With a faint smile on her face, she couldn't eat well or sleep well in the past month, and she was out of her mind all day long, worrying about Kasa's safety all the time.

I am afraid that something will happen to Kasa, and my favorite brother will be separated from her since then.

But fortunately, things did not develop as he feared, and Kasa came back safe and sound, and looked very energetic, and did not suffer any bad treatment.

But this woman, Qiyana, Joanna had already remembered her, dared to kidnap his brother and took him away from her for more than a month, which was unforgivable.

Joanna swore that if she caught Kiyana in the future, she would definitely make Qiyana's life worse than death, and find a few strong men to fuck her up first.

Then brand her beautiful face with the slave mark of the Dragonites, and bring her to the busiest street in the Chambord Islands, let her lie on the ground like a **** and have sex with those stinky homeless people, She wants to make Kiyana regret coming to this world.

-Thinking of Kiyana's beautiful face, the flame of jealousy in Joanna's heart ignited out of control.


Casa lowered her head and looked at Joanna who was hugging her arm, a trace of disgust flashed in her heart, she really wanted to slap her sister away, it was so disgusting to death.

However, Casa still didn't say anything. K just silently shook off Joanna's arm holding him.

"You stand outside, don't come in, I have something to say to Kuzan.

After finishing speaking, Kasa and Kuzan entered the room, and then closed the door, leaving only Joanna and Bartoff outside the door

Joanna was a little sad, but since it was Casa's words, she still wanted to listen, so she could only wait outside the door aggrieved, waiting for Casa to come out.

And Bartoff also bowed his head to Joanna and said, "Master Joanna Palace, I'm going to prepare lunch for Master Kasa first."


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Joanna nodded and allowed Bartoff to leave, so Bartoff turned around and left to do what Kasa ordered just now.

In the room, Kasa and Kuzan sat across the table. Kasa unwrapped the noble and famous cigarettes he had just obtained from Bartoff, and then took out one and lit it in his mouth.

Throughout the process, Kuzan sat in his seat without speaking, waiting for Casa to speak.

"Huh, sure enough, this kind of cigarette is suitable for me, and that kind of inferior cigarette will only make me uncomfortable.

Casa couldn't help sighing with emotion, then leaned back on the back of the chair, and began to puff.

"General Kuzan, as for me, I want you to help me catch a woman. Her relationship with Qiyana is extraordinary, or she is Kiyana, and that woman... is more than one A bounty hunter who slaughtered pirates at the stronghold of the underground black market on Boom Island a month ago.

"Boom Island?"

Kuzan recalled for a while, then remembered, he had heard about this a while ago, it seemed to be a silver-haired girl with wings on her back, but why would Casa say that these two people are the same what about people?

"the same person?"

"Yes, the silver-haired bounty hunter and the black-haired Kiyana are actually the same person, and she can change her appearance.

"That bounty hunter, right? I see, I'll call the navy to keep an eye on it for you, as long as you place a bounty, you'll find out where she is soon.

Kuzan said lightly, if this is the case, it seems that there is no need for him to make a move, just post a reward for that bounty hunter.

"No, you can't issue a reward, it will impress her, and I don't know if she has a third identity, such recklessness will only make her more vulnerable."

Kasa quickly shook his head and said, just kidding, Kiyana must know that her identity has been exposed, she will never use the appearance of that silver-haired girl again, and even the only clue to find Kiyana will be broken by then, Kasa What does Sarah use to catch Kiyana? So you must not post any comments about Kiyana's identity as a person, F light novel

"You mean she has a third identity?"

I'm not sure, but I'd rather believe it than nothing, so I definitely can't offer a reward, there is only one chance to catch her, Kuzan

"No, she is not using a simple disguise technique. Her hair color, height, and body shape will all switch in an instant, as if she has directly transformed into another person, so before she is sure that she can be caught, Don't act rashly, once she changes her identity, it will be difficult to catch her."

Hearing this, Kuzan couldn't help but frown slightly. It sounds like a lot of trouble. He hates these tiring jobs the most.

