Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 1043 Postscript 2 (Baiyue and the Wolf Clan)

Baiyue is located in the South China Sea area of ​​​​the Central Plains.

It is rich in materials, with all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, poisonous insects, rats, and ants everywhere, and even more towering trees. It is an undeveloped area. Different from the prosperity of the Central Plains, this area of ​​Baiyue is no different from the original forest. There are no Traces of large-scale human development.

On the one hand, the foreign races in the Baiyue Land do not have the brilliant culture of the Central Plains, and the population gathers in the form of cottages. On the other hand, there are terrain restrictions.

There are very few plains in Baiyue Land, and most of them are rugged mountain roads. Even if there are abundant materials, I don't know how to use them.

This is very similar to Shushan.

In this era without seaports, these areas were destined to be extremely poor.


This also made the Land of Baiyue an area that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. Historically, even the Qin State with millions of soldiers could not do anything about this place.

It is easy to defeat, but it is really difficult to conquer. In the end, we can only choose to station a large army to guard it. This also led Zhao Tuo to occupy the mountain and become the king, establish the South Vietnam Kingdom, and transfer various crafts and advanced culture of the Central Plains to the past. It laid the foundation for the rise of alien races in later generations.

It can be said.

The history of the Central Plains is a bad debt, and many of the enemies were raised by the Central Plains people themselves.

But now because of Luo Yan's arrival, this bad debt has to be settled.

Sometimes people are very strange. No matter which tribe they belong to, they are always more interested in dealing with their own people than outsiders. This may be the so-called knowing yourself and your enemy and you will be victorious in any battle.

Over the years, the Land of Baiyue has fallen into such chaos.

The major tribes were beguiled by the various luxurious items in the Central Plains, and the large amounts of food and weapons were transported, causing several major tribes to cause massacres in various places.

No one lacks ambition and desire.

Once you gain enough power, both will be infinitely amplified.

A place forever. There can only be one king, unless the other is female.

There was a dense forest in Baiyue, surrounded by overgrown weeds. Suddenly a ball of hot flames swept across, burning all the weeds within a hundred meters of radius. At the same time, some ruins were exposed, and none of the bricks that were knocked out by humans were There is no indication that anyone has ever lived here.

But as time goes by, the traces of the past have long been buried by weeds, and even the traces are getting fainter.

If a few more decades pass, not even a trace may be found here.

"is it here?"

Luo Yan walked up to Yan Lingji, held her cold jade hand, and asked softly with a bit of tenderness and concern in his eyes.

Yan Lingji's dreamlike eyes were a little blurred, and she looked around with a bit of sadness. After a moment, she shook her head and whispered softly: "I don't know, too many years have passed. What happened back then?" The memory has long been blurred..."

In the past, she was burned out with a fire, and later she was taken away and trained to be Tianze's guard. Later, she was invaded by various countries in the Central Plains, and she also became a prisoner.

Then he met Luo Yan.

No one seems to care about her past, or rather, no one cares about her past.

What Tianze wants is a killer. What those people in the Central Plains want is her beauty and body. The only person who cares about her seems to be Luo Yan. Thinking of this, Yan Lingji's beautiful eyes moved and she looked at Luo Yan. A bright, beautiful smile suddenly appeared.

Why did he laugh suddenly... Luo Yan looked at Yan Lingji, who was full of sadness a moment ago, and now laughed suddenly, and was a little confused as to what she was thinking.

"Would you like to go somewhere else?"

Luo Yan asked.

During the time he came to the Land of Baiyue, he left the business to Wang Li, while he took Yan Lingji to visit the mountains and rivers, helping her find memories of the past. Unfortunately, some things passed too long after all. .

"No more searching, let's go back."

Yan Lingji seemed to understand something, shook her head, took two steps forward, and rested her head on Luo Yan's shoulder, "It's all in the past, now I have you."

As he spoke, he held Luo Yan's clothes tightly with both hands.

"I will always be by your side in the future."

Luo Yan felt Yan Lingji's attachment, put his arms around her slender waist, and said softly.

The wind in the mountains is very gentle~


Yan Lingji responded and leaned softly into Luo Yan's arms.

. . . . . . . . . .

Baiyue's massacre is still continuing, but this time the massacre is more thorough and direct than before.

in other words.

In the past, Baiyue was the empire's breeding ground. All major tribes received funding from the empire with food and weapons, ensuring that they were equal in strength. Whoever was weak would be supported, allowing the major tribes to fight each other and deepen their hatred. , this situation lasted for nearly ten years.

As for now, the arrival of Wang Li and his armor-piercing soldiers has pushed the massacre to its peak.

Those who resist will be slaughtered without any need for benevolence and morality.

War never needs to be about this.

Especially in ancient times, the so-called benevolence, righteousness and morality were nothing more than alms from the victors, and even survival was a luxury for the losers.

"Your Majesty, there are several major tribes willing to surrender. Wang Li sent a message asking how to deal with it."

