Well, it's probably all my fault.Mr. Luo Zhen is still a little self-conscious.

July: Hello everyone, here is July to enjoy Children's Day (????)

Today I send an update that is very suitable for Children's Day, everyone should spend more time with your parents (〃'▽'〃)

Then ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month!Ask for a reward and ask for a blade!The more you vote, the faster the update will be, really??(??ω???)?

Chapter 33. Sha Tiao Love Song·Birth

Luo Zhen and Jing Yin rested in the student union room for a while, then changed into a pair of pantyhose, Jing Yin refreshed and took his family to visit the school.

Fujino and the others are not in the same class. If you want to come to the fourth class after your own shift is over, it will be in the afternoon.

So before that, Luo Zhen stayed in the fourth class to sit in charge.

Although he also wanted to help make safflower tea and the like, he was unanimously stopped by the students, who insisted that his identity today is the master, and he can only accept entertainment and not help.

This made Luo Zhen understand a little bit more about women's hearts: just like men would look forward to a handsome housekeeper and deacon taking care of the eldest lady, girls would also look forward to a maid taking care of the prince.

So Luo Zhen was served by the girls of the fourth class scrambling to serve him. He drank more than a dozen cups of high-concentration safflower tea alone, and his stomach was on fire.

"Hmph, it's your own fault."

Miss Shi, who had finally rested, was still arrogant, but she still stroked Luo Zhen's back to take care of her.

Luo Zhen used the excuse of taking his sister for a stroll, and finally escaped from a group of hungry she wolves, and now he can only sigh:

"It's a sin to be too popular. Should I develop a plastic surgery magic trick?"

"You deliberately want to make yourself ugly, your troubles are really extravagant." Miss Shi complained.

After leading Luo Zhen for a while, she continued:

"Another me said: 'Even plastic surgery probably won't help. Soul materialization makes your soul itself in a perfect state, no matter how ugly the appearance becomes, people who worship beauty will be attracted anyway.'...What the hell, It's a joke-like ability."

Miss Shi who was also attracted frowned unwillingly.

The other me in Shi's mouth naturally refers to Yuan Shi, which is Luo Zhen's daughter Shi.

Ever since they got to know each other, Daughter-Shiki no longer hides herself, and the two have become a state of sharing their senses anytime, anywhere.

Luo Zhen was very happy that they got along so well, and deliberately hugged his younger sister's waist in the corridor of the public:

"I'm going to be very attractive no matter what, so there's nothing I can do. Dear Miss Ershi, can you be my girlfriend?"

"~~~! Hey! Idiot...what are you saying all of a sudden!"

The shy voice was shrill.

Unsurprisingly, the female students passing by all noticed them, and let out low-pitched screams and whispers, making Shiki even more blushing.

Obviously, when he was at home, he wouldn't stop even if he took off his clothes in front of Jing Yin, the others and himself, but he was very thin-skinned in front of outsiders.

This is what it is, lawless at home, but timid as soon as you go out, it's so catty.

Luo Zhen was even more excited by his sister's reaction, and deliberately kissed her earlobe and said:

"Miss Shi, I love you."


The scumbag's confession became the last straw, and Miss Shi immediately stood upright on the spot, holding her breath.

Then the next second, her expression changed.

The originally strong eyes suddenly became soft and charming, and he laughed in a low voice:

"You're too bullying my family, brother. If you light a fire in a woman's heart and leave it alone, people usually call this an arsonist?"

"I'll take care of it myself, so it's okay."

Luo Zhen's scumbag spoke with certainty.

The way of excessive shame directly threw out the other self, and he closed himself up. This reaction is also great.

However, unlike the bronze-ranked scumbag younger sister, the daughter of Luo Zhen's family is the supreme king.

Amidst the excited screams of the girls onlookers, she blocked Luo Zhen's neck with both hands, and took the initiative to hug him.

The two brothers and sisters, teachers and students, hug each other in full view, so close that you can feel each other's breath:

"Brother, you smell like another woman."

"I don't have time to take a shower. You can let go if you hate it."

"No, I like it the most~~~. The brother who is full of charm, the brother who is full of desires, the brother who is unscrupulous to the extreme...the more you sow, the happier mother and us will be."

