Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 105 I’m not interested in money

Luo Yan sat on the carriage and continued to tease the kid Bai Feng, but in his heart he was thinking about where Mo Crow had gone.

Mo Ya was Ji Wuye's number one henchman. If he was suddenly transferred, it was obvious that something had happened.

It seems that General Ji still doesn’t regard me as one of his own.

He didn't even tell me anything.

So sad.

Fortunately, I don’t regard Ji Wuye as one of my own~

When Luo Yan thought of this, he suddenly felt a lot more at ease, and then his attention was focused on Bai Feng. At this moment, Bai Feng's face was covered with frost after being harassed by Luo Yan, just like the expression of a junior high school student when his parents were nagging him. I was filled with disgust and boredom, and I wanted to turn around and leave, but I couldn't.

After all, this is the mission!

He could only endure Luo Yan's verbal harassment patiently.

"You are really boring. I've been talking for so long, but you haven't responded at all. How can you stay in the General's Mansion with a temper like yours?"

Luo Yan paused, changed the topic, and asked.

"are not you tired?!"

Bai Feng seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. She looked at Luo Yan with extremely dissatisfied eyes and asked.

At this moment, he didn't understand why Luo Yan was so eloquent. The two parties didn't seem to be very familiar with each other.

"I'm tired, so you have to give me some reaction, otherwise I will feel very embarrassed after saying so much."

Luo Yan put his hands on the back of his head, tilted his head slightly, looked at Bai Feng who responded, and chuckled.


Bai Feng took a deep breath. He was really not good at dealing with people like Luo Yan. Compared to Luo Yan, he even thought those motionless corpses were cuter. At least they weren't annoying.

But soon Bai Feng breathed a sigh of relief because their destination had arrived.

A restaurant.

After arriving, Luo Yan had no intention of teasing Bai Feng.

Because at the door of the restaurant, Anpingjun and Longquanjun had already come up to them with several Korean dignitaries, their old faces full of smiles.

"I thought you forgot about today's banquet."

Anping Jun glanced at Luo Yan who was coming, and the smile on his face seemed to be a little more enthusiastic. He walked up, reached out and grabbed Luo Yan's hand, and said with a kind smile on his face.

Are we so familiar? !

Luo Yan was held by Lord Anping's hand. Looking at his enthusiastic expression, he felt a little helpless. Then he looked at the people approaching and quickly took his hand out of Lord Anping's. He bowed and said, "I've kept you waiting for so long." , some things at home have been delayed."

"It doesn't matter, I've just arrived soon!"

"I've heard of Mr. Luo's name a long time ago, and now that I've met him like this, he's well-deserved~"

"Indeed, young talent!"

"Thank you for your praise. All of you here are elders. I can't deserve your praise~"

. . . . . .

In an instant, Luo Yan and these dignitaries began to talk to each other about business, and walked into the restaurant while talking.

Bai Feng, who was sitting in the carriage, looked at this scene and frowned, as if he couldn't understand why Luo Yan could chat with these guys so well. He felt disgusted just looking at those old guys. The latter guy.

As a night killer, Bai Feng is very aware of the dirty things behind the scenes of South Korea's powerful people.

Only you can't think of those things, and you can't do them without them.

"A raccoon dog of the same kind."

Bai Feng took a deep look at Luo Yan, who was surrounded by stars, and thought to himself.

. . . . . .

Just when Luo Yan was accompanying a group of nobles.

Prime Minister's Mansion, in the study.

An old man with an extraordinary bearing and a calm attitude was sitting on his knees in front of the desk.

There is a piece of silk on the table in front of him, on which are written the four sentences of Hengqu that Luo Yan read aloud in the main hall the day before yesterday.

for these few sentences.

Kaifangchi spent most of the past two days staring at it in a daze, reminiscing about the past, what he had done over the years, and reflecting on himself.

At this moment, there was a subtle knock on the door. Looking up, he saw a handsome young man standing at the door, with a gentle temperament and humble dark eyes. looked at him.

"Zifang, what's going on?!"

"Grandpa, Master Nangong and the others are here."

Zhang Liang nodded slightly and spoke to Zhang Kai very politely.


He nodded openly, put away the silk cloth in front of him, put it aside solemnly, then got up and walked out of the house.

Zhang Liang, who was standing at the door, watched Zhang Zhang go away. When no one could be seen, a flash of curiosity flashed in his eyes. After hesitating for a moment, he sneaked into the study and his eyes fell on the silk on the table. cloth.

In the past two days, he had often seen his grandfather staring at this piece of silk in a daze.

Zhang Liang has long been curious about this.

It's just that his strict upbringing prevented him from asking casual questions or disturbing Kaifang.


Just keep it secret so you don't get discovered.

Zhang Liang opened the piece of silk carefully, like a young man at home secretly opening the door to a new world without telling adults. . .

the other side.

In the main hall where guests are received.

Kaifang also met Nangong Ling and others, who were considered the conservatives in Korea.

Ji Wuye and others are protecting the prince and belong to the princeling party.

Finally, there is the neutral party of Fourth Young Master Han Yu.

The three parties check and balance each other to maintain the stability and normal operation of the Korean court.

"How's it going?"

