Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 454 Has Zhengchun ever been married?

It was already afternoon when we came out of Xianyang Palace.

Naturally, we ate at Concubine Yan’s place for lunch. We chatted with Concubine Yan about Yin and Yang, and then naturally had a close friendship. During this period, Concubine Yan led Luo Yan to understand the Yin and Yang techniques using the unique secret techniques of the Yin and Yang family, and directly applied them to her. The difficulty of practicing Yin Yang Jutsu has been reduced to an outrageous level.

For example, it is no less than when you are doing a complex math problem, and Concubine Yan has written all the formulas directly. All you have to do is add, add, subtract, and learn and adapt step by step.

This is the power of love~

Luo Yan sighed with emotion. This way of learning made Luo Yan extremely comfortable, and he felt that his suppressed IQ had returned.

After all, Onmyoji is also a type of martial arts, but it is more mysterious than something like swordsmanship. In the final analysis, swordsmanship is based on moves, concentrating and practicing, and finally derives the path of kendo.

Onmyoji is based on the yin and yang of the five elements of the human body, supplemented by the power of heaven and earth, and pulled by the soul to achieve various incredible powers.

This is very similar to Taoism, except that Taoism pursues the harmony of nature and nature, while the Yin Yang School pursues the perfection of nature and man, trying to control the world with humans... This is what Concubine Yan said.

As for this realm, Luo Yan can't understand it yet.

But he didn't try to pry, and everything happened as it happened.

You cannot force yourself to practice martial arts, especially after you have opened up the Eight Extraordinary Meridians. Everything depends on fate, talent, and chance...

It doesn’t mean that you practice hard just to be useful.

Luo Yan played with Da Siming's beautiful and slender jade hands. Due to years of practicing the secret art of yin and yang, these jade hands had become as red as flames and showed strange silver patterns. The nails were as black as ink, which was extremely weird. , but Luo Yan was not afraid.

Only those who have used it will understand the mystery of these hands.

How can ordinary people get a glimpse of its wonderful uses?

The Yin Yang family is mysterious after all...

Da Siming's beautiful eyes were lowered, and his charming and delicate face was expressionless, as if he had been chewed by a dog.

This is also related to habits.

For the first time, Da Siming felt humiliated and wanted to kill someone.

The second time, I felt depressed and impulsive.

The third time, the impulse was less... and then~

Therefore, habits are terrible~

"Da Siming, what is your real name?"

Luo Yan looked curiously at the charming and delicate woman in his arms, who was extremely ruthless and sinister in the original novel. She had nothing to fear. He stretched out his hand and pinched her delicate chin. He looked into those cold eyes and asked curiously. .

As the relationship between the two parties became closer and he started to practice Yin Yang, he became less wary of Da Siming.

What can I say about this woman...very mature.

Maturity means a stable mind, knowing how to weigh the pros and cons, and less impulsiveness, so it is easy to handle.

Da Siming tilted his head slightly and turned away his eyes, not wanting to pay attention to Luo Yan.

"Think clearly and answer~"

Luo Yan caressed Da Siming's cheek, showed a harmless smile, and said softly.

Da Siming's heart trembled, and his chest rose and fell unnaturally. After a moment, his voice was cold and filled with the air of an ascetic royal sister: "From the moment I became Da Siming, everything in the past disappeared."

It’s not normal for the Yin Yang family to train disciples...

Luo Yan murmured in his heart, not surprised by Da Siming's answer.

to be honest.

People in the Yin and Yang family are more or less abnormal, including Concubine Yan's paranoia about love, Moon God's jealousy of Concubine Yan, Da Siming's ruthlessness, Shao Siming's three incompetences, Mrs. Xiang's dual personality, and Mr. Xiang. His cowardice, Yun Zhongjun's greed, Xinghun's madness...

Is this a coincidence or what?

Luo Yan thought for a while, and then couldn't help but sigh: Fortunately, I'm still there~

Thinking of this, Luo Yan looked tenderly at Da Siming in his arms.

Da Siming looked a little chilly and felt uncomfortable all over, but this guy grabbed his waist and couldn't even run away...

. . . . . . . . . . .

Soon, the carriage arrived at the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Luo Yan also took this big commander out of the carriage. He came today to ask Lu Buwei some questions and to test Lu Buwei's attitude and thoughts. He couldn't persuade Ying Zheng, but Lu Buwei still had to look at it after all. Lu Buwei’s desire for power.


After Luo Yan got off the carriage, before he could say anything to Da Siming, he found that the tall imperial sister was staring at someone.

