This sudden strange behavior made Amakusa feel very speechless, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching, but considering that Shakespeare was such a guy, he didn't blame him for kicking people.

But just when Amakusa was about to introduce Shakespeare, Semiramis made a move suddenly, raised his hand suddenly, and a magic circle appeared beside her, and a chain appeared from the magic circle, shooting directly at Shakespeare. Shakespeare tied him up before he could react at all.

While Amakusa and Shakespeare were stunned together, Semiramis turned around and looked at Amakusa.

"Shiro, listen to me. Shakespeare must not be allowed to do anything this time. He must be planning something. It's best to let him stop thinking now and take his life. As long as you give an order, I will Poison him immediately!"

Meow meow meow? ? ? ?

Shakespeare looked at Semiramis in bewilderment, and was completely dumbfounded.

Chapter 13. Sudden Asura Field?

"In other words, there is no Holy Grail War anymore?"


"This world is not the world we were born in, but a different world?"


"All servants belong to the same side, that is, you, Shiro? The same is true for Shakespeare, and there is no memory of the last Holy Grail War?"


"Then Shakespeare must die!"


After explaining to Semiramis, Amakusa originally thought that she would let Shakespeare go, but she didn't expect that she would be more determined to kill Shakespeare.

"Master! Don't, save me, I didn't do anything to be sorry for you... woo woo woo!"

Before he finished speaking, the chain blocked his mouth, which made Amakusa feel dumbfounded.

"Shiro, although there is no Holy Grail War in this world, I believe that if it is you, you must have your own purpose, so in order to achieve your purpose, I will give everything for it, but this guy Shakespeare will definitely do something about it, So it’s better to kill him, it’s fine, as long as I use my poison, he will be solved soon!”


When Semiramis spoke, he made a crushing movement with his right hand, causing Shakespeare, who was tied up, to struggle crazily, and then let out a whining sound of unknown meaning, which was obviously an objection.

"Um, assassin..."

"Call me by my name, Shiro."

"Uh... Semiramis?"

"Well, you go on."

Calling the job agency made the other party angry and asked to call the name. After calling the name, I obviously felt a lot better. This made Amakusa feel a little speechless. Is it because we have experienced life and death together? Although we have experienced so many things together His Amakusa is not his Amakusa, but now, he feels that he has to accept the order of that Amakusa...

This is full of favorability!

"Well...Sammy...Semiramis, Shakespeare's mannerisms and character, I know, but he did nothing to affect my plans, or even what he did, to My plan has been very helpful."

"Besides, because there are other servants, there is no need to worry about what will happen to Mr. Shakespeare. Even if something happens, there are many partners who can help solve it. It only takes a moment .”

Although Shakespeare was indeed good at making troubles, and even made Amakusa think about waiting for when to summon a caster, and kill Shakespeare directly, but after thinking about it later, it was fine, Shakespeare is also a servant anyway, and it is also very easy to use.

"Shiro, are you really not going to kill him?"

"Yes, Semiramis, Shakespeare need not worry."

Facing Semiramis' question again, Amakusa smiled and nodded to confirm again.

"woo woo woo woo!!!"

Shakespeare also nodded in agreement and made a sound of approval.

"Since this is your decision."

Semiramis waved his hand, the chains disappeared, and Shakespeare was free.

"Master, I just remembered that I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first!"

As soon as he regained his freedom, Shakespeare chose to run away. He didn't want to stay here, and if he stayed any longer, what if the newcomer couldn't help but repent and wanted to kill himself again.

It was very unlucky for Shakespeare to come back this time. As a writer, his intuition told him that he would definitely encounter interesting things when he came back this time. The troubles deep in his heart urged him to come here quickly, so he came here.

But I didn't expect that the troubles hadn't been done yet, but my own life was almost lost. Although as a writer, the soul of the troubles told me that as long as I continued to stay, I could see interesting things and participate in troubles.

But another intuition told him that if he continued to stay here, he might really die, even if he had self-preservation, he would die, so let's slip away first!

Shakespeare's choice was correct. Although he is an assassin, Semiramis is actually a special existence that can ignore the suppression of the caster.

But this is not a game, and Semiramis doesn't have to worry about the caster just because her job title is assassin, especially since she also knows a little bit of magic.

Semiramis did not stop Shakespeare from escaping. He just watched him run away and remembered him. He was still wary of Shakespeare in his heart, and then faced Amakusa again.

The chains that tied Shakespeare before directly tied Amakusa, which stunned Amakusa and Mash next to him.

Matthew thought that Semiramis was going to hurt Amakusa, so she wanted to protect Amakusa, but the shield could not be used because the summoning had not been completed. Even with strengthening magic, it feels like I can't break free from this chain.

"Well, Semiramis, what's going on here?"

"Heh~ Shiro, have you forgotten what you said?"

"Huh? What I said."

"That's right, but you said it yourself, the price you have to pay before you deceive me."


Amakusa immediately remembered the end of FA, Shiro Amakusa's apology to Semiramis, begging for forgiveness because he cheated on her.

"But... Semiramis, I remember that you have forgiven me."