As the maidservant brought the pastries and tea, she waved her hand widely for them to leave. As the door closed tightly, she looked at the people present and asked in a low voice with an old and powerful voice.

On the left, a middle-aged man with a slightly burly figure and luxurious clothes spoke first:

"It has been checked. He came to Xinzheng with the Ninth Young Master Han Fei. The relationship between the two is unknown for the time being. There is a female family member in the family. In addition, there is also a baby girl who should be his wife and child."

"After arriving in Xinzheng, he separated from the Ninth Young Master Han Fei, and then bought a house with a yard through Yaxing to live in. Then he stayed in love with Zilan Xuan all day long and became a frequent visitor to Zilan Xuan. There are even rumors , had an improper relationship with Zi Nu, the proprietress of Zi Lan Xuan."

Having said this, Nangong Ling couldn't help but pause.

"Zi Lan Xuan?!"

He looked at Nangong Ling with open eyes and confusion. The name sounded familiar to him, as if he had heard it somewhere.

"Xiangguo, Zilanxuan is a romantic place."

Wang Kaixiao, who was opposite Nangong Ling, gave a dry laugh and explained to Zhang Zhangdi that he knew that Zhang Zhangdi didn't know much about Zilanxuan. After all, he was old and had no willpower, not to mention that the Zhang family had strict rules and many people in the family. Few people visit this kind of place.


Hearing this with open eyes, his brows furrowed for a moment, he reached out and slapped the table with extreme dissatisfaction, and shouted in a low voice, as if he didn't expect Luo Yan to be such a person.

Fortunately, he had previously thought that Luo Yan was a serious scholar with high moral character.

The result was so unbearable that at such a young age, he stayed in the romantic place all day long.

How can such a person be good? !

Nangong Ling's expression did not change when he heard this, and even looked a little more solemn. He said slowly: "He didn't just go to Zilanxuan to eat, drink and have fun. I think this person has a very purposeful approach to what he does."


He opened his eyes and looked at Nangong Ling again, frowning, waiting for the next step.

"Prime Minister, everyone, you have all overlooked one issue, that is, this person has only been in Xinzheng for a few days, and within these few days, he has already walked to the Korean Hall, and even Anping Lord Longquan Lord and even Ji Wuye have Even the Fourth Young Master Han Yu participated in the recommendation."

Nangong Ling spoke in a serious tone, unhurriedly, with a serious look on his face.

He also discovered this problem after checking Luo Yan.

The moment the words fell, the hearts of everyone present suddenly tightened. They had indeed ignored this problem before and were all immersed in Luo Yan's performance in the hall that day.

I feel that it is normal for such a talented person to be recommended by others.

Now that I’ve sent it, I’ll think about it.

Is this normal? !

There are many talented people in the world, so why can Luo Yan be jointly recommended by Ji Wuye and others.

What's more, would someone like Ji Wuye recommend others just because they have great talents? !

Apparently he isn't.

"Finish it together!"

He looked at Nangong Ling with open eyes and solemnly, and said in a deep voice.

Nangong Ling nodded and continued: "According to my investigation, after he entered Zilanxuan, he began to make friends with businessmen. In the past, his conversations were all about business, and he spoke loudly, claiming that he had great business talents. The key point is that this person did have such a great talent, and the merchants who communicated with him were extremely convinced, and later recommended him to the powerful people behind him.

Only then did Luo Yan come into the eyes of Anping Junji Wuye and others.

Contact him one after another.

During this period, the Fourth Young Master also met him once.

Then things happened in the main hall. "

"Using his business talents to attract powerful people, he can enter the Korean palace and enter the eyes of the king. He is very scheming."

The man opened his eyes solemnly, slowly stroked his beard, and said in a low voice.

You can roughly see these things clearly after sorting them out a little.

"This man has great talents, but he is very scheming and has a strong sense of power. This can be seen from his frequent contact with the Fourth Young Master Ji Wuye. However, he should still be hesitant and has not completely chosen a side. Mr. Xiangguo, Should we consider contacting him?"

Nangong Ling looked at the open ground and asked.

"Look again and see what he is going to do!"

He took a deep breath and pondered for a moment before speaking slowly.

He still doubted Luo Yan's true purpose.

Could the person who could say those words in the court hall really be the kind of person who is greedy for power? !

If this is really the case.

Then Luo Yan is really scary.

At least it's not good news for them.

Think of this.

Zhang Kai's expression darkened.

. . . . . . .

do what?

That's naturally a clique, and I can give a speech by the way.

No matter what era you are in, what can you do that does not require a position or forming a party for personal gain?

What is society?

Society is like a big dyeing vat, where all kinds of people mix together and form a circle. If you want to mix well, you have to adapt to all kinds of people, instead of thinking that the dirty ones will purify themselves. The world is as black as crows, and there has never been anything like it. There are no absolute good people and no absolute evil people.

Everything is relative.

There are only eternal benefits.

Luo Yan was doing these things at the moment, accompanying this group of powerful people to talk to each other about business, and at the same time showing off his money-making plans. He opened his mouth to talk about various professional terms and huge profits, as if money had become a number, and he just opened his mouth.

"You guys have to believe me~"

Luo Yan stood up, with a serious look on his face, his tone was cadence, and he waved his hands like a conductor: "I am a scholar, I am not interested in money..."

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