Kiyana is not a simple disguise technique, so it should be the ability of a devil fruit. A person with the ability to change appearance in an instant can think so:-

Once it alarmed her and gave her a chance to change her appearance, it would be very troublesome to catch her again, Kuzan couldn't help sighing, it's really troublesome.

Kasa exhaled the smoke in his lungs, and then continued: "General Kuzan, this matter is only up to you, and try not to reveal your intention to capture her to the navy below. The more people know, the greater the chance of failure." The older she is, the more sensitive she is to crises.

...I see. "

Kuzan thought for a while, and then agreed. Seeing that Kuzan agreed, Kasa also smiled slightly.

"Very well, I will be responsible for attracting Qiyana's attention, then she will definitely put all her attention on me, she will never expect that you, the Admiral of the Admiralty, will suddenly appear and arrest her.

Kasa has planned for a long time, as long as he searched in other places with great fanfare, and searched for the appearance of the black-haired girl Kiyana, instead of issuing a reward for her identity as a bounty hunter.

Kiyana will definitely think that that identity has not been exposed, and continue to use that identity to go to the naval base to collect bounties, and because of her own reasons, she will definitely be active on islands far away from Zi 2.

And once Kiyana appears as a bounty hunter, Kuzan will get the news at that time, and then go to where Kiyana is, while he is making noise in other places far away from Kiyana.

Whether it is the long distance between the two or the changed identities, it will give Qiyana a sense of security in her heart. At this time, Kuzan attacked with the force of thunder and quickly controlled Qiyana. , the play is simply beautiful.

Casa could even imagine the resigned and puzzled expression on Kiyana's face at that time. She must not understand why her identity was exposed.

-Thinking of this, Kasa couldn't help but chuckled in his heart, and he couldn't wait to see this day come, seeing Kiyana's regret when she fell into his hands.

Kiyana, I have already given you a chance, if you don't cherish it yourself, then don't blame me for using such a rough method, Kasa thought secretly. "I leave everything to you, General Kuzan!

After pressing the cigarette he was smoking into the ashtray on the table, Casa stood up and walked towards the door.

Opening the door, Joanna, who had been waiting outside the door, immediately came forward and hugged Kasa, and Bartoff had already returned.

Looking at Butev, Kasa suddenly remembered to ask about that day.

"Batefu, when you went after Kiyana that day, did you meet any strange people?"

"Strange person? There was one, I remember it was a very cute little girl, I was chasing Kiyana at the time, suddenly she disappeared, and then that little girl appeared, what did she ask me to shout Teresa is number one in the world - cute?"


Kasa couldn't help being speechless when she heard the words, Teresa? The cutest in the world? Kasa almost couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, Kiyana has a third identity. I guessed it right. According to Bartoff's story, the little girl appeared after Kiyana disappeared. Now it seems that it is undoubtedly the transformation of Kiyana .

"Do you remember what she looked like?"

Kasa asked quickly, seeing that Kasa was so anxious, Bartov didn't dare to slack off, nodded quickly and said: "I remember, she is very cute, I remember it clearly.

"Go and draw it for me, and then give it to General Kuzan."



Chapter 2 Capture Plan

It didn't take long for Bartoff to rely on his own memory to draw the appearance of the cute little girl named Theresa he met at that time, and then showed the portrait to Kuzan.

"This is Kiyana's third identity? .

Kuzan asked with some doubts. It seems that Kiyana's three identities are all first-class top-quality women, whether it is the youthfulness of a girl or the innocence of a lolita, they are all vividly displayed.

It seems that even if Qiyana changes her appearance, she will not deal with it casually, but treats it very seriously. Every identity is meticulously crafted to show her advantages as a woman.

If she likes a beauty of Yi Rongcheng's level very much, then it might be surprisingly easy to find her.

Kuzan put away the portrait and put it in the pocket of his coat.

In the room, Kasa said with a faint smile: "Then I will leave everything to you, General Kuzan.

"Then just wait for her to show up, right?"

Kuzan thought for a while, if Qiyana didn't show up all the time, he could justifiably be lazy, which feels good.

"No, we have to take the initiative. We can't wait for her to go to the naval base to collect the bounty. She must be observing the movement during this time. Before she confirms her safety, she will not easily hunt and kill pirates to collect the bounty. .”

