Favorite song: "Hey hey hey? Brother-sama looks tired, so cute~?"

"Aige...don't lick so hard, it's very itchy."

Luo Zhen's ears and neck were covered with his sister's liquid, sticky.

After regaining some strength, Luo Zhen shuffled to the bathroom.

Although Ai Ge naturally wanted to follow, but it was too tiring to take a shower and deal with Ai Ge, and he would literally be eaten.

So Luo Zhen made an appointment with her to hug her after going to bed at night, and Ai Ge reluctantly agreed.

"Ah~~~... Cool!"

Luo Zhen quickly washed his body, and then sank into the big bathtub.

As expected of a garden in the sky, this bright and spacious bathroom is even more luxurious than Rozen's Einzbern house, it's almost like a Roman bath.

I have to find a chance to thank the Tsundere Empress.

Luo Zhen thought in a daze, and fell asleep hazily.

...Then, I don't know how long it took.

"Oh? Ho~?"

Luo Zhen heard a playful voice and opened his eyes in a daze.

Then I saw that the Empress, whom I was thinking about before going to bed, was looking at me playfully.

...in the same bath!Next to myself!No cover! !

Because the situation was too jumpy, Luo Zhen didn't even react, and he looked like he was still awake:

"Good morning, Miss Empress."

"It's evening now. How dare you hog the bathroom for the rest of the night, brat."

The empress seemed very happy, she made no secret of her violent and beautiful body, and stared at Luo Zhen.

Well, let's sort it out.

Luo Zhen knew that he accidentally fell asleep.Then it seemed that it was time for the empress to have exclusive use of the bathroom, and she discovered it with a look of 'I've caught you'.

……Um?so?Why do you want to bathe with me?Are you rewarding me? ?

"Miss Empress, haven't you noticed that I'm still there? You can see every corner of the sky garden, right?"

"Yes, yes, but Yu Ke is not so arrogant that he even wants to monitor this kind of place."

The empress propped her cheek with one hand, she didn't feel shy at all when her body was seen.

Semiramis is still very principled.

In other words, she is not interested in ordinary people at all, and if she is asked to peep into other people's privacy, she will feel it is an insult instead.

She smiled with a sense of superiority:

"Moreover, that's why I was pleasantly surprised. Didn't I see you defenseless? What about the magician of the third method, but with your stupid sleepy face just now, you can strangle you to death in a few minutes?"

"Ha..." Luo Zhen responded blankly, and buried his neck in the water by the way.

Although the empress was intimidating herself very superiorly, it seemed that she still didn't realize that she had misunderstood her gender.

This made Mr. Luo Zhen quite embarrassed.

If she only found out that she was a man now, then with her unruly temper, she might become so angry that she would tear up the sky courtyard on the spot.

For the self-esteem of Miss Empress, Luo Zhen still wanted to hide it as much as possible.

But it's a pity that the empress didn't understand his good intentions at all.

Seeing Luo Zhen shrinking, she also understood that he was finally afraid of herself, and the smile on her face was even more superior:

"Speaking of which, you seem to be doing something very interesting. Are you using magic on those artificial humans? Are you able to control their bodies and minds and make them your puppets?"

"The third method is not this type. If I insist, I'm just strengthening them."

The Empress snorted disdainfully:

"It's called the materialization of the soul, right? It's really pretending to be mysterious. Your appearance as an adult is also the effect of magic?"

The empress understood correctly that Luo Zhen's current eight-year-old state is the main body, and both the adult mode and the salary king mode are the effects of magic.

Therefore, the empress has a sense of superiority.

In her understanding, the appearance of the 'saint' who is more beautiful than herself is the effect of magic.Luo Zhen in the main body is just a child.

And the current situation, in this bathroom where we are honest with each other.

Empress Semiramis, her self-consciousness as a mature woman inflated even more!

"A mere kid whose name is Rozen, how arrogant!"

"Wow!" The water around Luo Zhen surged.

