After all, in today's world, in the era of great pirates, everyone is looking for the treasure left by the legendary former Pirate King Roger, and now

The most indispensable thing is pirates.

If you want to help, then help to the end,

Their situation remained the same 8 without any change.

Suddenly, the ship shook violently, and Qiyana quickly supported the table next to her,

So that he and Camilla will not fall down.


Camilla was frightened by the sudden shaking of the ship, and couldn't help but let out an exclamation, while Kiyana looked at the ship very calmly.

7 doors, not sure what happened.

"Camilla, stay in the room and don't go out, I'll go and see what's going on.


(PS: Let’s count it as yesterday’s addition, there are two more chapters today.)


Chapter 12 Unlock the Silver Wolf

After coming outside, Qiyana quickly jumped onto the top floor of the kitchen on the second floor, and then looked around.

However, Qiyana didn't find anything abnormal. There was an endless calm sea around, and a large area of ​​sea area as far as the eye could see, except for the small boat under her feet, there was nothing else.

Kiyana was silent - she didn't say a word, since there is nothing above the surface of the sea, could it be the bottom of the sea? Did it touch a reef or something?

Qiyana is a little worried, hitting the rocks is very dangerous, especially if she is still a capable person, what if the boat breaks into a hole and sea water pours in?

Qiyana was a little worried, but the boat didn't seem to be unusual, and it had returned to calm after the shaking just now.

And Qiyana didn't feel any signs of the boat sinking, and there was no sound, but Qiyana was still worried, so she quickly checked around the boat, and after confirming that the boat was fine, she finally breathed a sigh of relief .

It seems that the rock that caused the boat to shake just now may be a hidden reef, but it didn't affect the boat.

Just when Qiyana thought there was nothing wrong, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared on the sea in front of her and dangled in the water

Kiyana's eyes widened, and she immediately thought of the overlords in the sea, the sea kings.

The last time I fought against Neptunes, the memory of almost dying in the sea is still very deep. If Mihawk hadn't rescued me, I am afraid that I would have died and reported to Sister Besta.

Now it seems that it was not the reef that was encountered just now, but the impact of this Neptune.

"Aquaman? Cut.

Kiyana muttered softly, then switched to the Moonlight Armor, a long-range attack armor, ready to deal with the Sea Kings, and the light wings behind her slowly unfolded, dancing with the wind.

Fighting on the sea is extremely unfavorable to Qiyana, and now Qiyana can only hope that the other party just passes by.

But things backfired, just as Kiyana hoped that the other party would not come to make trouble, the sea near the boat suddenly bulged - a wall of water.

A huge strange fish sprang out from the sea. The fins on its back were frighteningly large. On a pair of bloody mouths, corrosive acid was secreted from the sharp fangs, which dripped onto the sea surface.

...Can't you just stay in the sea honestly?"

Qiyana said with a very headache, she clenched her guns and was ready to fight. Qiyana didn't plan to strike first, maybe if she didn't stimulate the opponent, it might just leave like this.

But it turned out that Qiyana was thinking too much, the other party didn't even have the idea of ​​letting go of the ship, and there was a humane flow out of her mouth, which made Qiyana feel disgusted.

The giant monster fish opened its bloody mouth and was about to attack Qiyana. Qiyana sighed secretly, it seemed that it would be impossible not to meet it.


Pulling the trigger, several bullets shot out, bombarding the mouth and face of the giant monster fish, several streams of blood burst out immediately, the giant monster fish suffered from pain, retreated quickly, and then glared fiercely at Qiyana.

Qiyana didn't panic, and fired again. A large number of bullets poured out for a while, and the wounds on the body of the giant monster fish continued to increase, but for its huge body, this damage was nothing.

Enduring the pain, the giant monster fish opened its mouth to spit out a puddle of corrosive green liquid, but Qiyana didn't dare to take it, so she had to dodge it

The corrosive liquid fell on the bow of the ship, and the place where it touched the liquid suddenly made a sizzling sound and became potholed.

Seeing this, Qiyana couldn't help but feel distressed. This is her own boat. Although she originally planned to replace it, she is still very concerned.

Qiyana was also angry now, her legs slightly bent, and she jumped into the air.

"Nebula Spiral!"

Relying on those soft normal attacks, I don't know when it will take to grind the opponent to death, maybe this beast will run away, and who knows if this sea king will hold a grudge? What if it gets sunk?

So Qiyana simply used the special move Nebula Spiral directly, striving to kill with one hit, and completely wiped out this giant monster fish.

"Destroy my ship, then you can use my experience points to compensate."

- A laser blasted out from the muzzle of the giant heavy cannon in Qiyana's hand, aiming directly at the giant monster fish in the sea, and such a powerful attack made the beast feel bad.

Hastily got into the water, intending to escape, but how fast is the laser laser? It is not something that giant monster fish can dodge

The powerful bombardment had already compressed and deformed the sea water before it even touched the sea surface, and the sea water was actually the wind directly affected by this blow.The pressure created a small circular pit, and the sea water scattered in all directions.

In the end, the laser cannon ruthlessly pierced through the body of the giant monster fish, and a huge blood hole appeared, in which the flesh and blood were clearly visible.

The eyes of the giant monster fish turned white, and its body slapped on the sea surface, stirring up a wave of water and pushing the boat out.

Qiyana in mid-air also controlled the direction of her fall, changing her body movements and swooping towards the boat.

Fortunately, the boat was not far away, and Qiyana was able to return to the boat safely.

Soon, Qiyana landed smoothly, retracted the two guns into the holsters, then turned her head to look at the corrosive liquid on the bow, and couldn't help sighing.