Kasa shook her head and said, Kiyana was very cautious, he knew this when he was on the boat, and her shadow clone was staring at her all the time, not letting herself out of her control, Such a careful person will not act lightly until he is sure that his situation is safe.

"In the next few days, we will release news, offering a reward for the appearance of Qiyana's black-haired woman, and I can also reveal a small amount of my course of action, as long as people can know my general movements, Kiyana and her After receiving the message, I will definitely choose to stay away from the area I have been to.

Casa lit a cigarette again, then pushed Joanna who was holding his arm away a little and continued: "In this way, the area where she will appear is much smaller, plus the identity of * * bounty hunter, This will make it easier to guess her general movements."

As Kasa said, he spread out a map on the table, and pointed to several islands on the map.

"After Kiyana kidnapped me from Tattaglia Island, the surrounding islands of Tattaglia Island were already covered with navy eyeliner, so Kiyana who left Kakuma Island has a high probability of not Turn back again."

Casa drew a semicircle on the map with Tattaglia Island as the center, and that is where the navy's eyeliner branch is located. A large number of navy is deployed, and it happens to return a few ships from Kakuma Island. The route to reverse the direction of the mountain was blocked.

"In this way - the only way Kiana can move forward is to go to the new world in the second half of the great route, and in this direction, Hill Island is a gathering place for famous bounty hunters, and many bounty hunters will go there Exchanging their own information, if nothing else happens, there is a great possibility that Qiyana will choose where to go.

As Kasa spoke, he used a pen to circle a small island in the picture, which was exactly what he called Hill Island.

"However, in this special period, she may not go there, so what we have to do is to help her decide the next destination.

Casa pointed to several islands that are some distance away from Hill Island and said: "I will release the news that I searched for Kiyana on these islands, and when the time comes, Kiyana should choose Xiyana who has no navy. Hill Island, plus ** is a bounty hunter, there is a high probability of appearing on Hill Island."

After Kasa said a lot in one breath, X took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly, and looked up at Kuzan.

"So General Kuzan, you just need to stand by near Hill Island.

Kuzan's eyes opened slightly, and his listless eyes were also revealed - wiped away, carefully looking at the Tianlongren in front of him.

It seems that I have a big prejudice against the Tianlong people. I didn't expect that among the Tianlong people, there is such a character, Effidru Casa, and Kuzan silently remembered his name.

Although it was just speculation, what he said was so logical that even Kuzan almost thought that as long as he was on standby on Hill Island, he would really wait for Kiyana.

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some sense.Speaking up, it's really scary, this man.

"Is the Isle of Hill? Then I'll go there."

After that, Kuzan was about to leave the room, but when he came to the door and was about to go out, Kasa stopped him again.

"General Kuzan, besides changing her appearance, Qiyana also has the ability to resurrect. I still don't know how she managed to resurrect multiple times, but one thing I can be sure of is that she The number of resurrections is limited.

"Can she be resurrected? Al, it's getting more and more troublesome."

Kuzan also showed a somewhat helpless expression when he heard the words, arresting this guy named Qiyana was more troublesome than he imagined.

"Although it is very troublesome, I still try my best to capture her alive. ...Please do capture her alive, thank you General Kuzan.'

Kasa smiled slightly, and Kuzan, who had never seen such an attitude from a Tianlongren, couldn't help being stunned, then nodded and said: "Catch alive? I know.

After paying, Kuzan left the room and came to the aisle of the outer cabin, looked up at the blue sky, and couldn't help sighing.

Because this mission was related to the Tianlong people, Kuzan didn't want to come, but another Admiral of the Navy, Sakaski, code-named Red Dog, had other missions, so he had to come by himself in desperation.

He thought it would be done if he brought back Kasa, the Tianlongren, but he was still entrusted by Kasa to arrest the Kiyana who kidnapped the Tianlongren.

Kuzan was not easy to evade, so he could only agree. After all, he is a Tianlong person, and even the marshal cannot ignore his orders, let alone he is not a marshal? Just a general.

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