Semiramis hooked his fingertips to control the water flow to drive Rozen's body,

Actually, she took him into her arms!

In order to prevent Luo Zhen from escaping, she clasped his waist with her luxurious legs, stuck her whole body on Luo Zhen's back, and hugged him:

"Since your magic is useful for artificial humans, it is also useful for servants, right? This is Yu's order. Use your magic on me, let Yu suffer from flesh, and rule this world again!"

A very realistic empress thinks so:

Since the Holy Grail can no longer be counted on, let's use magic directly to give yourself a second life!

This was pure entertainment for Semiramis.

She's not really obsessed with conquering the world, or becoming an empress again.

It's just pure, I don't want to end this second life casually.

Luo Zhen can also understand this idea, although it is very understandable...

"Miss Semiramis...then what, can you stop hugging me so tightly?"

"Huh~? Why, do you finally know how to be afraid of me~?"

The Empress smiled wickedly, and got even worse, hugging her even tighter!

She didn't understand at all, really didn't understand at all!

Now, even if Luo Zhen was of the Buddha family, he really couldn't bear it anymore.

To be reasonable, if it is Aige, Atalanta, or Artoria who is holding her now, then Luo Zhen will not be stressed at all, and even wants to laugh.

But the Empress is on the same level as Irisviel in her femininity.

And it is precisely because of this feeling of intentionally putting himself in the position of a bad guy, this subtle sense of immorality strongly stimulates Luo Zhen's man's heart.

— Then there is nothing to say.

Luo Zhen transformed instantly, and before the empress could react, he broke free from her embrace, grabbed her wrist with his backhand, and overwhelmed her!


The Empress blinked in astonishment.

She wasn't surprised that Luo really countered.

With the ability of a follower, if he wants to resist, he will never be pushed down so casually.

But because Luo Zhen transformed at this close range, she finally saw clearly.

Under the mist of hot water, what is the structure of Luo Zhen's body?

Even now, the empress blinked blankly.

Luo Zhen chuckled lightly:

"I think it's a trivial matter for me to use magic. But you also saw, what did I do to Dole and the others? The exchange of body fluids is also quite troublesome, so how about we do it in one step?"

Luo Zhen raised the Empress's chin and forced her to look at him.

Semiramis: "~~~~~!!!"

When Luo Zhen was about to touch her, the empress gasped with her face flushed.

Then, it disappeared from the spot in an instant!

As expected of an empress who knows a thing or two about magic, within the range of the sky garden, even big magic like space movement can be cast instantly.

"Hahahahaha!" Semiramis's reaction was much more innocent than Luo Zhen imagined, which made him laugh very happily.

July: Because of the villainous young lady of the new show, the desire to bully the empress skyrocketed, I'm really sorry (????)

Chapter 44. Semiramis Wu Mi

"Damn, hate, hate, hate, ah!"

Semiramis returned to his dormitory, drenched all over.

As soon as she landed with space transfer, her knees immediately softened, and she sat down on the ground with a slap.

Not to mention changing clothes to cover her body, she even forgot to wipe off the water, making the carpet and bed wet.

Accompanied by the beating heartbeat of a drum, Semiramis's mind was full of the figure of that sinister and cunning magician, Rozen Einzbern!

Not only her face and neck, but the empress felt her whole body was hot, shaking with shame and humiliation.

That bastard, a mere eight-year-old girl——no!It's a brat!

He turned out to be a man, turned out to be a man! ! !

"How dare you lie to me and let me suffer such a shame!"

The empress was so unwilling that she almost bit her lip.

Although it was purely out of anger, the empress's mind was in a mess at the moment, and she couldn't think about the reason for a long time.

Because the first time Semiramis saw Luo Zhen, it was his long hair state in salary king mode, which really surprised her.

Although out of self-esteem, Semiramis did not express her position at all, but she was also one of the members who was fascinated by Rozen's magical charm, and she really wanted to see the goddess figure with flaming hair curled up again.

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