It is not ordinary people who can do this kind of thing.

Six Fingers Heixia immediately thought of his guess just now, no way!It can't be that he really came to find himself, could it be that Luo Wang has cleared the field?

Six Fingers Heixia put his right hand on the black eyebrow at his waist, ready to draw his sword to fight at any time.

Although I don't know whether this situation is caused by Luo Wang, but it is definitely not normal, it is right to be careful, and my position here is exposed, which means that this stronghold of the Mo family is also exposed. The heroes must be withdrawn in time, otherwise it is easy to lose manpower.

Looking around vigilantly, Heixia Six Fingers slowly retreated back to the inn, and closed the door of the inn. Heixia Six Fingers was about to turn around and greet the Mo Xia in the inn, telling them to prepare to evacuate, but the result was that Heixia Six Fingers turned around. I found that all the people in the inn were gone. All the decorations in the inn were fine, but there were no people. There was no one in the entire inn, whether it was the room, the hall, or the back kitchen. Before he went out, There were obviously a lot of people here, but now they suddenly evaporated.

Not right!Very wrong!

No one can do this, it's impossible, so it's an illusion!Plant your own illusion!

The Black Man with Six Fingers immediately pulled out the ink eyebrows around his waist, and then circulated his whole body to get rid of the illusion. However, no matter how he operated, even the surrounding background was turned into a piece of ink painting by him, and the style of painting followed suit. It's changed, but it's still useless, the world is still the same, empty inns, empty streets, as if he is the only one in the world.

"Who is it?"

The Black Man with Six Fingers couldn't bear it any longer, and asked directly.

"it's me."

A gentle and very magnetic voice sounded beside the table in the middle of the inn. Six Fingers Heixia looked for the sound and saw a white-haired boy sitting at the table drinking water from a teacup, an unknown person.

"Who is your Excellency?"

"Please allow me to introduce myself."

Facing the inquiry from the Black Man with Six Fingers, Amakusa put down his water glass and slowly stood up.

"I am Amakusa, the national teacher of Qin."

No way!

The first time he knew Amakusa's identity, Six Fingers Heixia was startled. What he thought before came true, Qin Guo really came to him!

Chapter 57. Six-Fingered Heixia's Brain Supplement Ability

The state teacher of Qin, and the giant of the Mohist school, the identities of these two people can be said to be very top among the seven kingdoms at present. One is the mysterious national teacher who can make the king of Qin obey the legend, and the other is the highest of the Mohist school, one of the two great schools. Leader, the status of these two people can be said to be quite equal.

In the huge but unoccupied inn, the two sat opposite each other across the table. Amakusa, as the national teacher of the Qin State, was very natural, smiling, and even drank plain water from a cup. Xia was about to get a little nervous. Although he was sitting opposite Amakusa and his eyes were fixed on Amakusa, his attention was always on his surroundings, sensing everything around him, and he was always ready to fight.

But no matter how Heixia perceives it, he can't feel anyone. The emptiness inside the inn makes him feel scared, just like the street outside. There is no one, not even a bug or a gust of wind. It was all quiet, there were only two people here, and the only sound that could be heard was the sound of the boy drinking water on the opposite side.

"Young Mohist, don't be so nervous, I'm not here to trouble you."

"I'm not worried about this. The Mohist family and the Qin State have never had any intersections. I don't think the Qin Congress will cause trouble for our Mohist family for no reason."

Obviously the opposite was a young man with a smile on his face, but Six Fingers Heixia felt very stressed, because he was very nervous about the Mo Xia who was originally in this inn, and the facts were not as he said, the Mo family and Qin There is no intersection between the two countries at all. When Yandan left Qin, the Mo family contributed.

Now the Mo family wants to rely on Yandan to develop in the country of Yan. Could it be that because of this, the country of Qin came to him?

But this is different from the information obtained from Luo Wang. Didn't Luo Wang say that when looking for that Mo Crow, one must be cautious, not disturb the other party, and must treat each other with courtesy. Now it is indeed an absolute high-ranking official from the Qin State That's right, but no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like treating each other with courtesy. Those Mo Xia and ordinary people on the street are all gone.

Through the good friend Gemstone, Amakusa easily heard the inner thoughts of Six Fingers Heixia, and then gave an answer.

"Please don't worry about this. I didn't come to you, Juzi, for Yandan's affairs. As for the ordinary people and the Mo Xia in this inn, they are all safe. They have not suffered any harm. Didn't move them, they're still where they were."

Can he guess what I'm thinking?

Six Fingers Heixia looked at Amakusa in surprise, because of the interference of the hood, he could not reveal his expression, but he soon regained his composure.

This is the skill of speaking, and the skill of speaking in the case of mastering the information advantage in advance can shock the opponent!He obviously looks so young, but his mind is so mature, but this is also what it should be. If he can't do this, it is impossible to sit in the position of Qin State's national teacher.

Now those Mo Xia should be in the hands of Luo Wang, that's why he is so calm, because he already has a certain bargaining chip in his hand.

