In this way, Amakusa's body bounced on the ground several times before falling onto the ice sheet, and then gliding for tens of meters, dragging out a long line of blood before stopping. When it stopped, Amakusa's body had already appeared With a completely irregular twisted outfit, a person was directly kicked and broke all the bones in his body, and died suddenly on the spot.

This is the status quo of ADC.


Seeing Amakusa lying motionless on the ground, and not knowing how much blood was spilled along the way, the female adjutant felt that this black skin had no chance of surviving. She was very confident in her own strength. She tried her best in the attack just now , so much so that now she even feels a little exhausted. She was debuffed, and she just directly played the level when she was not debuffed before.

Amakusa was directly killed, and let the female adjutant relax a little bit. She didn't care that she lost an arm. Krypton's medical technology can regenerate, but she cared about the other party's threat to them, especially the threat to General Zod. What if it was General Zod who lost his arm? What if he cut off not only his arm, but also his head?

Kryptonian technology can regenerate arms, but it cannot regenerate heads, and dead people cannot regenerate.

Unlike the female adjutant who was slightly relaxed, the servants on Amakusa's side were dumbfounded. Although Amakusa had been behind the scenes watching his servants fight, the servants under him also understood that Amakusa's fighting power was not low, especially that Unlimited magic power, in the Xingyue world, as long as you have enough magic power, you can do anything. Isn't the Great Holy Grail just relying on your own enough magic power to do whatever you want.

But I didn't expect Amakusa to be taken away by a Kryptonian who leveled A twice in front of them. The skills are useless. Even if you have one eye, you need to A three times. Is Obama who was tied for A second by the Uzi mouse twice?

No, no, it's getting too far, the most important thing is Shiro Amakusa is their master, the master was seconded, the master was seconded in front of them!

All the servants were shocked at the first moment, especially Anna was so anxious that she even rushed to kill the female adjutant, but when she was about to act, she found that there was no problem with her magic power supply, and all the magic power of the servants came from Yu Amakusa, and Amakusa possesses infinite magic power. Once Amakusa dies, their magic power will be cut off immediately, but now the supply of magic power is completely fine, which makes Anna, who was anxious to do something, stop again, and looked at it suspiciously. The distorted corpse of Amakusa in the distance.

Not only Anna, but all the servants felt that something was wrong, so they all looked at Amakusa's corpse, and Karna directly activated the release of magic power, flying to the side of Amakusa's corpse.

Looking at Amakusa's body, especially the blood that was still flowing, Karna was very puzzled, the body looked completely real, he reached out to touch it, the blood was even warm, it was indeed dead Amakusa is right.

But why is there no problem with the supply of magic power?Is it good to live like this?Is some kind of immortality keeping him alive?Then his own master is too powerful.

The strange behavior of the Servants made the female adjutant who was relaxed at first feel puzzled. She frowned again. This situation made her feel that something was wrong, but she didn't know what was wrong. Hei Pi, who was clearly a threat to her, died. But those people didn't seem to care at all, instead they looked a little puzzled, why?

Just when the female adjutant was wondering what was going on with these earth natives, she suddenly felt a pain in her left shoulder, and her left arm was broken at the root. It was still the same as before, the place where the fracture was directly burned red and carbonized. The blood didn't even have time to flow out.


The pain caused the female adjutant to scream again, and immediately gritted her teeth and retreated.

After drawing a certain distance, she realized that there was an extra person where she was standing before, and it was Heipi who had just been taken away by her two flat A's.

However, that black skin was obviously killed by him just now, even the corpse is not far away, why! ?

Amakusa, who was standing there, looked at the female adjutant who had lost both arms with a smile, and he really wanted to say something at this moment.

"When did you have the illusion that I didn't use Mirror Flower and Water Moon?"

Chapter 146. The Death of the Kryptonian Female Adjutant

Flowers in the Mirror, Water Moon, Amakusa naturally does not exist, but the Reality Gem, Amakusa, does exist.