With a still gentle smile, Amakusa replied to Semiramis, but she had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Yeah, because you were going to die, Shiro, but now it's different, you're still alive, so naturally I won't forgive you easily, and I'll make you pay the price!"

"You said it yourself at the beginning, your body will still be handled by me."


Amakusa, as well as Mash next to him, were stunned.

"Senior! What's going on here?"


Semiramis noticed Mash at this time, glanced at Mash, and then looked at Amakusa.

"Shiro, what's going on?"

Amakusa looked at Mash speechlessly, then at Semiramis, and finally lost her usual gentle smile.

I still want to know, why did it suddenly become the Shura field?I haven't done anything yet!This rhythm is not right, does the system also come with this rhythm?

At the same time, in the director's office on the top floor of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Fury led the members of the Avengers team to look at the church on the screen.

"The guy who went in and then ran out so fast is Shakespeare."


"That's right, it's the great writer Shakespeare. He is one of the servants who were summoned before. He is now under the supervision of the Chaldean special agency of the Church of the Holy Church. He just ran back from the outside in a hurry, but now he is in a hurry. Run out in a hurry, and the speed of running out is faster than coming back."

"We have reason to believe that there have been some changes in the Church of the Holy Church. What do you think we should do?"

As a non-group member, but as Fury's most trusted agent, Coulson was also watching here. After Fury's question, he thought for a while, and then offered his opinion to Fury.

"Director, if there is really a big problem with the Holy Church, I think we should help Father Amakusa?"

"Oh? What's the reason?"

"Because he is helpful to us, isn't it? Especially it can help us understand the situation about the Church of the Holy Church and even those hidden magicians."


Fury agreed with Coulson, but he had another thought in his mind.

That is, why Coulson has been so close to Father Amakusa recently, and feels that he is following Father Amakusa everywhere. When he comes back, he always talks about Father Amakusa by his side. Lurkers of the Templar Church...

Nick Fury conducted a new round of brain supplements, and this time, he couldn't stop at all.

Chapter 14. Amakusa Shiro is not Amakusa Shiro

Mars appeared out of thin air, drawing a standard circle in the air, and then a door appeared, opposite the door was Amakusa's church.

Amakusa walked over from the opposite side, and after walking over, the door disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.


With a long sigh, Amakusa tidied up his clothes and walked to the director's office on the top floor of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The matter in the church, let's take care of it. This time, the summoning summoned the Servant, Semiramis, who made Amakusa feel a little embarrassed.

This is a servant who has the memory of going through a certain Holy Grail War with Shiro Amakusa, and unfortunately, it is Shiro Amakusa who summoned her now, so all the coincidences together make Amakusa feel very embarrassed now .

After all, he is Amakusa Shiro now, but not Amakusa Shiro.

Amakusa Shiro hesitated for quite a while on the offer of whether to take Amakusa Shiro, and then he chose not to take Amakusa Shiro.

Does it seem a bit complicated.

In short, after Shakespeare left, Amakusa Shiro was tied up by Semiramis, because the Amakusa Shiro that Semiramis knew told her before he died that he would give himself to her to make atonement , so Semiramis chose to use this very directly.

In desperation, Shiro Amakusa chose to tell Semiramis that he was not Shiro Amakusa who experienced the Holy Grail War with her, but Semiramis did not believe it, but asked him why he knew the relationship between Shiro Amakusa and himself. matter.

This made Amakusa feel a little difficult, so he said that he only had memories and had no real experience.

However, Semiramis didn't think it was a big deal, because Amakusa Shiro in that world was also a servant, and he was still a ruler. Servants were summoned differently at different times. What the world has experienced, but one thing is certain, that is, in her Semiramis view, he Amakusa is Amakusa Shiro.

This made Amakusa feel very speechless.

Fortunately, although the words Semiramis summoned sounded very arrogant, after confirming that it was Amakusa who summoned her, she instantly changed from a proud empress to a good girl, who listened to Amakusa's words very much, which made Amakusa I'm a little relieved, it's not a big boss who is difficult to get along with, should I say thanks to Amakusa Shiro?

As for the inexplicable Shura field between Semiramis and Mash, Amakusa was also quite speechless.

Although it is said that when he first came to this world, he directly had Mash as an assistant, which made him feel very happy. Xiu this cute school girl made him even want to fall in love with Matthew.

Especially when he didn't think about attacking the female servants that might be summoned, yes, people play games with a bunch of wives, but Amakusa is a strong party when playing games!He only cares about the character's performance and combat power, although he didn't draw many strength cards, just like he often said, at this time a player with Shakespeare, Bean Dad, and Mozart passed by.

But in fact, because of the affairs of this world, he didn't spend much time with Matthew, so he didn't flirt with girls much, but Matthew's affection for him was full as soon as it came up, just like in the game.

As for Semiramis, thanks to that Amakusa Shiro, she claims that she is not Amakusa Shiro, but in her eyes, Amakusa Shiro is Amakusa, and her favorability is also full, and Amakusa has never thought about changing herself. All day long, what will happen if Semiramis is summoned one day.

So Amakusa is really speechless about the male lead role that he suddenly became Nikki, and it is really lacking in consideration.

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