Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 750 Donghuang Taiyi

Fog and clouds wrap around the green peaks, and tourists can walk freely in the painting.

This was Luo Yan's thought after arriving at the mountain gate of the Yin Yang family. One thing to say is that the address of the Yin Yang family's sect was well chosen. The mountain gate alone has the artistic conception of an outsider. The ancestor's vision is quite good. At the same time, a thought comes to mind.

Would those mountain bandits in ancient times also choose mountains?

"If my husband likes it, I will take him to play around."

Concubine Yan, who was following Luo Yan, noticed Luo Yan's expression and said very thoughtfully. It seemed that her eyes could only hold Luo Yan and could not accommodate anything else.

Luo Yan's wandering thoughts returned. Hearing this, he reached out and held Concubine Yan's little hand, squeezed it, smiled slightly, and said: "Okay, by the way, tell me about your past. I really want to know how you are in Yin and Yang." Family matters.”

Concubine Yan's beautiful eyes moved slightly, she hesitated for a moment, and said, "As long as your husband doesn't feel bored."

"With you by my side, I won't be bored."

Luo Yan chuckled, and at the same time took Concubine Yan's hand and walked along the mountain path towards the mountain peak.

Da Siming and Hong Lian looked at the loving couple and felt countless pieces of dog food crazily stuffed into their mouths, forcing them to swallow them.

Hong Lian regretted it inexplicably. If she had known this, she might as well not have come. Seeing Luo Yan and Concubine Yan showing affection, her heart felt a little sore. She wanted to say something, but could not say anything. She and Luo Yan had nothing to do with each other. Relationship, as for snitching...Zi Nu and the others all know about Concubine Yan.

They didn't say anything, what could Honglian say?

I can only be sulky at myself.

Da Siming looked calm. She was used to eating dog food. Anyway, she had no "feelings" for Luo Yan, let alone love. She had no reason to be jealous.

Consoling himself like this, Da Siming suddenly felt much more comfortable. At the same time, he felt that Master Dongjun was too stupid and had not seen through Luo Yan's true face.

How can this guy be so infatuated? If he cuts it open, his pussy is absolutely colorful inside!

Da Siming is very determined.

After walking like this for a while, two disciples dressed as servants of the Yin Yang family blocked the mountainside.

They are all female disciples, and their temperaments are quite aloof, just like the former Grand Commander. They seem to be born with a lack of emotions, but their behavior and conversation are quite respectful. They fold their hands on their lower abdomen and bend down respectfully towards Concubine Dongjun Yan. He saluted once, and then saluted Luo Yan, Da Siming and others.

"Lord Donghuang sent his disciples to greet you."

Concubine Yan's noble, cold and arrogant aura returned. She looked at the two of them with an indifferent expression, nodded slightly, and said softly: "Lead the way."

The two good-looking female disciples nodded, and immediately led the way in a leisurely manner. Even their walking postures were quite elegant. It can be seen that the Yin Yang family cultivates female disciples with great care. At least they are good at temperament. Like other schools of thought, they are a mixed bag and not professional at all.

Compared to yesterday, I "love" the Yin Yang family more today.

Luo Yan sighed in his heart.

After chatting all the way, we soon reached the top of the mountain, and what we saw were dozens of palaces of grand size.

With just one glance, Luo Yan had a doubt in his mind. Where did the Yin Yang family come from to build these palaces? He had this doubt while walking on the mountain road. Who did such a big project?

It's not like the disciples of the Yin Yang family know how to do this work, and they're not farmers or Mohists.

However, Luo Yan extinguished this idea when he thought of the Yin Yang Family's Five Elements Technique. When he thought of the Yin Yang Family's disciples moving bricks and building walls, the painting style instantly collapsed. It was just like thinking of a fairy going to the toilet, which destroyed the image in his mind.

Arriving at the palace complex, there were immediately more disciples of the Yin Yang family. The arrival of Luo Yan and Dong Jun naturally attracted the attention of many disciples. Especially when they saw Lord Dong Jun being so intimate with a man, many regarded him as... The disciples of the goddess were all dumbfounded.

Not all disciples of the Yin Yang family are qualified to touch the mysterious mind. Disciples with insufficient mental talent are not qualified to touch it, let alone have their minds changed.

Therefore, most of them are disciples with relatively sound minds, and their temperament has not changed drastically due to practicing the sword technique.

As for the reason for recruiting them... it's possible that they are actually used for farming and building walls.

No matter how high-ranking a person is, he still needs to live a life where he has to eat, drink, have sex, and have enough food, clothing, and shelter to live in a decent place.

