Sister Liu drove the car to the love apartment. At this time, all the girls got dressed and got out of the car.

But that messy hair and bright red face made Sister Liu puzzled for a while.

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the unnatural faces of the girls, smiled and said to Sister Liu: "Sister Liu, take the car to wash it, and I will reimburse the cost!".

278. A Folk Song (1/3 Please Subscribe!!)

The next day, Zeng Xiaoxian came to Liu Bing's studio after breakfast.

Knowing that Zeng Xiaoxian was coming, Liu Bing went to the door to greet him in person, and Ouyang Nana followed behind him, his beautiful eyes resting on Zeng Xiaoxian's body non-stop.

Zeng Xiaoxian also knew what she was thinking, so he smiled at her and said, "How is it? Are your work going well these days?"

Ouyang Nana nodded quickly, "Well, it went well. Director Liu explained to me some difficulties encountered in the script."

Due to Zeng Xiaoxian's intentional misleading last time, now Liu Bing thinks that Ouyang Nana is already Zeng Xiaoxian's girlfriend, so he naturally regards Ouyang Nana~ as his own.

Hearing this, he joked with a smile: "Xiaoxian, you see, I've helped those a lot these days, you have to invite me for this meal, right?"

"Brother Liu, that's out of the question. Don't talk about one meal, even ten meals. As long as you are free, Brother Liu, I'm obliged!"

The two were joking, but Ouyang Nana's ears turned red. Director Liu Bing should have invited the director to help her, but why did the director ask Zeng Xiaoxian to invite him?

Moreover, Zeng Xiaoxian didn't refuse or explain, and he agreed directly. Was this unintentional or intentional?

If he is interested, does that mean that he is also interested in himself?

Thinking of this, she felt very happy in her heart, as long as Zeng Xiaoxian was interested in her, even if he already had a girlfriend, she would try her best to get it.

Love is selfish!

When Liu Bing saw Zeng Xiaoxian coming, he also wanted to chat with him about the drama Northern Love Story. Besides, he and Zeng Xiaoxian are getting closer, so there is no need to be polite.

"Well, let's have a meal together at noon today. I just want to talk to you about this drama." Liu Bing said with a smile, "But it can be agreed in advance, I will decide the place, and you alone Come buy it!"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and nodded, "It's natural."

"Director, can I go?" At this moment, Ouyang Nana suddenly mustered up the courage to ask.

Liu Bing was taken aback by the question, but then he laughed loudly and said, "Of course, if you are not allowed to go, Xiaoxian will say that I, a brother, can't do things anymore!"

Hearing this, Ouyang Nana secretly rejoiced, "Then you guys talk, I'll read the script first."

After speaking, he blushed and ran away.



Golden Dragon Hotel.

Liu Bing ordered someone to reserve a private room early on. After several people arrived, the waiter quickly brought up the food and wine.

During the dinner, after chatting about some dramas about love stories in the north, Zeng Xiaoxian asked: "By the way, Brother Liu, have you found the theme song for this drama?"

When Zeng Xiaoxian mentioned this, Liu Bing laughed and said, "With you as a talented singer, I don't have to worry about these things. But then again, the filming of this TV series is about to start, Xiaoxian, you are in this drama. It’s time to think about the theme song too, and then we’ll make a classic for us!”

Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile: "Brother Liu, I already have something in mind about this theme song."

"Oh, let's hear it?" Liu Bing's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

"This drama focuses on the love of young people. I want to use a song that tends to the folk style as the theme song."

As he said, Zeng Xiaoxian handed Liu Bing the song that had been written on the paper, and Ouyang Nana leaned over curiously.

— tick tick tick tick tick tick

——The hour hand keeps turning

— tick tock tick tock tick tock

——Xiao Yu slapping the water

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???


Looking at the neat and beautiful fonts on the paper, Liu Bing couldn't help but nodded slightly. The lyrics were written very well, with a trace of sadness and sigh, which made Liu Bing subconsciously recall the period when he was young. time.

Ouyang Nana has just stepped into society from school, and she has just experienced all kinds of hardships, but the sentences in this song touched her deeply.

——Do you still care about him?

——Who will wipe the sad tears

When seeing these two sentences, Ouyang Nana couldn't help looking at Zeng Xiaoxian, thinking about him all the time, did he know it?Will there be a day when I shed sad tears, he will stay by my side and gently wipe away the tears from the corners of my eyes?


Thinking of this, she had an impulse, an impulse to hear this song immediately, she looked at Zeng Xiaoxian expectantly, "Xiaoxian, is there a tune for this song, can you sing a few lines for me? ?”

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian hesitated for a moment, then smiled, "The song with the lyrics has been written, but the guitar accompaniment hasn't been made yet. Since you want to hear it now, I'll sing it a cappella!"

"Yeah!" Ouyang Nana nodded happily, this man sang to herself the song he hadn't finished writing, which made her feel full of happiness immediately.


— tick tock tick tock tick tock

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