Thor looked at the blood he spit out, and he was dumbfounded. Why is it still, why does my stomach hurt so much, not only the stomach, but the whole body starts to hurt, why is this, it was fine just now.

"Just now that guy suddenly sprayed a black mist outside, I asked Jarvis to seal off all my armor, turned on the internal oxygen supply system, and analyzed the black mist at the same time. The conclusion of the analysis was that the black mist There are all kinds of viruses in it, some of which Jarvis analyzed are known viruses, and some of them have no records at all, that is, unknown viruses without any records at all."

Tony said and pointed to Tony's chest.

"Because you have become a servant, my scan of you is now a mass of energy, but the servant seems to have the same body structure as a normal person. Your body has obviously been affected, and your body appears like an ordinary person. Virus-like reaction, and the reaction speed of these viruses is so fast that there is no incubation period, and the effect will appear after entering your body, so if you can't get rid of so many viruses in your body at the same time, then you should die, at least your body Because Thor's body can't stop these viruses."

Just like a certain alien race that turns their hair blonde, their bodies are so powerful that they can destroy a planet, but they will die of a heart attack, um, Thor this Asgardian People are indeed very strong, able to resist the impact of the sun's energy, but they can't deal with the self-attack inside the body, the virus, which makes the Asgardians fall.

"I...I feel bad~~~"

Thor's expression was distorted, and his face even turned green. The whole face was twisted together, and he even looked a lot older. The corner of his mouth was still overflowing with blood, and there was some very disgusting liquid beside the blood, which should be body tissue fluid .

"It's okay, you just return to the original world after you die, don't worry."

Tony didn't have any regrets, but simply appeased Thor, but Thor couldn't feel very happy.

Chapter 86. Portal Cutting Libra

Thor didn't die, although he was infected with the virus and was really going to die, but with Amakusa around, he couldn't die.

After remotely guiding Thor to die, Amakusa directly came over and sprinkled a green light on Thor's head, making Thor's whole body full of green from top to bottom.

Of course, this refers to the ability of the time gem. Although it is impossible to make the time of the whole world go backwards or forwards like the real time gem, it is still possible to suspend time or make a person or object go back in time. .

Therefore, Amakusa reversed Thor's time, regressed him to the state before he was infected by the virus, and then used magic to create an enchantment around his body, so that Thor could be prevented from being infected again.

Similarly, Amakusa also set an enchantment for himself, and he didn't want himself to be infected. Similarly, he was very surprised that Kidora Kevin was not infected with the virus.

The power of Ghidorah lies in his powerful regenerative ability and energy attack. Although his physical attack ability is excellent, but because of his relatively slender body, he is not as powerful as Godzilla, but Amakusa did not expect that Ghidorah's cell regeneration ability is amazing After being infected with the virus, it can kill the virus-infected cells in the body and then regenerate new cells.

This is basically invulnerable to all poisons, brother, your regenerative ability is fine.

Amakusa, who has some knowledge about Libra, knows that the super deadly virus emitted by this Libra guy is so strong that it can kill other classes of Gastrea who are also Gastrea, except for the other phase five of the zodiac. The fourth stage of stage four is that you will die if you encounter it, ignore the enemy and yourself, and kill anyone you see, so Libra is different from other zodiac signs. With their own leadership skills, all kinds of troubles with younger brothers, Libra is very lonely, but he is alone without any subordinates.

So, this is the easiest and hardest enemy in the zodiac.

Other Zodiacs are very difficult to fight, because they will naturally gather a group of mobs around them. The tallest of these mobs can even reach stage four. They are very strong elite monsters. Fighting these mobs requires a lot of time and experience. There will be a lot of casualties, and then there will be a battle with the Zodiac in stage five.

As for Libra, there are no small monsters or elite monsters, so you don't need to fight those small monsters and experience monsters to deal with him, which in a sense reduces a lot of casualties and losses.

But Libra's super-wide-range AOE lethality makes it impossible for humans to get close to each other, unless you wear the protection of a space suit, but wearing such a protective suit, how can you fight Libra?The technology in this world has not yet developed to the point where everyone has a set of interstellar combat suits, they are not Tony Stark.

"How to deal with this monster? This guy's skin is too hard, and its heat resistance is super high. Neither my beam sword nor this idiot's lightning will work."

Amakusa has already come, so Tony will naturally ask Amakusa's opinion.

"That is to say, with your current means and the technology of this world, you can't break through the opponent's defense, right?"

"That's right, our means are still not working."

"If that's the case, then let me do it."

Amakusa is very familiar with this world, understands the basic settings of this world, and let Tony have fun in this world, also because he wants to see what Tony would do when he travels to another world, and then act as Tony's grandfather himself.

Now that he encountered a problem that Tony couldn't solve for the time being but had to solve it immediately, it was naturally time for the old man Amakusa to appear on the stage.

