The importance of the balance he needs to swim is evident now.

In addition to Sun Yang, their team also has Li Chen, a big black bull, so even if Zeng Xiaoxian has one more person on his side, the outcome is still unpredictable.

"Be careful."

Sun Yang yelled and launched the final attack.

Chen Jianzhou stepped forward to block, Baobao and Deng Chao wanted to step forward to help, but they were restrained by Li Chen who was at the side.

Wang Zunan, who was free, attacked Ying Bao as a matter of course.

The war started all at once, but the balance of the battle did not last long.

The moment Zhao Liying was pushed into the water, the balance of victory began to tilt towards the baby team.

Zhao Liying is out!

Wang Zunan, who was free, displayed his fearless spirit, flew to hug Chen Jianzhou, and the two died together.

Chen Jianzhou, Wang Zunan out!

In the end, there were only four people left on the floating board, two against two, but the one left on the baby side was the strongest.

With the right time, place and people, Bao Bao and Deng Chao were eliminated one after another without any suspense.

520 The baby team won the first game, and they took the lead in the third round.

At the beginning of the second game, Zeng Xiaoxian learned the lesson from the previous game and adjusted his state regulation plan.

This time Bao Bao took the lead in attacking, and his goal was very clear, to drag Zu Nan into the water.

"Grandfather, I'm here, hee hee!"

For the first time in this issue, this team of brothers and sisters collided together.

"My baby, today either you die or I die!"

Wang Zunan didn't have the slightest intention to hold back, and started fighting as soon as they met, using all his strength without reservation.

The same is true for Baobao, the two Wang brothers fought harder than others.

"Plastic Brotherhood..."

Zeng Xiaoxian looked a little speechless. .

35. Get angry and become a beauty ([-]) [Running Men's Entertainment Shuangwen asks for subscription]

"Baby, what are you doing! Don't take off my hijab!"

"Then you took off my pants just now, what's the deal!"

The two fought together, just like the shrews on the street, using all kinds of rogue tricks.

"Ah! My turban!"

Wang Zunan groaned, and the turban on his head fell into the swimming pool at some point.

"Baby, I will fight with you!" Wang Zunan roared loudly.

Talking about wrestling with Bao Bao Wang again, this time Wang Zunan didn't have any scruples and just yanked the baby's pants violently.

And the baby also counterattacked him, scratching the grandpa's hair fiercely.


The two finally fell into the water.

However, the stunned expressions of Zeng Xiaoxian and the others did not dissipate for a long time.

Their typical shrew image is really fresh in people's memory and can't be forgotten.

Wang Zunan, Uncle Wang is out!

Although they were eliminated, the two in the water still didn't intend to stop and started fighting each other again.

"Brother Chao, do you know them?"

Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly looked at Deng Chao and asked seriously.

Deng Chao was stunned for a while, then shook his head randomly.

"I don't know, I thought you knew."

"Since you don't know us, what are you watching, let's continue the game."

Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't stand it any longer, after this incident, he finally knew what plastic brothers are!


The game continues, Zeng Xiaoxian and the others are no longer satisfied with fighting alone, it consumes too much energy, besides, Zeng Xiaoxian is not a procrastination person.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. With the example of the previous round, he does not intend to give the opponent a chance to breathe.

Baby, out!

Not long after the beginning, Yang Ying was pushed into the water by Zeng Xiaoxian himself.

Does he know that now is not the time to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, how many people died at the hands of Lianxiang Xiyu in the first round of tearing up the famous brand, including Zeng Xiaoxian himself.

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