Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 488 Beauty is a disaster

Tian Mi left, Luo Yan was still a little sad.

After all, this delicious honey jar is not so easy to find. I don’t know when we will meet again next time. I hope Tian Mi can bring him some surprises by then.

Fortunately, Da Siming was with him when he was sad, so Luo Yan was not so sad.

"Fortunately I have you~"

Luo Yan looked at Da Siming kneeling in front of him, stretched out his hand to stroke her hair, and said with emotion on his face.

Da Siming hesitated and couldn't say a word.

However, it could be seen from her hands tightly grasping Luo Yan's clothes that she was reluctant to leave Luo Yan.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Tian Mi's departure did not cause any turmoil, and within a few days, Luo Yan forgot about Tian Mi. As a great leader of the Qin Dynasty, how could he be indulged in female sex when he was the prince of the dynasty?

The Academy is still waiting to be built.

Road construction still needs to be busy.

Newspaper matters also need to be prepared.

In such overworked days, the year has come to an end.

It’s Chinese New Year.

Two days ago, the State of Qin also held an annual party, which was similar to a state banquet. During this period, Luo Yan also met Wang Jian, a handsome middle-aged uncle with extraordinary bearing. He drank two glasses of wine with him and did not have too close contact. , Wang Jian had no intention of having close contact with Luo Yan, and was a bit avoiding suspicion.

It seems that he does not want to participate in the power struggle between Lu Buwei and Ying Zheng.

"No wonder Wang Jian has the highest reputation in history."

Luo Yan also muttered in his heart.

It's not that Wang Jian is better at leading troops in war than Bai Qi, Li Mu and others, but Wang Jian's political IQ is too high. Not only can he fight, but he also understands the way of being a minister. He has a deep understanding of the four words of "keep a low profile and keep a low profile". It can be said that he is the leader of the Warring States Period. There is no one who has the most political wisdom in the period.

This time's contact with Luo Yan gave him some basic understanding of Wang Jian.

"How does it feel?"

As soon as Luo Yang came into contact with Wang Jian, Meng Ao on the side came over with a wine cup and asked.

Hearing this, Luo Yan chuckled: "It's a bit awesome."

Luo Yan didn't say anything else, but he believed Meng Ao knew what he meant.

"Wang Jian is only loyal to Qin."

Meng Ao's expression became a little more serious and he spoke slowly.

Luo Yan nodded, feeling that Meng Ao's assessment was correct. Wang Jian would not deliberately participate in the power struggle. As a general, he was only responsible for leading troops to fight, and did not participate in the rest. The most important thing was his ability to fight. He is so fierce that even those in power cannot do without him.

This is the smartest thing about Wang Jian.

"Old general, have a drink~"

Luo Yan changed the topic and smiled.

Soon, the "slightly drunk" Luo Yan left early because the Queen Mother Zhao Ji who had been waiting for a long time was calling him, and he was helpless.

Lanzhi Palace.

The red gauze hangs down and moves with the wind. Outside the palace, it is covered in silver, but inside the palace is as warm as spring.

The entire palace was covered with a layer of expensive blankets, so you wouldn't feel cold even if you walked barefoot on it.


A beauty in palace attire is sitting on the dressing table. Her black hair is scattered casually behind her. Against the backdrop of the shiny black hair, her skin is delicate and fair, like warm jade. Her phoenix eyebrows and bright eyes look forward to wandering around. It is filled with soul-stirring charm.

After tidying up her scattered clothes, Zhao Ji slowly stood up and looked at Luo Yan who was lying on the couch with her beautiful eyes. She got up and walked over, lying in Luo Yan's arms, slender fingers gliding over Luo Yan's chest muscles.

"If I don't look for you, then you really won't come..."

Biting her red lips lightly, her plaintive tone sounded like a lustful woman who was dissatisfied with her desires.

It’s only four days, even if it’s full, you can’t bear it even for four days? !

Luo Yan was speechless when he heard Zhao Ji's familiar words. At the same time, he understood why the ancients often said that there are only exhausted cows and no damaged fields.

Our ancestors all speak from experience.

"I'm so busy with government affairs, how can I have so much free time?"

Luo Yan lied with his eyes open, caressing Zhao Ji's jade back, and sighed softly, with an expression that said he didn't want to, and a bit of exhaustion appeared on his brows: "This is not just secretly doing anything when you have free time." Have you come to see you? Even if you don’t call me today, I will come to accompany you~"

After saying that, he hugged Zhao Ji's waist forcefully.

Along with Zhao Ji's soft cry, that enchanting face came close to Luo Yan's face, and each other's breathing could be heard.

This woman just likes this. She doesn't like gentleness. She likes Luo Yan's slightly domineering and rough behavior. She likes Luo Yan's "careful" body language.

"Who knows if you, little thief, lied to me~"

Zhao Ji leaned weakly in Luo Yan's arms, snorted softly, and looked at Luo Yan with beautiful eyes.

I've become a little smarter recently and can't be fooled anymore.

Luo Yan muttered in his heart, but he also knew that once there were too many women, it would be impossible to concentrate his energy. It would be a matter of time before the problem was discovered. Fortunately, Zhao Ji's identity restrained her, otherwise the group of women who were related to him would Among them, Zhao Ji must be the most noisy one.

However, the overall strength is also the worst, both in terms of strength and scheming.

Four-word evaluation: People are addicted to food.


Luo Yan slapped Queen Mother Zhao Ji on the buttocks and struck preemptively: "Don't you know whether I lied to you or not?"

Her tone was even more confident, as if Zhao Ji was making trouble unreasonably.


