The location of the explosion was the ruins of a village. The explosion came from the building in the center of the village ruins. Fortunately, there were no plants around, so there was no need to worry about causing a forest fire.

Standing in the distance, through the light of the fire, Rentaro could see the situation below clearly. Standing in the center was Hiruko Yingyin, whom he had fought before, and surrounded by a group of people, who were about to attack Hiruko Yingyin. to attack.

In front of Rentaro, a guy with a big sword rushed up, swung the big sword and slashed at Hiruko Yingyin, but the big sword stopped abruptly less than ten centimeters away from Hiruko Yingyin's head.

Repulsion field, Rentaro also understands what is going on with this defense, it is a technological force.

"If you want to break this repulsive field, you have to wait until the instant he closes it to attack, or use your attack to forcibly break the repulsive field."

I really don't know how to judge the closing of this thing, because the repulsive force field is invisible, and Rentaro has no experience in dealing with it now, so he can't judge, so he can only choose to use an attack to forcibly break the repulsive force field.

And this is also the choice of the big sword man below. He wields a big sword and keeps attacking Zhizi Yingyin. The big sword looks very heavy, and it weighs more than a hundred catties.

But still can't break through the opponent's repulsion field, so if Rentaro wants to break through, he needs stronger strength!

his body!Like Zhi Ziyingyin, he is also a cyborg, to be precise, he should be a semi-cyborg. One of his arms and one leg are prosthetic limbs made of holmium metal, and weapons are hidden in them.

Rentaro is going to try it with his own arm!

"Student Rentaro, I've seen you, come out quickly."

However, Hiruko Yingyin had already noticed Rentaro when he came over, so a repulsive impact rushed the big man with the giant sword away, and then shot continuously in an instant, headshot those who surrounded him one by one, and in an instant Completed the operation of destroying the enemy.

After doing all this, Hiruko Yingyin raised his head and looked in the direction of Rentaro.

Rentaro knew that he had really been discovered, so he could only come out from the hiding place.

"Student Rentaro, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"You wait for me, what are you waiting for me?"

"Of course I'm waiting for you to accompany me to witness the destruction of Tokyo!"

"What do you want to do!"

Rentaro questioned, frowning.

"No, not what I want to do, but what Mr. Stark wants to do."

"The devil?"

"Oh? It seems that Rentaro is very familiar with Mr. Stark, ha ha ha ha."

Hiruko Yingyin let out a creepy laugh.

He spread his arms out in a gesture of embracing the sun.

"Yes, in my opinion, he is a lunatic. He opened Pandora's box with his own hands, released the demons, and brought about the disaster that destroyed Tokyo. Tonight, we will witness the moment of disaster together!"

Chapter 59. The Righteous Partner Rentaro

In Rentaro's view, Tony's trio are demons, scum, and absolute villains. The whole of Tokyo knows their names, and they have a famous title-the Cursed Ravager.

Because as long as they are the sons of the curse who are targeted by them, they will all be ravaged to death by them, and no one can survive by luck. Even the initiators of some other promoters were obtained by them by various means, and then ravaged to death , as long as those lolis fall into their hands, they can basically be sentenced to death.

Now, they are not only satisfied with torturing the Cursed Son, they even want to destroy Tokyo! ?

If it were placed on other people, Rentaro might say Bagana!But when it comes to Tony, Rentaro has no doubts at all. They are villains themselves, a group of perverts. It seems that there is no problem with them wanting to destroy Tokyo, because they are not from Tokyo in the first place, and they look like a group of foreigners. , the only Amakusa who seems to be Japanese, also has no feeling for Tokyo.

That's why Rentaro believed it. Hiruko Yingyin's words must be true. They want to destroy Tokyo!

"You are with them, right? What do you guys want to do!?"

But Rentaro didn't know how to destroy Tokyo, so he wanted to know what they were going to do from Hiruko Yingyin's mouth.

"Hehehe, I'm sorry, Rentaro-san, Mr. Stark and I are not in the same group, but I am very interested in their actions, so I will wait here, waiting for you, Rentaro-san, to come over Let's watch them meet the disaster that destroyed Tokyo!"

Zhi Ziyingyin kept his arms outstretched and looked up at the sky.

"Hahahaha, it's really exciting. Being able to experience this kind of disaster in person is something that ordinary people can't encounter in their lifetime, because all the people who have encountered this kind of disaster have died, and there is no one left."

"What the hell are they doing?"

Ren Taro looked at Hiruko Yingyin's crazy appearance, and asked loudly angrily.

"Didn't I already say that they opened Pandora's box, released the demons, and brought about the disaster of destruction."

The eyes on Zhiziyingyin's mask complete the crescent moon, and with what he said, it looks very strange.

"That is the horror that can destroy the entire Tokyo area, the moving natural disaster, and the chief culprit that makes human beings curl up in such a tiny place! LV5 super gastrula, Zodiac!"

LV5, Zodiac, at this moment, Rentaro understood what the so-called disaster was, it was indeed a disaster, a very, very terrible disaster, a disaster that human beings in this world can't resist so far.

After the end of the gastrulation war, human beings lived in various gathering points, but many people could not escape the fate of death. The super gastritis of the zodiac captured many gathering points with a large number of gastrulations. Every gathering point After being breached, except for a few people who were able to escape by plane, the others were all killed by Gastrea, and there was no possibility of survival.

And Tokyo, now has to face such a terrible disaster.


Rentaro, who understood what a terrifying character the zodiac is, immediately scolded.

