"You said you didn't have any ill intentions towards Sister Nana, but you lied to me, as expected, all the navy are bastards!

Camilla--weeping--attacked Kuzan with her limp fists.

Kuzan remained silent: he stood there in a daze, hesitating to speak, but no matter what he said now, it seemed like an excuse.

(PS: Make up for yesterday's addition, and there are two more updates today.)


Chapter 38 Do it yourself

Kuzan was speechless. After all, he once told Camila that he had no ill intentions towards Kiyana, but he didn't expect such a change in things at the time, which led to the fight between the two.

But it’s too late to say anything now, Kiyana being killed by himself seems to be a foregone conclusion, Kuzan looked at the distant Qiyana who was motionless, her entire chest was pierced by his own attack, her internal organs ruptured, and she turned into an ice sculpture .

Although he has seen Kiyana's recovery ability, Kuzan doesn't think that Kiyana can be resurrected. Such a heaven-defying ability will definitely not be able to be used a second time in a short time. When Kiyana was killed by Bert just now I just used it once, and now I don't know whether Qiyana can revive Kuzan.

"You keep saying that you are just. How can you be just? The navy turned a blind eye to the suffering in our hometown and watched with cold eyes. Sister Nana helped us. What about your navy? Did nothing.

Camilla said emotionally that the death of Sister Nana was too much of a blow to her.

"In the end, you still want to catch Miss Nana. Is this what you call justice?"

Camilla questioned loudly, and the movement of her hands never stopped, she kept waving her fist and hitting Kuzan's leg, but to Kuzan, although Camilla's attack didn't hurt, it seemed like It was beating in his heart.

Kuzan felt very uncomfortable in his heart, and didn't know how to answer Camilla's questioning. As she said, he did tell her that he would not have any thoughts about Kiyana, and he did not hold any malice.

But now this situation doesn't seem to be malicious? Everyone is dead.

Although Kiyana killed the lieutenant commander first, but if the truth is true as Kiyana said, Burt and the Baker Pirates were allies, then Burt deserved to die, and should be sentenced to death according to military law of.

The problem with the current situation is that Kuzan doesn't know the truth of the facts, and he doesn't know whether he has wronged a good person.Swish!

Suddenly, there was a burst of noisy footsteps, and the three people present followed the sound and saw that a brigade of naval soldiers holding weapons was marching here.


"Nonsense, you know it by looking at the ice cubes; what else do you need to say?

"It's really General Kuzan.

son of a bitch

SF Light Novel

The leading navy soldiers murmured, and soon they came to the vicinity of Kuzan, and then collectively saluted Kuzan.

"General Kuzan!

"Aren't you the navy here?"

"Yes, we are a naval force stationed here.'

Kuzan nodded, and Camilla, who was surrounded by a group of naval soldiers who kept punching and kicking Kuzan and even biting Kuzan, couldn't help but feel ashamed. This little girl knew that standing in front of her was Who? That's the admiral.

"Did you see what happened? Why did that woman fight with Major Burt?"

Kuzan pointed to Kiyana who was fixed on the tree trunk and said, while the navy soldiers looked in the direction Kuzan pointed and saw Kiyana under Yae Sakura's appearance.

However, due to being frozen, and the outer layer was covered with a thick layer of ice, everyone couldn't see Qiyana's appearance clearly at this time, but who else could fight Major Burt? It must be the silver-haired woman just now.

So even though Kiyana changed her appearance now, they didn't recognize it, they only thought that this frozen woman was the one who fought Major Burt just now.


Facing Kuzan's question, everyone looked at each other and didn't know how to answer.

"We don't know the specific reason, but to be honest, General Kuzan, we hope that Major Burt will die here.

At this time, one of the bearded marines stood up from the queue and said.


"Because we suspect that Major Bert has some kind of connection with the Baker Pirates.

Even the navy said so, and Kuzan's doubts about Qiyana were completely dispelled at this time. Kuzan didn't expect that even the local navy and team were unique.

It can be seen that there is indeed something suspicious about Bert, otherwise there will be no trouble without trouble.

Next, Kuzan asked the navy in detail how Bert usually manages the naval forces here. When he heard that Bert actually let the navy not train, and drank a lot of fish and meat every day, he couldn't help being angry.

I didn't expect Burt to be so corrupt. Kiyana shot him for no reason. If it were Kuzan, although he wouldn't kill Burt, he would definitely be captured and handed over to Marshal Zhanfo for conviction.

If it wasn't for Kiyana, Kuzan would not have known about this. No wonder the civilians here have such distrust of the navy, to the point of disappointment.

Kuzan feels more and more that the current naval force has deteriorated, and changes must be made.

"General Kuzan, what about that man?"

The bearded Haijun asked, of course Kuzan knew that he was referring to Qiyana, but Kuzan didn't know what to do now. Various misunderstandings in the past finally led to the current situation.

At this moment, the phone bug in Kuzan's trouser pocket also rang, ringing.

"Brulu, Bru...".

Kuzan took out the phone bug, held it in his hand, and then picked it up.

"General Kuzan, have you found Qiyana?"

Casana's slightly comfortable voice sounded from the phone bug's mouth.

All the people present couldn't help being silent, holding their breath, Kuzan held the phone bug in one hand, and the phone in the other hand, opened his mouth slightly, hesitated to speak.

What should I tell Kasa?

"Run away? How? Didn't you see her?"

Casa was obviously a little surprised. According to his calculations, Kuzan's capture of Qiyana is absolutely certain, and it is absolutely impossible for Kiyana to escape.

Kuzan looked at the surrounding environment. The damage caused by his battle with Kiyana cannot be eliminated in a short period of time. Kasa can see it at a glance, so Kuzan can't say that he hasn't seen Kiyana since 2 , Such a lie will definitely be seen through.

