But this is just a hypothetical, if time goes back- - again, Qiyana still won't choose when to use the trial card

Because of this battle, although Butev's head was snatched by the navy, Qiyana didn't gain anything. Otherwise, Qiyana might not find that she still has this terrifying ability.

The strange state just now made Qiyana herself a little surprised. An enemy with [-] strengths can be regarded as a formidable enemy even in the new world in the second half of the great route, but after she entered that strange and absolute calm After he was in such a state, his every move was completely controlled by himself, and he was defeated by himself without even touching him with the k-killing attack.

At that time, Qiyana was in a very strange state. She felt that the self 2 just now seemed to have no emotion, no fear, no joy, even if it was very easy to predict Butev's attack, Kiyana's emotions There is no trace of fluctuation.

In the original book, Ka Er, who has cultivated his knowledge-colored arrogance to the point where he can foresee the future, may not be able to do so. Although he also foresees the future, Qiyana feels that his knowledge-colored arrogance is qualitatively different from her own.

There is only one future that Katakuri can foresee, but the future is not fixed and will change. This can be seen from the fact that he cannot fully predict the direction of the future. Xiaozhi of E

In Kiana's words, Katakuri only saw the most likely branch trajectory in the future, but Kiana is different, the future trajectory she sees is not just one, but several There are tens of thousands and countless branch trajectories, and every future trajectory is within her control.

No matter what actions the other party made, those changes were within Qiyana's expectations, and she was even able to predict the future outcome in advance, which can be described as truly predicting the future.

The knowledgeable domineering of the two can tell who is superior and who is inferior in the ability to foresee the future. It is a difference in realm, just like the gods who really control everything.

Let’s just call the state she entered just now as the Shura realm, without any emotion, but with absolute reason, even Kiyana herself was a little scared, and defeated the Qiwuhai level without any injuries. Such a powerful enemy, this ability to absolutely control the direction of the future is truly terrifying.

It’s nothing more than cultivating knowledge-colored arrogance to the extreme, right? If I—— used the Ziyuan Armor Trial Card from the beginning, it may take a long time for Qiyana to realize that she can reach such a terrifying level in knowledge-colored arrogance.Bang

Another shell landed on the building next to Kiyana and exploded, the rubble rolled to the ground, and thick smoke rose, but Kiyana was unmoved and wanted to try to enter the state just now inside.

However, Qiyana found that she could no longer enter the realm of Shura like just now, no matter how she tried to calm herself down and find the feeling of entering the realm of Shura just now, she still couldn't completely calm down calm down"

Calm, absolutely calm, don't think about anything, empty your mind, let yourself be in a state of emptying your mind, Qiyana forced herself not to think about the demon-slaying order, or the realm of Shura.

But the more she was like this, instead, her mind was full of thinking about how to enter the Asura realm, and after a few seconds, Qiyana chose to give up.

or Mu Xiaowan

Now she can't calm down at all, this is completely different from before, the more Qiyana wants to enter the Shura realm, the more she can't enter it

forget it. "

Qiyana sighed softly, and then gave up the idea of ​​entering the Asura realm now, she just entered that state for the first time, and she was not yet proficient, and now is not the time to be stupefied, the Demon Slaughter Order has arrived, Qiyana We must rush to rescue the scene immediately, otherwise the early arrival of the Demon Slaying Order is likely to put all members of the Straw Hats in a very dangerous situation.Bang

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Qiyana stepped on the moon steps and rushed towards the bridge of hesitation behind the Tower of Justice. The speed was very fast, and she leaped hundreds of meters in just a few steps.

The powerful panel attribute of Ziyuan armor has increased Qiyana's physical strength a lot, so the speed of using moon steps has also increased a lot.

Casa and Joanna stood on one of the ten warships sent by the Demon Slayer Order. He had a hunch just now, but he didn't expect it to be so.

Bartoff didn't block everyone, but let others rush over. If it wasn't for Kasa's premonition that he would take the small wooden boat on the transport ship to the naval warship T of the Demon Slaying Order in advance, I'm afraid he would have been hesitated now. The Straw Hat Pirates on the bridge - the gang was caught.