The two female disciples leading the way stopped, turned around, looked at Concubine Yan, and said softly: "Master Donghuang only said that he wanted to see you and Marquis Yueyang of Qin State. As for this guest, I will leave it to the chief minister. Your life is temporarily taken care of, and you can play as you like, as long as you don’t step into the forbidden area!”

Luo Yan's brows moved, he looked at Hong Lian who was sulking, and said with a smile: "The business has been dealt with, so I'll stay with you... Da Siming, I'm sorry to bother you."

Do you still know the trouble? !

Da Siming glanced at Luo Yan and conveyed a message, and immediately did not dare to get angry because Concubine Yan was watching from the side. Facing Concubine Yan, she was no different from a maid.

Who makes Concubine Yan's status in the Yin and Yang family so transcendent that no one can surpass her.

Guren pursed her lips and said nothing, but her unhappiness was written all over her pretty face. She was not the kind of girl who was good at hiding her emotions.

"Let's go."

Luo Yan said to Concubine Yan and followed the two Yin Yang disciples who were leading the way.

This time I brought Hong Lian, on the one hand, I took her out to relax and prevent her from quarreling with Yan Lingji at home. Hong Lian was a foodie and loved to play, but she couldn't pinch Yan Lingji and she also liked to give food. In addition, Han Fei When he was not in Qin, Luo Yan naturally had to take care of him. On the other hand, he could also express his goodwill.

He really came here for fun this time.

Did Donghuang Taiyi see it?

I brought a silly and cute girl to play, so I didn’t need to think too much.

"Let's go, where do you want to go?"

Da Siming put one hand on his small waist, his tall figure looked like a royal lady, and said calmly.

This was the first time she had done this kind of thing with someone. To be honest, since she met Luo Yan, she had fallen into the hands of Luo Yan for the first time too many times, but she couldn't resist, and she didn't even feel aggrieved. Every time I feel wronged, even if my teeth are broken, I have to swallow them in my stomach.

Honglian puffed out her cheeks and said gloomily: "Is there anything interesting?"


Da Siming said coldly and perfunctorily.

Guren was so angry!

My chest hurts and I need to rub it!

In a palace at the top of the Yin Yang family, two disciples of the Yin Yang family brought Luo Yan and Concubine Yan, then stood on both sides and did not follow them in together.

Concubine Dongjun Yan nodded slightly to Luo Yan, then led Luo Yan into the palace.

The palace door slowly opened, and the sunlight illuminated the way forward.

As the palace slowly closed, darkness instantly enveloped the entire palace. This palace turned out to be a closed hall without any light. Luo Yan's perception was fully activated. With his special perception ability, he could only perceive Concubine Yan beside her, but further away, was nothingness, as if nothing existed.

There's something weird about this palace!

This thought came to Luo Yan's mind. The next moment, Concubine Yan stepped lightly on the ground, as if she had stepped on some special position. The blue starlight lit up little by little in the darkness, spreading out around Concubine Yan. Go, like the boundless starry sky.

At the same time, a simple road appeared in front of you, with blue lights floating out of thin air on both sides, illuminating this ancient road with countless inscriptions on the starry sky.

"Husband, follow me."

Concubine Yan whispered to Luo Yan and walked forward.

It was like falling into some phantom formation. In just a few steps, everything behind him disappeared and turned into the starry sky.

To be honest, if you were an ordinary person, you might really be fooled.

Luo Yan was naturally frightened for a few breaths, and the next moment he came to his senses, because if Donghuang Taiyi was really that powerful, why would he need to cooperate with Qin? No matter how strong he was, it would only be one thing. The country's elite cavalry and the public loser's large machine beast.

If it doesn't work, the explosives are not a decoration.

As long as you have the confidence to fall out, fear will naturally disappear.

"This palace is interesting."

Luo Yan commented in his mind that he felt that the layout of the palace was related to the Five Elements Bagua, but this matter involved his blind spot.

However, there was something like a phantom formation in the Qin Dynasty, which could be activated even with a small medium. Many people suffered this loss in the original work. The Yin Yang Family and Shushan were both involved in this, but this thing is a trail after all. , it just deceives the eyeballs and does not have the powerful power of the Xianxia world.

It's possible that it exists, but it's hard to say whether anyone in the world can show it.

Thoughts flow.

The road ahead gradually became clear, and at the same time, a figure emitting golden light appeared in Luo Yan's sight. The figure seemed to be the only light source in the starry sky, illuminating countless stars, like the sun shining all the way, wearing a golden-black coat. The robe is embroidered with simple textures and decorated with three-legged golden crows.

Classical, atmospheric, mysterious and noble!

As the figure appeared, a low and solemn voice slowly sounded, as if there were speakers placed in the surrounding space.

