Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 682 Big brother! How do you want me to face my sister-in-law!

Pulling out the sword, dark red blood dripped down the blade. Ji Wuye knelt down on his knees with a face full of disbelief, his eyes gradually blurred, and he lost the last trace of life.

His heart was pierced, and his internal organs were shattered. How could Ji Wuye be immortal?


The long sword trembled slightly, and the blade instantly regained its brightness.

All famous swords have their own attributes: they have a self-cleaning effect and will never get stained with blood easily.

"Lao Ji, your blood sugar is a bit high~"

Luo Yan looked at the dark red blood spilling from Ji Wuye's heart, chuckled, and then looked behind him.

Because rapid footsteps could be heard outside the palace, and soon a large number of soldiers and guards came in with weapons in hand. When the general who led him saw the dead Ji Wuye, his pupils shrank and he looked sharply. Luo Yan, the scene was extremely quiet for a while.

No one expected that Ji Wuye would be killed like this!

"Ji Wuye intends to rebel. I have the order from the King of Han to come and kill him. The king's order will be issued in a while. Are you all acting like this, are you also Ji Wuye's accomplice?"

Luo Yan turned around and cooperated with Ji Wuye who was kneeling next to him. He looked at the hundreds of guards with no change in his expression. He even took the lead in asking questions with an extremely serious and serious tone.

It looks like he is here to eliminate harm for the people.

This is actually true.

Ji Wuye is a scum, to ordinary people.

The words echoed in the empty hall. For a moment, the guards were a little confused, as if they had lost their backbone in an instant and didn't know what to do.

Looking at the people who were calmed down by his words, Luo Yan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, because the most critical moment in this link is this moment. If these personal guards are Ji Wuye's diehard loyalists, even if they see Ji Wuye If Ye died and rushed to fight Luo Yan, the matter would undoubtedly be troublesome.

Fortunately, the worst-case scenario did not happen.

Or maybe the word "King of Han" was very important, which made them hesitate.

But no matter what, as long as they didn't rush directly to fight, everything Luo Yan did tonight would be a perfect ending.

It's a pity that the eldest brother may die... Fortunately, the Yin Yang family originated from Taoism. Taoism's concept is that heaven and man are one, and the soul can return to heaven and earth. It is not a good ending.

After all, this earthly world is full of all kinds of temptations, which hinders my elder brother's cultivation.

Back to business.

After Luo Yan calmed everyone down with one sentence, his tone became even calmer. He perfectly displayed the posture of a big shot and said confidently: "If you don't believe it, send someone to wait outside the palace. In half an hour at most, there will be a fire in the palace." When an order is issued, you are all Korean generals and soldiers, so don’t forget who you owe allegiance to!"

No matter how deposed King Han is, he is still the king of South Korea.

There may be some people in the group of people in front of them who are willing to die for Ji Wuye, but Ji Wuye has already lost his temper, and this loyalty will naturally be greatly reduced.

Ji Wuye never had a heart-to-heart relationship with his subordinates. He always used money or power to intimidate and induce them.

Therefore, Luo Yan was not worried at all that some of them would fight for Ji Wuye and him.

As these words fell, the aggressive personal guards suddenly weakened a bit, and were suppressed by Luo Yan's words again.

This also has something to do with Ji Wuye's unpopularity in the past.

The scene was quiet for a while.

Then one of the leading generals came out, raised his hands to Luo Yan and said, "We are just following orders and have no idea about Ji Wuye's rebellion!"

Of course you don't know... Luo Yan was quite calm about framing him. After all, Ji Wuye was not a good person.

He may not be rebellious today, but he will definitely do so in the future.

What is this called?

This is called taking precautions before things happen.

"The King of Han only punishes the evil leader this time, and will not affect you and others. I will explain this matter to you."

Luo Yan gave the other party an appreciative look and immediately made a promise.

The words also reveal a meaning.

Anyone who wants to survive will mess with me. If I speak openly, King Han will believe whatever I say. How could Mrs. Mingzhu be his and control a King Han easily?

"Thank you Marquis Yueyang!"

The other party responded with a cupped hand, and immediately the guards behind him withdrew their weapons one after another, and the tense atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

The atmosphere seemed a bit more harmonious.

It would be even more perfect if there wasn't a corpse kneeling next to Luo Yan.

Not waiting for too long, Da Siming and Black and White Shao Siming returned. They were extremely surprised to learn that Ji Wuye had been killed by Luo Yan.


Da Siming's cold eyes couldn't help but look at Luo Yan, and he had some doubts in his heart. Is Luo Yan's strength so powerful?

At the same time, seeing the injury on Luo Yan's shoulder, he couldn't help but want to make some sarcasm to express his concern.

