Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 401 Zhengong

Qinchuan Palace.

The meeting continued. After a brief dinner in the palace, they continued to discuss the war situation on the border, which was roughly divided into two meanings.

One is to mobilize troops against Wei State, and the other is to mobilize troops against Zhao State.

Naturally, there is no need to explain much about the Zhao State's mobilization of troops. Qin and Zhao are feuding countries. They have fought countless battles in the past hundred years. The Battle of Changping alone was a blood feud that cannot be resolved. What's more, Ying Zheng and the Queen Mother Zhao Ji were in Zhao State at that time. Serving as a hostage, with this hatred, no matter how you deal with Zhao Guo, it is not too much.

Ying Zheng is an emperor, not a saint.

The years of serving as a hostage in the State of Zhao were not easy. During this period, he was often bullied by the people of the State of Zhao.

As for mobilizing troops against Wei, the main reason is that Wei has been in turmoil recently. The old King Wei is seriously ill. This is a good time to send troops. It will not be a problem to take down a few cities in Wei.

The State of Wei is located at the east exit of the State of Qin. The more clean the State of Wei is, the broader the strategic layout of the State of Qin will be. There is no need to worry about negative enemies whether going north or south.

Luo Yan didn't know much about the art of war and didn't speak much during the whole process.

After all, if it were Luo Yan who led the troops in a war, he would just hit them with supplies without saying a word. From the perspective of modern people, baptism by fire is the way to go.

What the Qin State is best at is cleaning the ground with bows and crossbows. If gunpowder is tied to them, they can completely bombard the ground.

It's really not possible to get a few hot air balloons and throw them at high altitudes.

Explode three or four times before sending troops to attack.

How can we not win?

As long as there are sufficient supplies and strong national strength, this style of play is almost invincible and can ignore all military techniques and opponents.

You can be Wang Jian, Bai Qi, Han Xin or whoever you are.

As long as it doesn't give you a terrain advantage, the strength of the opponent, survey the surrounding environment, calculate the weather, and doesn't give you a chance to sneak attack, Luo Yan really can't think of how to lose with this style of play, although the materials consumed will be a bit scary. That’s it.

Moreover, there are still machine beasts in this era, but I don’t know if this thing can be mass-produced.

Thinking of this, Luo Yan decided to visit Gongshujia's organ warehouse in a few days.

That's right.

The people of Gongshu have already defected to the Qin State. For Gongshu, whichever country is strong and has the hegemony over the world will be the one they will join. Gongshu is playing the art of domineering. How can he show his dominance without fighting? The essence of mechanism art.

In this regard, the Mohist family is the opposite.

Mohism emphasizes both non-aggression and love, and focuses on peace.

"One is suitable for the battlefield, and the other is suitable for production. Combining the two is perfect, but it's a pity~"

Luo Yan secretly murmured in his heart that it was a pity for the views of people of this era.

The Mohist organ skills would be a waste if not used to develop life science and technology.

Right now.

Everyone in the discussion also decided on the next strategy. The Wei State focused on containment, but decided to use troops against Zhao State, because the Zhao people were warlike and were mortal enemies of Qin State. Qin State could not give Zhao State a chance to recuperate. The country has always adopted a strategy of fighting to the death.

As for Wei State, Wei State's morale had been defeated many years ago.

The Wei State, once the overlord of the Central Plains, can only survive now, relying on the legacy left by its ancestors.

In terms of national strength, it is stronger than South Korea and Yan State.

"In this case, Wang Jian was ordered to continue marching north to attack Zhao, and the Pingyang heavy armor army was stationed in Wu Sui to contain Wei and South Korea."

Ying Zheng nodded, his eyes became sharper, and he said in a deep voice.

Not long after the words fell.

Lu Buwei added softly: "I have been planning something recently. I want to form an alliance with the Yan State and jointly attack Zhao. This is a good time. As long as the Zhao State is defeated in this battle, we can take advantage of the opportunity to attack the Yan State." Make an alliance.”

"Alliance with Yan State?"

Ying Zheng's eyes flickered and he asked in a deep voice.

"Well, Your Majesty, please remember Cai Ze, Lord Gangcheng. He has been in the Yan Kingdom for three years."

Lu Buwei said calmly.


After the words fell, the expressions of everyone present changed slightly. It was obvious that they all knew each other, including Ying Zheng.

Luo Yan was naturally confused. Fortunately, the short video in his mind had some knowledge in this area, and he soon learned the origin of the other party.

Cai Ze, whose birth and death are unknown, grew up in Yan Guogang during the Warring States Period. He was good at eloquence and wisdom, and understood that a full moon will lead to loss. He succeeded in defeating Fan Ju's cunning rabbit and died as a lackey. After he retired, he was recommended by Fan Ju to serve as the prime minister of Qin Zhaoxiang. A few months later, he resigned from the position and settled in Qin as a minor official. He served in the four dynasties of Qin Xiaowen, Qin Zhuangxiang, and Qin Shihuang, so as to protect himself in troubled times.

After King Huiwen, he proposed to King Zhaoxiang of Qin to alienate the relationship between King Anli of Wei and Lord Xinling, destroy the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and make Gang Gang the king.

He lived in Qin for more than ten years. During the reign of Qin Shihuang, he was sent to Yan as an envoy, and he was named Gangchengjun.

Among them, what interested Luo Yan the most was.

Prince Dan of Yan entered Qin as a hostage, which had a lot to do with it.

"It's been three years in the blink of an eye."

