Thinking about it, Ouyang Nana took out her mobile phone from her pocket and turned on the music player. There were only three songs on it, "The Love of My Life", "Broad Sea and Sky", and "Red Sun".

Just put on the earphones and wanted to click on "The Love of My Life" to listen, when suddenly the phone rang.

"Director Wang Bing? Did he call me because he has a new play?"

Seeing that it was Wang Bing on the caller ID, Ouyang Nana was very excited. After working so hard for so long, is the dawn finally coming?If I become popular in the future, will the man who sang the love of my life see the play I acted, and will he like it?At this moment, countless thoughts turned in Ouyang Nana's mind.

After calming down his excitement, Ouyang Nana answered the phone.

"Hey, Director Wang, do you have anything to do with me?"

"That, I'm Wang Bing. I'm at the Xiangnong Cafe with my friends. I need to discuss something with you. Can you come over?"

Hearing this, Ouyang Nana nodded quickly: "Yeah, I have time, I'll be there right away!"

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Nana put the book back directly, ran all the way back to the dormitory, changed a set of clothes, put on light makeup, and then stepped into a taxi.The pure and beautiful girl, under the background of light rouge and perfume, is like a fairy walking down from the sky, charming all beings with every frown and smile.

Along the way, her heart was like a little rabbit jumping around, thinking wildly.

Why did Director Wang ask himself to meet in a cafe alone? Could it be that I am going to play an important role this time?But the last time I auditioned by myself was already the second female lead, and I wasn't invited to meet alone. Could it be... Director Wang wanted me to play the first female lead this time?

Ouyang Nana thought about laughing at herself, how could a young rookie with no reputation and qualifications play the leading role of Director Wang?

Director Wang said he had a friend there, who could it be?Is it a screenwriter?Or an investor?Anyway, when the time comes, I must behave well, and I must not talk nonsense!

With that in mind, the taxi arrived outside the Xiangnong Cafe. Ouyang Nana got out of the car, tidied up her appearance, walked slowly, and pushed open the door of the cafe...  

There were not many people in the cafe, and Ouyang Nana glanced around, and saw Director Wang Bing sitting facing her not far away, and at the same time, a young figure with his back facing her.

However, when seeing this figure from the back, Ouyang Nana was slightly taken aback, "Why is this figure so familiar?"

Ouyang was thinking about that while walking in. At this time, Wang Bing saw her and waved to her with a smile, "That, this way!"

The young figure also turned her head. When Ouyang Nana saw the familiar yet distant face, her body seemed to be fixed in place, and she stared at the face countless times. The face that appeared in my dream, at this moment, a trace of sadness welled up in my heart, two drops of clear tears unconsciously slid down the cheeks, scratching the light makeup on the face.

"It''s you?" Ouyang Nana choked up, even though there were thousands of words in his heart, they turned into a few broken words when they reached his mouth.

When Zeng Xiao 3.5 saw Ouyang, he was really touched by the beauty of the girl in front of him. This is another kind of beauty, as if drawn by a painting wizard with a brush, but it is so vivid, so Smart, not inferior to Hu Yifei, Andy, Xiong Dailin and others.

However, at this time, two tears rolled down from the girl's picturesque eyes, adding a bit of sadness to this beauty.

Suddenly, Zeng Xiaoxian stood up, stretched out his hand, and gently wiped away the tears on the girl's cheeks.

The two people who have never met in a real sense are like old friends who haven't seen each other for many years. Everything is so tacit, so natural, and the beauty of fate lies in this. .

251. The Stolen Love Is Still Love (First Update, Please Subscribe!!)

Wang Bing is also a knowledgeable and interesting person. Seeing that the two of them met in this way, how could they not know what they should do next?

He smiled and stood up, "Xiaoxian, that, you guys talk, I still have something to do, I'll go back and deal with it first, as for the role, Xiaoxian, your opinion is mine."

"Thank you, Brother Wang!" Zeng Xiaoxian was still grateful in his heart.

"You'll be offended if you say that!" Wang Bing waved his hands feigning displeasure.

After Wang Bing left, Ouyang Nana realized, "Didn't Director Wang ask me to come here? Why is he now..."

Zeng Xiaoxian asked her to sit down first, then ordered the waiter to bring a cup of coffee, this time he said: "Well, the thing is like this, I wrote a new script, I hope you can be the heroine of this drama, At that time, this drama will be directed by Brother Wang. As you know, Brother Wang's directing skills are very deep. With him directing, plus my script, as long as you act well, you will definitely become popular, so I I hope you can join us and make good use of this opportunity.”

"Me?" Ouyang pointed at her nose in disbelief. Although she had this idea in her heart, when everything became a reality before her eyes, she didn't even think of the shock.

Zeng Xiaoxian nodded with a smile, "Do you agree?"

"Yeah! I agree!" Ouyang nodded and pecked at the chicken, she was so excited.

Seeing this, Zeng Xiaoxian directly took out a copy of the script he had printed out, "This is the script of this drama, you can take a look at it first, if you encounter any problems in character analysis, you can directly contact me or Brother Wang, I will I just said hello to him..."

After receiving the script handed over by Zeng Xiaoxian, Ouyang Nana suddenly remembered something, she looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with burning eyes, "You...why are you so kind to me?"

Although she didn't know when she had already planted a deep affection for the young man in front of her, but she knew that the latter probably didn't know her. The only time they met was in the square, or was she secretly secretly .

But after asking this sentence, Ouyang Nana was a little nervous. She didn't know what the answer she was expecting was, do I like you?Or should I take care of you?

It seemed impossible to like her. At that time, his girlfriend was so beautiful in the square, and she was not inferior to him at all. It was possible to keep her. It seemed normal for a talented man like him to have a few women around him.

How should I respond if he says next that he wants me to be his strongman?Do you agree, or do you not agree?

At this moment, Ouyang Nana secretly made a decision in her heart, even if he asked herself to be his lover later, she would agree, not for this opportunity, but for being able to be with him.

"Because you helped me once."

However, Zeng Xiaoxian's answer was indeed like this, and Ouyang Nana felt a little disappointed. It turned out that he didn't like himself, and he didn't even have the intention of making himself his lover?But just because I helped him before.

However, when did I help him?Ouyang looked at Zeng Xiaoxian in confusion.

"It's like this." Seeing that Ouyang Nana didn't understand what he meant, Zeng Xiaoxian explained: "At first I sang the song "The Love of My Life" in the square. The popularity of love also made director Wang Bing discover this song of mine, which made it the theme song of his TV series, so objectively, you helped me that time, and this time I did it as a courtesy .”

Ouyang Nana somewhat understood what Zeng Xiaoxian meant, but what she cared about was not the chance to be number one this time, but Zeng Xiaoxian's beautiful girlfriend at that time.

". Are you and your girlfriend okay?"

She asked such an abrupt question by accident, and even had some dark thoughts in her heart, it would be fine if the two broke up or had a bad relationship.

"We are fine, thank you for your concern." Zeng Xiaoxian smiled, and then pointed to the script, "You should read the script first, and you can ask me if you don't understand anything."

Only then did Ouyang Nana come back to her senses, quickly took a sip of coffee, and focused on the script in her hand.

As soon as I read the first page, I was addicted to it.

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