"Hahahaha, Rentaro-san, it seems that you are very angry."

"Bastard, they are going to destroy Tokyo, and let all the humans in Tokyo die!"

Seeing Rentaro's excited look, Hiruko Yingyin laughed.

"Hehehehe, that's right, that's it, what they want to do is destroy Tokyo!"

"Student Rentaro, come on, let us witness the moment of disaster together."

"Sorry, I don't have the idea of ​​witnessing the disaster with you, I want to stop him!"

As a partner of justice, Rentaro rejected Hiruko Yingyin's invitation.

"Tell me, where are they, I'm going to stop them, if you don't say it, I'll knock you down, and then force you to speak out, and then stop them!"

"Oh? Rentaro-san is very confident that he can defeat me."

"I didn't know what was going on with you before, but now I know your ability."

Rentaro said as he rolled up his sleeves, exposing his metal arms.

"I see, that's how it is. No wonder Rentaro-san was able to break my defense the first time he fought against me. It turns out that Rentaro-san is suitable for people like me, hahahahaha! This is really great!!"

Hiruko Yingyin, as a product of the mechanized soldier project, is a cyborg in itself, and the way Rentaro is acting now is telling Hiroko Yingyin that he is also a cyborg, and only cyborgs can fight against cyborgs people!He Rentaro can fight against him Hiruko Kagein!

"In that case, let me tell you."

Hiruko Yingyin didn't want to fight his beloved Rentaro, especially Rentaro was still his kind.

"They are in an abandoned church by the sea about a few kilometers east of here, and the legacy of the Seven Stars is also there. If you want to take back the legacy of the Seven Stars, you'd better go there now, otherwise it will be too late."

"If I find out that you are lying, I will definitely come back and kill you!"

Rentaro doesn't have time to have a good chat with Hiruko Yingyin, he must hurry up and stop the three demons from Tony Stark!

Zhi Ziyingyin turned around politely and got out of the way.

"Please, Rentaro-san, if you are fast enough, they should not have left the church by now."

Hiruko Yingyin knew that Tony and the others would be waiting in the church, but it didn't prevent him from fooling Rentaro.

Rentaro took a look at Hiruko Yingyin, gave up fighting him, and rushed towards the east that Hiruko Yingyin said, and Aihara Enju followed behind him, and quickly ran to him, and then Rentaro directly Lie on the back of Enju, and was carried by Aihara Enju and accelerated forward.

Hiruko Yingyin didn't stop either, and followed Rentaro directly, and also headed towards the church. He wanted to see Tony face the zodiac. Of course, he couldn't continue to waste time here. It has passed since Tony opened the box. It's been a long time, the zodiac is almost here, and tonight is the time to witness disaster.

Under the back of Aihara Enju, Rentaro quickly rushed to the church that Hiruko Yingyin mentioned. There was still a distance from the church gate, and he saw a golden-red guy standing on the top of the church. Metal armor, and a huge backpack with various wings on its back.

And the guy next to this golden-red guy is Thor holding a hammer. Through Thor, Rentaro judged that the golden-red guy is Tony Stark!

Chapter 60. Even the Thunder God Can't Stop the Crotch Attack


Jumping down from behind Aihara Enju, Rentaro raised his head and shouted at Tony above.

The sudden voice from behind startled Tony, because the sound was so loud that everyone around the relatively quiet church could hear it. Fortunately, there were no gastratus around the church, otherwise everyone must have been woken up.

Tony and Thor turned their heads together, and saw Rentaro standing on the ground with an angry face.

"It's this kid again."

"Well, yes, partners of justice."

Because I have met Rentaro too many times, the two of them are really familiar, especially the way Rentaro yells, well, I have seen too much.

"As soon as this guy comes, he will probably start to be annoying again."

"Yeah, it just started, and there must be a burst of righteous speech, yell at us."

"To be honest, I really want to beat him up. If someone dared to yell at me like this in Asgard, I would have passed with a hammer."

"That's right, how did I hear that you came to Earth after you failed in Asgard."

"No, I just came to Earth when I was idle in Asgard and had nothing to do."

"Oh, then I don't think Asgard is very good, you can't even beat me."


Thor's face turned black, and he wanted to beat someone up. Tony's words as always could piss people off.

No, he had to do something to prove himself.

"I'm going to beat him up, and he's sure to say something nonsense later, beat him up before he says it, I don't want to be bothered by him again."

Thor jumped off the roof of the church without waiting for Tony to react.

"Hey brat, you..."

He has been suppressed by Tony all the time, and Thor has accumulated a lot of anger. Although he came to this world and was healed by the group of little lolitas, but now he is attacked by Tony like this, he will also explode, so he rushed directly to Lian In front of Taro.

It's just that Rentaro couldn't bear it this time. He came here to prevent Tony from destroying Tokyo, so when he saw Thor rushing up, he punched Thor directly.

Thor directly reached out to catch the punch lightly.

As the awakened Thor, Thor's current strength can easily overturn a tank with one hand, that is, because of insufficient speed, he will suffer in front of Tony.

But not everyone can have Tony's speed, Rentaro does not have this speed, especially this kind of direct frontal attack, Thor is not afraid at all.

Holding Rentaro's right hand with one hand in his left hand, Thor felt the other's strength and smiled contemptuously.

"That's it? It's really heavy."

Taking advantage of the trend and squeezing hard, Rentaro's fist was directly crushed.

"Huh? It turned out to be mechanical. You also play with machinery?"

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