"Sir, according to the satellite, Father Amakusa and that idiot did not enter the urban area. They also came to Tokyo after you left, but they have been staying in the outer areas of Tokyo."

"Yeah, where are those guys?"

"The Tokyo Ground Self-Defense Force special team has arrived outside the library and is preparing to enter the library."

"It's a pity that I don't have time to chat with them anymore."

Tony pushed his glasses again.

"If it was normal, I would definitely play with them, but this is not my world. I still don't know what is going on with these guys. No matter how popular they are, there is no way to play with them first. Play."

Tony was very angry, very angry with the way humans in this world dealt with, but he understood that not everything can be solved by being reckless, and even if he was going to be reckless, he had to find the right person to be reckless and play tricks on those ordinary soldiers. Prestige is useless, because they are only people who carry out orders.

Approaching the elevator, Jarvis controlled the elevator upstairs without moving his hands, and sent Tony to the rooftop of the library.

Tony, who was standing on the roof, walked to the edge of the roof, looked at the soldiers rushing into the library below, smiled and raised his right hand.

Suddenly an armor appeared in the sky, landed directly next to Tony from the sky, opened automatically and wrapped Tony in, and then immediately turned into a red comet and rushed into the sky. Everyone in the Tokyo Security Headquarters was dumbfounded. Looking at the huge display screen, I watched Tony fly into the sky like this, and then flew directly towards the periphery of Tokyo.

"What is that? Could it be a new weapon!"

A man in military uniform stood up from his seat, slapped the table and shouted.

"Calm down, you're an officer!"

An older man in military uniform next to him stopped him immediately.

"But, that thing..."

"shut up!"

The young officer still couldn't help but want to say something, but the boss above the master spoke.

Tendo Kikunojo, the real boss of the Tokyo area, controls the military power of the entire Tokyo area. It can be said that he is the most powerful person in the Tokyo area, although there is a holy emperor who appears to be in a higher position on his head.

The old man stared at the red figure on the screen, frowned and thought for a moment, then gave a new order.

"If he hasn't left the Tokyo area, give up the arrest and send someone to contact him. I want to know all about him."

Foreigners who don’t know where they come from, and new weapons that don’t know how effective they are. If the opponent comes prepared, then you can’t be the first to strike, or you will only be countered by the opponent. Therefore, mastering the information is the key. It is imperative.

However, just after Tendo Kikunojo finished speaking, Tony fired a laser cannon at the armored vehicle of the special team below on the screen, blowing up the vehicle directly.

Sure enough, I still can't help it. Although I won't kill you, it's okay to blow up your car!

After the shot was fired, Tony immediately ran away, and Tendo Kikunojo's old face turned black.

Chapter 27. Can Tony and Thor form a CP?

The Tokyo area was divided into many areas after its establishment. It is different from the previous division method. It is divided by the distance from the central area. The area located in the normal area is the central urban area, and the outer area is close to the megalithic monument and the outer area. areas of forest environment.

These places are not suitable for living, because they are too close to the outer area. Every time some gastroentera break through the giant stone monument from the outer area and enter the Tokyo area, they will pass through here first, so it is very dangerous here, so although there are some buildings here, they are not the same as the center. It can be said that the urban area is completely different. The most obvious difference is that the buildings here are almost only some factories that look relatively solid, and they are all heavy factories that pollute a lot.

Anyway, this place is not suitable for normal people to live in. Even if there is serious pollution, there is no problem. With this idea, many factories are built here, and then industrial production is carried out. Human beings still need to live, and life needs production, and These factories have to choose to survive, and the most suitable location is here, or it can only be here, unless the city of Tokyo is willing to accept a style change and the entire city becomes a steampunk style, then the entire city does not care about pollution, and that is no problem.

Amakusa and Thor stood at the top of a ruin, looking at the smoke-filled factory in the distance, and observing all the surrounding environment.

"What are we doing here, is there anything here?"

Thor already knew from Amakusa that he had traveled to another world. Although he was surprised, he was not panicked, nor was he very interested. He is just a reckless man now. Did not think so much.

"There's nothing here, but there are people."

