Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 585 Always give a reason

Just for convenience?

Can this convenience be done casually?

Ji Wuye looked ugly. Looking at Luo Yan who was talking relaxedly, his heart felt a little heavy and he was a little hesitant for a moment.

Since he chose to see Luo Yan this time, Ji Wuye was naturally prepared and even had some worst plans. However, Qin's appetite was too big, and Luo Yan's appetite was not small either. Thinking of cooperating with Luo Yan in the past All kinds of things, Ji Wuye also felt a little bit like this in his heart for a while.

Although he was a little tired of the shackles of the blood-clad Hou Bai Yifei, he also knew how important Bai Yifei was to South Korea.

Without Bai Yifei, a major resistance to the Qin army would be gone.

The opposite of.

Ji Wuye can also fully take over Bai Yifei's troops. From then on, no one in South Korea can stop him. Even the King of Han has to look at his face to speak.

The only thing we need to worry about is Qin's attitude. If Qin really wants to destroy South Korea, Ji Wuye's troops will definitely not be able to stop it.

"General, why do you need to think too much? Even if today's incident had not happened, South Korea would have been able to block the Qin army? There are some things that do not need to be deceived. As the general once said, in this world, everything depends on strength, whose strength is The stronger you are, the more you have the right to speak.

South Korea obviously does not have the qualifications to speak in front of Qin.

As for aid from various countries.

Believe me, South Korea had already been captured by Qin before they came to their aid. If necessary, Qin was willing to fight this battle with all its strength, even if it cost some.

But once this happens, South Korea must truly exist in name only.

Characters like the general will inevitably disappear. "

Luo Yan softly explained a fact. At the end of his speech, he suddenly squeezed the tea cup in his hand, and with the sound of the cup breaking, Luo Yan's slightly indifferent voice also ended.

"Are you threatening me?!"

Ji Wuye stared at Luo Yan with cold eyes, like a tiger with explosive hair, and said in a low voice.

"Threat? Is it a threat? The general should know better than me. Qin's ambition is for the world, and South Korea is only the first step. South Korea cannot stop this step, and neither can other vassal states. Qin will definitely take it, and it is nothing more than a price. The question of more and less.

The strange thing is that South Korea and Qin are too close, and they happen to be blocking the east exit of Qin.

There are some things that the general doesn't need me to explain clearly.

I believe the general knows better than me. "

Luo Yan threw the pieces of the cup aside and said calmly.


Ji Wuye was silent. The reality was always so cruel. Naturally, he did not want to accompany South Korea to its demise. He had not enjoyed enough of his glory and wealth.

"General, please think clearly. There is only one chance. After today, I will leave South Korea. Of course, the general can also try to prevent me from leaving, or even seize me to threaten Qin~"

Luo Yan looked at Ji Wuye and said with a smile.

Ji Wuye's heart was pounding. He had indeed had this idea just now, but seeing Luo Yan's expression, he immediately put it out.

Luo Yan is not like that kind of brainless person. Since he dares to stay here to see him, he must be sure of escaping unscathed.

"How do you plan to deal with Bai Yifei?"

Ji Wuye looked at Luo Yan and asked.

Luo Yan chuckled lightly and said casually: "One hundred people, one thousand people, ten thousand people... The Bloody Marquis is a human being, not a god. On the battlefield, it only requires the general's cooperation. It is easy to kill him. Even outsiders can’t see anything wrong with it.”

Although the personal force of the Qin Dynasty was very fierce, no matter how fierce it was, what could it do? If it could kill dozens or hundreds of people on the battlefield, could it still kill thousands of people?

Caught in the encirclement and suppression of the military formation, no matter how good your martial arts skills are, you will still suffer from hatred.

What's more, the Qin State also has the overbearing mechanism skills of the public losers. It is easy to crush a few mortal bodies to death.

After all, Qin Shi did not rise to the level of fantasy in ancient times. As long as he did not break through to the level of fantasy fairy, he could be killed. It was just a matter of how much it cost.

"It seems that you are really eyeing the Bloody Marquis."

Ji Wuye narrowed his eyes, looked at Luo Yan, and said in a low voice.

"Isn't it also to remove an obstacle for the general? In South Korea, the Blood-clothed Marquis is blocking the general's way after all. If it weren't for him, why would the general go to such trouble to become a noble? Even if it is forced, the King of Han can bow his head."

"In South Korea, this is not the only obstacle for me, General."

When Ji Wuye heard this, he looked at Luo Yan with a faint look, indicating something.

"General, are you talking about Han Fei and the others?"

Luo Yan was silent for a moment and asked.

"Marquis Yueyang might as well help me with the food at once. Why didn't they block the way of Qin?"

Ji Wuye showed a cruel smile, looked at Luo Yan, and said slowly.

"they are my friends."

Luo Yan frowned and said.

"Friends? Do people like you and me have friends?"

Ji Wuye asked back.

I'm not you, I still have a moral bottom line.

Luo Yan murmured in his heart, thought for a while, and then said: "After this battle, Han Fei will go to Qin as a hostage, how about it?"

