"Report to the leader, the only surviving soldier in the army has woken up, it is said that the Hydra has news for us!"

"come on in!"

A soldier with a pale face walked in, his pupils were dilated, as if he had experienced unknown fear.

The leader asked directly.

"What news did the Hydra send over?!"

The last surviving soldier trembled when he thought of the terrifying Hydra.

He stammered and said.

"That Hydra... is the devil... He wants our Sakura Country to sacrifice a hundred children to them!"

"a hundred???"

When the leader's pupils were happy, a hundred children would be able to turn the crisis into safety, and they might be able to please the Hydra. It was really a good deal.

"It's... a hundred children a day..."




The leader of the United States saw the huge black bear beast with infinite divine power in front of the screen, and his heart was full of enthusiasm.

"Soon we will have such a powerful behemoth in the United States!"

"Hurry up and notify the mine side, and continue to accelerate the feeding of nuclear radiation fuel..."

"Speed ​​up the hatching of giant beast eggs..."


After the Monkey King island battle is over.

The Great Xia army on the island began to get busy, constantly moving corpses.

In order to prevent any remnants of the skeleton monitor lizard group, the members of the Emperor Organization used detection equipment for free to detect the creatures under the ground.

Not one of these rapidly multiplying skeleton monitor lizards must be alive. Fortunately, no creatures were found, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Ye Yang was taking a bath in a warm hot spring right now.

Next to him are Totoro, Little Turtle, and Sister Pingtou.


(Boss Black Bear! You are too powerful! Now you can kill such a big skeleton monitor lizard!)

The chubby body of Totoro floated above the hot spring, and it kept roaring adoringly at Ye Yang.


(Of course! I followed Boss Black Bear before you! How accurate my vision is!)

Sister Pingtou jumped out from under the surface of the hot spring, roaring proudly!

The ice crystal phoenix Lanfeng and the little turtle fell asleep next to the hot spring.

Ye Yang didn't care about the noise of the two little guys in front of him, his mind was completely immersed in his mind.

At this time, the system panel is different from before in that there is an extra column on the right side of the task template.

But it's gray...

"Ding, the level of the host has reached the fifth level of giant beast! Congratulations to the host for stepping into the level of a real giant beast creature!"

"??? Template activation...conditions are insufficient, activation failed!"

Ye Yang's bear eyes flickered.

This was the sound from the system after his breakthrough in evolutionary strength, but he didn't care about the time to eliminate the skeleton monitor lizard grandmother, and now he has time to understand.

"Unknown template... But it will definitely make me stronger!"

Ye Yang asked in his heart.

"System, what are the conditions for activating an unknown template?"

"Ding, answer the host... The condition is that the number of giant beast creatures surrendering to the host reaches 3!"

"Currently, the giant beast creatures that surrender to the host include the Snow Monster Giant Beast King, King Kong Giant Beast...the difference from the number of giant beasts that activate the unknown template is 1!"

Ye Yang's bear face was a little astonished.

"I didn't expect that the Snow Monster Giant Beast King would surrender to Ben Xiong, it's not bad..."

"Since the activation of this unknown template requires the surrender of three giant beast creatures, this template must be very powerful!"


Ye Yang looked confused.

The reason is that it is not easy for giant beast creatures to submit... The giant beasts he encountered before were all brutal, even if he could make them submit by force.

It may also fail to meet the surrender conditions required by the system requirements.

The reason why the Snow Monster Beast King surrendered to him was not only seeing his great strength, but also because the family members of their Snow Monster clan were also the lifeblood of the Ice Crystal Phoenix and Lan Feng who followed him.

This caused the Snow Monster Beast King to surrender.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to know a giant beast creature that is completely surrendered to him.

"Whatever, Blue Star is about to enter the era of giant beasts... There must be a chance to subdue the giant beasts..."


half a month later.

Hessen suddenly ran over and found Ye Yang who was sleeping, and shouted at him anxiously.

"White Moon King! Please go to America with me!"

Ye Yang opened his bear eyes, and the bear face looked at Hessen calmly...

"Two behemoths appeared in the United States to wreak havoc!"

"Our imperial organization named the two giant beasts Muto..."


Ye Yang got up instantly and his eyes lit up!


About half a month ago, when Ye Yang had just shown his enormous strength and wiped out the group of skeleton monitor lizards.

The leader of the United States immediately ordered to speed up the birth of the eggs of the giant creatures in the abandoned mine!

In a barren mountain, an abandoned mine.

The captain of the American team asked Dr. Serizawa sincerely.

"Dr. Serizawa, is there any way to speed up the hatching of this giant creature's eggs?!"

Dr. Serizawa looked up at the egg emitting red light tens of meters in size, and his intuition told him that this is not a good thing.

"Captain... this egg is really unusual, I advise you Miguo to think about it, if there is something terrifying inside, it will be too late..."

The team leader raised the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry, Dr. Serizawa, even if this giant biological egg is something terrifying, do you think we are still afraid?"

The mine that was originally a ruin was already different from before.

Countless scientific researchers and soldiers appeared in the mine.

Not only that, they also used a special alloy frame to firmly fix the egg emitting red light around it, and used high-tech weapons to face the egg in unison.

The United States is not stupid, and knows how cruel the giant beast is, so...

As long as the egg is unusual and cannot be tamed by them, it will be destroyed immediately.

Dr. Serizawa looked around at the bright lights and various high-tech equipment constantly scanning the giant eggs, and the anxiety in his heart gradually disappeared.

"Hey..." sighed.

"Okay then... the reason why the egg of this giant creature lives in the mine is because there is a certain amount of nuclear radiation here..."

"If you want to speed up the hatching of this egg, you just need to continuously transport nuclear radiation fuel here..."

"Nuclear radiation..." The team leader was surprised.

Now the Blue Star countries can say that nuclear radiation has changed color, because the use of nuclear radiation will accelerate the spread of aura substances, and giant beasts will appear on the land of each country and wreak havoc.

But fortunately, as long as the nuclear radiation fuel is used for this giant egg, it will not leak out, and the impact will not be great.

At the same time, a confusion appeared in the team leader's mind.

asked puzzled.

"Dr. Serizawa, is this giant egg a native creature of Blue Planet?"

"Well... yes... this land is not a new continent, and no giant beasts have appeared before. This giant egg must be an egg laid by the native creatures of Blue Star..."

"Then why does this egg eat nuclear radiation?"

"I don't know either... But it's not surprising that there are many blue star native creatures that eat nuclear radiation, but it's rare for this egg to actively enter the human mine to absorb nuclear radiation... This is very rare."

"I'm worried that after he is born, he will take the initiative to destroy human's nuclear radiation eating... When the aura material spreads, it will be too dangerous..."

The captain of the team laughed, "Don't worry, if this egg will cause damage to our country of America, I will definitely order it to be destroyed as soon as possible!"

"Huh..." Dr. Serizawa exhaled, "That's good..."

The two walked out of the mine, but no one noticed the giant egg emitting red light. It twitched strangely a few times, as if they heard the conversation between the two...


Afterwards, several tightly sealed large trucks slowly drove towards the ruined mine from the city.

These carts transport nuclear radiation fuel.

After transporting the nuclear radiation raw materials, the scientific researchers and soldiers working in the mine all put on strict protective clothing.

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