Even if it is a helicopter, it will take a long time to get up from Tokyo to Mount Fuji. The most important thing is that there will be many gastrulation attacks on the way.

But Tony's car, not only was not attacked by the Gastrea, but quickly came to Mount Fuji. Is this a supersonic speed car! ?

Rentaro was full of doubts, but because he didn't know what happened during the time he was hiding in the trunk, he couldn't make a guess, so he could only look at the situation first.

The car drove on the snow on Mount Fuji completely ignoring the thickness of the snow and then stopped. Rentaro also turned over and got out of the car immediately after the car stopped. With the help of the thickness of the snow, he quickly hid under the car. And it didn't leave much trace.

After the car stabilized, Rentaro, who was lying on the bottom of the car in the snow, saw the door open, and one foot fell off the car.

"It's really interesting, what we need, others give us what we need."

"Indeed, we have finished our work in Tokyo now, and it is useless to continue to stay in Tokyo. Osaka invites us at this time, which is most in line with our current purpose."

Although one foot got off, the person did not get off, but was talking in the car. The sound of the speech was clearly heard by Rentaro because the car door had been opened.

Purpose?For what purpose, things have been done in Tokyo, what did they do in Tokyo?And he still has to go to Osaka. Could it be that he is leaving Tokyo?

Rentaro pricked up his ears, trying to hear what the two of them said clearly, but to his surprise, after the two sentences were finished, the other party withdrew his foot and even closed the car door, and then Rentaro couldn't hear the inside of the car. the voice.

Damn it!What do you do when you close the door? This is Mt. Fuji. Besides you, is there anyone else?

Although he wanted to curse, but in order to hide himself, Rentaro chose to lie on the ground, waiting for the two to get out of the car.

The heating was turned on inside the car, but outside the car was icy and snowy, and Rentaro was still lying in the snow. This was torture for Rentaro. One arm and one leg of Rentaro are made of metal prosthetics, and the metal prosthetics have no heating. The system quickly cooled down after touching the icy snow, and then passed the coldness to Rentaro's body. Rentaro's shoulders and thighs could clearly feel the biting cold.

After Rentaro endured the cold for a long time, the car door finally opened again, Tony and Amakusa got out of the car, and then walked directly to a white round pie-shaped building not far away.

Watching the two of them enter the building, Rentaro climbed out from the other side. Immediately after getting up, he rubbed his body continuously, hoping to warm his body as much as possible, but no, no matter how he rubbed, the temperature was I can't come up, because the temperature outside is too low, and it is too difficult to raise the temperature by rubbing hands.

After rubbing for a while and found that the temperature could not be raised, Rentaro looked at the white round cake building next to his face. He had no choice but to find a way to go in, otherwise he would be frozen to death outside.

Walking around from the side, Rentaro approached the white round cake building, and after touching the side of the round cake building, he found that behind this building, there is a series of round cake buildings connected together, each of which is long The same, these buildings are located at the edge of the crater of Mount Fuji, and they were laid all the way along the crater.

"Such a complex of buildings was built here, but why does no one know?"

Logically speaking, the satellite controlled by the Tokyo government should be able to know such a large building complex. Although it is not close to Tokyo, it is not far away, and Mount Fuji can even be seen with the naked eye.

With doubts, Rentaro began to look for the possible exits of these buildings. After all, it is impossible for any building to be absolutely sealed, and it must be ventilated unless it has its own oxygen circulation system. It's not the bottom of the sea and it's not space. Who would have nothing to do to repair such a building? There must be a few places for breathing.

After searching around, Rentaro found that he really couldn't find it. The only place he couldn't find was the roof, but the surrounding area of ​​the building was too smooth, there was no place to go up, and Rentaro didn't dare to make a big one. movement.

In desperation, Rentaro was so cold that he was dying, he rushed to the gate directly, thinking whether he could go in through the gate when no one was looking inside.

As a result, when Rentaro approached the gate, he realized that the gate was not closed at all, and there was a gap in the glass gate, and even a handful of snow had accumulated in the gap.

How big is this person's heart, so he doesn't take safety seriously, does he really think that if the building is built on Mount Fuji, he doesn't need to worry about someone intruding?

Rentaro couldn't help complaining to Tony.

While complaining, Rentaro pushed open the door, then walked into the building, and closed the door behind him. It is a virtue to close the door casually.

It was freezing to death outside, and finally came to a place where there is no cold wind, and there is heating!

The warm wind blowing against his face made Rentaro stretch his body comfortably. His holmium metal arms and holmium metal calves all stretched a bit, and the temperature rose instantly.

It would be even better with a cup of hot water!

Then, Rentaro saw a water dispenser next to him.


What exactly is this place?The service is so user-friendly, knowing that people outside will be cold when they come in, so there is heating and hot water, which is too... great!