He decided to let Han Fei take his original path.

Of course he won't kill him, but it's okay to save his life for a friend.

As for Zi Nu and the others... Luo Yan didn't know how to deal with it for a while. He inexplicably remembered what he had promised Zi Nu, but he broke his promise after all.

Although this was not the first time he deceived Zi Nu, Luo Yan still felt a little stressed this time.

But he did it anyway.

The only thing I can do in the future is to stalk him, refuse to admit it, and make sweet excuses.

Someone in Thaluo knows this very well.

"Okay! It's a deal."

Ji Wuye directly agreed. After this matter is over, Bai Yifei's troops and horses will all fall into his hands, and he will control nearly two hundred thousand troops and horses. Many things can be done, such as defecting to other countries, or even if it is not possible, he At worst, he could take his army to the land of Baiyue and dominate one side.

There are always many ways. There is no need to fight for South Korea and Qin and spend all the chips in your hands.

Ji Wuye didn't have anything to say about being loyal to South Korea.

He is just a man possessed by ambition and desire.

In the eyes of people like him, the feelings of family and country are nothing.

As for whether the people under his command are willing to follow him or not, when the day comes that their families will be destroyed, there will be no way they can be left alone.

South Korea has been ruined in recent years, and the people below can no longer survive, so how can they still love the King of Korea?

In this world, ordinary people really just want to survive.

Even such a small request is difficult to achieve.

People in troubled times are worse than dogs.

Ji Wuye left, he came in a hurry and left in a hurry. He made a verbal agreement and left. As for the details, some things don't need to be said too much. When the time comes, Ji Wuye will naturally arrange it, unless he really wants to Dedicate everything to South Korea, but it is obviously impossible for him.

Ji Wuye has a son, how can he not make plans for his son?

Once people become concerned, they will naturally hesitate.

"Pack it up, it's time for us to leave."

Luo Yan stood up, looked at Da Siming beside him, and smiled.

After wandering around outside this time, I even ventured to South Korea to meet Ji Wuye. Many things have been arranged, and now it's time to return to Qin.

As for the end result, just be patient and wait.

He still has this patience.

Da Siming put one hand on his small waist and brushed a strand of hair on his forehead with the other hand. He looked at Luo Yan with cold and arrogant eyes and said softly: "Don't you need to break the curse on his son?"

"What's the explanation? It's best if you die for this kind of disaster."

Luo Yan shrugged his shoulders and said casually that he was not interested in making an extra trip. Wouldn't this let Ji Wuye know that he had tampered with his son?

He had no intention of keeping Ji Yihu from the beginning.

The curse cast by Da Siming this time has a certain incubation period. It will gradually attack as Ji Yihu becomes excited, and eventually die naturally like a heart attack. The onset time will not be too short, and of course, it will not too long.

During this time, most of Luo Yan's plan must have been completed.

"……how about you?"

Da Siming mocked with some venom. He seemed to think that Luo Yan and Ji Yihu were the same scourge, and it would be best if they died.

Every time I want to be serious, you always give me a reason.

Luo Yan felt helpless.

How can a grown man like Da Siming tolerate such provocation? !

Don't let Da Siming cry. She has no idea who is the head of the family. A mere maid even jumped on her. Has he been too gentle recently?

Without any explanation, Luo Yan took hold of Da Siming's wrist, pulled her down in front of him with a little force, pressed her arms, and pressed her on the table in front of her.

Da Siming stared at him and said angrily, "You!"

The next moment, I couldn't scream because my mouth was blocked. After a while, the table began to creak rhythmically under the big tree in the courtyard...

. . . . . . . . .

The capital of Wei Dynasty was Daliang.

Today, the son of a powerful man suddenly fell in love with a pretty young lady on the road, and then ordered his attendants to tie him back. After going home and playing with her, he realized that this young lady turned out to be the wife of a Wei soldier. , suddenly panicked.

Because the military soldiers of Wei were not comparable to ordinary people or soldiers in Wei State, they could be considered to have a certain status.

"Unlucky, send someone to send that woman back so that she can be comforted!"

After pondering for a moment, the son of a powerful man couldn't help but curse, intending to spend some money to settle the matter.


An attendant ran over in a panic: "Sir, that woman committed suicide!"

"Suicide? How can you think so well of others!"

"Sir, what should we do now?!"

"What to do? How do I know what to do!"

"Young Master, this matter should not be made public, otherwise it will affect the reputation of Young Master Dao. You might as well do it without stopping, silence all those who know the truth, and then do some tricks to let her husband die on the battlefield. In this way, the roots can be eradicated, and then No one can know these things.”

The attendant pondered for a moment and then suggested.

The noble young man thought for a while, and thought that when he robbed people today, there was only one young man following him, and no one else was around. He immediately nodded and said, "Okay, I will leave this matter to you. You must silence that young man. As for the Wei Soldier, if he does not die on the battlefield, find an opportunity to send him on his way!"

After he finished speaking, a fierce expression appeared on his face.

This person is the twelfth son of Wei State, Wei Shu...

PS: I’m exhausted, mentally exhausted, so annoying~

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