Miss Shi narrowed her eyes jokingly, and bit Luo Zhen's lip.

In the eyes of the girls around, this quite flirtatious action made the sound of the shutter snapping and taking pictures be heard endlessly.

It's okay just to be seen by the students, but if they are seen by their parents, there will be problems. Mr. Luo Zhen still has the teacher's self-consciousness.

So he stopped talking, bent down and picked Shiki up, and said amidst her joyful giggling:

"Let's make room. Eryi's classmate feels a little uncomfortable, and now I'm going to send her to the student union room to rest."

"Ah~? Isn't the teacher sending me to the health room?"

The demonic daughter's pose still wraps around Luo Zhen's neck, provoking it deliberately.

Teacher Luo Zhen, who was holding her horizontally, patted her:

"I have experience with this kind of disease. Just go to the student union room and lie down for a while. Don't bother the health care teacher."

"Hee hee, hee hee haha~~."

Miss Shi's smile trembled in Luo Zhen's arms.

And the girls, who had known their public secrets for a long time, followed them all the way to the door of the student union room while chirping excitedly.

It wasn't until the door was closed that Luo Zhen said kindly:

"I'm sorry, if you look for the student union, you are forbidden to enter. Thank you for your concern. The teacher and classmate Liangyi will come out in half an hour."

“‘‘Half an hour is it!’””

The teenage girls screamed again, and some wrote memos.

Luo Zhen closed the door and locked it, turning the room into a secret room.

The daughter-like lady strolled gracefully in the room. Although she was wearing the uniform of a waitress, she still had the air of an ancient princess.

She looked back and said with a smile:

"Brother, do you like this uniform, or my kimono? And short hair or long hair, which one is more in line with your preference?"

"I like them all." Luo Zhen replied very resolutely.

The smile in Shi Shi's eyes is even bigger:

"As expected of you, brother. So, do you have the confidence to help me put on my kimono again?"

Luo Zhen raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Where did you learn this line?"

"Shiki's mother taught me." Daughter Shiki revealed a secret that sister Shiki had been unwilling to tell.

After they got along in harmony, Shi had already had a good chat with her mother while returning to Liangyi's house.

Shishi does not have the real sense of its own memory, but the memory itself is retained.

Feeling Shi no longer escaped from his parents, and had a frank relationship with the mother who raised him.

If you say the specific content, Shiki will definitely go berserk.

So the wicked daughter laughed, ignoring the sister's strong protest in her body and said:

"As expected of a mature woman, she taught Shiki many ways to grab a man's heart. But unfortunately, Shiki's skin is too thin, and she never used it once. Then only I can use it for her."

"Oh, that's true. I have to thank her when I get home."

Luo Zhen also smirked.

For Liangyi's mother, he is also her son.

Although Luo Zhen subjectively knows that this is not true, but according to the rules of this world, his body is indeed her biological son, and there is indeed a blood relationship in the body.

In this world, Luo Zhen, who has accepted the identity of Liang Yi Luo Zhen, also intends to treat that mother like a son, and family harmony is better than anything else.

But let's not mention that, first of all, it's about my sister.

Luo Zhen pushed the laughing daughter down on the sofa.

She didn't resist at all, looking forward to Luo Zhen's behavior.

"Put on the uniform first, and then change to the kimono." Luo Zhen continued to say:

"Don't take off your socks, I like it that way."

"Hee hee hee, hahahahaha~ My brother is such a pervert~!"

Miss Shi was very happy no matter how she looked at it, and the two rolled together shamelessly.

—And then, at this mysterious juncture!

"Got you."

Beside the sofa, violent fluctuations of magic power came!

The two turned their heads and saw that the space was distorted, and a girl with light golden transparent hair and wearing a princess dress appeared!

She had a cute smile that Luo Zhen was very familiar with, but only her eyes didn't smile at all.

Her pupils reflected the entangled men and women:

"Give me back my brother, Stealing Cat."

Sha Tiao love song, bursting!

July: After Ai Ge finished his lines, he should be beaten to tears, and his fighting power should be more rooted (?-ω?`)

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