Amakusa replied, and then turned to look behind him. In the distance in front of him was a heavily polluted factory, and behind him was a ruin. This ruin looked extremely deserted, but in fact there were many young lives hidden in it.

Cursed children, those who have the ability to be caught by the international starter supervision agency for training, but children who have not shown any useful abilities, hide in the ruins outside the city like stray cats, and some want to try to enter In the city, but will soon be subjected to all kinds of violence to death.

There is no such thing as throwing them out, and they will be beaten to death directly, because they are monsters, cursed monsters, and everyone is full of hatred for them, even to the extent that they will not give them a way out, but for those starters , but they can only hold back, because those initiators are capable, and if they get mad, they will be killed, which is very typical of bullying.

Amakusa can directly use the Soul Gem to control the boss in Tokyo, and then ask the boss to give orders to take in these children, but Amakusa does not intend to do this, it is too simple, Amakusa intends to play farming, and the protagonist of farming is Tony Star Ke, the male second is Thor, and the extra Ghidorah Kevin, yes, Kevin is also here, in fact, Amakusa did not plan to bring Kevin over, that is a new Ghidorah , Amakusa is planning to lose the mirror space to keep it.

But the moment Thor came over, Ghidorah followed, and he was still bound to Thor. Are you also the Dragon Witch?

Amakusa really wanted to ask Thor this, but obviously, Thor was not. I can only say that Thor is always able to surprise people in inexplicable places. No one has as much burden as him alone.

"People? Where are people, why can't I see them?"

Thor frowned and raised his left hand to block the sun and looked around. It seemed that he was only a monkey hair away from Monkey King.

"They are hiding in the sewer, not outside. If they were outside, they would be captured or killed, but we are not in a hurry now."

Amakusa looked up in the direction of Tokyo.

"Mr. Stark should be back soon, he knows we're here."

Because he is a servant, all Tony Stark's actions now rely on magic power. As a magician, Amakusa's perception of magic power is still very reliable. He clearly feels that a group of magic power is moving from the city to the city. Flying over here, soon, a red figure descended from the sky and landed behind Amakusa and Thor.

"Mr. Stark, welcome back."

Tony Stark opened his hood immediately after landing, and questioned Amakusa.

"Father, what is going on in this world?"

"It seems that Mr. Stark has learned some information about this world."

"Yes, I learned something. Although I don't know whether it is true or not, it should not be far from the truth. This world makes me feel sick."

Tony, who knew something about the world, was very upset, and directly showed a disgusted expression.

"Yes, then Mr. Stark, who is disgusted with this world, do you want to do something?"

"Will you allow me to do something?"

Tony didn't respond immediately, but instead asked Amakusa. As a person who traveled through the world, Tony Stark was a person who was traversed. It was Amakusa who took him through the world. If Amakusa disagreed with his actions, He himself does not carry out any actions, so he depends on what Amakusa means.

"Didn't I say before, as long as you don't want to blow up the earth or exterminate human beings, you can do whatever you want, and I will even help you."

Amakusa is here to watch the show, so it is natural to let go of the authority and let Tony and the others have a good time.

"That couldn't be better, I want to change the world!"

Tony Stark wants to save the world and be a partner of justice!

"no problem."

Amakusa responded with a smile, while Thor next to him looked confused, what are you talking about, who can tell me what is going on, I still haven't figured out what's going on, who can tell me ?

"Hey, friends, what the hell are you talking about? How are you going to change the world all of a sudden?"

"Who is your friend?"

"Hey, we did have some misunderstandings before, but that's all in the past, haven't we come to a new world together now, um, such an interesting thing, we don't need to worry about our previous little misunderstanding It's been a stalemate, isn't it good to be friends?"

Thor opened his hands with a smirk on his face, looking like a good old man, but what he got was not moved by Tony, but a look of blank eyes.


"Hey, who are you calling an idiot!"

"Hey, talk, you talk."

Looking at Thor who suddenly yelled in front of him, and Tony who looked cold and unfazed by Thor, Amakusa felt full of sight for a while.

Shall I call another female character over and let them form a three-person team, and then I'll be the instructor again?