Rentaro hurried to the water dispenser, picked up a paper cup, and poured a cup of hot water. Holding the paper cup, his hands instantly warmed up, and after taking a small sip, his mouth also warmed up.

After getting comfortable, Rentaro turned around and wanted to continue walking into the depths of the villa, but just as he turned around, he saw a little girl with bright red eyes standing in the middle of the hall with a cup in her hand, staring blankly. with him.


"There are thieves!!!"

Rentaro just said a word, and the little girl screamed directly.

Chapter 82. Uncle Tony is so great

"Ah, take it easy, Yeonju, you are pushing too hard."

"Okay, sorry, Rentaro, I'll be gentle."

In the luxurious villa bedroom, Rentaro was lying on the bed, and Aihara Enju was squatting beside him, applying ointment on Rentaro's back with his own little hands.

Rentaro poured a glass of water in the lobby of the villa, then turned around and met a loli who happened to be passing there, because Tony said that anyone who has never seen them is a bad person, and no friends will come, so I met Rentaro's The first time, Loli shouted directly.

Then a group of lolis appeared. The lolis are all the sons of the curse. They were malnourished before, but now they are all nutritious. The most important thing to do when they have nothing to do is strength. So each of them exerted their abilities. Launched an attack on Rentaro, they finally had a good place to live a good life, but a bad person came, that must not be tolerated.

Thus, Rentaro was directly attacked by a group of loli.

It was also thanks to the fact that these lolis hadn't received any training, their attacks were relatively weak, and they were relatively not ruthless. When Aihara Enju arrived, Rentaro had already been knocked to the ground and kicked by a bunch of little feet.

Although these lolis are not very capable, they still have some damage, so Rentaro has lost the ability to move. The arrival of Aihara Enju made the lolis stop, realizing that they had hit the wrong person, and then helped Rentaro. Taro moved to the bed, and Enju Aihara helped rub the medicine on Rentaro.

"Yeonju, why are you here?"

"Huh? What do you mean I am here? I have always been here, and I am here to lurk as you said, Rentaro."

"Then why didn't you contact me? I thought something happened to you."

"I also want to contact, but there is no way to contact the outside world. There is no signal here. Although there is a network, we have no way to contact the outside world."

"Why can't I contact the outside world with the Internet?"

Rentaro was very surprised lying there, because he has the Internet and can't contact the outside world?How do you do it.

"Because the Internet is supervised by Jarvis, we can't contact the outside world at all. What the Internet can give us is that I can see anything I want to see. We can't send messages to the outside world. According to Tony According to Uncle, this is to prevent anyone from finding us."

"Uncle Tony?"

Aihara Enju called Tony, which made Rentaro very speechless. What the hell is this name? What is Uncle Tony? Isn't that guy a devil?

"That's right, it's Uncle Tony. Everything here is made by Uncle Tony and Big Brother Amakusa."

Well, now it's not just Uncle Tony, there's even Brother Amakusa, and then is there a Grandpa Thor?

However, Rentaro didn't hear Grandpa Thor, because Thor wasn't in the villa area at all during this period, and even Tokyo hasn't appeared for a long time.

"Anyway, Rentaro, what we saw before was all fake."

"Fake? What fake?"

"The thing we saw about Uncle Tony killing those children in the street is all fake. It is the magic of brother Amakusa. Brother Amakusa knows a lot of magical magic. For example, as long as he raises his hand, he can build a villa. , as long as you raise your hand, you can make a few dummies, those dummies look exactly like real people, under the control of Brother Amakusa, they can do exactly the same things as real people, and even bleed."

Rentaro didn't understand anything, so Aihara Enju gave Rentaro a good science, and let Rentaro know that everything he saw was fake, how great Uncle Tony is, how powerful Brother Amakusa is, Thor... Thor has gone nowhere.

In short, there are all kinds of powerful things between the Tony trio. As for Rentaro being beaten by Thor before, I don’t care at all. It should be, Uncle Tony did so many things in order to help so many sons of the curse, but Rentaro has been making trouble for Uncle Tony all the time.

Living here for a few days, Aihara Enju has been completely brainwashed by her own children, and now she can be said to be full of admiration for Tony, regarding what Rentaro and herself have done before, especially what disturbed Uncle Tony It can be said that I hate it deeply, but I don't blame it, so I can only blame Rentaro.

And Rentaro was lectured by Aihara Enju, but he couldn't say anything. He couldn't talk to Aihara Enju.

Now that I know the actual situation, it’s fine if I know that I’m wrong, just admit what I should admit, and let Enju Aihara say she’s happy. The most important thing is that Enju Aihara is fine, as long as she’s fine, and those children, It's all good.

"By the way, where is Mr. Stark? Isn't he in the villa?"

I used to call him a devil and a jerk, but now that I know what he has done, I can't continue to speak ill of him, so I can only use honorifics to address him.