It is necessary to immediately lift water to rinse it, otherwise Qiyana feels that the entire bow of the ship will be corroded immediately.

At this time, Camilla, who was staying in the room, saw that there was no movement outside, and walked out of the room, just in time to see the light wings behind Kiyana, and her eyes turned into the shape of small stars.

"Oh, so beautiful.

Although Camilla learned from Cook that day that Sister Nana had something called light wings, she had never seen it before. Now it seems that it is really a beautiful thing.

With the refraction of light, it seems to be colorful, which is really beautiful.

Kiyana switched back to the Saintess armor, retracted the light wings, and said to Camilla: "Get the rope and the bucket, we need to bring some sea water to wash this place clean.

Camilla looked at Kiana's back with some reluctance, she really wanted to take a closer look at the beautiful wings of light, feeling like an elf in the forest in a fairy tale.

Soon, Camilla brought the bucket and rope, and Kiyana tied the rope to the handle of the bucket and put it into the sea to lift the bucket of water.

Then he picked it up and poured it on the bow of the ship to wash away the corrosive liquid, but the basin didn't seem to be enough, and Qiyana took several buckets to completely wash away the bow of the ship.

Looking at the corroded and disfigured bows after washing, Qiyana's heart is also bleeding. It seems that it is time to change the ship.

But now I don't have any money on hand, and if I want to change to a boat similar to this one, it will cost hundreds of thousands of Baileys at least.

It seems that we can only talk about it after the Baker Pirates are eliminated, and only after getting their bounty, Kiyana will have money to exchange for the bounty

"After lunch, this incident happened again, and I wanted to take a nap.

Kiyana muttered softly, then handed the bucket to Camilla and said to her: "It's okay, put the things back.

Kiyana waited until Camilla left, then turned around, took out the phone from her chest, and began to check the harvest just now.

Sure enough, the Neptune still provided Qiyana with a lot of experience, and the experience value increased by about [-]%.

It's almost there, and Qiyana is already very satisfied, after all, that Neptune is not a very strong opponent.

There is nothing wrong with the materials, and a few experience chips are gone, but the armor fragments of the Valkyrie gave Qiyana a big surprise.

There are four pieces of Silver Wolf's Dawn armor, which can finally be unlocked. Qiyana who can unlock the new armor is very happy, and can't wait to click on the interface of Silver Wolf armor.

Since the Silver Wolf Armor is the Awakening Armor of Yamabuki Armor, it needs a little more fragments, and a full forty fragments can be unlocked.

Normally, only 250 shards are needed to unlock the armor with the initial A-level score. Even though the A-level score only requires [-] more shards, the S-level awakened armor needs - a hundred pieces, and the SS-level is [-] pieces. fragments, and the SSS level requires [-] fragments.

Ordinary armor needs only [-] pieces to upgrade from SS level to SSS level. From this, we can know that the difference in the number is big enough. B?

But generally speaking, the awakening armor is very powerful, such as Yae Sakura, the three known awakening armors of the Yae Sakura series, Don't Forget, Ni Shen and Zhenyan Xinghun Armor, no matter which one is very good awesome.

Qiyana took a deep breath, and then pressed the unlock icon, and immediately the icon of the Silver Wolf Armor appeared a bright light, which became colorful.

Qiyana quickly used all the experience chips for the Silver Wolf Armor, raising the level of the Silver Wolf Armor to 55 and above. Although Qiyana wanted to upgrade to level 58 in one go, the experience chips were gone.

In desperation, Qiyana could only give up temporarily, and then began to learn the skills of the silver wolf armor.

Speaking of the most iconic skill of Silver Wolf Armor, it is of course her shield that can absorb elemental damage, which is a magical skill.

In the game, Qiyana didn't know how many disgusting bosses were killed by the shield of the silver wolf armor, especially the kind of bosses with burning blood deduction BUFF, which were really disgusting.

Soon, Qiyana used all the skill points of the current Silver Wolf armor on the elemental shield.

Then a few circles of dim yellow lines began to surround Qiyana, this elemental shield is a passive skill.

As long as it is not broken, it can exist all the time, and it can be shared no matter what armor it is switched to. Even if it is broken, it can be restored as long as it is not attacked again in a short period of time.

Qiyana looked at the elemental shields around her with great satisfaction, and laughed more and more wildly. Suddenly, Qiyana realized a very serious problem.

Wait, this skill doesn't seem to be able to be turned off? Then don't I have to - - straight up against this shield? This is not good for Qiyana to hide her identity.

As soon as other people see this shield, they will say "Oh, this guy is Qiyana, so how can you mess with yourself? Casa that guy can find a good bow through this thing, right?

(PS: Today + No. [-]'s guarantee, there is another update.)


Chapter 13 Exchange

Damn it, what should I do? I was so proud, Qiyana didn't think that after unlocking the passive shield skill of the Silver Wolf Armor, she would fall into such a passive situation.

What should I do? What should I do in the future? Qiyana can now be said to be covered with a shield 24 hours a day.

No matter which armor you switch to, this skill cannot be turned off. It's not like the Heaven's Punishment passive of the Holy Maiden armor, or the scattering skill of the Moonlight armor.

There is no option to turn off this skill. In the future, Qiyana will reveal this elemental shield anytime and anywhere in front of people, which is too restrictive for Qiyana.

The characteristics are too obvious, and it won't be long before everyone will know their secret. As long as there is someone with this elemental shield, it means that Qiyana has not escaped.

After all, the abilities of Devil Fruits are all unique. Apart from Qiyana, there is no other person in this world who has this fruit.

It's easy to identify, unless you only use one series of armor in the future, such as Kallen, or Jizi or Fuhua, etc., which have not yet shown their faces in front of the world.

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