Not long after Luo Yan returned to the mirage with Yan Lingji, Mo Ya brought a message from Wang Li and asked Luo Yan what he thought.

"The land of Baiyue, the barbarians in the north, and even the Mauryan Dynasty in the near future, these are not people from the Central Plains, they are not my race, and their hearts must be different. Do you think their surrender is reliable? They only believe in the strong, and the weak will eat the strong. , we are here to conquer, if we don’t kill them, they won’t be obedient.”

Luo Yan stood in the pavilion of Toad Palace, overlooking the afterglow of the setting sun. His expression was unusually calm and indifferent. He knew the people of Baiyue Land very well. The people in this area were very cruel. Compared with them, even Shushan had to stand aside. .

"Send a message to Wang Li that the empire's future Baiyue County only needs women and children."

One sentence decided the fate of the entire Baiyue.

Mo Ya felt a chill in his heart. Looking at the expressionless Luo Yan, he wanted to ask Luo Yan how to explain to Tianze, but as soon as the thought came up, he had the answer in his heart.

The person in front of me is no longer the talkative scholar in Korea back then.

As the King of Yueyang of Qin, Mo Ya knew very well how cold his heart was. The other party may never have thought of letting Tianze continue to live.

Does the land of Baiyue need a king?

Of course not.

Everything in Baiyue will become a thing of the past. Their generation will be slaughtered by Wang Li's army. Women and children will become the subjects of the empire and the seeds of the future Baiyue County. Even if some adults can survive, Their fate is also doomed.


Mo Ya looked at Luo Yan's back, moved his lips, raised his hands in response, and immediately went to deal with the matter.

Luo Yan naturally also knows some of Mo Crow's thoughts. Not only him, but many people may think that he is cold-blooded, scary, and ruthless, but he is only doing this for the future. He can be kind and kind now, but the final outcome is just for Sowing the seeds of future disaster.

Some things need to be done by someone after all.

. . . . . . . . . .

Same time, different place, but the same thing happened.

In the desert at the northern border of the empire, Meng Tian personally led 50,000 golden fire cavalry to slaughter Touman's tribe. Except for women and children, no other adults were spared. The ruthless killing turned the entire tribe into a meat grinder. Corpses littered the fields, and even the ground was stained red with blood.

The setting sun is like blood, and it is like this land.

The sword in Meng Tian's hand also trembled slightly. Looking at the purgatory-like battlefield in front of him, even his iron-blooded heart twitched slightly.

This was not a war, but a one-sided massacre.

But Luo Yan's words were still echoing in his ears.

Meng Tian knew very well that this massacre was just the beginning. There were still many massacres waiting for him in distant foreign lands. He needed to spread the empire's reputation and make them fearful, instead of waiting until one day, the foreign armies killed him. Entering the heart of the empire, the roles are reversed!

"Is this the empire's army?"

At this moment, on the hillside not far away, Kliman was watching this massacre, clenching his spear tightly, with fear and a little fighting spirit in his eyes. As a warrior from a foreign country in the Western Region, he was never afraid of war. They, these warriors, It was born for war!

The voluptuous Hu Ji clenched her fists, watched all this with a pair of strange-colored eyes, and bit her thin lips tightly. She knew very well that this massacre was just the beginning.

That devil never thought of letting them go so easily!

From the beginning, the other side seemed to eat them all, just like the annexation between tribes on the grassland. All adult men were killed, so that women and children had the value of living. They would become the future fighting force of the tribe.

But this is done on the grassland because of lack of food.

As for the other party.

They want to destroy the roots of the grassland and make the wolf tribe completely extinct and have no future.

His heart is extremely vicious!

"...You will definitely be cursed by the wolf clan!"

There was hatred and humiliation in Hu Ji's eyes, as well as a trace of fear and submission that she didn't want to admit.


The massacre was over.

Meng Tian led people to slowly approach Hu Ji and Kleeman, especially Kleeman. His eyes were extremely sharp and he said in a deep voice: "After this battle is over, you can go visit your sister. As for you, Kleeman Man, if you are willing, you can join my expeditionary force, and I can take you back to your own country!"


After hearing this, Kliman pondered for a moment and responded directly.

He never thought of the words "lead the wolf into the house". As a warrior, he was willing to follow the strong man's ideas.

"Is the empire going to extend its hand to a foreign country? Isn't it afraid that it will stretch its hand too far and never come back?"

Hu Ji sneered, with a hint of disdain.

"Go away with gold and iron, and return with corpses wrapped in horse leather!"

Meng Tian looked at Hu Ji calmly and said with a firm voice: "Even if we die in battle, we will fight to spread the empire's reputation and make those foreign countries fearful. This is the destination of the empire's soldiers!"


Hu Ji was silent. She didn't know how to refute, even if she wanted to be tough.

But all she had left was to be stubborn, and someone could make her unable to be tough.

Luo held his head high and his chest high.

PS: I have finished writing the postscript, and there will be a few extra chapters to come. I will finish it before the 5th, and then start a new book before the 10th.

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