One is the princess of Croyer, who is the obvious target of the Lord Demon King's trip to Croyer.

The other one is the Saintess of the Holy See who is now cooperating with the empire. Roxani felt it carefully and found that she was already at the peak of level 99, and was about to break through the powerhouse of level 100.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered the reminder that Lord Demon King gave herself in the big brother yesterday.

Croyer's top management wants to move the brave, and there are other backers.

After combining all the previous clues, Roxani finally understood that the backhand was the Holy Holy See Holy Lady in front of her.

This Highness is the peak of level 99 and almost reached level 100. Now that the top management of the Croyer Empire has cooperated with the Holy See, with the accumulation of massive resources, she will soon be able to break through level 100.

At that time, it will be the best helper to subdue the brave.

Croyer has suppressed the court of the emperor too much recently, so the saint of the court cannot stay here for too long.

After the saintess left, the brave man had no other helpers by his side.

The holy sword cannot cause damage to the holy attribute, so the hero cannot use the holy sword to harm the saint. The brave who does not use the holy sword is just an ordinary level 100, and he can easily win the saint with a few helpers.

At that time, with the insurance against the demons, the Croyer Empire can safely cooperate with the main fighters of the demons to start a war, and make a fortune silently.

And the Holy See, which cooperates with Croyer's high-level officials, can also take the opportunity to preach preaching and send priests to war zones to earn healing money.

It can be described as a good deal that benefits all parties in one fell swoop.

But their plan is doomed to fail, why?

Because the Lord Demon King has arrived.

As soon as the Lord Demon King arrived in the Croyer Empire, he brought out the two most important figures in the recent situation in Croyer, the holy lady of the Holy See and the imperial princess, and had dinner with them.

This shows that he has seen everything.

Thinking of this, Roxani's admiration for Ryan deepened.


Yinglongxuan served food very quickly, and the round table in the private room was filled with wine and food in a short time.

After resolving the misunderstanding, the five of them ate with their own minds.

Philomena was in a bad mood because there was a saint from the Holy See on the opposite side, and she ate very slowly.

Princess Ke Luoai seems to have something on her mind

After the brave man and the princess looked at each other, he really wanted to know something bad from the other party, so he was in a bad mood and ate very politely.

On the contrary, Alisa, who was aggressive before, became the most delicious one among the five.

She didn't care about the existence of her old rival, the Holy Maiden, nor did she look elegant because the imperial princess was by her side.

Alisa has long wanted to eat in this box.

In order to be able to eat on the top floor of Yinglongxuan, she even queued outside for several days in a row before it opened early in the morning.

But he still lost to the person who had been waiting since closing last night.

I finally got in the line today, but I didn't expect Ryan and the others to make a direct appointment.

So she broke into the box very angrily, wanting to ask for an explanation.

But he didn't expect to run into Yinglongxuan's boss.

Originally, after learning that Ryan was the boss, she regretted it. She accidentally offended the boss, and she would definitely not be able to eat here again in the future.

What I didn't expect was that Ryan was not only handsome, but also kind-hearted. Not only did he not add her to Longyingxuan's blacklist because of her rude behavior, but he even invited her to have dinner with him.

So Alisa, who was finally able to eat in the private room, was very happy to enjoy the happiness brought by the food.

Completely ignoring that there was his competitor on the opposite side, and there was a member of the royal family beside him.

Ryan and the others had already eaten a lot before, so they stopped their chopsticks very quickly. As a member of the royal family, the princess ate very gracefully and her food intake was very small. After eating some, she stopped eating.

Soon, only the chewing sound of the foodie saint was left in the five-person box.

Finally, I was able to eat in the long-awaited private room. This time, the foodie saint Alyssa really satiated one meal at a time.

It wasn't until the plates on the dining table were stacked up to half the height of the person that she happily wiped her small mouth with a handkerchief, showing a satisfied smile.

And the four people who had been watching her eat finally breathed a sigh of relief, Xindao finally finished eating.

Seeing that everyone had finished eating, Her Royal Highness the Imperial Princess took out two invitation letters from her hand and said:

"Thank you very much Mr. Ryan for your hospitality. This is an invitation letter for my birthday party next week. Please come and join me."

Is this the official palace banquet invitation letter?

This is the first time Ryan has received an invitation to a banquet. He went directly to Ji Ke's birthday party before, and didn't use it at all.

Playing with the two invitations brought from the princess, Ryan glanced at the princess a little strangely.

Why only two invitation letters were given, but there are three people on their side?

Perhaps seeing the doubt in Ryan's eyes, Princess Croy quickly answered:

"I'm sorry, because the current state religion of Croyer is the Holy See, so as the Holy Lady of the Emperor's Court, Lady Philomena cannot participate in any activities of the royal family."

Author's message:

ps: From now on, Alyssa will be called the Saintess of the Holy See, and Philomena will be called the Saintess of the Holy Court, so that there will be no confusion between the two.

There are no more chapters.