"How do you plan to get rid of this guy? This guy's skin is not so hard. It is super high temperature resistant and super impact resistant. Anyway, I really can't help it, but it's just a temporary solution. If you give me time, I will definitely We can work out a way to solve it.”

Although it was handed over to Amakusa this time, Tony said that it's not that he can't solve it, but he can't solve it temporarily. It's temporary. Give him time, and Tony Stark can make an anti-Libra armor. Believe it or not?

Having said that, Tony moved away honestly, and then asked Jarvis to conduct a comprehensive inspection of Amakusa to see how Amakusa will deal with this big guy.

"Mr. Stark, there's no need to go so far away. I'm just in charge of cutting its skin. Generally, the inside of a very thick skin will be relatively soft, so after I cut the skin, I still need Star Mr. Ke, come and get rid of such a big guy."

Amakusa can directly open the treasure and use the black hole to suck the big guy in, but that seems too simple and invincible. Even if Amakusa is invincible now, it will be very boring to use the big move in the next game.

Therefore, Amakusa is only responsible for breaking through the defense, and the finishing is still handed over to Tony.

Under the watchful eyes of Tony and Thor, Amakusa raised his right hand, and then turned his finger at the Libra who was constantly spitting out the virus below, and a scratch of sparks suddenly appeared on Libra's huge body.

The space gate appeared again, this time directly opened a portal that spanned the diameter of Libra's body, and chopped off Libra's head directly.

In order to allow the severed head to be staggered, Amakusa deliberately opened the portal at a certain angle, so the severed head slid down from the side, and the entire incision instantly turned into a sea of ​​blood, and black blood flowed continuously. gushing out.

"That's okay too?"

Tony originally thought that Amakusa would show some new magic, but it turned out to be a portal. The portal actually has this function. Such a hard shell was cut open by a door?Isn't this door too strong?

"The ability of the portal is to allow us to reach another place instantly, Mr. Stark, how do you think it is possible?"

"If I knew how I knew it, I wouldn't let you open the door, I would open the door myself!"

Tony couldn't help but complain.

"It's actually very simple. The ability of the portal is to directly cut through the space, including everything that exists in that space. The sparks on the edge of the portal are the sparks that burst out when the material is cut. Everything may be the target of cutting, and cutting a creature is completely fine."

After Amakusa explained, she stepped aside.

"Then, next, Mr. Stark, please continue your performance."

The task of cutting the shell has been completed, and the task of completely killing the zodiac is handed over to Tony. Tony also seriously pulled out two black spiral swords from his back.

The Nuclear Explosion Sword Immortal is coming again!

Chapter 87. The Problem of Virus Spread

There are still seven spiral swords. I don’t know if Tony likes the number 7. The last time he used seven spiral swords to solve Scorpio, this time he also used seven spiral swords.

Although it can be used a little less, Tony still chose to throw out all the weapons in the backpack on his back. He used up all seven spiral swords and stuck them into Libra's body, and then carried out an internal blast, directly Send Libra to the sky.

It's just that it's different from when we killed Scorpio before. When we killed Scorpio, it was very simple to blow up Scorpio to death, but this time Libra couldn't be so simple. Although Libra was killed, he was dying At the same time, the impact of the airflow generated by the explosion also caused a large number of viruses produced in Libra to spread out.

The explosion principle used by Tony's spiral sword is actually based on his Ark reactor, which is actually a cold fusion. In terms of explosion impact, it does not rely on high temperature and impact to kill the enemy like ordinary nuclear bombs, so it cannot be used like a nuclear bomb. Nuclear explosions use ultra-high temperature to kill all viruses.

Therefore, those viruses were blown far away by the shock wave of the explosion, and became farther and farther away, and began to spread.

Both Amakusa and Tony felt this. As for Thor and Kevin, one didn't have the brains to think about it, and the other didn't feel that these viruses were a threat.

"This guy really isn't that easy to solve. Even if he died, he still caused me so much trouble."

On Tony's mask, Jarvis used the satellite's ultra-remote monitoring to draw a virus distribution analysis map. Judging from Jarvis's analysis map, the virus here is constantly spreading towards the surroundings, and the shock wave of the explosion has a strong impact on the virus. The push was very strong, but because of the existence of the hurricane cloud, it did not disperse immediately. The water vapor in the hurricane cloud was particularly sufficient, which prevented the rapid spread of the virus.

"If all these viruses spread out, they will directly affect Japan and a large area of ​​East Asia. Considering the possible characteristics of the virus, they can even remain dormant and then float to the east coast of the Pacific Ocean and Europe."

Jarvis' analysis made Thor's eyebrows twitch.

In order to kill Libra for a while, Tony threw seven swords directly, but he didn't consider the characteristics of Libra in time. Those viruses had no effect on Tony himself, and his armor could completely protect against viruses, and Because of the existence of Amakusa, Thor has nothing to do with it. As for Kevin, he didn't think about it, but ordinary people in this world didn't think about it either.