Standing not far from Casa was a tall man with a big cigar in his mouth and a faint smile on his face.

"I really didn't expect that the Pirates, whose bounties totaled no more than [-] million, dared to attack Judicial Island."

"Vice General Huoshaoshan, their bounties add up to more than [-] million, Chiana, the most wanted criminal with bounty + [-] million Baileys is also a pirate of the Straw Hat Pirates.

When Kasa heard the words, he also reminded him

"Oh?. Is that woman also an accomplice of the Straw Hat Pirates? I really didn't expect that. She is really a troublesome guy. Now I am a little troublesome."

The corner of Huoshaoshan's mouth twitched slightly as he drank his cigar.

"So Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan, although it is unlikely, but my bodyguard Bartf may not be able to catch Qiyana, I need to trouble you Lieutenant Generals to take action, I want to catch alive.

Huoshaoshan was stunned for a moment. He had heard about this thousand changes, but the main reason was that Aokiji was injured and lay on the bed for a week. This kind of thing was almost unprecedented.

The admiral with the highest combat effectiveness in the Navy Department was actually beaten and lay on the bed for a week, and the other party was a mysterious strong man who suddenly appeared one by one, not a well-known figure like Whitebeard. If Kuzan He wouldn't be so surprised that his opponent was someone like the Four Emperors, after all, the world has long known the opponent's strength.

The main reason is that this sudden appearance of Qianbian has never been heard of before, it just appeared suddenly, so they are so surprised, although the navy blocked the news from the outside world, so the world does not know the news that the admiral of the navy was injured , but they, the Vice Admirals of the Admiralty, still know the truth of the matter.

It can be said that among the senior officials of the Ministry of the Navy, no matter who they are, they all know that this thousand changes are not easy to mess with, and their strength is not inferior to that of the generals. There is even another name for Qiyana in the navy, the female version of Whitebeard.

Such an enemy, Kasa actually wanted them to catch him?

However, Tianlongren's words are absolute, and Huoshaoshan is very helpless, so he can only take out the phone bug to inform the other four vice admirals who came together.

"Well, let me tell you something, we may not be able to stay on the ship to command today.

(PS: - No. Jiageng, by the way, the lady is handsome, have all the captains drawn? Anyway, I have already smuggled into Europe.)


Chapter 36 An increasingly dangerous situation

"What? Thousand Changes is also a member of the Straw Hat Pirates?

There was a shocked voice from the phone bug, Huoshaoshan sighed heavily, and then responded: "There should be nothing wrong, the soldiers all witnessed the change, and she also fought with the guards of the Tianlong people, The situation is not clear now, but the two should still be fighting on the island of Judicial Island.

"So that's the case, then increase the intensity of the bombardment and burn Judiciary Island to the ground

I'm afraid this won't work, the Tianlong people want to catch Qianbian alive.

"What kind of joke are you living? To catch thousands of changes alive? True or false?"

The surprised voices of several other vice admirals came from the phone bug, wanting to catch Qian Bian alive, what a joke, even a general is no match for Qian Bian, and he was even seriously injured for a period of time.

Although no one saw the scene of the battle at that time, judging from the extent of the destruction of the scene, the battle was absolutely earth-shattering. The battle between the two even turned the area within a kilometer into icebergs.

Anyway, if you want to capture Qiyana alive, one general is not enough, at least two generals are needed to guarantee the bottom line, and three generals can completely capture her alive. After all, it is too difficult to capture alive.

So Kasa wants their five vice-admirals to capture Qian Bian. This is very difficult, and it should be said that it is impossible, but the orders of the Tianlongren are not easy to disobey, and their status is too noble.

After several vice admirals learned about the general situation through the phone bug, they couldn't help but look serious. Qianbian is on Judiciary Island. It turned out that the most correct way is to use shells to bombard, although it is very likely to wipe out Qiyana in this way. Small, but Kasa wants to capture Qianchang alive, which is very troublesome.