Following Da Siming's gaze, a young man suddenly appeared in his sight.

Luo Yan recognized the other person with just one glance.

Gan Luo!

The boy who stole the show in the court today.

Luo Yan looked at Da Siming's eyes and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He thought with some evil in his heart: Could it be that Da Siming likes Shota?

Thinking of Da Siming's concern for Xinghun in the original work, this guess seems very convincing.


Gan Luo also noticed Luo Yan who got off the carriage, and immediately strode over, still neatly dressed, full of energy, with firm and bright eyes, he bowed his hands and said, "Gan Luo has seen the Taifu!"

Gan Luo? !

When Da Siming heard this, his heart moved, and Gan Luo's message appeared in his mind. Gan Luo had caused quite a stir in the past few days.

Not to mention what happened some time ago when Gan Luo persuaded Zhang Tang to send envoys to the state of Yan to become prime minister.

The turmoil at today's court meeting alone is destined to push Gan Luo to the forefront.

is it him?

There was a strange color in Da Siming's eyes, feeling the jade pendant getting hot in his arms. This jade pendant was given to her by His Excellency Dong Huang, who told her that she would change when she meets the right person, and Now as Gan Luo approaches, the temperature of the jade pendant is also getting higher.

The person His Excellency Donghuang was talking about was obviously the young man in front of him.

"Finally found……"

Da Siming pursed his lips and stared at Xinghun with his beautiful eyes, his mood was a little subtle.

After all, this time the person His Excellency Dong Huang was talking about was the candidate for the position of star soul of the Yin Yang family, and she was the first to find him. This achievement can be imagined.

Before Da Siming could get excited, a dog's paw gently pinched her buttocks. It was quite hard and made Da Siming tremble. Her whole body felt better. She instinctively looked at it. Looking at Luo Yan, his eyes were full of evil aura, but when he saw Luo Yan's eyes, the evil aura quickly subsided and he didn't dare to confront him.

gave in.

It would be no good for her to go against Luo Yan.

"What are you still doing here? Do you want to go visit Lu Xiangguo with me? Go and wait for me in the carriage!"

Luo Yan looked at Da Siming and asked.

Da Siming bit his lip lightly, did not argue with Luo Yan, turned around and walked towards the distance with long legs. Anyway, the candidate for Star Soul has been found, and most of the task has been completed. What to do next? You just need to tell Dongjun and Yueshen, they will make up their own minds.

"Master, is that your wife?"

Gan Luo looked at Luo Yan curiously and asked.

Da Siming, who had not gone far, almost stumbled, his delicate and charming face turned slightly red, and he glared at Gan Luo so fiercely that he even blinked in fear.

What a fierce big sister.

"No, she and I are innocent. Don't talk nonsense, it will ruin other people's reputations."

Luo Yan retorted without thinking.

Da Siming, who had just got on the carriage, couldn't help but close her eyes when she heard this. Then she used her inner breath to seal her five senses and forced herself to calm down. She was afraid of being irritated by Luo Yan again.

Just hearing Luo Yan's voice made her a little manic, as if there were ants crawling all over her body.


Gan Luo nodded without doubting his presence.

In this regard, Gan Luo is just a child after all, and he doesn't understand much about human nature and sophistication.

The so-called genius children are only superior to ordinary people in reading and reasoning.

But in terms of human nature and sophistication.

That takes time to hone.

It also requires the stimulation of its own hormones.

Obviously Gan Luo is still a young man, an innocent young man whose hair has not even grown.

How can one understand a scholar like Luo Yan?

"You performed well in court today~"

Luo Yan took Gan Luo directly into the prime minister's mansion, smiling as he walked.

As for his words, he didn't mean them sincerely, and he didn't mean to remind Gan Luo.

Because the matter has been decided, it is useless even if Gan Luo regrets it. This was decided at the court meeting. Military orders are not child's play, not to mention the civil and military witnesses of the court.

"I just want to do my part for Qin!"

Gan Luo looked at Luo Yan with clear and clean eyes, without the slightest selfishness, and said in a deep voice: "I want to be like a great master, doing something for the Qin State and the people of the world, and creating the so-called peaceful and prosperous age. I should be worthy of it." Learn from yourself!”

He was such a good boy, but it was a pity that his path took a wrong turn.

Luo Yan sighed in his heart, nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Work hard, this ideal will eventually be realized."


Gan Luo nodded in response.