"No, Juzi, you're thinking too much. I didn't hold those Mo Xias in my hands, let alone use them as bargaining chips. They're still where they were, but you can't see them now."


Six Fingers Heixia looked at Amakusa with some doubts, can you guess this?As a young man, is your mind too quick to turn, guessing what I was thinking before I even said anything?

No, it's not that I didn't say anything. I mentioned the relationship between the Mohist family and the Qin State before, so this sentence betrayed my inner thoughts. If I answered with "I" and the Qin State, the other party's attention to the Mohist family would be obvious. The degree will be lower, so this is my own mistake, and I let the other party grab my handle.

Moreover, this young man is not simple. He easily uses his own words and walks with his own ideas. The rhythm of the conversation has always been in his hands. From the beginning, his side was passive, that's right!

After some thinking, the Black Man with Six Fingers finally figured out the reason why Amakusa said what he thought in his heart for several consecutive waves, and then looked at Amakusa with serious eyes.

This young man easily grasped the rhythm of his speech, took advantage of the situation, and he couldn't easily reverse it. This is a born politician!

Amakusa looked at the six-fingered black man with a hood on the opposite side, and didn't know how to complain for a while. This person's brain power is not so strong. I didn't do anything, just said a few words If so, he made up so much in his brain?Your brain power is not weaker than Xiao Di, my friend, if I follow your words, I am afraid that I will become a big devil in the end.

All right, let's explain quickly, otherwise this person doesn't know where to go.

Keeping his own smile, Amakusa stood up from his seat, folded his hands around the table, and walked towards the direction behind Six Fingers Heixia.

"Where is the national teacher going?"

Six Fingers Heixia watched Amakusa stand up suddenly, and asked with some doubts.

"I'm not going anywhere, I just feel that Mr. Juzi, you seem to have a deep misunderstanding of me, so I'm just showing you the real situation."

Amakusa didn't turn his head back, and while explaining, he raised his hand and swiped at the air. When Amakusa raised his hand, Six Fingers Heixia had already turned around and stared at Amakusa, wanting to see what Amakusa was going to do.

As a result, with a swipe of Amakusa's hand, the air suddenly fluctuated like the surface of water, and then the air changed suddenly, and the whole world changed. The inn that was originally empty suddenly had many people, some of those people were guests, and some were inside the inn The people in the inn are naturally those Mo Xia from the Mo family, they look exactly the same as the Six Fingers Hei Xia before they went out.


Six Fingers Heixia looked at the bustling inn facing the water, it was obviously the same as before he went out, but this...

How did this happen? The entire inn was divided into two sides by something like a water surface. One side is the normal world, which is very lively, while the other side is the quiet and eerie world. The two worlds are separated by this Layer water curtain.

"I didn't catch the black man in the inn, nor did I let the net catch all the pedestrians on the street. I just let you go to another world, Orange."

"Another world?"

The Black Man with Six Fingers' internal strength was activated, and the entire inn was brought into an ink painting style for a while, but everything was still normal across the water curtain.

"This is not an illusion!"

"Of course this is not an illusion, this is another world!"

Chapter 58. Drawing cakes for the six-fingered black man

"Mr. Juzi, do you think you really understand this world? Do you know the reality of this world?"

Amakusa is also used to fooling people and so on. When facing Six Fingers Heixia, he didn't waste any time and started fooling directly.

"Mr. Juzi is the same as many Mo Xia of the Mohist school. What you can see is only the appearance of this world, and many realities cannot be seen. Just like here, this is the other side of the world, only you and me, and that side, In the normal world at this time, no one here can find out. But it doesn't matter, because I came to find Mr. Juzi this time, and I hope that Mr. Juzi can join us."

"to join you guys?"

Six Fingers Heixia looked at the water curtain in front of him, not at Amakusa.

"Yes, join us."

"who are you?"

"We are Daqin."

Amakusa directly pulled out of his camp.

"You want my Mo family to join Daqin?"

"That's right, all schools of thought in the world have been promoting their own theories for hundreds of years, but no matter which one they focus on, they are all focusing on their own theories, not the world."

"The world is all white, and I am the only one who is black. I am not attacking Momen, and I love my life. When did our Mohist not fight for the world?"

What Amakusa said made Six Fingers Heixia dissatisfied. The main idea of ​​the Mohist School is to love both non-aggressions. How can they not care about the world?

"Indeed, these few words of the Mo family are very famous, even I have heard of them, but Mr. Juzi, the Mo family keeps saying that both love and non-gong are for the world, but have you really done anything for the people of the world?"

With a wave of his right hand, Amakusa directly projected a map of the Seven Kingdoms in the air in front of Six Fingers Heixia.

"The Mo family has been active in Shandong for hundreds of years, covering mainly the four kingdoms of Shandong. The Chu country is the territory of the peasant family. The Mo family has not passed away. South Korea has been a vassal state of Korea for many years, and the Mo family has not passed away either. Mohist schools are developing in the other four countries, but the situation in these four countries is not very optimistic."

With a wave of his right hand again, two waves of portraits of characters were projected. One side was wearing gorgeous costumes and looked noble, while the other side was ordinary-looking people. They were wearing simple clothes and looked over their shoulders. hoe.