Bang bang!

A few more shells blasted out and landed on the island of Judiciary Island.

On the Bridge of Hesitation, Robin knelt on the bridge, watching the ten warships of the Demon Slayer Order bombard the Judiciary Island in the distance, hugged his shoulders with both hands, and couldn't help shaking with fear.

The demon slaying order, childhood memories, and the dark memories of the destruction of his hometown resurfaced in Robin's mind, and he was so scared that he couldn't stand up.

"Hahahaha, look, this is the Demon Slaughter Order, even if you defeat CP9, you still can't leave here, all of you will die here, this is what you will end up with against the World Government.

Spandam, who had been beaten into a pig's head by Frankie and Robin, laughed wildly behind a group of naval soldiers.


or Mu Xiaowan

Frankie opened his palm to reveal the muzzle, and then - a shell blasted past.


A large amount of smoke and dust rose, and Spandam and a group of soldiers were affected by the shelling, and flew to the outside of the Bridge of Hesitation, a group of naval soldiers shouted in panic.

"Ah ah ah ah!"

"It's about to fall."

The naval soldiers who were still on the bridge of hesitation also held the guns in their hands and stared wide-eyed when they saw this.

"Officer Spandam also fell, what to do?"

"Damn it, fight them!

Da da da!

Franky turned the cannon in his hand into a muzzle, and faced the bullets fired by the navy soldiers, he didn't even dodge at all. Except for his back being all iron, the bullets hurt his body, but they were harmless .

Instead, it was the bullets he shot that beat back the navy soldiers, all of them jumped off the bridge, and they were no match for Franky at all.

"Cheer up,|Nicole Robin, your companions are still on their way, we must snatch the transport ship as a means of escape, now is not the time to be afraid.

Frankie - the wheel shot, also changed the hand back to its original shape, then turned to Robin and said

I understand.

Robin suppressed the fear in his heart and stood up from the ground. Frankie was right. Now is not the time to be afraid. Even though he understood this, Robin still couldn't control his body and trembled slightly. .

"Very well, now let's drive away all the navy on the bridge."

Seeing Robin standing up again, Franky also continued to attack the naval soldiers in the distance, and soon, with the joint efforts of the two, he drove away all the naval soldiers on the transport ship. into the sea.

"Very well, this way - come and wait until the Straw Hat Boys come over, we can get out of here.

Frankie looked at the navy soldiers who fell into the sea and said.

Robin didn't reply, but turned his head to look at Judiciary Island, which had turned into a sea of ​​flames in the distance.

At this moment, some bubbles appeared in the sea water, and Frankie couldn't help turning his head to look at the unsettled sea surface in doubt.

"What's wrong?"

I saw a black figure appearing under the water, it was Granny Ke Keluo, Zoro Sanji and others.

Franky never expected that Sauron and the others would appear in this way, which really shocked him.

"Grandma Cocoro

"Stop talking, save these guys first, they've been in the water for too long.

Granny Kokoro threw Sauron and others to the ground, and then punched Sanji hard in the stomach, knocking out the sea water he drank. "Duo

Sanji suddenly spit out the sea water in his stomach, and then coughed violently. Franky and Robin also helped to save Nami and Chopper, and soon several drowning people came to life.

"Oh, Granny Ke Keluo is actually a mermaid, I really didn't expect it.

After waking up, Nami sat on the ground, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly and said, they were surrounded by sea water in the secret passage just now, they almost thought they were going to die, but they didn't expect to survive.


On the side, Sanji, who felt that his illusion was disillusioned, was kneeling on the ground, beating the deck of the ship with his hands weakly.

"Impossible, this mother-in-law is absolutely impossible to be a beautiful creature like a mermaid"

"No, I'm really a mermaid.

Granny Ke Keluo said with black lines all over her head, instead of thanking them after saving them, what is wrong with this disillusioned expression?

or Mu Xiaobi

"After the mermaid is 30 years old, its fins will separate and become a species that can walk on land.

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