But the next moment, he was stunned by Luo Yan's words.

I saw.

Luo Yan looked grave and said slowly: "Something may happen to my elder brother Xiangjun. Please be mentally prepared."

As soon as these words came out.

Both Da Siming and Black and White Young Siming's expressions changed.

Immediately, several people were led by the general to the ruins of the palace in the backyard. What came into view were the ruins that had turned into scorched earth, billowing smoke curled up, and there were still many flames that had not been extinguished. This scene undoubtedly explained some problems.

After being burned by the fire for nearly two hours, it would be damned if he could still be alive.

Xiangjun is not a tank. He is just a mage who practices special yin and yang skills. He seems to be very strong, but in fact he is very soft and belongs to the kind of mortal body.

In terms of physical body alone, it is not as strong as Luo Yan.

There were already many guards from the General's Palace around who were dealing with the ruins, trying to "collect the body" for Lord Xiang.

"How should I explain to Mrs. Xiang?"

Luo Yan looked ugly and said sadly. At the same time, he pretended to look at Da Siming, hoping that Da Siming could give him some advice.

He asked Xiangjun to assassinate him, but he really didn't expect that Xiangjun would be killed instead.

With the internal cleaning up, Mr. Xiang can retreat safely even if nothing happens.

But now even the ashes may be gone.

How to explain to Mrs. Xiang?

Luo Yan had an inexplicable headache.

Da Siming frowned, unable to answer Luo Yan's question, because she couldn't give the answer to this question.

He said that he did not know that Mrs. Xiang and Jun Xiang were in love. Even though there had been conflicts recently, there was no doubt about their relationship.

Now Xiang Jun is dead.

Even if the murderer is killed by Luo Yan, it will definitely be a blow to Mrs. Xiang, and it may even irritate Mrs. Xiang's fragile nerves.

Luo Yan, who knew more about the inside story, couldn't help but panic.

What to do when Mrs. Huixiang goes berserk?

With Concubine Yan not around, can Da Siming and Black and White Shao Siming withstand it?

at this time.

The guards who were dealing with the ruins sent word that the corpse had been found. After a while, a corpse that had turned into charcoal and that even my mother didn't recognize was carried out. A piece of beautiful jade around his waist represented his identity, which was Yin and Yang. Xiangjun from home.

Luo Yan picked up the jade pendant and repeatedly confirmed the news that his eldest brother was dead. He couldn't help but circulate his energy and blood, and squeezed the acupuncture points at the corners of his eyes. The whites of his eyes turned red due to stimulation, and two drops of tears floated down.

"Brother! How do you want me to face my sister-in-law!"

Luo Yan knelt on his knees, reached out and held the stick that had turned into black coal, and said in grief.

When Da Siming saw this scene, he was stunned and couldn't help but feel a little lost. Could it be that Luo Yan really had a close relationship with Xiang Jun. In just a few days, their relationship had reached such a deep level.

Black and white young Siming stood aside, silent.

Almost at the moment when Luo Yan was moaning in pain, a familiar breath came from behind, and there was a bit of unconcealable chill in the gentleness. Along with it, a ghostly figure appeared in a flash, wearing a very beautiful long dress, which was almost beautiful. The charming and beautiful woman appeared next to Da Siming.

It was Mrs. Xiang who had arrived late. At this moment, Mrs. Xiang's pretty face was as pale as paper. She stared blankly at the charred corpse where Luo Yan was kneeling before her. Her lips moved slightly: "No way, my husband can't die!"

As he spoke, he rushed over, pulled Luo Yan away, and fell down in front of the mummy, about to cry.

Luo Yan stood aside with red eyes and a sad face as he handed over the jade pendant and said with difficulty: "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have let my eldest brother come here in the first place. Otherwise, my eldest brother wouldn't have suffered this disaster." Disaster!"

Mrs. Xiang ignored Luo Yan and looked at the jade pendant in Luo Yan's hand. Her eyes were completely distracted. Her tears couldn't stop falling. She became weaker and more miserable, as if she had lost everything. It was heartbreaking to see.

Luo Yan sat on his knees and remained silent, as if he didn't know how to comfort him for a moment.

Da Siming stood beside Luo Yan to prevent Mrs. Xiang from losing control.

Fortunately, the worst-case scenario did not happen.

Mrs. Xiang's eyes were filled with deathly silence as she looked at Mr. Xiang who had turned into a charred corpse. The aura on her body gradually changed. After a moment, a soft inner aura replaced the slightly cold inner aura, and soon her eyes became lively. Somewhat sad, but far less miserable than before.

