"Looking forward to +10086!"


Naying's photo caused an uproar like a stone falling on the calm water.

Fans collectively speculated and discussed Zeng Xiaoxian's intentions on Weibo, and directly ignored Zhao Qiang.

Zhao Qiang's attention also fell to the bottom of this wave of discussions like a stock crash.

"what's the situation?"

Zhao Qiang 16's heart was broken when he saw the attention returning to single digits, and seeing the beauties leaving one by one.

Life is full of ups and downs. One second ago, beauties were flocking to please, but now they pay attention to the photos.

Even some girls with bad tempers left messages below, they are poor and ugly, so they are so popular!

"Spicy chicken stuff!"

The timid and self-respecting Zhao Qiang decisively deleted Weibo, for fear that he would spit out his old blood.

The next morning, when the sun was high, Zeng Xiaoxian climbed up from the battlefield with his waist supported.

Feeling a ray of soft light from Chuyang, looking at the beauties in the harem scattered all over the bed, thinking about the madness of last night, he has more energy than energy, and he is even more eager for the Heart Sutra of Yu Nu.

Zeng Xiaoxian turned on the computer and spoofed a photo last night. He believed that the rest of the people would definitely respond, so he entered Weibo with curiosity.

Click on Weibo, the private message is 99+ as always, and I am about to enter the Weibo of Naying and others. I saw a few big words, and Zeng Xiaoxian invited five major singers to create new songs! ?

Overnight, Na Ying's photos spread all over the circle of friends, and several fast-moving entertainment news directly put the news on the front page, and Weibo was one of them.

Wave after wave of fans wrote comments under the conspicuous title, no doubt they are all looking forward to Zeng Xiaoxian.

Looking at the expectations of millions of fans, Zeng Xiaoxian expressed that he was very confused. He just planned to play a spoof and enhance his relationship.

Unexpectedly, it was unintentional, and it directly made himself the top of the headlines and even the most searched list on Weibo.

Just when Zeng Xiaoxian was in a daze, the phone rang, and it was no surprise that it was the five supporting actors in the incident.

"Have you read Weibo, Xiaoxian? Hurry up and read Weibo, we are on the hot search list! Haha!"

It was Yu Quan who spoke. As a group with no good looks and no talent, it has almost become a luxury to rely on popular songs.

However, this extravagant wish came true. Driven by Zeng Xiaoxian's fans, all five of them entered the top ten most searched.

"Calm down, I've already read Weibo, why don't I just make it a hot search, follow me to the hot search!"

No matter how slow Zeng Xiaoxian reacted, he had already recovered from his bewilderment, and answered in a coquettish manner.

Yu Quan and the two quickly nodded in agreement, let alone Zeng Xiaoxian's coquettish words, even if they were asked to offer the backyard flowers that they had kept for many years, they might not refuse.

Of course, Zeng Xiaoxian must be able to match her, and she must be more tender than the concubines in the palace.

After Yuquan passed, the remaining few people came to bombard him with phone calls one after another, which washed away Zeng Xiaoxian's joy and calmed him down.

After recovering, Zeng Xiaoxian and Huang Xiaohua had breakfast today and watched them off to work when Huang Xiaohua's phone call came as scheduled.

"Zeng Xiaoxian, you are on the trending search!"


"Awesome, I didn't expect you to be quite capable. I thought it would take several days to spread the word, but I didn't expect you to get it done in one night!"


"Tell me, how did you come up with this idea!"

"Would you believe me if I said I just wanted to have fun..."

As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian left, Huang Xiaohua on the phone kept silent, moved his steps quietly, came to the kitchen and picked up a kitchen knife, ready to have a good time with the phone when Zeng Xiaoxian continued to pretend.

The fun of it?It was just for fun and it became a trending search and made headlines, so if you were serious, wouldn’t the whole world belong to you?

Li Dazhao invites you to sit down, you are blocking Chen Duxiu who is behind you...

Resisting the urge to hack Zeng Xiaoxian to death with one knife, he chatted with him about the upcoming promotional arrangements.

With this unintentional hot search publicity, all the previous preparations and plans were in vain, and I went directly to meet the boss as if I was cheating, and prepared for the final level.

The general plan for the concert has been clarified, but the details still need to be decided by Zeng Xiaoxian, so the discussion took almost two hours to end.

After that, Zeng Xiaoxian had lunch with Chen Meijia, who was unemployed at home, and then rushed to the recording studio.

The publicity is in place, and the next step is to practice in the recording studio. In order to successfully win the Royal Girl Heart Sutra and sing songs every night, Zeng Xiaoxian also worked hard.

In the recording studio, Yuquan Naying and others had already practiced here, so only Wang Ou came out to greet Zeng Xiaoxian.

"933 Teacher Zeng!"

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's figure appear, Wang Ou called out tenderly, his eyes in the colored contact lenses were erratic and he dared not look at him.

"Morning, Wang Ou." Zeng Xiaoxian stepped forward to say hello, the heat wave from his mouth flashed across Wang Ou's pretty face, making her ears flush.

Greedily inhaling the scent of Zeng Xiaoxian's body, Wang Ou seemed a little restless.

"What's the matter, are you uncomfortable?" Zeng Xiaoxian joked, he had already noticed Wang Ou's strangeness.

"No... nothing! Congratulations, Mr. Zeng!"

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