The power of Infinity Gems is very powerful, especially the Reality Gem owned by Amakusa. You can play with things like modifying reality.

Didn't Thanos just use the Reality Gem to fool a wave of Gamora? That's the ultimate illusion that controls the five senses, and Amakusa can do it too.

Although it is not a permanent control after one use, the on-site control is still completely fine. In terms of continuous effect, it is not as powerful as the mirror flower, but the range of use and activation conditions are definitely better than the mirror flower water moon. At least don't worry about blind people not being affected this problem.

Facing Krypton's female adjutant, Amakusa knew that he might be given a second before he could react. This is not LOL, this is a horror game, just like looking into the grass and finding five people inside.

So Amakusa immediately activated the Reality Gem after cutting off the first arm of the female adjutant, creating a fake self waiting to die in place, but the real Amakusa had already run to the side and opened the distance, waiting for the female adjutant next move.

Sure enough, Amakusa didn't have time to react at all, and the female adjutant killed the fake Amakusa in seconds, and only took two hits.

Seeing "myself" being beaten into a twist-like shape, Amakusa's eyelids twitched. Fortunately, he used the Reality Gem, otherwise he would definitely be killed, or use the power of the Time Gem, that's fine.

But when using the time gem, the people next to you don't have a sense of participation, or the feeling of pretending is not so silky.

Anyway, it's almost the same, it mainly depends on which gem's power Amakusa wants to use to pretend.

Now, Amakusa has successfully used the reality gem to pretend to be a wave.

"When did you have the illusion that you killed me?"

Well, there is no mirror, so let's put it this way, anyway, it's very pretentious, isn't it?

Obviously, the female adjutant was stunned. She lost her arms and lost 90% of her combat power, but she can still fight. This is the Kryptonians. They are still very destructive without hands, but she looked at Amakusa. Looking intact, she was really stunned. She looked at the smiling Amakusa, and then at Amakusa's body not far away.

"Why? Do you want to ask why?"

The female adjutant was very puzzled and at a loss, and Amakusa asked her questions for her.

"Why don't you go and find out yourself, why you killed me just now, but I'm still standing here now."

Amakusa's hands folded together very naturally, it looks like a priest who is ready to talk about life and ideals with you, without the slightest defense.

The female adjutant didn't know what Amakusa had done, and what happened to the corpse lying on the ground, she still had the same idea as before, and killed this very dangerous black skin in seconds!

Even without her arms, the female adjutant still wanted to kill Amakusa, she just used her feet to cooperate with her lowered body, and rushed to Amakusa again in an instant, raised her legs and pushed her knees to Amakusa's abdomen, pushing Amakusa away The ground, then turned around and kicked Amakusa's face, and then rolled and bounced and twisted into a twist again. Amakusa died on the ice sheet again. It was frozen soon, only the blood in the corpse flowed for a while because of the temperature of the body, but it would also be frozen soon.

It took another second, and it was still two times to tie A, even this time his hands were useless, it was Qing Gangying who came up and kicked two feet and directly kicked him to death.

But looking at the two corpses on the ground in the distance, the female adjutant couldn't relax at all. She clearly felt that her feet and the previous fist could feel the touch, and the other party's behavior was normal, but why?Why can't I relax at all?

"It's really beautiful. Even without hands, you can still easily kill the enemy. The fighting skills of the Kryptonians are really amazing."

Another Amakusa appeared, even standing not far from the female adjutant, looking at the "own" corpse in the distance with the female adjutant, and then applauding the female adjutant's combat effectiveness, this scene is very weird, The female adjutant was stunned for a moment.

Again!What exactly is going on?Why does this person have three, what kind of ability is this?This is not a phantom, it is real, the touch and resistance are not fake, but...why! ?

