
The head was not cut, but Guan Zhe's top hat was cut off, revealing a big shiny head.

Seeing that Wang Baoqiang resisted too fiercely, Yu Zhen made a decisive decision and grabbed the nameplate on Wang Baoqiang's back.

Stab it!

There was a sound of cloth being torn, and Wang Baoqiang was dumbfounded, stunned, and collapsed.

"Nimma program team didn't say that this segment will tear up famous brands? What do you mean by that?"

Taking advantage of Wang Baoqiang's idle time, Yu Zhen started to do ideological work.

"Baoqiang, I know your heart is broken, but I tell you that this is the program group's arrangement, now you have two choices, one: become our secret agent, if we win, you will also win .Second: Resist to the end, then..."

Yu Zhen raised the name tag in Yang's hand, "You will be eliminated from now on."

Wang Baoqiang almost fainted, so there are two choices?It's so obvious that there is only one choice!

But at this time, the situation was stronger than others, and Wang Baoqiang didn't insist on it needlessly.

"Okay, I'll join you!"


On the side of the city gate, Lu Hao held an alarm clock in his hand and shouted at the running man brother: "Hey, are you all right? The time is almost up!"

Zeng Xiaoxian rolled his eyes, "Director, this is a costume drama, is it really appropriate for you to just set an alarm clock to keep time?"

"What's inappropriate, our place is an important node of the Silk Road, and of course new things from the West will be passed on!"

Deng Chaoshen added: "Director, when the Silk Road was opened, there were no clocks in Western countries, let alone your alarm clock!"

Zeng Xiaoxian made another cut, "Brother Chao, don't embarrass the director, he probably doesn't understand sundials, so he uses an alarm clock!"

Hearing this, Lu Hao blushed. He really didn't understand the sundial, so he brought an alarm clock to fill it up. Now Zeng Xiaoxian broke the news, and quickly changed the subject, "Hey, hey, who's talking to you? Yes? The time is almost up, if you don’t get all the passes, you will jump the big rope again!”

This voice really works...  

Everyone in the men's team immediately became nervous.

Zeng Xiaoxian said: "Who else is missing?"

The baby took a look, "It seems that Baoqiang hasn't come yet?"

Deng Chao: "Li Cheng, you have a loud voice, please call Baoqiang!"

Li Chengdan was in pain, "Why do you want me to shout?"

3.7 "Because you are a blacksmith!"


Li Cheng wants to cry but has no tears, the blacksmith's stalk is almost ruined by this group of cheating teammates!

"Wang Baoqiang!!!"

"Wang Baoqiang!!!"


Wang Baoqiang's voice sounded, and then a figure in distress appeared in everyone's sight.

"I...I found it!" Wang Baoqiang rushed to the crowd with the pass in his hand.

But seeing Wang Baoqiang sweating profusely and his clothes disheveled, Zeng Xiaoxian had a bad feeling. .

380. Being Cried Stupidly by a Big Hei Niu (3/8 Please Subscribe!!)

"Baoqiang, why did you find it only now?" the baby asked with a smile.

"I don't know, maybe my luck is too bad?"

Zeng Xiaoxian also laughed and said, "Baoqiang, why are you disheveled, as if you have just been trampled by someone?"

Hearing this, Wang Baoqiang's expression became a little unnatural, but he calmed down immediately.

"Oh, Xiaoxian, what are you talking nonsense, how could I be trampled~ I'm Shaolin Wang Baoqiang!"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said nothing, but the inappropriate feeling in his heart seemed to be a little stronger.

He thought about it carefully, and suddenly found that the running men in the past would divide them into two teams and compete with each other, but this time they were not divided into teams, and there were several guests who participated in the past. The shadow of the guests.

"No, there must be something tricky this time!"

Thinking of this, Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lu Hao at the gate of the city. The latter's eyes towards Wang Baoqiang seemed to have changed slightly, but after seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's gaze, he immediately lowered his head and avoided his gaze.

At this time, Deng Chao had already gathered everyone's passes and brought them in front of Lu Hao.After the latter checked it once, everyone passed the level smoothly.

Walking on the long yellow sand road, Zeng Xiaoxian sang a song wherever he went.

- you carry the burden

- I ride a camel

——Welcome to the sunrise and send off the sunset

——Tread the bumps into a road

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