Chapter 28. I, Tony Stark, want to be a sage

Before Tony left, he suddenly fired a shot at the armored vehicle, which directly caused the armored vehicle to explode. Tendo Kikunojo, the ruler in Tokyo, slowed down his steps to contact Tony.

After all, Tony's performance didn't look like someone easy to provoke. He had never seen that kind of magical armor, that kind of high-tech weapon!And it is extremely powerful, just the light emitted from the palm can easily destroy an armored vehicle, and it is destroyed instantly. If there is a small team of such armored vehicles, it can even easily destroy an area.

The Tokyo area is only big in total. Facing such an enemy, one must be careful. Tendo Kikunojo cannot guarantee that there will be someone behind this person to support him. If he rashly sends people up, he may suffer heavy losses. That armored vehicle is an example.

However, it is impossible not to test, if you don't let your own people to test, you can let some desperate guys go!

Those private security companies, initiators and promoters, bounty hunters who can do anything for money, as long as you give them a commission, they will help you do anything, even kill people, as long as you have a suitable excuse For example, Tendo Kikunojo, as the power controller in Tokyo, said that whoever is a bad person should be killed, then that person should be killed. He has done this kind of thing many times.

Soon, several security companies accepted the entrustment and started looking for Tony. According to the information given by Tendo Kikunojo, Tony was in the outer area of ​​Tokyo, so they all rushed to the outer area.

In the peripheral area, Tony is discussing the next move with Amakusa.

"I'm going to house those kids."

"I have no objection, but I want to know what Mr. Stark plans to do."

"Of course it is to buy a piece of land directly, and then take all the children into it."

"But Mr. Stark, in this world, you are not the richest man in the world who can buy with dollars everywhere."


Tony is a bit blind and has no money!As a guy who was born with a golden key in his mouth, he lacked many things, especially love, but he was never short of money, and now he was told that he had no money.

"It seems that I need to find a way to get some money first."

Farming, of course, starts from the basics. Once you come up, you just have a bunch of money for you to spend casually, and then there is no fun in farming.

However, there is no problem for Tony to get money, because this guy is a man with the golden rule.

Although it is not as exaggerated as Gilgamesh, his golden rule has also reached the B+ level. As long as he works hard, he will get great rewards and will not worry about money.

As a genius, Tony can indeed come up with a lot of advanced technology with just a little use of his brain. Advanced technology products represent monopoly, and monopoly represents money. In the end, it will become necessary to buy Tony’s products. If it’s not possible, there are also Tony’s patents. Tony relies on this to make Stark Industries so profitable. He can also lie down at home and make money. The design made people outside scream awesome, and he was already researching the design across three generations at that time.

"what do you need?"

Amakusa saw that Tony seemed to have an idea, so he offered to help.

"I need a laboratory, preferably the same as the one in my Stark Tower, but the problem is that it is obviously impossible to get such a laboratory, so I am thinking, should I borrow someone's laboratory to use a laboratory first?" use."

Well, this loan is very particular.

"No, if you need a laboratory, I can get it out."

Amakusa carries the Reality Gem with him, so it's no small feat to create a laboratory.

"However, Mr. Stark, where do you plan to place the laboratory, the Tokyo area may not be suitable."

"Indeed, Jarvis helped me check the information. The entire Tokyo area is controlled by a guy named Tendo Kikunojo. According to the information, he is a very extreme person. If my laboratory is set up here in Tokyo If you don't, you will definitely be harassed by him."

Tony also understands this. Although Amakusa is around, he can trouble Amakusa to defend, but it is definitely not good to be harassed all the time. Tony doesn't like to talk to others with a lower status. His arrogance does not allow him to In this way, even with the president of the United States, he still has the feeling that he is equal or even superior to the president. You are just a politician who doesn't understand science, and I am a scientist + economist!

"So, Father Amakusa, how far can you go?"

Tony knows Amakusa's ability is so great that his friend Lancelot respects him very much, so Tony wants to know how capable Amakusa is.

"I can do everything you can imagine, Mister Stark!"

Amakusa also gives its own range of services.

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