So Amakusa still needs S.H.I.E.L.D. to figure out a way, use the power of technology to send the nuclear bomb down, and then explode on the opposite planet.

When everyone in New York Zitaria invaded, S.H.I.E.L.D. did not drop the nuclear bomb because of Amakusa and Hawkeye, but now it can make up for it. It is best to throw a large equivalent.

"Colson, what is the yield of your S.H.I.E.L.D.'s nuclear bomb?"

"Huh? Nuclear bomb?"

Coulson was a little puzzled by Amakusa's sudden question, how did he ask about the nuclear bomb properly?

"Destroy the door, that door is actually a wormhole that is not particularly stable, so we need to use nuclear bombs to blast it, although the servant's treasure can also do it, but that requires the servant to go through the door directly Okay, that's too dangerous, so it's better for us to use a nuclear bomb, tie it to the monster, let the monster sink, go through the door again, and let the nuclear bomb explode on the opposite side of the door, so that we can directly blow up the monster. door."

"Is this the way to close the door?"


Amakusa nodded very positively.

"I see, I'm going to notify the director now."

Coulson immediately ran to the side to call Fury to report the situation and at the same time apply for a nuclear bomb blast plan.

In fact, Amakusa did not intend to directly help S.H.I.E.L.D. to blow up this door, because originally in Pacific Rim, there would be a long time interval for monsters to come out, and even let humans research giant mechs, but now after a day the aliens Just throwing a monster at Amakusa's face, it slapped Amakusa in the face, in order to prevent any accidents, especially when the aliens suddenly threw a bunch of monsters over, Amakusa let SHIELD directly blow up it is good.

After all, Amakusa is also a human guardian who protects human beings, isn't he?

However, Coulson did not become relaxed after calling, but became more nervous.

Under Amakusa's curious gaze, Coulson hung up the phone and hurried to Amakusa's side.

"No, Father Amakusa, the nuclear power plant in Japan exploded."


Amakusa was puzzled again.

Chapter 21. What a draft!

Japan's nuclear power plant exploded?What's the matter?

Amakusa looked at Coulson blankly. I was telling you how to close the gate of this wormhole. You told me that the nuclear power plant exploded?Didn't you leave this topic a little far away?

I want you to drop a nuclear bomb directly below, not a nuclear power plant, why did you tell me that the nuclear power plant exploded!

"Mr. Coulson, is there any problem with Japan's nuclear power plants? Are your nuclear bombs produced there?"

"No, of course it's not produced in a nuclear power plant. How could a nuclear bomb be produced in a nuclear power plant? That place is used for generating electricity, not for producing nuclear bombs at all."

"So what do you mean when you tell me that the nuclear power plant exploded?"

Amakusa tilted his head slightly, with a smile on his face, but he was very puzzled in his heart. He didn't understand the special function of this Japanese nuclear power plant, so Coulson suddenly wanted to tell himself.

"Ah, it's like this, please see."

While speaking, Coulson pointed his mobile phone in front of Amakusa.

"I'll take a look."

Amakusa took the phone and started looking.

There is a video message on the mobile phone. The person who took the video should be a Japanese, because he speaks Japanese. It is really rare to hear Japanese.

The video was shot at a nuclear power plant. Obviously, this should be the nuclear power plant that will explode. In the video, the photographer kept talking about what homework he was doing, so he was filming, probably a student majoring in photography.

But the situation changed very quickly. When the shooting was halfway through, an earthquake suddenly started. The earthquake fluctuated greatly. Suddenly, it started to shake violently. There were screams.

Although it was constantly shaking, the camera did not fall down, but continued to shoot, so in the footage, the huge chimney of the nuclear power plant suddenly burst and collapsed.

The expected nuclear explosion did not happen, but simply collapsed, and then there were not particularly powerful explosions, but some relatively small explosions, and then flames continued to burst out, and finally the entire chimney fell down.

From the video, because the distance is relatively far, it seems that when the chimneys collapsed, they were still collapsing downwards. Yes, they collapsed, as if they had sunk into the ground.

This situation made Amakusa feel a little puzzled.Is this a subsidence caused by an earthquake?Or did a rift form?Otherwise it won't collapse.

But something that surprised Amakusa soon happened. In the video, after the huge chimneys of the nuclear power plant collapsed, a huge monster appeared. The monster had a triangular head, leather-like skin, and several legs. Don't know if it's a leg or a claw, but it looks like an insect.

But big!Although it looks like a bug, it is very big!Standing up slowly from the big hole in the nuclear power plant, the huge worm suddenly spread a pair of wings on its back, roared directly to the sky, and then a shock erupted from the body of the big worm. when it broke.

