Chapter 123: The Listing Terrier Burns Yi Zhonghai, a Wonderful Drama!!。

Although he is young, he knows an old saying

“Real gold is not afraid of fire!”

He still remembers that a house on Front Street caught fire some time ago, and the family almost burned to death!!

At that time, the stick terrier thought, if only this fire could burn in Zhang Junwei or Yi Zhonghai’s house… But now think about it, if the fire doesn’t burn itself, he can light it!

The stick terrier’s heartbeat accelerated a few times, and in the night, he could hear his own heartbeat! He knew that arson was illegal, but Yi Zhonghai, this old beast, slept, didn’t he break the law?

Since he dares to do it, he also dares to do it!

The stick terrier made up his mind, today I want to give Yi Zhonghai a little good fruit to taste!

The stick terrier clenched his fists nervously and quietly opened the curtain of Yi Zhonghai’s house… Yi Zhonghai, an old beast, actually did not close the door.

The stick terrier felt that he must have deliberately left a door for Qin Huairu’s form! Such a thought of the angry stick terrier is even more disgusting and easy to Zhonghai!

He glanced at Yi Zhonghai, who was lying on the bed and snoring, sneered in his heart, and quietly touched the kitchen of Yi Zhonghai’s house. Don’t look at the young age of the stick terrier.

But he also knew that setting fire was not so easy. Can you get a match and throw it on the table to catch fire? Definitely not.

The matches burned out, and the table might not be lit. So, the stick terrier is going to go into the kitchen and get some oil! The stick terrier is still familiar with the kitchen of Yi Zhonghai’s family. After all, Jia Dongxu was Yi Zhonghai’s apprentice before.

The stick terrier fought this relationship, and did not find Aunt Yi to fight the autumn breeze. So he easily found the oil can.

Looking at most of the lard in the oil tank, the jealous eyes of the stick terrier are red! Yi Zhonghai, this old beast, is so rich and reluctant to give it to himself!

Do you still want him to call him daddy and give him the end of his life in the future? Go to his mother’s spring and autumn dream!!

The stick terrier reached into the lard jar and touched it, licking the lard fragrance on his hand! It’s a pity to burn it like that… But there is no way.

The stick terrier took another bite of lard, feeling sorry for this jar of lard in his heart.

When he was about to go out, Silly Zhu glanced at the kitchen knife in the kitchen, and pinned the kitchen knife to his waist. What if someone finds out when he sets fire?

At that time, it is easy to go wrong.

He wanted to set fire to clean up Yi Zhonghai, an old animal, but he didn’t plan to expose himself, then he would go to jail! With the kitchen knife and oil jar in hand, the stick stalker quietly entered the hall.

He glanced at Yi Zhonghai, who was still sleeping soundly, and a trace of crazy hatred flashed in his eyes! As long as this old thing dies, no one can scold himself for being a mongrel in the future!

Thinking of this, the stick terrier gritted his teeth and touched the lard to the table and stool in the hall. Then pick up the match “Woo la ~”

A sound.

The small orange-yellow flame jumped and burned.

The stick terrier smiled at this small flame and threw the match on the oiled Tang table!


The wooden Tang table was smeared with lard, and after encountering the fire, the fire instantly rose! The stick terrier looked at the rising flames, startled and at the same time his heart blossomed! Burn it quickly! The bigger the burn, the better!

Seeing the fire burning, the stick terrier quickly turned around and went out! When I got to the door, I remembered it!

I actually forgot to find money and gold rings first…

Yi Zhonghai’s old thing has so much money, what a pity if it burns like this! And the gold ring, when the fire burns big, how do you go in and find it?

Thinking about it like this, the stick terrier wanted to turn around and go into the house to find the ring first!

But the moment he turned around, there was a loud noise in Yi Zhonghai’s house


The sound of explosions! In the courtyard, some people’s lights turned on instantly!

Seeing the light, the stick terrier was so frightened that he raised his foot and ran out!

