After all, there were no preparations for the Mo family, but Amakusa just thought of the Mo family temporarily, and then prepared to recruit the Mo family, but did not make any preparations. Qin's current preparations are basically for the public losers.

But the preparation for the Mo family is also very simple. It is OK to allocate half of the resources for the public losers to the Mo family. Everyone is playing tricks, and there is competition to make progress. Wouldn't it be boring to have no opponent.

"That's right, let the national teacher come and tell Mr. Juzi about our Daqin's sincerity."

Ying Zheng also cooperated very well. To tell the truth, his face was not red or his heart was beating, but he still had a smile on his face, which looked very natural. It can be said that he learned the essence of Amakusa's expression when he was fooling people.

"Then please tell me, Master National Teacher."

The Black Man with Six Fingers also looked at Amakusa, and was about to listen to Amakusa draw big cakes for him. Before that, it was because the cakes drawn by Amakusa were too delicious, so he followed him to Qin. Now, how much resources Amakusa can give him will determine his Mohist family. Whether it will be difficult or smooth to develop in Qin in the future.

"Daqin will pay for the establishment of a science and technology research institute, in which there are professional craftsmen who are mainly responsible for the research and development of equipment. Of course, on the surface, they are craftsmen, but in detail they should be regarded as masters of mechanical techniques. We are responsible for all the research and development costs."

"At the same time, Daqin will build a school to recruit many students. The students here can be all young people in Qin. The Mohist school can have a course called Mohism in the school. At the same time, mechanism skills can add a course called physics. In the course, it is used to promote the ideas and techniques of the Mohist school, and all assessment standards are based on the Mohist school, which means the Mohist school has the final say."

"Wait a minute, Mr. National Teacher, I can understand Moxue, but what is the physics added to mechanism technique?"

Six Fingers Heixia correctly used his good habit of asking questions when he didn't understand, and asked Tiancao.

"It is a discipline that studies the rules of the existence of all things in this world. The Mohist mechanism and the public loser's mechanism both use the knowledge of physics for research. I can't explain it clearly now, but you will naturally understand it in due time." .”

Amakusa wanted to explain clearly to Six Fingers Heixia, but think about it, it would take a long time to fully explain what physics is, so let's forget it for now.

"In addition to the first time, Daqin will fund the establishment of the Mohist base in Xianyang. I personally suggest that the Mohist establishment of a headquarter in Xianyang is better, because in the future Xianyang will be the center of the world."

"That's fine."

Now that it has surrendered to the Qin State, it is entirely appropriate to build a new main rudder in Xianyang while not giving up the strongholds of the four kingdoms in Shandong.

"After that......"

Amakusa continued to make cakes for the six-fingered black hero, while Ying Zheng watched from the side, with a wider smile on his face. At this point, the Mo family joined Qin, and the Mo family would contribute to Qin's attack on the Five Kingdoms. Correspondingly, Qin It will also support the development of the Mohist School on a large scale, and the cooperation has been reached.

Chapter 62. Competition makes progress

"What? The Mo family has joined Qin!?"

With the bang of the bronze wine glass falling to the ground, Gongshu Qiu stood up from his seat, staring at the apprentice Gongshu in front of him with his eyes wide open.

"Say it again, what did the Mo family do?"

"Sir, the Mo family has joined the Qin State. This is the news sent by the Master of the State Teacher just now."

The apprentice lowered his head, and answered carefully, for fear that Gong Shuqiu would accidentally pick up the cup and hit him on the head.

"You said that the national teacher sent someone to pass the news?"

"Yes, the Master of the State Teacher sent someone to deliver the news. I heard from the person who came to pass the news that the State Teacher specially asked him to come and talk to us."

"The national teacher specially sent someone to come over and talk to us?"

Originally, Gongshuchou was going to get angry, but now he became suspicious, because this matter involved the immortal national teacher. As a smart person, Gongshuchou knew very well that in the current state of Qin, the only person who can speak is Two, one is Qin Wang Yingzheng, and the other is the national teacher, you ask Li Si?Who is that thing?