Luo Yan chuckled and said, "I'm going to see Mr. Xiangguo first. Let's talk some other time~"

Gan Luo cannot step into the inner courtyard of the Prime Minister's Mansion at will.

Gan Luo bowed his hands, then turned and left.

Luo Yan glanced at Gan Luo's figure and his eyes flickered. There was something wrong with Da Siming's reaction just now. Could this Gan Luo be involved with Xinghun?

If so, that would be really interesting.

It seems that there will be a lot of people involved this time.

Luo Yan murmured in his heart, and then suppressed the matter, planning to go to Concubine Yan to talk to her someday. As for Da Siming, this woman has a very tough tongue. He can only pry her away, but he cannot make her obedient... …

After gathering these thoughts, Luo Yan walked towards the inner courtyard.

There is a lot to talk about with Xiang Guo today.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Prime Minister's Mansion, in the study room in the backyard.

It was still the layout that Luo Yan was very familiar with. In addition to the bookshelves, there were several boxes containing bamboo slips.

Several expensive vases are displayed in the corner. They are very clean and look like they have been taken care of regularly.

There hasn't been much change since the last time Luo Yan came here. If there is any change, it's just that the original piles of bamboo slips have been reduced a lot and replaced with custom-made bamboo paper books, making the study room feel empty. Much less boring.

When Luo Yan followed the housekeeper into the study.

Lu Buwei was holding one hand behind his back, holding a roll of bamboo slips. He seemed to be looking at something. He had an elegant temperament, like a gentle and dignified old man.

It's a pity that the haggard face reduced this gentleness a lot.

If it were a child who didn't know Lu Buwei, he would probably be frightened to tears by his face.

Having been in a high position all year round, he has developed that majestic attitude.

Xiangguo is old~

Luo Yan felt sad for three seconds, then strode into it, bowed his hands to Lu Xiangguo respectfully and saluted: "I have met Xiangguo!"

"No need to be polite."

Lu Buwei stroked his beard gently, smiled, looked at Luo Yan, and said meaningfully: "I didn't expect Zhengchun to come to see me at this time. It's really beyond my expectation."

"No matter what outsiders think, I will always stand by the Prime Minister's side. The Prime Minister's loyalty to Qin can be seen from the sun and the moon, and there is no need for any doubt."

Luo Yan said sincerely, his face full of sincerity, and he looked like he was willing to die for Lu Xiangguo.

"It would be great if the king could think so."

Lu Buwei sighed softly and said helplessly.

Obviously, he is also a little helpless about the recent changes in the court. At his age, it is a bit inappropriate to show off his sharpness. Now he is thinking more about the retreat. The Prime Minister of Qin has learned too much from his past mistakes and has to guard against it~

Even Lu Buwei was actually a little unsure and couldn't be sure of Ying Zheng's true attitude.

Who told you to do such unethical things~

When Luo Yan heard this, he murmured in his heart. The Lao Ai incident was definitely a thorn in Ying Zheng's heart. He didn't say it clearly because he was worried about the Queen Mother's face and the Qin State's face. Otherwise, the current situation would probably be even worse.

Luo Yan was silent. There were some things that didn't need to be said. He believed that Lu Buwei should know.

Lu Buwei just sighed with emotion, then straightened his expression, looked at Luo Yan, and asked: "What difficulties did Zhengchun encounter when he came to visit this time?"

The old man stroked his beard and looked at Luo Yan.

Based on Lu Buwei's understanding of Luo Yan, this guy wouldn't come to visit him if nothing happened.

"Well, I have some questions to ask the Prime Minister."

Luo Yan nodded in response.

"Let's sit down and talk."

Lu Buwei waved his hand and said casually, then walked to the desk by the window and sat down on his knees.

Luo Yan followed closely behind.

"What's your problem?"

Lu Buwei looked at Luo Yan curiously and asked.

"Does the Prime Minister remember what I said about building roads?"

Luo Yan looked at Lu Buwei, his face straightened, and asked.

"Building roads?!"

Lu Buwei looked at Luo Yan with some surprise. Wasn't this matter discussed in the last court meeting?

Leave it aside for now.

Why did Luo Yan bring it up again?

"Actually, I have some ideas in mind for road construction. This is a new type of material, which I call cement. After it is shaped and solidified, it can be as solid as rock. If iron steel bars are added to it, it can also increase flexibility and create a Houses or barriers will also be stronger.

The production conditions are not harsh and it is easy to transport..."

Luo Yan took out the cement manufacturing method from his arms, which also included many construction drawings, handed it to Lu Buwei, and introduced it.