Zhao Ji felt pain, her thin eyebrows furrowed slightly, she rolled her eyes at Luo Yan charmingly, and hummed softly: "I don't know, but I have already mentioned it to Zheng'er, and I will move out of Xianyang after the new year." Palace, go live in the palace outside for a while~"

After saying that, he looked at Luo Yan possessively.

You are waiting for me to move out of Xianyang Palace to see if I can suck you dry.

"The coronation ceremony of the King is about to take place. Are you moving out at this time?"

Luo Yan looked at Luo Yan and Zhao Ji with some hesitation and asked.

"We'll wait until the day of Zheng'er's coronation ceremony before moving back. It's just a waste of time~"

Zhao Ji leaned lazily in Luo Yan's arms, with a graceful and casual expression, as if this kind of thing was just a matter of words.

But yes.

No matter how busy you are, the people below are busy. As Zhao Ji, it is just a matter of words, what trouble can it cause.

Luo Yan felt a little stressed at the moment, because once Zhao Ji moved out, she would probably stay up all night and be unable to leave even if she wanted to. This gave Luo Yan, who was very responsible for his family, a headache.

After all, staying out for too many nights is not a good thing, it ruins your character.

"What, don't you want me to move out?"

Zhao Ji looked at Luo Yan suspiciously.

"I'm just worried that someone with good intentions will see what happened between you and me."

Luo Yan said worriedly, trying to persuade Zhao Ji to give up.

However, Zhao Ji said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, Zhao Gao's Dongchang is trying to extend its hand recently, and the old man Lu Buwei's net is also part of my palace, asking him to hand over some of the net spies in Xianyang City. He Will agree."

Speaking of Lu Buwei, Zhao Ji's eyes were a bit cold and strong, not at all like the tenderness and gentleness she had when facing Luo Yan.

Sure enough, don't offend a woman easily without offending anyone.

Because you never know what this woman can do.

Fortunately, Mr. Luo never bullies women and is extremely tolerant and loving towards any woman.

"Speaking of the old thief Lu Buwei, it is rumored that you have been very close to his little daughter Lu Niangrong recently?"

Zhao Ji looked at Luo Yan with beautiful eyes and asked.

Zhao Gao, you are a guy who doesn't care about brotherhood. You actually sold me to set up a trap for spies... Luo Yan cursed in his heart and instantly guessed the cause and effect, but his face was extremely calm and he said casually: "I'm not interested in her daughter. My thoughts have always been on the Queen Mother. Doesn't the Queen Mother not know?"

After saying that, his big hands climbed on Zhao Ji's body like magic.

The friction between the cold hairs is full of fun.

You can clearly feel Zhao Ji's body twisting in Luo Yan's arms~

"I hope you can bully his daughter..."

Zhao Ji bit her lips lightly, endured Luo Yan's magic hand, looked at Luo Yan with blurred eyes, and said softly.

"Then who have I become?"

Luo Yan snorted dissatisfied, paused with his palms, stared at Zhao Ji, and asked.

"Isn't it okay for me too?"

Zhao Ji put her arms around Luo Yan's neck and asked.

If I really do this, Lu Buwei still has to fight me to the death? !

Luo Yan was speechless about Zhao Ji. This woman was really petty. The conflict with Lu Buwei could actually involve her daughter. How could she play with the heart of a young girl?

This is taboo and worse than staying out all night.

Of course Luo Yan couldn't agree.

"Stop making trouble, Lu Buwei, I can deal with it myself. I can't bully Lu Buwei's daughter. Besides, if I want to bully, I will only bully the Queen Mother~"

Luo Yan turned over and pressed Zhao Ji under him, intending to use body language to make Zhao Ji calm down.

It is Zhao Ji who has the final say whether the Qin Kingdom will be in chaos or not.

If she acts like a monster, Qin will at least have civil strife!

Beauty is a disaster!

It was really hard for him, Luo Ahao!

After finally "convincing" Zhao Ji, Luo Yan was able to escape.

At today's annual meeting, Luo Yan did not dare to go through the front door. He went directly to the side door of Xianyang Palace. Zhao Gao arranged for everything to go smoothly without any accidents.

When we came out of Xianyang Palace, the sky was completely dark, the gray sky was dim, the cold wind was howling, and after a while, some snowflakes actually fell.


Luo Yan, who was sitting in the carriage, looked at the falling snowflakes through the window. He was slightly stunned and couldn't help but reach out to catch them.

The cold feeling reminded Luo Yan that it was snowing.

This is the second snow of the year.

"Auspicious snow heralds a good harvest, a good sign~"

Luo Yan's lips curled up slightly and he chuckled. Then he ordered the carriage to drive to the bustling commercial street. He planned to buy some new year's goods and buy some gifts for Yan Lingji Jingli. After all, this is what Luo Yan wants in this world. The first year is very meaningful.

When Luo Yan returned to Taifu's Mansion, the snow had gradually fallen heavily.

A thin layer has accumulated on the ground.

Judging from the color of the sky, the snow should not be heavy, and it is suitable for hibernating at home for a few days with the Giant Salamander and Yan Lingji.

In the backyard.

The maids have already hung up the red lanterns, which is full of festive atmosphere.

When Luo Yan came to the backyard.

Just in time to see Yan Lingji bullying Xiaoyu with snowballs.

Jing salamander stood aside with Xiao Yan'er in her arms, her eyes elegant and quiet, looking back at the waves, like a gentle Jiangnan woman.

The peaceful life during this period of time has allowed Jing Salaman to restrain all his murderous intentions, and he can no longer find the shadow of his former killer.

Maybe this is the life that is best for her.

Similarly, for Luo Yan, life like this was not bad. He finally had a home in this world. A flash of memories came to his eyes. He finally had to say goodbye to his past.

Can not go back……

PS: It should be gone, don’t wait.

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