Originally, Li Si's status in the imperial court was indeed very high, but now it is even higher. Li Si basically decides about the big and small matters of the Qin Kingdom now. In terms of people's livelihood and administration, he has become Li Si's voice, and he has a high status among civil servants. But it's a pity that the organization of the public loser belongs to a special department and is not under Li Si's control, so now Li Si is really useless in front of the public loser.

Now there are only two people who can make Gongshuchou obedient, namely Yingzheng and Tiancao. Yingzheng is the King of Qin and the Lord of the Great Qin. Everything in the Great Qin needs to act according to his will. As a part of the Great Qin, the public loser naturally has to listen to the Lord of the Great Qin Yes, Amakusa, this person is even worse, the king of Qin listens to this person, this is the boss's boss, can he be disobedient, sometimes, the words of the national teacher are more effective than the words of the king of Qin.

Therefore, this time the news was sent by the national teacher, which means that King Qin has agreed, and the next thing to do is very simple, just obey the arrangement and it will be over.

"Since the national teacher sent someone to pass on the message, it means that this matter has become a foregone conclusion. Even if we go to King Qin now, nothing can be changed."

"Doesn't that mean that we will serve the Qin State together with those guys from the Mo family?"

"Hehehe, that's right, that's it."

Gongshuchou laughed straight away, his eyes shining brightly.

"But we must have an advantage over the Mohists. The research of our public losers is mainly about attacking. Qin will have a long battle in the future, so our Mohism will definitely shine even more. As for the Mohism, they really Some abilities, but certainly not as good as ours."

"That's true. The Mohist's tricks are just like that. They are always hiding and defending. They are not as powerful as the domineering tricks of our public losers."

"However, we are definitely not as good as them in defending the city that the Mohists are good at, but it doesn't matter. With Qin's current strength, especially with the help of immortals like the national teacher, they can't compare to us, the loser."

"However, sir, we have been studying the blueprints given to us by the Master of the National Teacher recently, which is an area we have never been involved in. If the Mo family also receives the blueprints of the National Teacher, then we..."

Although the apprentice believed in the offensive power of the Mohist overbearing mechanism technique, he was still calm. He understood that the current situation was not as good as he imagined, because so far, Qin State did not need public losers to research any overbearing mechanism technique products. Shi Tiancao gave them some design drawings, which required them to study some things called generators and substations.

This is a brand new field. Humans use both hands to control the power of lightning. This thing is much more powerful than what has been studied before. This brand new field is not particularly friendly to public losers. Public losers are not good at these, so After studying for such a long time, I still haven't researched too many reasons.

And the Mo family joined the Qin State, and they will directly pretend to be the competitors of the public loser. As a mechanism organization at the same level as the public loser, the Mo family will definitely receive the design of Amakusa. If the Mo family researches it first , then the blow to the public loser will be very severe.

Especially when the domineering mechanism of the public loser is not enough in front of the space carrier brought by the national division, the public loser feels useless.

This is a conspiracy, this is a direct competition, you have to accept it, you can't say that because there is a public loser, the Mo family is not allowed to join the Qin State.

Although the fact that the Mo family, an organization that didn't understand Qin's three views, joined Qin is more worthy of complaints, but no matter what they do, joining now is joining, and we must be careful to deal with it.

"Sir, what should we do next?"

"What we can do now is to quickly research this thing called generators and substations. Qin Guo has already said that he can give us any resources we need. If we can't research it, wouldn't it seem that we are very useless?" use?"

The important points that the apprentice can notice are naturally impossible for an old guy like Gongshuchou to ignore. He also understands that what Gongshuichou can do now is to hurry up and study the design diagram given by Amakusa, so that he can establish his own status.

"Does the national teacher have any other orders?"

After deciding what to do now, Gongshuchou turned his attention to Amakusa again. Amakusa sent someone over to say more than that.

"Yes, the national teacher also said that in the future, we public losers will join a school and prepare to teach a course called physics."


Gong Shuchou is the same as the Black Man with Six Fingers, he doesn't understand what physics is.

"What is physics?"

"I don't know either. I asked that person, and that person couldn't explain clearly. He just told our teacher that we will know when the time comes."

"Since the national teacher has already said so, then we"

At that time, not only will we know, but there will also be a big surprise!