The doubtful female adjutant quickly turned her doubts into anger, and she leveled A second again. The third Amakusa, well, the three corpses were lying in a distance and just connected in a line, and each corpse was placed in a different position. The posture looks very harmonious.

However, the fourth Amakusa reappeared.

Amakusa's Reality Gem is not used only once. He actually hid behind Karna after cutting off the arms of the female adjutant. Sorry, life is Amakusa's favorite thing to do, hugging the little sun Your thighs are the safest.

As for chopping off the female adjutant's legs, Amakusa won't do it. Reality gems can be played for a while. If you cut off the female adjutant's head directly, otherwise the female adjutant will catch the opportunity and react in an instant If you kick it, maybe you will be directly critically hit in seconds.

Therefore, now that Amakusa has chopped off the female adjutant's hands, he is satisfied, and the next step is to slowly pretend to be aggressive. The task of killing the female adjutant does not require him to do it himself.

"You are a respectable warrior, but I'm sorry, I have no interest in and no resistance to you conquering one planet after another in the universe before, but this is Earth, not a place that you Kryptonians can casually conquer."

After Dayi, who is a native of Earth, finished speaking, Fake Amakusa looked at Wonder Woman next to him, signaling that she could do it.

Wonder Woman has also killed people. During World War I, she killed many people. Although she doesn't take the initiative to take action now, she will kill people in real situations. After all, she punches It's easy to kill a person under your feet.

Seeing Amakusa signaled to herself, Wonder Woman also understood.

"As a fighter, I will give you the treatment a fighter should have."

Facing the Kryptonian female adjutant who lost her hands, Wonder Woman gave enough respect, respect from the soldier's point of view. After speaking, the whole person turned into an afterimage and appeared behind the Kryptonian female adjutant. What is more striking is the posture of swinging the sword, and bright white lightning is wrapped around the Vulcan sword, which looks like a beam saber.

On the neck of Krypton's female adjutant, there was a deep sword mark, and she fell to the ground straight.

Chapter 147. General Zod wants to be a Saiyan

The female adjutant died, Amakusa cut off her arms with the portal, and after teasing her with the Reality Gem, she was cut off by Wonder Woman.

The female adjutant is dead, and the other Kryptonian warrior is naturally not much better. Although he is an elite Kryptonian warrior, he is not an opponent of magic and space after all. Compared with the female adjutant, this Kryptonian warrior's fighting instinct Much weaker, he can't sense the danger approaching.

Amakusa directly used the Reality Gem to cover himself, and then used the portal to cut off the Kryptonian warrior's head, and the Kryptonian warrior died suddenly on the spot.

Of the original Kryptonian trio, only General Zod, who was entangled with Clark in the end, was left on the spot.

It was Amakusa's arrangement for Clark to deal with General Zod, because General Zod would make Clark grow up, especially Clark, who was not fooled by his father, Joe Al, who had a problem with his brain. He has a very normal human concept of right and wrong, and he will help when he is in danger, but he will not be a rotten Virgin.

Especially when Amakusa told Clark that a person who can't even save those around him is not qualified to save others. If a certain white-haired and black-skinned archer heard this, he would definitely complain crazily.

Therefore, when General Zod mentioned the people Clark knew in front of Clark for the first time, Clark angrily hammered General Zod to the ground, because one of the people he met recently was named Louise, who was General Zod After mentioning killing people in front of Clark for the second time, Clark became even more angry because Clark's adoptive mother was named Martha!

Of course, it has nothing to do with whether Clark's adoptive mother is called Martha or not. He simply doesn't allow anyone to touch his adoptive mother. He says it's his adoptive mother, but in Clark's view, it has nothing to do with his own mother. Anyway, he still doesn't know what his own mother and father look like. After Amakusa told him about his life experience, he is not so interested in his own life experience. He just wants to live well on the earth now. Live, as Amakusa said, as the son of the earth and Krypton.

Therefore, as a righteous partner, Clark certainly does not allow the people around him to be harmed, so he can exert more powerful power when he is angry.

