Qin Official

Final words and a temporary farewell

In fact, I don’t have much to say. Everything I want to express about history and characters is in the book.

Just standing in front of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses today, moving to the front in the crowded crowd, and clicking to send the last chapter, I felt like the slogan of Xi'an, a famous Internet city: time and space intersect here.

It's still very ceremonial.

Then I laughed so happily like a "black husband figurine".

I finally finished the book, and I don’t have to fish for it every day. It feels so good.

So I won’t write the extra chapter, firstly to avoid unnecessary unnecessary unnecessary unnecessary unnecessary extravagance, and secondly, if I am too self-indulgent to cross the line (I will definitely not be able to help it), it will impair the main text and the gain will be outweighed by the loss.

Let the story end here.

I can provide some fan ideas for those who are interested, such as the Chu-Han Fusang struggle for hegemony, Li Xin’s involvement in the war between Daxia and Sesugu, Han Xin’s encounter with Hannibal, the Eastern and Western Gods of War defeating Rome together, Fusu and Lu Zhi The notebook (it’s green, it’s green, Hei Fu and Lao Liu are both green) etc...

If you feel it is not enough, I can also make a separate list of books, ensuring that they are all hard-core history and fighter jets in online articles. There will be absolutely no friendly recommendations this time, absolutely not (serious face).

In addition, there are also book review activities in the book review area of ​​the Qidian app. You can participate. I will think about how to do it in the evening. I haven’t studied this thing yet...

As for what to write in the new book...

Come and answer me loudly, what dynasty came after Qin?

But it won’t be opened right away. First of all, the situation has been tight recently. As you all know, many books are disappearing without warning. I myself was severely warned once. Two chapters are still blocked. I don’t know if I can write a lot of things. Let’s avoid the limelight first…

Secondly, my pitiful amount of knowledge has been drained dry after three books.

I have to read and study again, at least systematically sort out all the literature about the dynasties I want to write about next, buy dozens of monographs, and download hundreds of papers from CNKI (nonsense, although I am not a doctor, of course I know What is CNKI).

Before making a dish, you must prepare enough ingredients, just like when I wrote "Spring and Autumn", "Warring States" and "Qin Li". Adaptation is not random fabrication, and drama is not nonsense.

Therefore, the new book will be released at least after the National Day, or even until November.

do not wait for me.

I hope that by then, you will have forgotten about me, let me cool off, treat the July new series as a silly newbie, return to the original point, and let the work speak for itself.

I can also forget about the black husband and this story.

From now on, Li Qin is no longer my third son.

But my enemy!

He is the mountain I just climbed over and the pinnacle of my short writing career.

But I don’t want to keep looking up to him and feel complacent. I may fall into a trough in the future, but I also hope to climb a higher mountain and then look back and look down at him (at least at eye level).

Anyway, thank you all for your generous hospitality over the past year and a half. If possible, don’t cancel Qin Li’s collection after reading it.

Finally, don’t worry about me running away, the mortgage will urge me to come back.


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