Ryunosuke, who was secreting a lot of adrenaline, turned over and jumped out of the window. The severe pain in his chest probably caused a broken rib.

But the survival instinct is still useful.

Ryunosuke felt that he probably ran the fastest speed in his life. He made a high jump from the roof of the second floor and jumped over the wall!

"Ha, hahaha! It's amazing...I'm amazing!"

Mr. Ryunosuke laughed very happily, and even felt happier than ever before!

It hurts, but it's cool!Why, this feels better than killing people!

The current self is undoubtedly fresh!boiling!

Ten times as cool as ●●!

Run away, run away!Let's escape today!

After dawn, go to the doctor and heal the injury!Then come find that beautiful little girl!

It's a pity to kill it directly, it's the first time I have such a heart-wrenching feeling!

Just keep her up!Carefully cut off her hands and feet bit by bit, and raised her with care!

At what stage will those beautiful eyes be broken! ?

What about the knight in armor... It seems impossible to kill with a hammer, so use a gun?Enough shotguns! ?

Gotta get a gun!

Ryunosuke, who has always been a cold weaponist, is very happy now, as if he has finally met the BOSS after mowing the grass all his life, and he is so excited that he is about to leak——



Following the night instinct, Ryunosuke kept running in the dark alley, looking down at the hole in his chest with an incredulous expression on his face.

Bang bang, bang.

Then came three consecutive shots.

Two shots hit the heart, one shot hit the center of the eyebrow, and penetrated directly from the back of the head.

Without even a chance to feel how warm his own blood was, Ryunosuke's smile remained on his face, completely turning into worthless garbage.

July: Ryunosuke without the blue beard is so miserable, let’s reincarnate earlier??(??ω???)?

Chapter 32. The War Begins!


Luo Zhen who just fell asleep suddenly woke up!

He felt that a certain magic that he set up a long time ago was activated.

It was an amulet given to sisters Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura.

And the starting location is not in Fuyuki City, but Linzhen, which is more than ten kilometers away from the urban area.

Why?what happened! ?

"I have to go and have a look—Puff~!"

Just as Luo Zhen wanted to get up, he was immediately hugged by the dazed Liz next to him!

And in order to save mana, I turned back to the 8-year-old state, completely unable to resist (?)`ω?(ヾ)

Liz: "Hum Hum... Already, it can't be stuffed in..."

"Since you can't fit it in, don't hug me - woo >x

Luo Zhen was pressed down by Liz, his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were all blocked!

As a man, I am miserable in every way...

But fortunately, Luo Zhen struggled desperately to wake up Aili.

Ai Li: "Honey...ah no, Luo Zhen...what's wrong?"

Recently, Eri, who calls her adult self and child self separately, has become more and more cute.

Luo Zhen was dragged out from under Liz by Aili, and Haashas gasped for a while:

"Tokiomi Tohsaka's daughter, Rin is in danger. And she's still in Linzhen, maybe she met that wandering murderer!"

Allie suddenly woke up: "Ah, is that the one you've been looking for?"

This is a matter of life and death.

Luo Zhen has been dropping silver knights in Fuyuki City for the past few days, but no trace of the murderer has been found yet.

However, the local news did not report any murder incident, Luo Zhen thought it was simply that the murderer hadn't come to Fuyuki yet.

But it would be too risky to go directly to Chancheng by himself.

Luo Zhen quickly calmed down:

"I have to ask Saber to go there, as long as I can confirm what happened. Saber... ah."

When Luo Zhen looked back, he stopped in embarrassment.

Saber is currently sleeping beside her.

The loose blond hair was soaked with sweat and had an immoral beauty.

As the victim tonight, she was bullied by the fun-loving Luo Zhen, Alice Feier and Lijie Lite together... So Luo Zhen is only responsible for one-third of the responsibility, and everyone is an accomplice, um .

no way.

Luo Zhen took the wolf ring on the bedside table and put it on his hand:

"Artorius, GO."


The aloof Abyss Wolf Knight kept his spirit body and rushed out of the villa in an instant.

Luo Zhen maintained the shared senses with him, and projected the vision onto the wall so that Aili could also see it.

Amid Saber's exhausted breathing and Lijielit's unscrupulous snoring, Ari held Luo Zhen in her arms and watched like watching a movie:

"Luo Zhen, Xiao Lin is the girl with black hair, right? But isn't she in Fuyuki City?"

"It should be Tohsaka Tokiomi who sent her away." Luo Zhen added:

"It's reasonable to protect the heir. After all, the Tosaka family is too conspicuous."

Anyone who participated in the Holy Grail War, there should be no one who did not know that the Tohsaka family also participated.Moreover, their family is well-known in the local area, and they can't hide no matter what.

But all of these are understandable. What Luo Zhen doesn't understand the most is why the murderer ran out of Fuyuki City... Is this also the legendary butterfly effect?

In short, the spirit-formed Artorius flew through the night at high speed, covering a distance of [-] kilometers in a straight line.

After seeing the Japanese-style mansion with the nameplate of "Chancheng", Artorius rushed directly to the second floor...

I saw Rin who was taking off her stockings and getting ready for bed.

Luo Zhen directly took over the body of Artorius, materialized and said:

"'Rin, are you alright?'"


Xiao Lin almost screamed again!

But as expected of a daring girl, she jumped three meters all at once, but she held back in amazement!

That small body stuck to the corner of the bed, blinking in disbelief:

"This voice... eh? Are you... Luo Zhen...?"

"'It's me, this one you see is my familiar.'"

Without much effort to explain to Xiao Lin, Luo Zhen continued before she asked:

"'Did you meet a bad guy? Are you okay? Do you know who the other party is?'"

"Ah, um, um... I'm fine. Thanks to the amulet you gave me, thank you... But the other party ran away! It's a strange man with orange hair! Mr. Knight who came out of the amulet chased him for a while, but he didn't seem to catch up , and returned to the amulet..."

"'Well, I see. That amulet can still be kept, and it can help you when you are in danger. I will talk about the details later, I will go after someone first!'"

"Hmm... eh? No, Luo Zhen—"

Before Xiao Lin could react, Luo Zhen had already made Artorius turn into a spirit body and run away again.

This annoyed Xiao Lin who had just stretched out her hand, her little face twitched into a ball:

"Even if I say it's fine, you should care about me a little bit more...and you said 'I'll talk about it later'...how long after that! Really~!"


On the other side, Luo Zhen followed the residual magic that the Silver Knight had chased all the way, and entered the intricate alleys.

The Chancheng family seems to have the self-consciousness of a magician. They didn't even call the police after their daughter was frightened, so there was no police interference.

Although this approach is also correct, but the protection of my daughter is not a bit...

Eh, forget it.

Xiao Lin is also very strong, so it's not for me, an outsider, to intervene.

"'...the smell of blood?'"

Through the senses of Artorius, Luo Zhen asked the strong smell of blood.

With a certain premonition, Luo Zhen went in the direction of the bloody smell.

A mutilated body was found.

Ellie: "Ah~!"

Holding Luo Zhenai Li, she let out a little mournful cry.

It's like saying, "Children can't watch it!" 』Like, covering Luo Zhen's eyes.

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