Just as he was about to leave the middle courtyard, he met a deaf old lady! The deaf old lady went out quietly tonight.

When I returned to the courtyard, I heard an explosion just after entering the middle courtyard! And it came from Yi Zhonghai’s house!

The deaf old lady immediately ran to the backyard on crutches!

Now in this courtyard, there are very few people she can use. Yi Zhonghai, she still has to take care of it.

As a result, as soon as I entered the middle courtyard, I collided with a person!

The deaf old lady is old and thin, and the fat mound of the stick terrier knocked the deaf old lady to the ground at once!

“Be careful, what are you doing?”

The deaf old lady scolded, frightened!

Looking at the deaf old lady who fell to the ground, the stick terrier knew that if Yi Zhonghai burned to death, this old thing might be some kind of witness, right?

Thinking about it this way, the stick terrier picked up the kitchen knife and aimed it at the deaf old lady!

The deaf old lady could never have imagined that such a little rabbit cub actually wanted to kill herself! So it caused her to react half a beat slower!

When the kitchen knife was about to arrive, the deaf old lady reacted! She could only quickly raise her hand to block it!

“Little bunny, you’re crazy!”

While the kitchen knife cut through the deaf old lady’s cotton clothes and scratched her arm, the deaf old lady’s right hand wanted to kill the stalk directly!

“It’s on fire! Hurry up! It’s on fire! ”

At the moment when the deaf old lady was about to break the neck of the stick terrier, several shouts saved the life of the stick terrier…


The injured hand of the deaf old lady grabbed the hand of the stick terrier’s wielding knife!

The other hand changed to a palm, and a palm split on the back of the stick stalk’s neck, and the stick stalk fainted instantly! No way, the deaf old lady is also afraid that this kid will give himself a few more knives if he has too much strength. If you don’t want to be exposed, you can only make him faint.

When Zhang Junwei was reading on the bed, he heard the sound of the big yellow dog running back.

It is locked up at home during the day, so tonight Zhang Junwei specially left a door for it to go out and move freely. Just as Zhang Junwei was about to put down his book and go to sleep, the big yellow dog ran back.

It ran to Zhang Junwei’s bedside, yelled at him twice, and was about to pull his quilt. Zhang Junwei looked at it so anxious that it wagged its tail, but when he didn’t understand what was happening, he suddenly thought that he had a talisman!

The talisman I caught the other day said that I could understand the words of animals in a certain amount of time. At that time, he still thought that this thing was chicken ribs and useless?

Now it seems that it is not all useless.

After holding the talisman in his hand, Zhang Junwei found that a translator appeared in his mind.

Every time the big yellow dog barked, it was transformed into human words in his ears.


“It’s on fire….”

The big yellow dog had already shouted again at this time, and Zhang Junwei could only let it say again: “What did you just say?” Say it again. ”

Otherwise, the big yellow dog was given to the spirit beast by the system. Zhang Junwei’s words he understood as soon as he heard them.

So it quickly smacked again! Only then did Zhang Junwei understand the whole thing.

Qin Huairu went to Yi Zhonghai’s house, and the stick terrier followed to eavesdrop.

According to the big yellow dog, because its dog ears are too sensitive, I heard that Qin Huairu gave the Jia family’s gold ring to Yi Zhonghai… Then, after Qin Huairu left, the stick terrier hated the fire and set fire to Yi Zhonghai’s house…

“So, you saw him light the fire and ran back?”

Zhang Junwei asked as he ran out the door.



Zhang Junwei nodded and quickly rushed into the middle courtyard!

At this time, someone in the middle courtyard was shouting

“It’s on fire! Hurry up! It’s on fire! ”

Zhang Junwei saw the deaf old lady at the gate of the middle courtyard through the night!

Her hand was claw-shaped, and she seemed to be about to attack a person in front of her!

Hearing the shout, her claws turned into palms and slashed at the neck of the person in front of her! Zhang Junwei’s eyes narrowed slightly.