"EMP Shock..."

Electromagnetic pulse, a very powerful attack on electronic equipment, can make all electronic mechanical equipment without special protection lose its effect instantly when it is impacted.

No need to guess, Amakusa already knows exactly what this big bug is.

Muto, the ancient creatures that have existed on the earth for a long time, the super ancient monsters are different from the monsters sent from the alien planet like the Kaiju beast. They are the monsters native to the earth. As far as the Kaiju beasts created and controlled by the aliens are concerned, they are not controlled by anyone, but are monsters living freely on this earth.They feed on the ancient radiation on the earth, that’s right, it’s nuclear radiation. They don’t eat meat, they eat the radiation on the ancient earth, and now it’s the radiation from nuclear power plants or nuclear bombs.

Therefore, compared with those Kaiju beasts, they have different abilities, that is, they are very restrained compared to humans. They have relatively strong adaptability, especially on nuclear bombs, or electronic weapons against humans. , The electromagnetic pulse attack they have is simply a nemesis, unless humans develop large-scale weapons that can counter electromagnetic pulses.


At this point, Amakusa still doesn't understand what's going on, so it's really unreliable. This is obviously one of the monster movies he has seen, Godzilla.

This has become more and more strange. The agreed-upon world is the Marvel world. First, there was the Atlantic Ocean, and then Godzilla came. This earth has become more and more terrifying.

"What? Father Amakusa, what did you say?"

Coulson heard Amakusa's whisper, but he didn't know what Godzilla was. In his opinion, it seemed to be another new term.

"Colson, I probably know what's going on."

Amakusa handed the phone to Coulson, with a smile on his face again.

Coulson, who took back his phone, was slightly relieved to see the smile on Amakusa's face.

"Father Amakusa, with your expression, I can guess it. This monster is also a monster sent by aliens, right? They not only opened a door in the Atlantic Ocean, but even opened a door in the Pacific Ocean!"


Amakusa looked at Coulson in bewilderment. He didn't expect that Coulson, who has such a powerful brain power, was a little stunned for a while.

"No, no, it's not like that."

"not like this?"

"That's right, the corpses on the sea are monsters sent by aliens, but the monsters in the video are not sent by aliens, they are monsters that originally existed on the earth."

"Earth originally existed?"

Coulson said he was stunned. It's fine for the aliens to throw monsters over. When will there be such monsters on the earth.

Although it is scary, Amakusa is not afraid of these big guys. Arthur, the holder of the 400-meter broadsword, is a special attack on giant beasts. It is used to cut giant beasts. EMP is useless against servants.

After recalling the story of Godzilla a little bit, Amakusa asked Coulson a question.

"Colson, are you SHIELD familiar with organizations on Earth?"

"If it weren't for a very long-established and hidden organization like the Church of the Holy Church, we would still know about it."

"So, do you know a special task force in the United States? I don't quite remember the name of their group, but they have a plan that the U.S. government requires them to implement. That plan started from World War II, called the Emperor plan!"


Chapter 22. Emperor Organization

In 1915, Einstein's theory of relativity guided mankind to develop atoms, and the dawn of the atomic age began.The development of this technology also marks the awakening of ancient organisms by atomic energy. In 1943, the ship USS Lawton was attacked and sunk by a huge creature. In 1946, in order to cover up the USS incident, President Truman of the United States secretly established the "Emperor Organization".A team that specializes in investigating unconfirmed earth creatures, their action plan, that is, the Emperor's plan.

Compared with S.H.I.E.L.D., the Emperor organization is smaller, because S.H.I.E.L.D. is generally an organization for people, while the Emperor organization is a team for earth creatures.

As long as there is such an organization in this world, S.H.I.E.L.D. will know about it to a large extent, so Amakusa directly questioned Coulson.

"I don't know much about the emperor's plan, but I have heard of an emperor's organization, but isn't that an archaeological organization?"

"Archaeological organization?"

Amakusa looked at Coulson speechlessly, and Coulson shrugged slightly.

"Yes, the archaeological organization is mainly responsible for the study of some ancient creatures. I heard that they like to dig those dinosaur fossils the most. It seems to be used to study the ecological environment on the earth before the appearance of humans. In short, they like to dig everywhere in the world. Dig things up and put them in museums where there are many biologists and archaeologists."

Well, it seems that this imperial organization is right, but Coulson is obviously not very clear about this imperial organization, because this imperial organization, on the surface, conducts such archaeological research, such as ecological environment investigation, maybe In the view of S.H.I.E.L.D., this imperial organization is nothing more than the U.S. government.