The public loser got the news that the Mo family joined Daqin, and began to work overtime crazily. After the Yinyang family next door learned that the Mo family joined Daqin, their hearts became more complicated. , when they met the former enemy of the Mo family, their positions would be squeezed out.

And that's not the point, the point is that Yan Dan, the leader of the Mo family, didn't know the news at this time, so he was still planning to assassinate King Qin, and even prepared to do it, because of the appearance of Tiancao, Jing Ke's plan to assassinate Qin , earlier than in history.

Chapter 63. Jing Ke's Killing Sword

The speed of message transmission is really important to an organization's ability to act, especially in wars. Whether it is modern or ancient, wars are always about information.

When one side has the upper hand in information, it often takes the initiative in a war. Whether it is an ancient war or a modern asymmetrical war, all of them rely on information to fight. Only a few battles are fought without information. Combat under certain circumstances, for example, encounters.

The transmission of information is extremely important, and the Mohists also attach great importance to this point, but this time, the Mohism has no way to pay attention to it, because the transmission of information has not been achieved.

After the Black Man with Six Fingers was brought to Xianyang by Amakusa, for the sweet cake drawn by Amakusa, the Black Man with Six Fingers naturally had to stay in Xianyang, have an in-depth exchange with Amakusa, and carefully understand the relevant details, so as to ensure that the Mo family will be able to stay in Qin Dynasty in the future. There is no problem with the development of the country, so during this period of time, the six-fingered black man has been in Xianyang, and because of hiding his identity, Qin has not yet publicized that the Mo family has joined the Qin country. After all, the Mo family is in the four Shandong countries. There are distributions. Once it is announced to join Qin, those strongholds of the four countries will be in danger. The five Shandong countries are now staring at Qin. It is impossible to allow an organization with a background in Qin to have a stronghold in their own country. That's too dangerous.

So now, although the boss of the Mo family has been mixed with Qin, on the surface, they still want to continue to develop in the four countries. The Six Fingers Heixia has been around for such a long time anyway, and this is still understandable.

Therefore, the news that the Mo family had joined Daqin was not sent back, and the Black Man with Six Fingers even stayed in Xianyang to visit and travel, and the Moh family didn't know that they were already from Daqin, the kind who would shout rua at every turn.

Therefore, no one stopped the actions of Yan Dan, the new leader of the Mo family, and Yan Guo was still thinking about making troubles.

Located in the Mohist stronghold of Yan State, Yan Dan wore a pitch-black cloak and walked through a door and came to a large room at the deepest point. In the entire large room, except for a few candles, there was only one person sitting cross-legged with his back facing the door. On the ground, the whole room was very dark because there were only candles.

After Yan Dan walked into this room, he didn't speak, but stood indifferently at the door, looking at Jing Ke who was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the room. This was the character he had chosen in his plan. A swordsman, rather he is an assassin.

A swordsman who practices sword purely for the purpose of assassination, as long as he is given a chance to make a move within ten steps, within the same level, few people can block his sword, and the target will be killed with one blow, but if the enemy is stronger than him, then his sword Likely to miss.

However, would King Qin Yingzheng be stronger than him?Yandan can be sure of this, no!

As the king of a country, there will definitely be martial arts training, but it is impossible to become as powerful as a top swordsman when practicing martial arts, because he is a king, not a general, and he spends most of his day dealing with the affairs of the country Especially Qin Wangzheng experienced so many complicated things before he became a real monarch with power, which resulted in him having no time to practice martial arts, and no one allowed him to practice martial arts.

Although Qin State recruited Gai Nie, the descendant of Guigu, to be a court swordsman and be responsible for practicing swords with Ying Zheng, but sword practice cannot be done in a day or two, so Ying Zheng cannot be Jing Ke's opponent, especially It was above the main hall, surrounded by Qin officials, and Ying Zheng would never have imagined that someone would dare to assassinate in front of everyone in Qin Palace.

So, at that time, it was his happiest time. When he was shocked by Yingzheng, Yan Guo obediently came to vote. How can he not be proud?So that would be the time when he was the most relaxed. In this unprepared situation, Jing Ke would assassinate at the closest place to King Qin, so King Qin would definitely not be able to avoid it!