Chapter 32 tacit understanding

When she heard that she was unable to participate in royal activities, Philomena's expression was very calm. It seemed that she knew about it a long time ago and didn't care about it.

"Princess Ke Luoai is right. As the holy lady of the emperor's court, I cannot participate in the banquet held by the royal family of Croyer, and non-Croyer state priests cannot stay in this country for a long time. I will ask for it tomorrow. Let's go back to the Divine Court and report to the Pope about the previous mission in the Demon King's City."

In fact, Philomena should have returned to the court of God long ago. If it wasn't for Ryan, she wouldn't have stepped into Croyer's land again.

Now that Ryan has been safely escorted home, it is time for her to prepare to leave for the court of God.

To be honest, Ryan had already felt the conflict between the Emperor's Court and the Holy See when he was at the magic train station.

He knew that the Croyer Empire suppressed the court of the French emperor.

It's just that he didn't expect that the Croyer Empire would suppress it so hard and thoroughly.

The saints of the Emperor's Court were not allowed to participate in all the activities of the royal family, missionary missions were restricted, and even the clergy of the Emperor's Court were prohibited from staying in the Croyer Empire for a long time.

Hearing that Luo Femina was leaving, the atmosphere at the wine table instantly cooled down again.

Afterwards, Princess Keluo left two invitation letters and left with Alyssa.

Now only Ryan, Melissa, Philomena, and Roxani, who came back from the back kitchen, were left in the box of Yinglongxuan.

Looking at Philomena who seemed to be in a bad mood, Ryan said reluctantly.

"Philomena, are you really leaving tomorrow?"

Although there was reluctance in his tone, Ryan was actually very happy that Philomena was leaving.

After all, he is the Demon King!Always having a saint around is like putting a ticking time bomb around.

If she found out that she had turned the brave man into a slave, or that Roxani's identity was exposed, her life would be in danger at any time.

So although Ryan showed a very reluctant expression on the surface, in fact he was very happy in his heart.

On the other side, Philomena was in a good mood after seeing Ryan's reluctant expression.

It seems that I still have a place in Ren's heart. I didn't expect him to be so reluctant to hear that I was leaving.

Thinking of this, Philomena quickly comforted Ryan and said:

"It's okay, although I'm going back to the court tomorrow, as long as Ryan comes to the court, you can see me, and with your adaptability to the magic, you will definitely shine in the court of the emperor, and even surpass it in the future It is also possible for the Pope to become the Pope!"

Thinking that after Ryan went to Shenting, she would be alone with her every day, Philomena felt a little happy in her heart. In the future, without the light bulb of the brave by her side, it would be "feeling" to attack Ryan by herself.

However, when she was feeling happy in her heart, as her best friend and best friend, the brave man spoke up:

"But the Croyer Empire is now suppressing the Emperor's Court. If Rennes becomes a priest of the Emperor's Court, won't he be separated from his family?"

Although Luo Femina is his good friend, and Ryan will definitely have a bright future when he goes to the Court of the Emperor of France, the brave man still uttered words to stop him.

Because if Ryan went to the court of the emperor, it would be difficult for her to see Ryan again, and priests cannot get married. Although it is said that those priests are not married on the surface, it has become a certain consensus to secretly eat.

But if Ryan went to Shenting, even stealing food would not be her turn.

When he gets tired of being with Philomena all day long, will he remember himself again?

Thinking of this, she decisively told Roxani about the powerful relationship. As Ryan's family member, she definitely didn't want to part with Ryan!

Ryan was also taken aback when he heard Lofemina tell him to go to the court of God. He is the devil king. Is he going to the court of the French emperor to be purified by the goddess?

But fortunately, the brave stopped Lofemina, and now the opinion on whether to go to the Emperor's Court rests on Roxani.

As long as she proposes as a family member and doesn't want to part with Ryan, then he can reject Philomena's proposal with a very regretful tone.

As expected of a woman who signed a slave contract with me, she seemed to have a tacit understanding with me.

Next, what Roxani said, as my most proud and reliable secretary, she must be able to see that the emperor's court is a deadly act, and she will definitely reject Philomena without mercy!

Thinking of this, Ryan immediately gave his secretary a look that you understand.

Why is the Lord Demon King actually going to the court of God?

Roxani was shocked after hearing Philomena's words.

The Emperor's Court is a church with a long history. As the oldest church, the Goddess of Light they believe in is the natural enemy of the demons.

Any magic of the light department will cause double damage to the demons. It is very dangerous for the demon king to go to that place!

So after hearing the proposal from the saint, she instinctively wanted to reject it.

I am now playing the role of the family of the Lord Demon King, and the Croyer Empire is now crowding out the court of the French Emperor. As long as I reject the saint on the grounds that I don’t want to be separated from my family, she has nothing to say.

Thinking of this, she immediately planned to refuse.

However, when she opened her mouth halfway, she suddenly saw the "you know" look from Ryan.

Lord Demon King gave me a hint!

Something is wrong!It's not as simple as I thought it would be.

At this moment, Roxani caught a glimpse of the silk collar around the brave man's neck from the corner of his eye.

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