"In every country, the population consists of two parts, nobles and commoners. The number of nobles only accounts for one-thousandth of the country's composition, and the rest are almost all commoners. Among the commoners, there are businessmen. There are artisans, and more farmers, let alone those merchants, artisans and farmers make up the vast majority, and it is their hard work that supports the minority of merchants and nobles."

"The merchants and nobles live in prosperity, but the artisans and farmers who really form the foundation of a country live in poverty. Let me ask, the Mohism that developed in these four countries has really helped the development of these four countries for hundreds of years. Is it?"

"The ideas of the Mohist school have not been reflected among the four countries. Wars among the four countries are frequent, and the Mohist school, as a famous master of organ skills, has not used its organ art to help farmers and those craftsmen."

Amakusa directly projected the various organs and tools researched by the Mohists.

"Mr. Juzi, please tell me, what did the Mo family do for the people of the world?"

Six Fingers Heixia looked at the things projected by Amakusa, and couldn't answer for a while. He was shocked by this 3D projection technology, and then listened to Amakusa's analysis, and suddenly felt that his Mo family really didn't seem to do anything. .

In the world of Mingyue in the Qin Dynasty, all these schools of thought have one characteristic, that is, they are divorced from the masses. Obviously, each of them wants to promote his own theories, but each of them elevates his status to a higher level. Ordinary people simply don’t Opportunity contact, the so-called theories, are only spread in the circle of nobles and very few scholars. The real common people, the devil knows what kind of family you are, and they will love you if you can make them eat well and live comfortably.

Obviously, the Mohism led by Six Fingers Heixia can't do this. The Mohists under them either live in the government city, or a group of Mohman form a village and live in seclusion in the mountains, and they don't communicate with outsiders at all. Mo Xia's child is still Mo Xia. It is very difficult for outsiders to enter the Mo family. To become a leader, one needs to have certain knowledge and ability.

A good thinker, when he came to Qin Shimingyue, he became an armed espionage organization, and he could make a fart contribution to the people of the world.

Therefore, Six Fingers Heixia really couldn't refute what Amakusa said.

"Mr. Juzi, join us, join Daqin. Daqin will give the Mo family a huge stage. This stage will be the world. The ideals that the Moh family wants to achieve can be realized with the help of Daqin."

Seeing that the fire was almost ready, Amakusa stretched out his right hand towards the giant.

"Daqin's new law clearly stipulates that people-oriented and people-oriented, whether it is a commoner or aristocrat, must abide by the law. Although some laws are not perfect and seem to be strict, we have been improving, and in order to let People all over the world, especially farmers and craftsmen, can live a happier life. Daqin is constantly doing research. We have found new food seeds that can make the land harvest even when it is dry, and it has been carried out within the scope of Qin. We also let public losers develop and research tools that make craftsmen and farmers work more conveniently, but our manpower is limited, so we need more people to join in.”

"Mr. Juzi, in the state of Qin, whether it is your ideal of both love and non-attack, or the mechanism technique you are good at, you can get the most out of it, and you will receive strong support for the development of your Mo family. It is proposed to establish a college for your Mohist school, which will specialize in the promotion of your Mohist mechanism techniques, as well as your Mohist thoughts."

Six Fingers Heixia looked at Amakusa in surprise, his heart was moved, and he had to say that Amakusa's cake was too suitable for the Mohist's current appetite. The Mohist's development has reached this stage, just as Amakusa said, the relationship with the common people has already It is getting farther and farther away, and the two famous Mohists are also more and more famous. The reason why he brought Yandan into the Mohism is to let the Mohism develop further, but now the cake drawn by Tiancao and Qin Guo, It is so beautiful.

"No, I don't believe in Qin State. Qin State has always been warlike. It has been trying to annex the six Shandong countries for so many years. It just destroyed South Korea not long ago. How could such a country support my Mohist theory?"

Although the pancakes are delicious, Six Fingers Heixia is still calm. He knows about the destruction of South Korea.

"So, Mr. Juzi, have you ever heard that when South Korea was destroyed, the Qin army did not kill any civilians, all the South Korean soldiers were disbanded and returned to the countryside to work in agriculture, and the city did not suffer any losses?"


Obviously, Six Fingers Heixia didn't know the details of South Korea's destruction.

"If Juzi doesn't believe it, you can go to Xinzheng, South Korea with me to see what Xinzheng looks like now."

As soon as he raised his right hand, a spark-splashing portal appeared in front of Six Fingers Heixia. Amakusa smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

"Mr. Juzi, would you like to go over and take a look?"

Chapter 59. Six-fingered black man vomited

On the opposite side of the portal is South Korea's Xinzheng. Through the portal of sparks flying everywhere, Heixia Six Fingers can clearly see the bustling street, but Heixia Sixfingers dare not passed.

Although Amakusa had already explained to him a little bit, the mirror space is the other side of the world, and everything here is the same as the reality, except that there is no one, and now there is another portal, which can directly lead to the capital of South Korea.

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