He suddenly remembered that the real cause of Yang Si’er’s death was a broken neck bone! Now it seems that maybe the person who did it was a deaf old lady…

Although he thinks so, it is only his thoughts.

Zhang Junwei had just come out of the moon gate in the backyard, and in the deep night, he was separated from the deaf old lady by the entire courtyard. If the deaf old lady had killed the stick terrier just now, he could still catch her, but now the stick terrier just fainted nine times out of ten.

If Zhang Junwei said that he saw that the deaf old lady wanted to kill the stick terrier, I am afraid that it would be unreliable for me to catch her…….

After all, the distance is too far, and others will not believe that Zhang Junwei can see so far and clearly in such a dark night… Zhang Junwei is no longer entangled in this issue.

There are more things going on with the deaf old lady, and since he wants to arrest her, he will definitely find evidence, so that she and her people will not be able to escape.

And at this time, there are more and more people in the courtyard! The fire in Yi Zhonghai’s house also grew bigger!

“Why did this suddenly catch fire!”

“Hurry up and put out the fire! It’s useless to say this now! ”

“How to save it! What about buckets! Hurry up and bring the bucket! ”

“What about the water pipes? Didn’t our yard have a water pipe before? ”

“What about the basin? Daughter-in-law, hurry up and get the footbasin! ”

There was a noise in the courtyard, and everyone was like headless flies, so anxious that they couldn’t get the point.

“Listen to me!”

Zhang Junwei frowned and shouted to silence everyone!

“The water pressure of our water pipes is not enough, and we can’t put out the fire by relying on water pipes alone!” So now all go home and get the bucket, all four taps are turned on! Three relays poured water into the house! ”

“One to the faucet and pour it into the window!”

Zhang Junwei’s roar can be regarded as giving these people a backbone.

Everyone immediately rushed home to carry the bucket, Yan Xiecheng pulled the water pipe over, tied it to a faucet and began to release water! Zhang Junwei glanced at Yi Zhonghai’s house, the fire was not small, but fortunately it did not burn outside, so it could still be controlled.

The biggest problem now is that the smoke is too big, so I don’t know what the situation is in the house.

While Zhang Junwei was observing, the people in the courtyard were no longer noisy, and they lined up one by one to receive water and pass buckets to splash water. A dragon began to put out the fire.

It was at this time that everyone heard a faint cry for help from Yi Zhonghai’s house: “Help… Help…..”

“This is? Easy Zhonghai? ”

“What’s wrong with him? The door is gone? Why didn’t he come out when he woke up? ”

“Yi Zhonghai! You’d better run outside! ”

Yan Bugui roared at Yi Zhonghai’s family!

Although Yi Zhonghai is not a thing, but the big guys don’t want to watch him burn Ah 0 like this, but they still don’t see Yi Zhonghai running out, and the house still intermittently hears “Help…”


“He may be injured.”

Zhang Junwei walked to Yi Zhonghai’s house and took a look.

The fire burned from the inside, but there was no fire at the door. But.

This does not mean that there is no danger in saving Yi Zhonghai.

Because in the fire, the most dangerous thing is not fire, but smoke.

“Uncle Two! Three uncles! This is a salvation! ”

Someone in the courtyard shouted out.

“yes, we can’t just watch people burn to death, can we?”

While splashing water, everyone asked Liu Haizhong and Yan Bugui.

In fact, where is the matter of saving people, the uncle in charge asks.

The main thing is that everyone is afraid, afraid of what if something happens when they go in? So no one wants to go, they can only shout bangs into them.

When I heard everyone call myself in the bangs, my face turned black! Why is he, the reserve uncle, so miserable? I haven’t been a grandpa yet, so I encountered this kind of thing…

“Zhang Junwei, what should I do about this?”

Xu Damao came to Zhang Junwei, splashed a bucket of water into the house and asked him in a low voice.