That's right, this is Yandan's plan!

In order to assassinate King Qin, Yan Dan also entrusted the mother of Master Xu of the Mohist family to specially forge a dragon-slaying sword.

Regarding this matter, Amakusa really wanted to complain, just like in Marvel, Amakusa wanted to complain about why Thanos had to snap his fingers. Regarding the matter of Jing Ke's assassination of Qin, Amakusa also wanted to complain, why did he have to create a new one? A sword, anyway, you just poke it. Don't you have a dagger in the country of Yan?Isn't there an ordinary standard sword?Can't that thing be used?

Of course, this is the need of the plot, and Amakusa can't change anything even if he complains.

In order to help Yan Dan, the mother of Xu father and son made a dragon-slaying sword, which is called Canhong, which is called Canhong. No, it should be called a dagger, that is, the dagger seen in the picture.

Now, the long and short swords are in Yan Dan's hands, and he is here to give the swords to Jing Ke.

Looking at Jing Ke who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, Yan Dan didn't make a sound, he knew what Jing Ke was doing, this was the swordsman brewing his momentum before making a move, when the momentum reached its peak, it was time for the swordsman to unleash his sword!

In this dark room, Yan Dan standing at the door could clearly feel the coldness and killing intent overflowing from Jing Ke. Yan Dan was waiting, waiting for Jing Ke to draw his sword. This sword was very strong!It is the sword that must kill!

Sure enough, after waiting for a few more minutes, Jing Ke's momentum reached its peak, and he suddenly bounced off the ground, turning into an afterimage and rushing forward, while pulling out the long sword at his waist.

Yan Dan only felt a flash of sword light in front of his eyes, Jing Ke had already appeared at the end of the room, the sword in his hand pierced into the wall, directly into the full sword body of the wall, if there was a person standing there, then this Man has been pierced through the heart and died!

"you succeeded."

Looking at the sword stuck on the wall, Yan Dan spoke softly.

Jing Ke, who was stabbing into the wall with his sword, let go of the hilt when he heard Yan Dan's words behind him, and immediately turned around and smiled, as if the person who stabbed into the wall before was not him. His killing intent and coldness also completely disappeared, not like an assassin at all, but like a sunny youth.

"Hahaha, I finally succeeded. I held back this sword for so long, and now I finally succeeded."

Pinching his waist with both hands, Jing Ke smiled happily.

"To celebrate that I have finally successfully practiced this sword, please buy me a drink!"

"It's okay, you haven't had a drink for so many days, it doesn't matter how much you want to drink today!"

Yan Dan looked at Jing Ke who was smiling all over his face, and also smiled.

Chapter 64. Mr. Jing Ke, please put your bag on the security inspection machine

At the edge of Yishui, a group of people are waiting for the arrival of the people who are about to travel. They are from the country of Yan, and the people who are waiting are Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang who are about to go to the country of Qin as envoys of the country of Yan.

In that room, Jing Ke practiced the sure-to-kill sword and made full preparations. When he left the room, the swords stuck on the wall were broken, which made Jing Ke feel very embarrassed, so Yan Dan was very embarrassed. The just-built Canhong was presented in a timely manner.

Ordinary swords cannot withstand Jing Ke's power, but Can Hong's sword can, because it is a dragon-slaying sword specially made to kill Ying Zheng!

Then, Yan Dan asked Jing Ke to have a good drink until Jing Ke passed out.

Because this may be the last time Jing Ke was drunk, no matter if he can successfully kill King Qin, he has no turning back. It's just that it will make Qin State unable to go eastward for at least ten years, because Qin State will be caught in a power struggle, and the winner of the final battle will clean up the mess and develop a wave before it can go eastward again. But at that time, Shandong Five The situation in other countries may be different.

At least Yan Dan felt that with the help of the Mohists, he was sure to make the country of Yan rich and strong again in ten years.

If it can't be killed, then the alliance of the five Shandong countries will be established to fight against the now suddenly much stronger Qin State, and then the Yan State can also get a corresponding breathing time.

And today is the day for Jing Ke to travel.

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