Mrs. Xiang, no, she should be called a female hero at this moment. Ehuang's personality has been completely silent in grief, and Li's sister has been completely released. She glanced at Luo Yan, whose eyes were red, nodded slightly and said: "Marquis Yueyang, I want to take my husband home."

"Where will my sister-in-law take my eldest brother?"

Luo Yan looked at Mrs. Xiang, whose temperament had changed slightly. He also had some guesses in his heart, but he asked with concern.

"The Yin Yang family, my husband and I have lived in the Yin Yang family since we were children. Now my husband... I naturally want to take my husband back."

Mrs. Xiang's beautiful eyes were soft and soft, and she said softly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he reached out and picked up Xiang Jun, who had turned into a mummy.

"I'll send someone to escort my sister-in-law and eldest brother back!"

Luo Yan said quickly.

Mrs. Xiang shook her head and whispered, "No need."

Luo Yan directly stopped Mrs. Xiang and said in a deep voice: "Something has happened to my eldest brother, and I will never let my sister-in-law get into trouble again. Sister-in-law, if you have any complaints in your heart, just attack me, and I will never fight back!"

Because Da Siming was already guarding him, he was not very afraid.

"Marquis Yueyang, this matter has nothing to do with you, and I won't do anything stupid. I just want to take my husband home."

Mrs. Xiang was quite calm and gentle at the moment, speaking softly. Her eyes and expression were obviously different from the previous Mrs. Xiang, as if she was a different person.

"Marquis Yueyang, there is no need to worry, I will take good care of my sister."

Mrs. Xiang seemed to know what Luo Yan was worried about, and added softly.

Luo Yan frowned and hesitated for a moment, then slowly moved away.

Mrs. Xiang nodded to Luo Yan, and then she disappeared from the place like a ghost.

The Yin Yang family’s techniques are so perverted!

Luo Yan murmured again in his heart. Mrs. Xiang's change in personality was definitely much more serious than Luo Yan thought. This sister obviously didn't have that deep feeling for Xiang Jun. It couldn't be said that it wasn't deep. I could only say that this feeling was related to E The emperor's feelings are somewhat different.

It's hard to describe the specifics. I can only describe their personalities that are constantly being cut off and confused, and they are entangled with each other.

Now that Xiangjun has passed away and Nvying has been released again, Luo Yan cannot guess what Ehuang's personality will be like.

This made Luo Yan a little worried for a while. He didn't know what Mrs. Xiang would be like the next time he saw her again.

Still maintaining its original appearance.

In other words, younger sister Nvying swallowed up the personality of older sister Ehuang.

It would be better not to swallow it... Luo Yan fell into a dilemma. He found that he could not be as straightforward as Xiangjun. Faced with two personalities, he actually sided with the Ehuang personality. As for the female hero who was released later , he felt strange for no reason.

But the two women were still alone.

It really feels like it's really twisted and weird, it's chilling, but it's hard to make a choice.

Only an extremely self-centered person like Xiangjun can make a choice without any hesitation.

"Young Master, please escort my sister-in-law back to Yin Yang's house. You don't need to get close. You just need to follow her. Don't let anything happen to her."

Luo Yan thought for a while and gave instructions to Young Siming.

This time Ji Wuye died, the biggest threat has been eliminated, and South Korea has completely become his back garden. The next trip is to Zhao Kingdom. The problem is not big, Da Siming and Meng Tian are enough.

Guo Kai is not a decoration.

As long as everyone follows the rules, there is no need to worry about Luo Yan's safety.


The black and white young Siming was very obedient, raised his hands in unison and immediately chased after Mrs. Xiang where she left.

Da Siming looked at Luo Yan's expression and instantly understood that Luo Yan was just pretending, and said, "You really care about Mrs. Xiang."

"My eldest brother just passed away and left a widow. How can I not care about him?"

Luo Yan said confidently, then changed the subject, looked at Da Siming, and asked: "Jun Xiang is dead and one of the five elders is missing. How will the Yin and Yang family react?"

As he said that, Luo Yan squeezed the jade pendant in his hand. He was very curious about the next reaction of the Yin Yang family.

Pick a new one, or is it always vacant?

According to the plot in the original work, the five elders are all very special. The future Young Siming is said to return to his throne by Donghuang Taiyi. Obviously, the current Black and White Young Master is not the most suitable candidate.

The positions of these five elders are also somewhat interesting.

"I don't know. Lord Xiang and Mrs. Xiang are special. They have been given names by Lord Donghuang since they were born. They are different from me and Shao Siming."

Da Siming shook his head and said softly.

"You will know..."

Luo Yan pinched the jade pendant in his hand, his eyes flashed slightly, and he whispered.

After all, Xiang Jun is dead.

The Yin Yang family and Donghuang Taiyi had to deal with this problem.

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