“I don’t think these two uncles dare to go in…” Today, this Yi Zhonghai won’t die in it just like that, right? ”

Zhang Junwei didn’t plan to save this old beast, but he felt that Xu Damao’s words were a bit exciting.

“How? Do you want to go in? ”

Xu Damao nodded, and quickly said, “Isn’t our deputy section chief going to be transferred?” Now Corey and I are fighting for this position! He is older than me, and there are more people who support him than I do… I thought, if I make a difference…”

Xu Damao raised his eyebrows, and Zhang Junwei instantly understood what he meant. At the same time, Zhang Junwei also thought of his identity.

Watching Yi Zhonghai burn to death in the courtyard like this is definitely not okay. He, the police officer, will not be nice to say it when the time comes.

Since this is the case, it is better to take advantage of this matter and give yourself and Xu Damao a wave of benefits………….

“Yi Zhonghai hasn’t come out now, I think nine times out of ten he is injured.”

Zhang Junwei quickly explained, and then let Xu Damao take off his coat, and lifted a bucket of water and poured it on his body.


“He can’t figure it out alone, I’ll be with you!”

The two people put their wet coats on their faces, only showing a pair of eyes and rushed into the house! The courtyard instantly boiled!

“See! See! Zhang Junwei went in to save people! ”

“Yi Zhonghai, this beast is naïve to Zhang Junwei! Now look at Zhang Junwei! What a nice man! ”

“With such a big smoke, will something happen when you go in?”

“Who knows…”

In the midst of everyone’s discussion, Zhang Junwei and Xu Damao rushed into Yi Zhonghai’s house.

The fire was rolling, and Zhang Junwei saw Yi Zhonghai at a glance, and at the same time, he also knew why Yi Zhonghai did not run out, he was injured.

A sharp piece of pottery pierced Yi Zhonghai’s quilt and pierced Yi 3.7 Zhonghai’s stomach. In the firelight, Yi Zhonghai, who could see, paled his face.

This guy is afraid that he has shed a lot of blood.

Zhang Junwei glanced at the environment in the room, and then motioned for Xu Damao to carry people with him!

Zhang Junwei carried Yi Zhonghai’s shoulders, Xu Damao held his two legs, and the two walked out together! Seeing them come out, everyone in the courtyard quickly surrounded them!

“Are you all right, Zhang Junwei?”

“You said that you are too kind, this matter is so dangerous, you don’t think about it.”

“Otherwise, see no, this is our police officer!” Reliable! ”

“Zhang Junwei, you are really a big hero!”

Zhang Junwei curled the corners of his mouth and sneered, reaching out to untie the wet cotton jacket on his body.

Lou Xiao’e immediately rushed over from behind the crowd and gave Zhang Junwei and Xu Damao a dry cotton coat.

“When I saw you guys go in, I hurried to get my clothes…”

“You two are really…”

Lou Xiao’e looked at Zhang Junwei and Xu Damao with a scared look, and then when she lowered her head, she instantly jumped in fright when she saw Yi Zhonghai on the ground!

“What’s wrong with him!”

Zhang Junwei asked Yan Xiecheng to borrow a tricycle and prepare to send Yi Zhonghai to the hospital, and then said.

“Dear neighbors, this fire in Yi Zhonghai’s house today was set by someone!”

When Zhang Junwei said this, the entire courtyard was about to explode!

“What? I’m dripping mom! Who is this! ”

“How much hatred and resentment? Killing and setting fire is a matter of paying for your life! ”

“Zhang Junwei, is this true?”

Yan Bugui hurriedly asked Zhang Junwei.

Zhang Junwei nodded, he went in more than just to save Yi Zhonghai, the old beast. The big yellow dog said, it was the fire set by the stick terrier. Since it was he who set the fire, Zhang Junwei had to find evidence that he set the fire!

“I just went in and saw that Yi Zhonghai’s oil jar exploded on the table in the hall…” That’s why Yi Zhonghai was injured. ”

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