"On auspicious days, the weather is good, and General Mu is happy to be the emperor; the long sword is caressing the jade ear, and the jade ring is ringing. The Yao Xi is here..."

An ancient sacrificial song slowly sounded.

When the song ended, Luo Yan and Concubine Yan walked not far in front of Donghuang Taiyi. At the same time, Donghuang Taiyi also looked at Concubine Yan and Luo Yan.

Concubine Yan looked at Donghuang Taiyi and said softly: "Your Excellency Donghuang!"

"You picked a special person."

Donghuang Taiyi still turned on the omni-directional audio, and spoke slowly without any waves in his tone.

After a pause.

Donghuang Taiyi looked at Luo Yan: "As a person who is no longer in destiny, your appearance has changed many things, including the future of this world."

Can we turn off the sound and communicate like normal people... Luo Yan smiled slightly, looked at Donghuang Taiyi calmly, and said: "I don't believe in fate, Donghuang His Excellency does not need to tell me these things, come to Yin Yang's house this time , I want to propose marriage, I want to marry Dong Jun of the Yin Yang family."

"Fate never changes because of your choices. From the moment you appear, something is destined to change."

Donghuang Taiyi said slowly.

The Butterfly Effect?

Luo Yan felt that Donghuang Taiyi was very suitable to study philosophy, so he continued: "Then what will be the fate of Concubine Yan and me?"

"You have made your choice."

Donghuang Taiyi said calmly, as if he could see the in-depth communication between Luo Yan and Yan Fei.

For Donghuang Taiyi, this matter is not a trivial matter.

Because Dongjun is a saint prepared to sacrifice to the gods, and the saint must keep her body pure. A woman who is a married woman is not qualified to hold the position of a saint to sacrifice to the gods. In other words, what happened between Concubine Yan and Luo Yan From the moment of a relationship, some things are destined to change.

Originally, Donghuang Taiyi was relatively calm about this matter, because the Moon Goddess could be a substitute, but when he found out that the Moon Goddess had also lost her virginity... Donghuang Taiyi could only pin his hopes on Concubine Yan's descendants.

Concubine Yan's bloodline is the purest, far more pure than that of Moon Goddess.

"It's my choice."

Concubine Yan looked at Donghuang Taiyi calmly, without any hesitation, she stood in front of Luo Yan and said in a deep voice.

I'm really afraid that I won't be able to live without you... Looking at Concubine Yan's back, Luo Yan said in his heart that it was impossible not to be warm. He took a step forward, pulled Concubine Yan down behind her, faced Donghuang Taiyi, and said softly: "Donghuang Your Excellency is right, this is our choice.”

"Everyone has the right to choose, but you never know whether the choice is right."

Donghuang Taiyi said quietly, seeming to remind Concubine Yan that she had made a wrong choice.

Concubine Yan's choice should not be Luo Yan.

"Does His Excellency Donghuang's words mean that you do not agree with my marriage to Concubine Yan? It was a waste of my efforts. I learned that the Yin and Yang family were pursuing Canglong Qisu and brought the copper box from the Qin State as a betrothal gift. However, it was just a gift first and then a soldier. Even if His Excellency Donghuang disagrees, I will still marry Concubine Yan!"

Luo Yan looked at Donghuang Taiyi and said in a deep voice.

In front of his own woman, he had to hold on even if he was defeated. Besides, Luo Yan was very confident that Donghuang Taiyi would not fight him. After all, he was a sect boss, so he should have some respect.

"...Some secrets cannot be explored by mortals."

Donghuang Taiyi took a deep look at Concubine Yan, then looked at Luo Yan, and said slowly.

As for the copper box, he was not interested, because only one of the seven copper boxes was the key, and the one from Qin was not among them.

If the King of Qin had not raised the cauldron and won the favor of Nine Cauldrons, there is no telling whether the world would have returned to Qin.

The theory of luck is not illusory.

not interested?

It doesn’t make sense!

Could it be that this copper box is useless? !

Ten thousand question marks appeared in Luo Yan's mind, but he quickly changed his strategy and continued: "I am not interested in Canglong Qisu. If His Excellency Donghuang agrees to my marriage to Concubine Yan, I can borrow Qin Let’s use the power of the country to help the Yin Yang family!”

Fortunately, Luo Yan's identity and status were very valuable. Luo Yan did not believe that the Yin Yang family could even abandon the Qin Kingdom.

If the Yin Yang family could work alone, it would not be so deeply involved with Qin in the original work, and a mirage would not be something that the Yin Yang family could build.

"I respect everyone's choice, but I also want everyone to remember their mission."

Donghuang Taiyi said slowly.

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