So this world is not only the Marvel world, but also the world view of the Pacific... Atlantic Ocean, and Godzilla. Not only the Marvel Movie Universe of Marvel, but also the monster movie universe of Legendary Pictures, I'm afraid I'll meet *sweet again in a few days.

"Could it be that the archaeological organization has something to do with this monster?"

"There is still a relationship, but to put it bluntly, they don't quite know what this monster is. In short, you should be as careful as possible and review some nuclear waste dumps in the United States, especially Las Vegas. "

"What does that have to do with Las Vegas?"

"If you don't want the entire West Coast of the United States to be dismantled from top to bottom...Of course, that's only possible, and that's not even the point, the point is the hidden monsters that might exist."

"I see, I will notify you now!"

Amakusa's ability made Coulson unconditionally believe in his prophecy, and then quickly called Fury again.

As far as Amakusa knows, Godzilla and Muto are not the only ones in Legendary Pictures' monster movie universe.

After the establishment of the Emperor Organization, through continuous investigation, they discovered that there are many super ancient giant life hidden on the earth.

In 1952, a huge thick fog enveloped London. The Monarch Organization suspected that the wings of a huge creature fanned the clouds and caused air pollution, but Amakusa still didn't know what the specific monster was.

In 1954, the Monarch organization went global.At the same time, the era of the Yuan Dynasty began, and the false claim that it was a nuclear test was actually a battle to obliterate a monster ended in failure. The monster was named Godzilla by the emperor organization!

In 1959, a Soviet aviation plane photographed the construction of a huge facility on an ice shelf in Siberia. There was a cover marked by the Emperor Organization on the facility, and the specific content is unknown.

In 1973, Emperor organized the earth resources team and the aviation unit to form a helicopter formation and came to the secret "Skull Island" in the South Pacific.Encountered the attack of the mysterious creature KONG (King Kong), they immediately realized that they could not stay on the island for long, so they wrote down the location of the island and left. However, they also found more traces of monsters on the island. on the mural.

In 1991, Monarch established a quarantine zone around a dormant volcano on Puerto Rico's Mona Island (in the West Indies, Latin America) in the name of "environmental investigation".A few years later, the original investigation team expanded to the crater to completely isolate it, because they discovered a huge life reaction under the volcano. In order to prevent accidental discoveries like those on Skull Island, they had to block the local area.

In 1999, Japanese scientist Serizawa Shiro discovered Muto's lair under a mining field in the Philippines. One was in a dormant state and the other broke its shell and fled into the Pacific Ocean.The one that appeared in Japan, if nothing else, was the one that escaped.

In 2009, researchers from temples of the Celestial Dynasty brought the emperor organization team to Gaolin in Yunnan Province of the Celestial Dynasty.Dr. Emma Russell and her team followed the sound signal of a mysterious creature to a previously undiscovered megalithic temple. There was a huge cocoon in the temple, and there was a heartbeat in the cocoon. Due to the geographical environment, deep in the mountains They couldn't bring the cocoon out, so they had to ask the local government to help take care of it, and the specific situation is unknown.

And now, it's the plot of 2014, that is to say, it's time for the two Mutos to appear in front of the world and lead to Godzilla, the super ancient monster king. From behind the scenes to the front.

It's just that the current situation of Muto is a bit different from that in the movie. In the movie, in 1999, after the monster left the Philippines, it ran to Japan directly, and took out the nuclear power plant, causing a nuclear leak, and then fell into a deep sleep until 14 Years, I just woke up, and then caused a huge chaos, leading to the second Muto and Godzilla. Now this situation seems to be in broad daylight. This Muto directly took out the nuclear power plant, which is a bit straightforward. , hasn't been hidden for more than ten years.

"Could it be that there have been some changes because of mixing with the Marvel Cinematic Universe?"

Although it is said that the monsters in the Legendary Monster Movie Universe are scary, compared to Marvel, they are obviously a little more expensive, so Amakusa's guess is not unreasonable. These two movie universes are mixed together, and the Monster Movie Universe may There will be many changes due to the influence of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After all, in addition to monsters, there are various black technologies and even magic in this world.

While Amakusa was thinking, Coulson also finished the phone call and completed the report to Fury.

In the report, Coulson told Fury about the monsters in Japan, and also asked Fury to investigate some things about the Emperor's organization. After all, it was something they knew all along, but they didn't know what to do at all. Organization, obviously SHIELD should be the largest intelligence agency in the world, but now it has become such an embarrassing situation, with Hydra inside, the Church of the Holy Church outside, and even now there is an imperial organization, and it is still the United States Yes, right under my nose.

"I see, I'll be right back."

After receiving the report, Fury gave Coulson an order to return to the space carrier temporarily.

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