Now, once these viruses spread out, causing the already few human beings to suffer another major blow, then Tony Stark is the biggest sinner, because it was his reckless attack that promoted the spread of these viruses, and then caused human survivors to suffer.

If a large area of ​​human beings really dies due to virus infection, he, Tony, will definitely feel guilty for the rest of his life, so what he can do now is to immediately find a way to get rid of the spreading virus here.

It is obviously too late to study vaccines. Those things are based on years, and it is impossible for humans to protect them. These viruses are transmitted directly through the air. Unless humans collectively inhale oxygen in a sealed environment, they cannot be isolated. Air.

Feeling hopeless, Tony looked at Amakusa.

"Father Amakusa, can you solve this trouble?"

"Sorry, I can't do it right now."

Amakusa shook his head helplessly.

"I'm better at solving some small scenes. I can't handle such a large-scale scene."

If you have the time gem, Amakusa can reverse the time of this world, but you can reverse the time to before the death of Libra, making Tony rethink how to deal with it.

But now Amakusa's time ability can't do it, so I can only watch the viruses flying around outside. If the spread range is small, you can throw a treasure and use the black hole treasure to absorb all the viruses in a small range. , but this range exceeds one city, and Amakusa said: It can't be done, it can't be done.

"What should I do?"

Tony felt even more desperate. Even his grandfather couldn't solve it, so this crisis is over.

"I can't do it, but it doesn't mean I can't do it, such as Ghidorah."

Amakusa pointed to Ghidorah Kevin at Thor's feet.

"I can't control it on such a large scale, but it can."


Thor tilted his head suspiciously.

"Kevin? What's that?"

Tony was a little puzzled when he heard what Thor said, what is Kevin?

"Oh, that's my partner's name, Kevin."

It was the first time that Kevin's name was known to others. He was only known as Ghidorah before, but now he has a name.

"Well, Kevin, that name sounds very intelligent."

Tony couldn't help but tease.

"So, can friend Kevin solve the problem this time?"

Tony looked at Amakusa, waiting for Amakusa's answer.

"That's right, Kevin can solve the trouble this time. Have you seen this hurricane cloud? Let Jarvis observe it through the satellite and you will find that this hurricane cloud is controlled by Kevin. He has the ability to control the weather." Especially in Fengyun, he can be said to be the Lord of Fengyun, so letting Kevin control the direction of Hurricane Cloud can collect all the viruses that spread in this area."

Ghidorah is really good at controlling the weather. It can make a place sunny or turn a place into a typhoon. In short, it is very, very powerful, just like what Amakusa thought when he dealt with Ghidorah before. Yes, if Ghidorah does not land and is full of vigilance against the ground, then Godzilla has no way to fight against Ghidorah. The air force is really an advantage.

"So, let Kevin move, gather these viruses, and then stay away from the land, go to the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and then use your lightning heat to solve it."

"So, rely on us?"

After listening to Amakusa's words and understanding how to solve the situation, Thor immediately laughed happily.

Hmph, this time it's finally not you Tony Stark acting alone, it's our turn to pretend, and the two of us are still trying to get rid of the big trouble you, the tin man, don't hurry up, thank you Thor brother?

Thor looked at Tony frightened, and Tony could see the emotion in his eyes. He understood what this guy was frightened about, but now, he had to express something.

"That's right, it's up to you this time."

Looking at Thor and Kevin, Tony nodded affirmatively.

Chapter 88. Joining Osaka

Looking from the universe to the earth, in the Pacific Ocean, a huge hurricane cloud is miraculously heading eastward along the northern Pacific Ocean. After reaching the position of the Bering Strait, it starts heading southward in a straight line. Fengyun, in just a few hours, flew near the equator, then crossed the equator, headed for the South Pacific, and finally stopped a few hundred kilometers south of the Tropic of Capricornus, and then thunder and lightning, and the flashing lightning here is still golden yellow.

This situation lasted for a long time before it ended. This phenomenon surprised the leaders of all human settlements with satellites in the world, especially Australia in the South Pacific. Among the human settlements in Australia, the leaders there People were very nervous about this miraculous scene.

Because they are the closest people to this storm, this kind of storm is too strange, it is obviously not natural, and it is not a natural situation at this time, so it is very likely that it is gastrulation, and it can make such a large A moving gastritis is likely to be a LV4 or LV5 guy. With that kind of moving speed, there is no movement in the sea, so it means that this guy is moving in the sky, which is even more troublesome. The holmium metal monolith The height of the Earth is limited. Although a huge holmium metal magnetic field is formed on the ground, which prevents gastrulation, it is not the case in the sky.

High-level gastritis approaching from the sky, this is a disaster for human beings!

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