all their strength to praise their great achievements.

In a sense, the [Sun Celebration] was born from this.

The venue of this annual event is the City of Casting Light, a corporate miracle entity created by Fubo Energy.

The [Sun Celebration] is based on the solar mythology circulated in the Rockal Plain. Fubo Energy is the largest sponsor and works with the government to hold a large-scale celebration that lasts for several days and spreads throughout the city.

Groden members will attend every Sun Celebration.

During this period, Fubo Energy will open the restrictions of the macro-state light energy matrix, allowing the glory of Groden to spread throughout the city. They will provide a large amount of low-priced or even free food, medicine, energy rations and various charitable services, and hold various limited-time entertainment activities - all of the above are no longer limited to the inner city, and the outer city can also enjoy them!

This is Groden, the glory of compassion.

"——And now."

Song Shi turned his head and looked at Cha Keluo, and said seriously: "You are so evil that you want to interfere with it?"

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