At the beginning, Clark could only use brute force. Although he was much stronger than General Zod, and his physical fitness was extremely strong because he had been basking in the sun all the time on the earth, but there was no trick in his attack, and he didn't even have a fight. I have fought. After all, once Clark really fights, he will really die. If he accidentally punches down, human beings will directly turn into blood foam.

Therefore, Clark doesn't know anything about fighting or killing techniques.

In the early stage, because of the skill gap, Clark was beaten by General Zod constantly, but as the battle progressed, while being beaten, Clark quickly learned the fighting skills of General Zod, and soon he was able to fight General Zod again and again. Yes, in the end, you can even take advantage of your physical strength to force General Zod's attack, and then counterattack General Zod.

Compared with Clark, General Zod, who was given a weak BUFF, could not hurt Clark even with an attack, and when Clark's fist came over, General Zod would groan in pain, but for his own sake, he I had to hold back again.

Then there was General Zod's skill suppression from the beginning, and then he was directly pressed to the ground and rubbed. Occasionally he was able to resist once or twice, but soon became beaten again.

General Zod was in great pain. He didn't understand why Clark was so strong. Although he said that his body was buffed with weakness, he didn't understand why a kid who didn't even know how to fight just now, but only knew how to rampage, suddenly Combat experience has grown so fast.

So much so that as the top general of Krypton, he was suppressed and beaten by this kid.

He is obviously a kid who was thrown to a backward planet in the corner of the universe, how can he suppress himself who has been fighting for Krypton all the time?

General Zod was very angry, but his anger couldn't change anything. Instead, his attacks became chaotic. He was originally a fighter who used combat skills to make up for his loss of strength when he received a weak buff, but now even his skills have begun to change. Never mind.

The anger made General Zod start to lose his footing, and he was punched by Clark a few times before lying on the ground.

General Zod, who was beaten to the ground, was panting in pain. He had never been so aggrieved, not even when he was beaten up by Jo-El on Krypton. He couldn't imagine, I will be beaten up by a young man on a remote and backward planet in the universe. Although the weakening of the maze is also part of the reason, he was finally beaten up by a fat man!


General Zod, who was beaten, finally remembered his identity at this moment.

"I'm the general! I'm not the one here to play with you!"

General Zod is about to summon his younger brother. As a general, he is constantly insulted here, which makes him unbearable. He decides to let his men go up and get rid of Clark.

However, no one responded to him.

"Are you looking for your two subordinates?"

After a wave of fluctuations, Amakusa suddenly appeared beside Clark, looking down at General Zod lying on the ground.

"who are you?"

General Zod didn't care about the existence of Amakusa from the very beginning, and he didn't even pay attention to the earthlings, but now, the sudden appearance of this earthling he had only glanced at before made him start to wonder, because this black Pi acted very familiar with Clark.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is whether you can confirm who they are."

Amakusa stared at General Zod with a smile, then shook his left hand, and two heads fell to the ground and rolled in front of General Zod. These two heads belonged to the female adjutant and elite Kryptonian warrior, General Zod He couldn't be more familiar with them. These two people are the personal guards he has brought with him everywhere these years.

But now, the heads of his two personal guards are rolling to the ground, what does this mean? It means that his two personal guards are already dead!

"No, no, it's not true."

General Zod looked at the two heads and shook his head again and again.

"This is real."

Amakusa added a sentence.

"No, it's not true!!"

General Zod hugged his head and raised his head for a long time, a burst of terrifying energy erupted from his body, and directly knocked Amakusa and Clark away.

The Amakusa that was blown away is not the real Amakusa, it is still the illusion of reality gems, the real Amakusa is still hiding behind Karna, watching the sudden burst of power of General Zod directly break through the maze, Amakusa The whole person was stunned.

"This kind of sudden outbreak, could it be that the Saiyans are about to transform?"

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