Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 244 Rise and Fall

Luo Yan was shocked and outrageous by the concept of the Six-Fingered Black Man, but he did not comment.

For this kind of people, you can disagree with their views, but you are absolutely not qualified to despise their beliefs, because what modern people like Luo Yan lack most is belief.

The two parties live in different times and naturally have different views.

It is naturally difficult for people without faith to understand the thoughts and thinking of ancient people. This is a generation gap in thought.

"Understand and agree. You know how difficult and unrealistic this road is. People's hearts are complicated. Ambition and desire will lead to constant disputes. This is the bad root of human nature. No one can change it."

Luo Yan took a deep breath, looked a little more serious, stared at the Six-Fingered Black Man, and spoke slowly.

"I naturally know that this road is difficult, but as long as more and more people with lofty ideals gather together, I believe that one day, we can create a truly peaceful and prosperous age for the world!"

The six-fingered black man stroked his beard gently, his eyes showed no wavering at all, he remained firm and spoke calmly and forcefully.

This day will never come~

Luo Yan complained in his heart that even in modern times, there are still constant disputes. The so-called peaceful and prosperous age is always relative.

Want peace.

First of all, you must have capital that others dare not touch.

Secondly, there must be strong internal suppression to ensure internal harmony and so on.

These things can never be achieved with just one understanding and approval. This requires a huge state machine to maintain it. It uses the law to construct a series of rules and bind everyone. This is the reasonable way to move towards a peaceful and prosperous age.

As for the concept of the Six-Fingered Black Man, it is good, but it is too idealistic.

"But compared to like-minded people with lofty ideals, there are more ambitious people chasing power."

Luo Yan shook his head slightly and said slowly.

"Then what kind of person do you think you are?"

The six-fingered black man's eyes flashed, he looked at Luo Yan seriously, and said in a deep voice.


Naturally, I am a greedy, lustful, selfish layman.

Luo Yan positioned himself very accurately.

He is neither the kind of hero who can sacrifice himself for the sake of the world, nor the kind of sycophant who plots against others and disregards human life for some rights.

He is just an ordinary person who likes eating, drinking, having fun, and beautiful women.

A vulgar person.

But this obviously cannot be said to the Six-Fingered Black Man.

From the moment he uttered the four sentences of Hengqu, his character was already determined.

In this world, if you don’t have a good character, no one will want to play with you~

If the four lines of Hengqu thrown by Luo Yan were not powerful enough, the Mohist giant Six-fingered Black Man would not have come all the way to find them, and the same goes for the famous masters.

After all, not everyone is worthy of being stepped on by celebrities.


Luo Yan was silent for a while, then looked up at the Six-Fingered Black Man, without any emotion on his face, and said calmly: "You must already have this answer in your mind, so why should I say anything else!"

"Before I met you, I naturally investigated what you did after you entered Xinzheng, the capital of South Korea. To be honest, what you did made me a little disappointed. If it weren't for the four sentences you said, I would have left. , but what kind of person are you, I want to see it with my own eyes!"

The Six-fingered Black Man looked at Luo Yan and said slowly, his eyes a little complicated and a little regretful.

"Mozi once said: The world is a monologue, but I am the only black one. This statement is meant to be ironic, but for this reason, younger generations find it very interesting. It is precisely because the world is a monologue that we, the people living in this world, should integrate into it and not enter this world. How can you understand the various aspects of life once you go up a level? How can you understand the hardships of the world if you get higher and higher?

What do people in power pursue and what do they think?

There are some things that can still save many people by following the trend.

The junior is not a big shot like a giant, I am just a mere layman.

If I don’t make friends with the powerful, how can I let the world hear my voice, and how can I change the world!

After all, the world is a human world, composed of seven kingdoms! "

Luo Yan's eyes were calm and humble, he looked at the Six-fingered Black Man firmly and brightly, and said slowly.

At this moment, he attributed all his past actions to making friends with powerful people. In short, I did this out of necessity and for the sake of the world!

I am a good person!

He is a man who cares about the world!

".So, you should join our Mo family. Whatever you want to do, the Mo family can help you!"

The six-fingered black man was silent for a moment, stared at Luo Yan, and said in a deep voice.

Are there any beauties in the Mo family?

Luo Yan wanted to ask, but he was afraid of being chopped, so his face was serious. He shook his head slowly and said in a deep voice: "The Mo family can't help me, because the path I want to take is different from the Mo family."

"Your way?"

The six-fingered black man frowned and asked.

"I want to take a road of killing, destroy the six countries, unify the world, and end this chaotic world that has been divided for hundreds of years!"

Luo Yan looked at the Mo family giant and said calmly.

"Do you know how many people will die and how many families will be destroyed? Moreover, will peace really be achieved after unifying the world?"

The Mohist giant looked at Luo Yan and asked in a deep voice.

"So, my path is different from that of the Mohist family. Do you think that the path you take will definitely bring peace to the world? Even if it can, how long will it take? One hundred years, one thousand years, or ten thousand years. During this period, what will happen? How many people were killed or injured?

How many families will be broken up and killed.

Although the unification of the world cannot end war forever, it can achieve temporary peace, end this troubled world, give the world a chance to recuperate, and create hundreds of years of peace and prosperity for the world.

This is enough for me!

It’s not a worthwhile trip in this life! "

Luo Yan said slowly, with a determined expression, as if he had been working hard for this goal in his life.

The six-fingered black man had a serious expression. Just when Luo Yan thought the old man was about to get angry, the expression on his face suddenly relaxed and a smile appeared. He looked at Luo Yan with great appreciation and chuckled: "Okay. Very good, I hope you will remember what you said today, and do not go against your true intentions in what you do in the future. Although the paths you and the Mohists take are different, they lead to the same goal. I hope you will think more about the world!"

"Of course, this is what scholars of our generation should do!"

Luo Yan felt relieved when he saw the Six-fingered Black Man smiling, and quickly expressed his stance seriously.

He was also quite surprised.

This six-fingered black man does not seem to be old-fashioned. Even if he is faced with ideas that are not in line with Mohist morality, he does not feel disgusted. Is this the realm of a big boss?

No wonder he became a giant of the Mohist family, but his magnanimity was different.

This made Luo Yan hold back some of the remarks he had prepared.

He is very good at saying different things to different people.

This is a basic skill in mixed society.

"Your road is destined to be filled with constant killings. Although I don't like it, I don't object to it. I just hope that you will act with caution, think more about the people, and try to avoid killing as much as possible. The world is already suffering!"

The six-fingered black man looked at Luo Yan and asked softly.

When he said this, his expression suddenly became solemn.

Elevated tone:

"If you don't act as a benevolent soldier in the future, don't blame me for being ruthless in my hands!"

Staring at Luo Yan with extremely sharp eyes.

Luo Yan showed no shame and responded in a deep voice: "In prosperity, the people suffer, and in death, the people suffer. This world is ultimately the world of the people. The younger generation naturally knows what to do, and there is no need for the giant to remind you!"

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