When Lu Buwei heard this, his face became a little more solemn and he looked at it seriously.

"The process is a bit complicated and requires a lot of manpower...but it can be replaced by mechanism skills..."

Lu Buwei saw the value of this thing at a glance.

If this thing is really as magical as Luo Yan said, then the construction of official houses and city walls in the future will also change, and there will be no need to transport huge rocks.

"If this thing is real, it is necessary to build three official roads!"

Lu Buwei looked directly at Luo Yan and said in a deep voice. He also looked at Luo Yan with some amazement. The things Luo Yan took out were always of extremely high value, which was incredible.

I really don’t know what kind of person Luo Yan’s teacher is, who can teach such a disciple.

"I have an idea. If this method is spread and all countries know about it, what will happen? Will the six countries also build roads?"

Luo Yan threw out an idea in his mind.

The method of making cement is not difficult. It is nothing more than crushing certain kinds of ores, grinding them into powder, mixing several kinds of ore powder according to the proportion, calcining, and then grinding them into powder, which is cement.

"Do you want to prepare for the future war of unification?"

The moment Lu Buwei heard this, he understood what Luo Yan meant.

"Well, if the Qin State dominates the world in the future, road construction will be unavoidable. Rather than large-scale construction in the future, it is better to let the six countries help us build a foundation. Secondly, the calcining of cement requires a large amount of ore, which consumes a lot of manpower and material resources. Let's It would be better if Six Nations helps.

Qin could have used paper, refined salt and even ironware to exchange cement with them.

The only thing to worry about is the impact cement will have on future battles.

Cement can quickly build fortresses, especially when used on a large scale, enough to change part of the terrain! "

Luo Yan looked at Lu Buwei and expressed his worries.

Lu Buwei pondered for a moment, looked at Luo Yan, and said slowly: "If you are worried about this, why not win over some of them, such as the three kingdoms of Han, Yan, and Qi. South Korea is facing Qin. The country is small and there is no danger to defend. Even if you get the cement method, it will be useless. It can even force South Korea to submit with military force.

In the State of Yan, Zhang Tang will soon send an envoy to the State of Yan to serve as the prime minister. Qin and Yan will form an alliance. The State of Yan needs to rely on the State of Qin to resist the State of Zhao. In this way, the State of Yan will be forced to help build roads. How can the King of Yan not respond?

As for the Qi State, the Qi State has lost its enterprising spirit and is addicted to the glory of the past. Its Prime Minister Lesheng has already been bribed by me, and he is promised great gifts. This is not difficult. "

Is this considered the PY circle of the Prime Minister of the Seven Kingdoms? !

Le Sheng of Qi State, Guo Kai of Zhao State, and the future prime minister of Yan State is Zhang Tang of Qin State... This is outrageous.

It makes no sense for these six countries to remain immortal.

Luo Yan couldn't help but complain in his heart. After Lu Buwei's analysis, he found that his worries were gone. The current Qin State was too powerful, and the six countries were already in a semi-waste state. They all just wanted to eat and wait to die. Zhao Guo, the only one who is somewhat ambitious, has no background, and Guo Kai is the "god" teammate.

Let’s not talk about the Chu State. The country is too chaotic. The government is still controlled by the ministers and the division is serious~

Wei State still has some strength, but it is not good. The old King Wei is about to burp. The new King Wei's accession to the throne will inevitably cause shock to Wei State. Qin State does not have much time left for Wei State.

"After listening to Xiang Guo's words, I suddenly felt enlightened!"

Luo Yan couldn't help but flatter him and said.

Lu Buwei shook his head and said calmly: "Zhengchun, it's still early for you to join the Qin Dynasty. It's normal for you not to have a deep understanding of state affairs and not to think too much. In a few years, these won't be problems."

"I still need a few more years of guidance from the Prime Minister~"

Luo Yan straightened his back and said in a deep voice.

"Has Zheng Chun ever been married?"

At this moment, Lu Buwei suddenly asked an outrageous question.

Luo Yan was a little confused...

PS: I’m asking for a monthly pass. It’s the end of the month. Don’t be stingy with the monthly pass. This is really important to me. Please give me a round. It’s only 4,000 yuan away from 500. I will work hard to update...

Thanks to Lu Yufei for the 10,000 rewards, Jiu Shili for the 10,000 rewards, Pai Daxing for the 10,000 rewards, Yao Yao Ling You Gui, Leap, Time and Space... and some digital brothers. Thank you brothers for the rewards.

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