Ying Zheng obviously also remembered the other party, a veteran of the Four Dynasties, and sighed softly, time is really merciless, and three years have gone by in a blink of an eye.

"In recent years, Lord Tsunagi has corresponded with his ministers, saying that he is old and lacks energy, and begs to retire and return to his hometown."

Lu Buwei said in a deep voice.

"What does Xiang Guo mean?"

Ying Zheng looked at Lu Buwei and asked.

"Mr. Gangcheng has made great contributions to the Qin Dynasty. Now that this matter is over, he can be allowed to retire and return to his hometown to take care of himself."

Lu Buwei lowered his head slightly and said unhurriedly.

Ying Zheng took a deep look at Lu Buwei and said calmly: "Yes, everything will be as the Prime Minister said."

"...Using Tsunari-kun to express his attitude?"

Luo Yan couldn't help but glance at Lu Buwei. He seemed to smell something in Lu Buwei's words. Is Lu Buwei expressing his attitude to Ying Zheng?

The political game is really difficult to guess, the words are all ambiguous and not direct at all.

"However, before Mr. Gangcheng retires and returns to his hometown, he still needs to do one thing for me. Prince Dan of Yan State has an old relationship with me, and I want to invite him to Qin. In addition, this time I attack Zhao, I want Prince Dan of Zhao State. I also entered the Qin Dynasty as a hostage and experienced the sins I suffered back then!"

Ying Zheng's eyes were a little colder and he said indifferently.

Prince Dan of the Yan Kingdom was just incidentally. Back then, he and Ying Zheng were hostages in the Zhao Kingdom, and they were often bullied by the Zhao people together with him.

This time, Ying Zheng invited him to Qin to see what happened to the prince of Zhao.

This was the oath I made when I was a child. I don’t hate it now, but my obsession is still there.

How can a king be humiliated?

Humiliation should be repaid with blood.


When Lu Buwei heard this, his eyes flickered and he cupped his hands in response.

The meeting ended soon, and the ministers left one after another, but Luo Yan was stayed by Ying Zheng. It could be seen that Ying Zheng had a lot on his mind today, and it seemed that Gang Chengjun brought back many past events.

Although Ying Zheng will be Qin Shihuang in the future, Qin Shihuang is also a human being and has seven emotions and six desires.

The road to ruthless empire was never easy.

Countless blood and killings are the key to forging this imperial road.

On top of a tall building.

Ying Zheng clasped his hands behind his back, the cold wind blew by, and his black hair danced lightly with the cloak. His angular face showed a cold and calm look, and he looked into the distance silently, as if he was aware of Luo Yan's approach. , couldn't help but raise his finger and point in a direction.

"Sir, that location is the Kingdom of Zhao. My mother and I have been there for nearly ten years."

Ying Zheng's voice was calm, as if he was standing on the outside looking in.

But Luo Yan heard the coldness in Ying Zheng's words. It was obvious that those ten years had caused a lot of psychological trauma to Ying Zheng. From birth to adolescence, the most critical years were spent in the Kingdom of Zhao.

However, thanks to the training of Zhao Guo, Ying Zheng is what he is today.

Suffering is always the best way to temper a person.

Once you get through it, you will become a talented person.

Of course, if you can't survive it, you will be dead.

Although Luo Yan has never experienced this, he can understand it because people are forced into it.

"Your Majesty hates Zhao Guo?"

Luo Yan walked to Ying Zheng's side and asked in a tone of both teacher and friend.

Ying Zheng was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "I used to hate him very much. There was even a time when I even swore in my heart that if I had the chance in the future, I would destroy the State of Zhao and massacre all the people of the State of Zhao!"

"what about now?"

Luo Yan was not surprised by this. People are usually irrational when they are angry.

Especially when you are a teenager, you are hot-headed and can do anything. Only as you get older and your mind becomes more mature, can your rationality overwhelm your sensibility.

"I am the king of Qin. Personal preferences and anger are irrelevant. Father Zhong once taught me not to let hatred blind my eyes. As a king, you need to look at the world and not affect the country due to personal happiness and anger. But this time , maybe this is my last act of arrogance before taking office, I want to get back what I have lost."

Ying Zheng turned sideways and looked at Luo Yan, his eyes bright, and he said slowly.

Dignity and majesty.

There is no better sacrifice than the blood of the Prince of Zhao. If possible, Ying Zheng even hopes that it will be the king of Zhao.

But Ying Zheng knew that the time had not come yet.

The war to destroy the country cannot be started lightly.

"There will be opportunities in the future."

Luo Yan was silent for a while, followed Ying Zheng's words, and spoke softly without any intention to dissuade him.

If you have not experienced Ying Zheng's childhood life, you are not qualified to speak.

All he could do was try his best to comfort Zhao Ji's mood and body, so that this woman would not cause trouble and affect Qin's national strength.

Although she is the best tool to bring down Lu Buwei.

However, Lu Buwei's death also indirectly affected many things, and even left a root of disaster for the Qin State. Many people in later generations looked at this period of history and felt that the war to destroy the country was too hasty. It seemed to be so fast that he could dominate the world within ten years, but There are too many sequelae left behind.

As soon as Ying Zheng died, all the problems were exposed and exploded.

But this time, everything should go a different way.

Luo Yan stood on a high place and admired the night view of the entire Xianyang City. It felt good to be on a high place, but at the same time, he felt like he was too cold at the high place. Just like Ying Zheng cannot be happy, angry, sad, and happy easily, Luo Yan has to consider things now. You can't start based on your own preferences.

at the same time.

Outside Qinchuan Palace, a chamberlain rushed over with hurried steps...

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