"I saw her, but she's very powerful—hey, I'm no match, she ran away after hurting me.

Kuzan said slowly, and at the same time, in order to make his tone more realistic, he also pressed the wound on his body hard, making a slight inhalation sound.

"Even you are not an opponent?"

Kasa's surprised voice came, and Kuzan's words obviously made Kasa a little unexpected, the majestic admiral of the Navy has absolutely no strength, and the name of the navy's highest combat power alone is enough to explain everything.

Ordinary pirates only have to run away when they see the admiral c, how can Kiyana escape from him? How strong is Kiyana?

"She was strong, and I was hurt quite a bit.

In this sentence, Kuzan did not lie. In fact, he is almost unable to hold on now. Kiyana is the first person to put him under such great pressure. He is bound to lose.

Armed domineering color can not only be used to enhance one's own attack and defense, but also allow Qiyana to attack her own entity.Beard, Edward Newgate, is not much inferior to the strongest man in the world.It is even very possible that he will be stronger than him by a lot. Kuzan believes that if he fights Whitebeard, Whitebeard will never be able to push himself to this point.

Fighting with Qiyana, if you don't pay attention, you will die unexpectedly. If it is not for Camilla's sudden appearance, the outcome is hard to say.

Kasa's suspicious voice came. He had seen Qiyana's strength before. Although she was very strong, she was far from being an opponent of a general. Kuzan's words were suspicious. Anyway, he didn't believe it. c 2 Wen Xiaohei

"I still want to ask you, didn't you say that her strength is very weak? I almost died, cough cough!

Kuzan couldn't hold it back for a while, and spit out a mouthful of blood. This - - turned out not to be his intention, but really because of the injury.

It seems that Kiyana's injury to him was more severe than expected, Kuzan's face turned pale, and the naval soldiers beside him couldn't help being surprised when they saw this, and they all turned their heads to look at the side Kiyana frozen by Kuzan.

To be able to injure General Kuzan to such an extent is really amazing, but that's all.

"General Kuzan, are you alright?"

"General Kuzan, where is the military doctor? Quickly call the military doctor over here!

A group of navy soldiers were in a panic, and Casa also heard the movements of those navy soldiers through the phone bug at this time, and was silent for a while. Could it be that Kuzan was really seriously injured? Kiyana still kept a secret from herself that day ?

Her true strength can even seriously injure the general? Kasa frowned slightly, Kuzan should have no reason to lie to himself, and just to see if Kuzan was really injured, wouldn’t it be clear whether he lied to himself? Anyway, the injury It cannot be faked.

Unless Kuzan chooses to self-mutilate, but Kuzan has no reason to do so for Kiyana.

"I see, I didn't expect that even General Kuzan is not her opponent. It was my lack of intelligence that caused you to be injured. I am sorry.

Is this an apology? How could Kasa apologize to himself? This Tianlong man is really different, Kuzan thought in surprise.

"General Kuzan, your mission is over here, and I will do it myself next, so I won't bother the Navy, then, that's it, I'll hang up.

Let’s talk, Kasa hung up the phone bug, lay down in the room, took a sip of the cigarette in his right hand, and then slowly exhaled, looking at the white clouds floating in the sky outside the window, lost in thought.

Although I don't know if what Kuzan said is true or not, he is obviously not reliable. It seems that if you want to catch Qiyana, you have to do it yourself.

(PS: Guaranteed on the 26th, there is another update.)


Chapter 39 Keep the Heart

Looking at the phone bug that had been hung up, Kuzan also put it away and put it in his trouser pocket.

"Ah, ah, it's really troublesome, I don't know how long I can hide it, if Kasa knows that I killed Kiyana, it will be troublesome.

Kuzan muttered in a low voice, "Kasa told me to capture Kiyana alive, how could it be possible? If Kiyana is not strong, it is still possible. Like the situation just now, Kuzangen didn't hold back." possible.

Release of water is tantamount to suicide, so Kuzan is doing all he can, not daring to slack off in any way. Right now, he can only hide the death of Qiyana first, and Kasa must not know about it.

Kuzan also knows a thing or two about Casa's feelings for Kiyana. If he knows that he killed Kiyana, he will not have a good life in the future.

But I don't know how long this matter can be hidden, and Kuzan also has a headache.

"Is the person talking to you the Celestial Dragon?"

Cook sat on the ground and had given up struggling. He couldn't get out of the giant ice chain created by Kuzan at all, it was just a waste of effort.

What's more, even if he comes out, he is not Kuzan's opponent.

At this time, Camilla still held Kuzan's thigh relentlessly, biting hard with all her strength, but Kuzan's expression did not change at all, he just used domineering to protect the thigh that was bitten by Camilla. place.

He didn't dare to elementalize, he was afraid that Camilla would be frozen, but he still felt a little hurt if Camilla bit him, so he had no choice but to use domineering ruthenium.

Camilla only felt like she was biting on a piece of iron, her teeth ached, but she still refused to let go, she could only rely on such behaviors to vent her anger in her heart.

In the past two days, Cook also told her why the admiral wanted to arrest Sister Nana, even though he knew that it was Kuzan's duty to arrest Sister Nana.

But she is just angry, why? So many pirates don’t want to catch, but they want to catch Miss Nana? Why do you want to catch the benefactor who saved her relatives and friends? When my family is dying and lying on the ground in despair, you where is the navy

Camilla is angry, what kind of just navy? This kind of navy is not worth mentioning, just like a dog of the Tianlong people, it is just a violent machine used by the Tianlong people to maintain their rights. This kind of navy is too disappointing. the bo

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