"Uncle Tony went out again immediately after he came back. He went out with Brother Amakusa, using Uncle Amakusa's golden portal magic. They said they would come back at night."

Aihara Enju also answered Rentaro's question, and Uncle Tony and the others went out.

Where's Uncle Tony?Uncle Tony and the others went to find Grandpa Thor.

After solving the Scorpio, Tony had an idea, that is to use his combat power to solve the zodiac in this world. It doesn't matter how human beings fight to death, he understands it in the Marvel world , the war between human beings can't stop at any time, he just needs to help those children get rid of the virus in their bodies, so that those innocent children can live well, and prevent those innocent humans from dying in the zodiac. hand.

Therefore, Thor was sent out by Tony after the battle with Scorpio. The task was to find the zodiac signs hidden in every corner of the earth, and remove the two zodiac signs that were killed before. The Scorpio that was killed by Tony , There are still eight zodiacs, Tony wants to get rid of some zodiacs as much as possible.

Because, after collecting the blood of those Lolitas, Tony has already researched something. For the next plan, he needs to reduce the zodiac threat around Japan, near Japan, especially the Pacific Northwest The zodiac, he must be cleared.

And Thor just happened to find a zodiac sign, Libra.

Chapter 83. Thor and Kevin Become Good Brothers

Libra is the closest zodiac sign to Japan besides Scorpio.

After Thor's battle with Scorpio ended, he left the Japanese mainland with Kidora Kevin and began to wander around.

As a titan, Kevin is very interested in this world. Although he was really scared when he saw a guy who was many times bigger than himself, at least he was not directly given by that big guy. Get rid of it, so Kevin recovered a little immediately after being scared for a short time.

But after Tony directly killed Scorpio with seven swords and blew up Scorpio into pieces, Kevin was completely discouraged. Turtle, is this human being so cruel? Those seven swords are too terrifying. My body exploded, and I was afraid that I would be blown into powder by myself, so I don't know how long it would take me to be reborn, and I wouldn't even be able to be reborn.

Therefore, after Tony gave the order, although Kevin wanted to object, he still did what Tony said. After becoming Thor's mount, Kevin was able to understand human language, so to Tony The order is very clear, and Thor is also very clear about this. Thor doesn't want to be bombarded by that kind of attack, which will really kill the Asgardians.

In addition, after Kevin was summoned, he could no longer return to the summoning space, so one beast and one man left Japan like this, and started the journey to find the zodiac. After all, Kevin is not a psychic beast, and he can return to the psychic space Go, you can only take it with you in the real world.

Then they really found Libra.

As a titan, Kevin has the intuition of being a monster. On this earth, he can feel the breath of other monsters, and the breath of this monster is naturally the zodiac. Although he is not sure, he feels There is no problem when you arrive, as long as you get close after you feel it, you can confirm the exact location of the place.

It was in this way that Kevin and Thor found Libra.

In the Sea of ​​Japan area near Japan, this giant zodiac monster lurks in the sea, just like the Scorpio before it.

"Is this where the zodiac is?"

"That's right, here it is."

In the clouds above the sea, Tony is wearing a battle armor and using the thrusters behind him to levitate. Beside Tony is Ghidorah Kevin, who is flapping his wings and flying, while Thor is standing behind Ghidorah, and they are beaten by Tony together. After Scorpio was scared, coupled with the summoning relationship between the two, the two of them have now become close comrades-in-arms, one main C, one auxiliary plus auxiliary C, holding together to keep warm in this crisis-ridden world.

After hearing Tony's inquiry, Thor nodded affirmatively. The news came from his partner Kevin, who believed in his partner.

After Tony got Thor's affirmation, he also looked up at the three heads of Kevin. Being watched by Tony, the three heads of Kevin nodded again and again, for fear of provoking this ruthless person and letting him give him a stomachache. A sword is stuffed inside and blown to pieces.

"In that case, let's start right away."

"Start? Start what?"

Thor looked at Tony suspiciously, not knowing what he was going to do. Although Kevin felt that there was a zodiac below, no one came out. How do you start?

Under Thor's suspicious gaze, Tony switched on the communication.

"Father Amakusa, please help me throw the piece of head that I accepted earlier, yes, just throw it to me."

A call was made to Amakusa, and within three seconds, the Clothes Moth portal appeared in front of the two of them. The portal opened parallel to the sea surface, which looked like a line, and then a huge piece of meat came from It fell out of the inside and fell directly into the sea.

That was one of Scorpio's heads that had been blown up before, and it was the same as the head shipped back from Tokyo, both of which were fragments of the head.

The huge fragments of the head fell from the portal and directly smashed into the sea water. After floating for a while, it immediately began to sink. The reason why the body of Scorpio is so strong is that its body density is too high. That's why they have such a strong defense.

The fragments of the body quickly sank into the sea water, and they were invisible from the top down, just like a sunken ship, disappearing in an instant.

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